We have all been there: that awkward moment when you step into the gym for the first time. Or maybe you used to go but just haven’t been to the gym in a while. It’s an intimidating place, which in turn makes people shy away from exercising at the gym altogether. However, you shouldn’t shut off your game mentally; there are lots of ways to stay physcially and mentally fit, especially during isolation. Instead of going to the gym to get fit, for many people, it is a place of stress and anxiety. Do you feel that way? It can be hard to shake those feelings. Well, my friend, you are not alone! Below are some of the funniest yet most embarrassing gym experiences from Reddit. Surely you are afraid something like this will happen to you. That’s why you avoid the gym. You can learn from these stories, and laugh a little along the way because everyone makes mistakes.

30. Maybe you should take your own drink to the gym.
This Reddit user has unfortunately been deleted but has a hilarious story. They start by saying, “I took a sip from the water fountain, and as I stood up, one tiny drop of water went down my windpipe. I knew I was going to cough, and I tried to contain it. What happened was a very strong burst of mist came out of my pursed lips, right into the face of the girl waiting in line for the fountain.” I think we all know how uncomfortable this feeling is – sometimes it’s actually painful to try and hold in your cough,
The [deleted] Reddit user continue, “I went as red as a tomato, and she kind of laughed and asked if I was okay. I managed to get an “I think so” out as she politely dabbed her face with her towel. SO. embarrassing.” It was luck that this story was from some time ago because now this could have a serious issue. It is just asking for germs to be spread. Remember if you need to cough, cough into your arm or sleeve. That way, you are helping to stop the spread of germs. Maybe next time, filling up a water bottle first would be a better option.