Taking care of your health is always important at any age. However, for women in their 30s, there are new health concerns to be aware of and lifestyle changes that can improve health now and in the future. The choices you make in your 30s could be the difference between a long healthy life and a host of preventable health conditions. These are some bad habits that women in their 30s should break for good.

Poor Diet in Your 30s is a Recipe For Health Problems Later in Life
Many people are careless about what they eat in their teens and 20s, subsisting on junk and fast food. Once you enter your 30s, you quickly realize that watching your diet is more important than ever. In their 30s, many women experience health conditions like heartburn, back pain, and anemia for the first time. Your doctor will probably start paying closer attention to your blood pressure, cholesterol, and signs of cardiovascular disease.
Eating a balanced, nutrient-rich diet now can help you avoid loads of health issues as you get older. Calcium and vitamin D is important for bone health, while protein is vital for the health of your muscles. Fiber is important for preventing chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes, and iron helps keep your blood healthy. Avoiding added sugar, foods high in sodium, processed foods, excessive alcohol, and caffeine close to bedtime is good for your health at any age, but especially in your 30s.