Have you ever had a major surgery that required anesthesia? Maybe you know someone who has, and you had to drive them to and from the surgery. You probably saw firsthand how anesthesia could mess up someone — like drugs. Well, that’s because it is! Anesthesia is a medical treatment that will put the patient in a controlled state before an operation. Often, a person under the influence of an anesthetic will temporarily lose sensation in a part of the body. That is to help with the pain of undergoing the medical procedure. People will often go into a coma-like state of sleepiness. However, after waking up from surgery, the medicine might still be present within the patient. You might notice the patient is acting strange or saying things that don’t make any sense. As the anesthesia wears off, so will the silly antics. Check out these hilarious stories about people coming out of anesthesia.

28. This patient likes the taste of blood and wants everyone to know.
Due to insufficient space, wisdom teeth can often cause pain and infection. Hence, it is necessary to remove them. An oral surgeon can remove the wisdom tooth — the third molar tooth. These are the three molars that usually develop at the age of 17 and 25. Furthermore, they are usually beneath the second molar. After surgery, it takes 2-3 days to heal. Deep cleaning of teeth is a process used to remove the Tatar and plaque from teeth, which reduces pain and inflammation.
Teeth polishing is also a procedure used to remove all the germs. According to a story shared by mehunno: “When I came off anesthesia from wisdom teeth surgery, I tried to talk and was stubborn enough that the nurses gave me a pad of paper. They’re going through the typical post-op talk and mention that I might taste blood. I tried to smile at them and wrote, ‘I like the taste of blood. And I just kept repeating that until my mom was embarrassed and took away my paper. No memory of this, of course.”