
Secrets to Living a Happy and Healthy Life Past 80

21. Are you making regular appointments for check-ups with your doctor? So, on the topic of making sure everything is looking good with help from the… Trista - March 22, 2021

With life expectancy increasing, we need to start preparing to live into an older age of life. You can implement specific life changes to make this stage is much more enjoyable. It’s true what they say, the 80s are the new 60s. You can feel like a spring chicken even at that point in your life! When you are 80, you need to be making sure you are on top of your health game and ensuring that you are doing everything you can to make the most of this longevity. There are so many things you can do to improve your mental and physical well-being.

You may not think you have much control over your life span. However, according to Best Life Online, you have more control than you think you do. If you want to live to be a ripe old age, you’re going to want to read to the very end of this article. Make sure you’ve got all the secrets you need to get there. Of course, some of it has to do with family genes, but there are many environmental factors that you have control over. So, are you ready to be a fit and healthy 80-year-old? By the end of this article, you will be! You will look so good for your age that people won’t even be able to guess your actual birth year. Not only will you look good for your age, but you will also feel strong and healthy!

Women may statistically live longer than men, but if men start taking care of their health, you could live just as long! Credit: Pexels

23. Why do women tend to live longer than men?

Did you know that typically women live longer than men? So, if you’re a male, you’re going to want to pay close attention to how you can live just as long as a woman! Experts completed a study to figure out why and how. There are quite a few behaviors that contribute to this. That, of course, applies to both men and women, so listen up. If you’re a smoker, you’re going to need to quit if you want to live a healthy elderly life. We even have some incredible statistics for you!

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Studies show that non-smokers are twice as likely to make it not just to 80 but to 90 as smokers are. If you’ve been thinking of quitting for a while, that might just be the motivation you need to kick this unhealthy habit! Smoking takes a toll on your overall health, which only gets worse with age. You want to be doing everything you can to make that stage of your life as health-concern-free as possible. There are many fantastic ways to help you get rid of your smoking habits, and you should start today.

Taking care of your health extends to what you eat and what you put into your body each day. Credit: Pexels

22. It’s time to quit smoking and start taking your health seriously as you age!

Ok, so that was an obvious one. Experts even warn you on the boxes of cigarettes! So, what else could cause you to have a shorter lifespan? This one is diet-related. People who are obese have a 44% increase in the chance of passing away before celebrating their 90th birthday. Cut back on the cake now so that you can enjoy blowing out your candles on your 90th birthday cake and enjoying a slice to commemorate the special occasion. Diet is one of the most essential parts of aging gracefully.

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It can also help prevent other conditions that could cause you to not make it to the old age of 80 or 90, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. These are all concerns that can shorten your lifespan. Sometimes, it is genetic, but if there is a chance that you can combat this with your choice of diet, then it’s worth looking into! You might also need to consult your doctor for treatments for some of these conditions, but if you manage to get it under control quickly and maintain this – then you should be able to live a long and healthy life!

Regular check-ups can make all the difference when it comes to catching something early and curing it. Credit: Pexels

21. Are you making regular appointments for check-ups with your doctor?

So, on the topic of making sure everything is looking good with help from the doctor, one of our top tips to living a healthy and long life is to keep up with those health checks and appointments! By going for regular screenings for conditions such as high blood pressure and cancer, you could end up saving your life. We know that no one likes going to the doctor unless you’re a hypochondriac, but it is something you need to start doing more frequently. If you are scared, take someone with you for some moral support and do something fun afterward.

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That will make the process less scary and might even be something you start looking forward to! By rewarding yourself, you’ll be more likely to go for regular health checks. You can also do something as simple as treating yourself to your favorite magazine to read while you’re sitting in the waiting room. It will take your mind off worrying about the doctor’s checks or any results you may get that day. It’s better to know if something is wrong and deal with it as swiftly as possible. Don’t bury your head in the sand this year when it comes to your health!

Making time to see your loved ones is more than just about socializing. It’s essential for your physical and mental health. Credit: Pexels

20. You should try making more time to see your friends and family this year – even at your age.

Speaking of friends and taking them to the doctor with you, did you know that seeing your friends is vital for your health? Lots of older adults experience loneliness, and this can have an impact on your brain. Reports show that adults who seek friendship and companions are healthier with better functioning brains compared to others. That is all to do with the stimulation we get from people when interacting with them during our daily lives. Sure, a crossword puzzle with help as well, but not nearly as much as human interaction.

Credit: Pixabay

For some things, age doesn’t matter. People feel stimulated by interaction with friends, family, and even strangers. Why? Because people are interesting, and we are required to engage with them. We may even find people hard to understand sometimes, but this puts our brains to work and gives it some much-needed exercise. When we encounter another person, our brain is exercising its emotional and cognitive muscles, which we need to have a healthy mind. What’s the moral of the story? Treasure your time with friends and family. Keep this as a priority throughout your life, even as you get much older.

By using our brains to tell stories and not just facts, you are giving your brain a workout without doing too much hard work! Credit: Pexels

19. Exercise your brain more through storytelling in your conversations.

Another way to keep your brain function in tip-top shape throughout your life is through storytelling! Did you know that we create stories to process the world around us? When we take the time out of our day to tell a story to someone, this is an incredible workout for your brain as it uses creativity and memory to retell something that has happened. That also ties into our previous point about taking time to connect with loved ones – connection with people is huge when it comes to our health as we get older and older each year.

Credit: Pexels

Next time you’re on the phone with someone or when you see them in person, try out this exercise. Instead of just taking the “straight” path when it comes to relaying a story, just giving the facts and nothing more, find a way to develop the story through your use of language and even storytelling techniques such as dramatic pauses! It will be so much more enjoyable for both parties, and you’ll have given them an interesting story to pass onto someone in their life! That is such a great way to keep that brain sharp and enrich your relationships with people.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it will kill you if you don’t start changing up your daily routine! Credit: Pexels

18. Don’t let your brain and body fall into a routine; wake it up with some curiosity as you age!

Just when you thought your brain had done enough work, we’re here to tell you that there is more work to be done! You must try your best not to let your brain get bored, which is exceptionally hard since one way to do this is not to let your days become too predictable. Most of us have fallen into a standard routine that consumes us every day of our lives. That is especially true because of the pandemic and the restrictions around it. When we are too set in our ways, our brain starts to tune out and become an autopilot.

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We need to allow curiosity to find a space in our lives! That is such a fantastic way to keep our minds from getting bored. Make sure that you are trying your best to be still engaged in the world around you, and you can also make a few changes to your routine. There might not be a lot that you can do now, but there’s always something like a new hobby to try out! There is always something new for us to learn, which helps our brains age well with us. There’s no point in having a healthy body as we age and not having the brain go with this.

Memory is one of the most important things we have, so take care of this by exercising your mind every day. Credit: Pexels

17. Just like leg day, you should have days where you work on your memory, especially as you grow older.

While working on your brain, you also need to focus on specific aspects of your brain. Like you have “leg day,” you also need to have “memory day.” Memory starts to go as we age, and sometimes this can be pretty serious. You can do memory exercises to help keep it as fit as possible, and you should make this memory workout part of your everyday routine. What can you do? Give yourself the challenge of not making your grocery list and storing this in your brain when you do your next run to the store.

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When you get home, take a look at the list you made before you left and see how many of the items you remembered. That is an easy way to test your memory and give it a bit of a workout. What else can you do to give your memory a workout? Try opening the door with your opposite hand to what you usually would. You can also try out new routes on the road to places that you frequent often. By doing this, you’ll be working your brain and learning new things while improving your memory.

Sleep could be the ultimate secret to a happy and healthy life – make sure you’re getting all the hours you need. Credit: Pexels

16. Are you getting enough sleep each night for your age to keep your brain functioning well?

Sleep is another thing that has a significant impact on how effectively our minds function! You still need to be 8 hours of rest as you age; please don’t believe the myth that older people need less sleep than younger people. Did you know that all adults require between 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night? You might notice that you seem to need less sleep than this, but it’s not due to anything different in your sleep needs; it’s related to the challenges you may encounter while trying to get your 8 hours of sleep each night.

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There are lots of things that could prevent you from getting the sleep you need, which includes the medication you may be taking for other conditions! It seems like a catch 22 sometimes; you take the medicine and lose out on sleep, don’t take the pill, feel ill, and get good sleep! You should speak to your doctor if this is the case to find some alternatives for your prescription. You may also be in a bad habit of taking naps during the day, which means your body is out of sync when it’s time to sleep at night.

Asking for help can be tricky, and we don’t want to put people out – it’s time to learn how to ask for help from others! Credit: Pexels

15. Asking people to help us can be challenging, but it’s something we need to learn.

Are you struggling with anything in your life as you age? It would help if you learned to ask for help. As we age, we may feel the need to ask for less help because this sometimes signifies a reduction in our independence levels. That needs to stop because it does us no good – people want to help, and we should let them. If you aren’t feeling well and someone offers to help out with errands or anything you need, take them up on the offer. It will make you both feel outstanding!

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It’s easy to feel like we may annoy people if we ask them for help, but we won’t get the help we need if we don’t start asking for it. You don’t have to ask for everything, but a few requests will be things that people will happily help out with. Don’t let issues build up, and let the stress and strain of these take their toll on you. Let people support you when you need it. Why? Because it helps with relationships, which will allow you to live a longer and better life. It goes hand in hand with staying connected with people, which is one way to do that.

Are you doing what your doctor says you should do after your appointment? Your health could be affected if you don’t. Credit: Pexels

14. Make sure you are adhering to what the doctors say to keep your health in check at this age.

Earlier, we shared the tip of making sure you go for regular check-ups – now, you also need to make sure that you are adhering to what the doctor said and following their orders! It’s one thing to go to the doctor for the check-ups, but then to not implement anything they say won’t do you any good, and you may as well not have gone for the appointment in the first place. Many people don’t adhere to what the doctor tells them to do, and many people stop taking the medication without consulting their medical practitioner. That is something you mustn’t do!

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Adhering to your doctor’s orders is as important as going for the check-up in the first place. If you don’t like the medication, or don’t think it’s working as it should, then consult your doctor before stopping. It can be very dangerous for you and your health if you choose to stop taking it without any professional advice. If you are battling with medications, keep track of symptoms you are experiencing and then have a conversation with your doctor about what can be done to solve this. They are the ones who know what is best for your health.

Exercise is something we have to incorporate into our routine to stay fit and healthy as we age. Credit: Pexels

13. Moving your body is good for your overall health. Get up and get going, especially at this age!

Now that we’ve ticked off a few tips and tricks that have to do with the doctor and their orders, you also need to start moving your body! It’s never too late to start. You might think you’re too old to get active, but that’s not the case. Moving your body each day is essential. It helps keep us strong, fit, and healthy. You need that as you age more than you did when you were young and naturally energetic. Did you know that your body is built to move? It keeps all parts of your body functioning well – including your heart, bones, and muscles!

Credit: Pexels

The more you move, the more fit and healthy you’ll become! Make sure that you are integrating movement into your daily schedule. That is also a great way to change your routine if you didn’t have exercise before. If you did, you could also switch up the type of activity you are doing each day. You won’t feel like doing an intense cardio workout each day, but maybe a walk or a hike would be just what your body needs. You might also consider signing up for an exercise class where you can exercise and meet new friends!

Being happy and positive throughout your life can help you to extend your lifespan – start smiling more today! Credit: Pexels

12. Happiness and positivity have a direct correlation with living a longer life!

Did you know that leading a happy life could also help you to live a much longer life? Experts completed studies on this, so it’s not just the cheerful and optimistic people tooting their own horns. There is a proven correlation between optimism and living longer! It’s time to get that attitude of yours in check and change it from the glass half empty to the glass half full. If you want to live a long life, you’re going to want to start being more positive in your mind and your actions.

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Positivity affects all aspects of our lives, and as we age, it can be harder to be optimistic. We start to see things as they are, we get grumpier, and we get tired. However, it’s time to look on the bright side – and that bright side would be a longer life with the people you love the most. How can you lead a more positive life? Take the time out of your day to do things you enjoy and not just something you have to get done. This “me time” is essential and will put a smile on your face while you’re doing it.

Yoga is a great form of exercise and relaxation – it also helps with reducing high blood pressure! Credit: Pexels

11. Yoga could be the secret to living the long and healthy life you’ve dreamed about.

Just like we said, you should get your body moving. Certain forms of exercise are better for you than others. We know that yoga is an extremely relaxing form of exercise, but this is great for your health as you age! Relaxation is crucial for you to live a healthy life. When you get into the practice of yoga, you really can improve the overall quality of your life in more ways than one. What are these? It’s suitable for diabetes patients and those with cardiovascular issues.

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It also can help reduce and manage your high blood pressure problems. How great is that? You can take care of multiple health concerns with just one form of exercise. Talk about killing two birds with one stone. There are lots of yoga classes that you can join to start seeing these changes in your life, and there are also a lot of great free yoga classes that you can follow on YouTube in the comfort of your home. Either way, you can’t go wrong with bringing yoga into your life. There are also lots of types so you can find one that you enjoy.

Red meat could be the thing standing between you and your 90th birthday. Consider becoming a vegetarian! Credit: Pexels

10. You may not have thought about the amount of meat you eat, but you should now at your age.

How much red meat do you have in your diet? That is something you should consider when it comes to your health. As we’ve discussed, diet is essential to living a longer life, and meat could be hindering that from happening. A study was done with more than 70,000 people and found that the group’s vegetarians were at a 12% lower risk of dying earlier than those who ate meat. Many factors go into this, but it’s worth thinking about as you get older. Plant-based diets are great for you.

Credit: Pexels

They also found that many of the people who were vegetarian that lived a better lifestyle overall. It meant that they drank less alcohol and didn’t smoke. They also led generally more active lifestyles than the non-vegetarians. You don’t have to go completely cold turkey but consider incorporating more vegetarian meal options into your weekly meal plan. They can be delicious and even more nutritious than meals with meat in them. Google is your best bet when it comes to recipes, and who knows, you might altogether ditch the red meat soon after that!

Laughter and positivity are things we need to have to stay healthy and stay happy. Credit: Pexels

9. Is laughter the best medicine? According to a study, it really could be, especially as you age!

We’ve said that being more positive could have a significant effect on your life expectancy, and what goes hand in hand with feeling happier? Laughter, of course! Laughter is good for you. Visit the comedy club, listen to a funny skit on social media. It’s all medicine for your soul and your mind. When you laugh more, you’ll be more positive too, so that is an excellent thing for your overall health. Laughter is the best medicine, as they always say! Is there any science to back this up?

Credit: Pexels

A study was conducted back in 2016, and it discovered that women who have a strong sense of humor had a 73% lower risk of death from heart disease – how incredible is that? They also found these women from the study had an 81% lower risk of death from infection. Maybe whoever said that laughter is the best medicine knew something that we don’t. Finally, these women had a 48% lower risk of death from all causes. It’s time we all start laughing more and lightening up a bit – life is short, and we should enjoy every moment.

Nuts are a great source of energy and sustenance that is an easy snack to enjoy throughout your day. Source: Credit: Pexels

8. You’re going to go nuts for this next tip on how to live your best life with your diet!

This next tip to living past 80 has to do with your diet again – and this time, it’s about something we love to snack on. It’s nuts! Can you believe that something as small as nuts could have such a big impact on your lifespan? Well, it does, so listen up! Experts completed a study on walnuts. They discovered that people who eat nuts regularly have a 39% lower risk of early death than people who don’t eat nuts. That’s absolutely nuts! You might be wondering if you need to eat a particular type of nuts to see this type of effect.

Credit: Pexels

Walnuts are the best ones for you as these left you with a 45% lower risk of dying early! If you aren’t allergic to nuts, this is an easy thing to start including more in your diet. Nuts go with pretty much anything! What about having a bowl of yogurt with some almonds or cashews in it? You could also have a mixed bag of nuts that you can enjoy throughout the day. You can even add walnuts to your salad! Furthermore, as a treat, there’s nothing quite as delicious as chocolate-covered nuts – especially peanuts! Healthy eating isn’t that hard!

There are so many silly trends out there, but this one could be worth jumping on the bandwagon for. Credit: Pexels

7. It’s time to get on the trend and invest in a standing desk to add years to your life!

If you’re someone who works a desk job, you’ll find yourself sitting down pretty much the whole day. Moreover, as we now know, movement is so crucial for you and your health. How can you solve this? Well, it’s time to join the standing-desk trend! That could end up adding a few years to your life, and that’s awesome to know! Sitting for less than three hours a day could add up to two years to your life. Anything is worth a shot when it comes to aging well and living our best lives as long as we possibly can.

Credit: Pexels

If you can’t get your hands on a standing desk, make sure you are doing more than just sitting. Take regular walks around either your office, home or garden and this will do not only your physical health some good but also refresh your mind. When we move our bodies, the oxygen starts to flow better, which is fantastic for us. If you get super consumed by work, set a reminder on your phone for every hour, or get yourself a smartwatch that will remind you to stand and incentivize you to reach that stand goal for the day.

This past year has been the year of bingeing series, but it’s time to kick this habit to the curb to add extra years to our lives. Credit: Pexels

6. How much TV do you watch each day? That could take years off your life!

We’ve all been watching way too much TV lately; most of us have probably made our way through Netflix twice over at this stage! There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of TV, but we should be consuming much less than we are if we want to live a long life. Did you know that every hour of TV you watch after 25 cuts your lifespan by an estimated 22 minutes? These are actual statistics, and we definitely should pay more attention to them than our binge show that we watch every time we get the chance to.

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People who spent an average of six hours watching TV each day died about five years before those that didn’t watch any TV at all. That can be a hard habit to kick. We find the TV is our go-to when boredom strikes. Instead, we need to do something like reading a book, working on a puzzle, going outside for some exercise. Start to adjust your TV watching habits, and slowly but surely, you’ll start to form healthier habits that aren’t centered around your television screen for six hours of the day. Those five years could make a difference in your life!

When you go for a stroll, this isn’t going to add years to your life; you’ll need to try speed walking instead. Credit: Pexels

5. Walking is an incredible form of exercise, but it’s all about the faster pace to keep you healthy as you age.

So, you may love going for walks, but it’s all about the pace! You’re going to need to increase that speed to increase your expected lifespan! In this case, it is the hare that wins the race of life instead of the tortoise. A 2019 study discovered those who walked at a brisker pace (around 100 steps per minute) lived longer than those who walked more slowly. That also presented itself across all weight categories, which made the study very interesting. Picking up the pace might be what you need to start doing!

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Something that is a great incentive to walk faster and to walk more is a smartwatch that tracks your movement throughout the day. By setting your goals, you’ll know what you’re aiming for and when you are achieving these goals. That is a great method to help you get into healthier walking and standing habits too. If you have a smartphone, you are also able to track your steps using this device. Walking is a fantastic form of exercise as it is, and by picking up the pace just a little bit, you could be ringing in that 90th birthday in tip-top shape.

We tend to be very judgmental of people who marry younger than them – but they know what they’re doing! Credit: Pexels

4. There’s one way to age well, and that’s to marry someone younger than you!

There’s always the joke about when people get into a relationship with someone younger than them, but this could be what you need to live a longer life. And, this is a fact, according to a 100-year-old woman. The lady claims she has lived to this age due to having a younger husband! She thinks she would be dead if it weren’t for him. She has some interesting and valid reasoning behind this, and it again relates to making sure you stay social as you get older and surround yourself with good people.

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Daisy says that when you are elderly and on your own, it’s easy to give up on yourself and not take care of your needs properly. When you have a younger spouse, you’re more likely to try to keep up with them and take better care of yourself as a whole. It’s also great to have some younger energy around – so there may be some method to this madness. People usually think age matters, and maybe it does, but just in a different way than we had initially thought. So, stop judging people who marry younger – it’s keeping them going!

Taking your oral hygiene seriously is something you should start doing if you want to live a longer life. Source: Credit: Pexels

3. You increase your chances of heart disease, strokes, and dementia as you age, especially if you don’t take proper care of your teeth.

How seriously do you take your oral hygiene? If we told you it could extend your life expectancy, would you start to pay more attention to your teeth cleaning routine? According to dentists, there is a lot more to worry about than the odd cavity if you aren’t brushing and flossing as regularly as your dentist recommends. Did you know that poor oral hygiene is associated with a shortened life? A healthy mouth could be the ultimate secret to living a long life and one without a jar of fake teeth next to your bed as a form of company!

Credit: Pexels

Start paying more attention to your teeth cleaning routine, and you could live a much longer life without the pain of having to go to the dentist for regular fillings. When you have a healthy mouth, you have a lower risk of heart disease, strokes, and dementia! We bet you didn’t know that when you skipped flossing your teeth this morning! It would be best to consider investing in a really good electric toothbrush that will do the job correctly. Another popular teeth cleaning tool is the water flosser which is fantastic and easy to use. Your dentist will be impressed the next time you go across for a check-up.

Attention pet lovers! You’re going to live a happy and long life thanks to your fur babies who live with you. Credit: Pexels

2. Pets are known to extend people’s lifespans, so it could be time to get the dog finally!

Bringing a pet into your life could be the best choice you ever make – and this extends to how long you are going to live. Did you know that people who own cats or dogs tend to live longer than people who don’t own a pet? Pets are incredible to be around. They make us relax and bring us happiness, which we have learned are key components of living that long life we all want! If you own a cat, your risk of a heart attack is cut down by nearly one-third – how incredible is that?

Credit: Pexels

People who own dogs have a reduced rate of death by 11 percent! Pets, like dogs, can also help us lead healthier lifestyles as you have to take them for walks and play with them. A pet could be the perfect companion who will love you unconditionally for older adults who might be lonely! It also gives us something to live for, and it helps create a good routine but one that has room for fun and playtime. If you’re interested in getting a pet, consider adopting one from a shelter – both your lives will be much longer because of this decision! Read more about how owning a dog can help you live longer.

Cycling leads to a longer lifespan, so it’s time to rent that bike you’ve always said you would. Credit: Pixabay

1. It’s time to get back on that bicycle and start cycling your way to a longer life!

Just as walking is excellent for your overall health, so is cycling! Cycling is becoming more and more popular as a means of transportation. All around the world, they are introducing easy-to rent bike stations so you can bike and go! That is fantastic as it gets people moving more than they would if they were just driving around, and it’s way better for the environment too. Not only will you have a better environment around you by cycling, but it has significant impacts on your health also. Experts completed a study on French cyclists in the Tour de France, which revealed just that.

Credit: Pixabay

They have been shown to live longer than their peers who do not cycle. The study took data from 786 French cyclists who had participated in the race at least once. It’s time to get that helmet and go out for a cycle. Don’t let your bicycle just collect dust. Put it to good use. Cycling can be a competitive sport, but it can also be an enjoyable way to get around. If you make exercise enjoyable, you’ll be more likely to do it frequently. Give it a try and see what it’s like. You could even invite friends to go on a cycling outing and make a day out of it.

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