
10 Best Natural Anti-Aging Oils to Rejuvenate Your Skin Over Age 30

Aging is one of the most pronounced insecurities of our society. People generally build their self-esteem around their appearance. This leads to a psychological catastrophe that… Simi - November 14, 2017

Aging is one of the most pronounced insecurities of our society. People generally build their self-esteem around their appearance. This leads to a psychological catastrophe that can yield even bigger consequences. In these moments of desperation, we resort to unnatural means. Botox, artificial skin products, and many other solutions only bring harm to our skin.

In order to traverse this “malady”, we need to grow comfortable with the notion of aging. Our bodies are not eternal and therefore, we cannot expect them to remain in their pristine state. But, there is a catch to this. Our skin, the largest organ in our body is what makes our appearance what it is. Although it isn’t possible for it remains perfect, we can, in fact, take care of it. If we do so, we can slow down the process of aging and retain a youthful look. So, what is the best natural solution to this problem?

The best way to tackle the aging of the skin is to keep it supple and hydrated. In order to do so, the best answer would be natural oils. These efficient essential oils have the ability to replace lost skin oils and transform our looks after minimal use.

Many of these healthy oils contain substances known as antioxidants. They have the ability to soothe the skin and reduce the damage caused by free radicals. On top of all that, they contain many different abilities that help your body. Let’s take a look at the ten best anti-aging oils for your skin.


Argan oil

Fatty acid content is something beneficial, despite popular belief. There seems to be a constant stigma revolving around fatty acids and their effects on our health. Yes, they can be detrimental in excessive doses, but isn’t that the case with every single thing in the world? The conclusion is that fatty acids are absolutely essential to the functioning of our organism.

One of these extremely important functions is the battling of free radicals. These substances are the chief cause of damage in every layer of our skin. Fatty acids in essential oils contain a lot of antioxidants, making them ideal weapons against skin aging. One way you can see the effect of antioxidants is by observing skin elasticity. One essential oil has proven to be especially useful in this aspect of skin health. We’re talking about argan oil, of course.

This efficient essential oil is found only in one special tree in Morocco, making it rare and sought after. Its greatest benefits are the immense quantities of vitamins A and E. These two micronutrients are the biggest factors in reducing age spots, wrinkles, lines and sagging skin. Aside from reversing existing effects of aging, it prevents new ones from establishing themselves. This includes eradication of oxidative damage and UV protection.

Dermatologists around the world love this oil for its easy absorption properties. You only need a few drops, which you can add boost by massaging into your skin for a few minutes. On top of the topical application, you can also use it as a part of your dishes. Nothing tastes better than rice with the savory nutty flavor of argan oil. Many recipes make room for it, so don’t hesitate to experiment.


Olive oil

One particular region in the world is famous for the health of its people. We’re talking about the Mediterranean region, of course. People in this part of the world suffer from the lowest number of heart attacks and similar maladies. Why is this the case? People in Greece, Spain, Italy and South France have the same healthy dieting habits that go back centuries. It’s in their culture to eat and live healthily.

In this Mediterranean diet, one ingredient is a constant, regardless of dish or region. We’re talking about one o the most underrated anti-aging oils – olive oil. When analyzing the skin structure of people from Greece, scientists have found out that their upper layers contained almost no premature free radical damage. In comparison to nations there olive oil is not in use, there was a big contrast.

It’s also a well-known fact that Italians, Greeks, and Spaniards always look half their age, even when they’re well into their 50s or 60s. On top of the youthful look, olive oil contains large amounts of vitamins A and E, crucial factors in maintaining skin elasticity and youthfulness. On top of all that, there is a pronounced lack of oxidative stress on the skin. Oxidative stress is notorious for causing sagging skin, wrinkles, spots and lines.

You can use it topically, as skin absorption releases collagen – the substance which gives the skin its glow and texture. Before taking a bath, you can take five or ten minutes and massage your whole body with a thin layer of olive oil. It will improve circulation and nutrient transport within the epidermis and lower layers of the skin. Also, one or two spoons in your dishes can be more than enough.


Coconut oil

Collagen production is something the youthfulness of our skin always depends on. This incredibly beneficial substance dictates the glow we have in our upper layer of the skin, the epidermis. As years go by, we tend to lose collagen production. Because of this, our skin may seem drier, with more spots and wrinkles. Although natural collagen production stops at a certain age, that doesn’t mean we can’t stimulate additional production with some natural aids.

One such natural aid is one of the healthiest oils available – coconut oil. In comparison to artificial skin crèmes, coconut oil cause five times more collagen to be released by your body. Therefore, it isn’t only beneficial, it’s incredibly efficient when it comes to the health of your skin. On top of collagen production, it also has one rare property. Apparently, coconut oil has large amounts of lauric acid within itself. This substance has a powerful antibacterial effect, able to prevent even the most annoying acne cases from getting worse.

Clinical trials and studies have also proven that it eradicates many skin conditions. Eczema, psoriasis and chronic dry skin have all disappeared under the effects of coconut oil. Therefore, it’s safe to say that a jar of coconut oil is all the skin treatment you need, basically. Experiments have shown that coconut oil is also a worthy sunscreen, stimulating UV reflection and natural bronzing of the skin.

The best way to apply coconut oil would be to mix up an exfoliating scrub with some granulated sugar. That way, you will not only allow the skin to absorb the oil, but you will also peel off dead skin cells. A weekly application of this scrub would pretty much be the ideal option.


Almond oil

One important trait of every healthy skin is good blood circulation. Skin, like every other organ in the body, needs a steady flow of nutrients in order to be deemed functional. A bad circulation is one of the leading causes of skin dryness, rashes, and other surface problems. In order to improve on this situation, you need natural aid. Artificial medication may cause adverse effects. The best direction to look at would be the always beneficial group of natural oils.

Out of all essential natural oils, one stands out for its circulation enhancement properties. We’re talking about almond oil, of course. This oil may be a little hard to find, as it is a little expensive and difficult to extract from the almond nuts. Albeit the difficulties, almond oil is totally worth it in every sense of the word. It contains large amounts of vitamins E and K, giving your skin the elasticity it needs so badly.

Almond oil has also proven to drastically enhance the quality of your complexion. Several studies have supported the claim about the oil’s effects on skin tone offsetting. Many different kinds of discolorations and irregularities can be eradicated using almond oil. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, you can try it as a natural sunscreen. With its UV-reflecting capabilities, almonds can really be a lifesaver.

In order to get the most out of almond oil, you can use it as an after-bath massage agent once a day. It works best with clean skin. On top of all that, it is the best solution for people with sensitive skin, due to its mildness and hypoallergenic properties.


Jojoba oil

Aside from bettering circulation and enhancing elasticity, a good essential oil must be able to hydrate your skin. Collagen, vitamins and all other substances are basically worthless if you don’t have enough H­20 inside of your epidermis. Water is perhaps the most important factor when it comes to maintaining the homochromatic nature of your skin. It reduces discolorations, dry spots, and many other annoying occurrences. It’s criminally underrated in the dermatological community.

Inside the natural mixture, you can find many useful vitamins – such as E and C. These two in particular work together and eradicate any signs of cellular degeneration. Prevention of this occurrence gives you the fullness of the skin, even under extreme conditions. Jojoba oil has also been a good aid when it comes to protecting the face against the cold. During winter months, such protection can be essential in maintaining the health of your skin.

Also, jojoba oil has the ability to soften the elbow and knee rough patches. These areas are a big problem for most people, as the skin might fall off and cause lesions, wounds and perhaps infections. Out of all the essential oils, jojoba oil has the best moisturizing score. It simply tackles dryness in the fastest and most efficient way possible.

What sets it apart from most essential oils is the way it can be put into a face mask. It doesn’t liquefy the mask, but instead, it blends into the mixture. You can also use it as a massage agent, as well as an ingredient in a hot bath. If you’re inserting it into the contents of your bath, try experimenting with either amount for 1 to 10 teaspoons. Either way, results will be evident.


Lavender essential oil

Lavender is mostly known as a fragrance used for cosmetic purposes. Another one of its applications is a moth repellent in closets. On top of these two luscious-smelling properties, lavender can enhance your life in one additional way. By adding the essential oil of this herb to your skin treatments, you can slow down the aging process. It doesn’t work like a time machine, of course, but your friends will be quick to notice. It would be a shame not to make use of this liquid fountain of youth.

First of all, we have incredibly beneficial antioxidant content. Since most of the damage our skin suffers is from free radicals, it’s important to have a steady flow of antioxidants in our diet and skin treatments. Lavender oil can also protect you from UV radiation. This means that it can be a good sunscreen solution for sensitive skin. Many people experience allergic reactions to commercial sunscreen varieties. Therefore, lavender oil is easy on the skin, due to its hypoallergenic properties.

People with already visible wrinkles have experienced a significant reduction in terms of wrinkle size and spreading. On top of the reduction in development, wrinkles have begun to shrink to a size that isn’t normal for their age. Due to significant changes in short time spans, lavender oil is truly an amazing solution for skin health. This is regardless of age or whether you want to reduce wrinkles or stop them from appearing.

If you want to harness the benefits of lavender oil in the best way possible, you should use a mixture of water and oil. Therefore, it won’t be as sticky and concentrated and your skin will absorb it much more easily than it normally would. You can also add it as a part of your face mask.


Avocado oil

Many healthy oils come from substances that are originally very healthy to eat. Such is the case with avocado oil and its skin soothing and rejuvenating properties. The vitamins A and E in it can bring you an important advantage in the battle against age-related skin damage. Several studies have confirmed that skin cells tend to regenerate almost three times faster due to the effects of avocado oil.

Regardless of age, avocado oil has proven to be a helping hand in maintaining supreme skin quality. If you use it while young, you can prevent the appearance of lines, wrinkles and saggy areas. If you do already have them, no need to stress out. They will become far less visible due to the use of lavender oil and the benefits it has.

One other advantage of avocado oil is the high protein count, which is something you don’t see in essential oils every day. Proteins have a direct correlation to reducing saggy skin and age-related spots. Think of your skin as a separate organism sometimes, it does indeed need all the nutrients it can get. Keep that in mind when you decide to tackle your age-related skin issues.

If you’re suffering from rashes, avocado oil can also be used as a valuable treatment. The best way to treat any skin related is to apply avocado oil topically. That way, basically any sort of problem will go away after a few weeks of constant treatment.


Pomegranate seed oil

The trend of healthy foods giving way to healthy anti-aging oils continues with pomegranate oil. This healthy mixture of fatty acids and proteins gives you a glimpse into the future of the battle against aging. With plenty of antioxidants, no amount of wrinkles is unbeatable for this liquid time machine. Free radical presence is much lower in patients who use pomegranate products, regardless of the form. Whether it is crèmes or oils, it’s always present.

Photo aging is one pronounced problem that damages skin complexion and affects the way we look at the development of our body. It’s caused by sunlight and excessive exposure to the always unpleasant rays of UV radiation. If further studies are conducted, we may see the influx of pomegranate products in the dermatological community. Judging by the oil, we may see this being a real possibility.

One knock people have against anti-aging oils is the difference in effects depending on skin types. Thankfully, pomegranate oil doesn’t have this downside. Regardless of skin color, thickness and age, you can apply it to pretty much the same expectations. It is good for preventing skin degradation as well and reducing already visible effects.

In order to use it, it would be best to apply it topically. The best part of it is that it’s equally effective in the facial and bodily area. After your skin is cleaned during a shower, you can take five or ten minutes and indulge in a relaxing scrub.


Wheat germ oil

Wheat is one of the most used plants in human society. We feed off of it and use it for many purposes that often get forgotten in day-to-day life. One often disregarded property of wheat is the use of its germ oil. When extracted, this oil can be a healthy alternative to sunflower oil, but that’s not all. Many clinical studies have proven the incredible effects wheat germ oil has on our skin.

Filled with vitamins, the A-E combo is a match to behold when it comes to neutralizing the aging effects on your skin. Great detail is that it works well with thicker skin areas. Many essential anti-aging oils have the downside of having to increase doses when scrubbing onto thicker skin. Wheat germ oil is very concentrated, so you can use it in moderation, while still expecting the amazing results you want.

It works great when combined with other oils and natural products, as it improves the density of the initial product. Wheat germ oil is naturally less dense than your average oil, which means that you can mix it with water to get the desired results. It also has a high antioxidant count, a mandatory property in the world of anti-aging oils.

The best way to use it is to mix it with water or honey. Both mixtures will give you a mix of soothing and beneficial effects. Irritations and wrinkles as well will be a thing of the past after only a few uses.


Neem oil

Neem oil is one of the rare natural oils which have a pronounced antiviral effect on the human body. Due to the effects of the nutrients in it, you can apply it to your skin to stave off infections. On top of the antiviral effects, you can add several properties to the mix – antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids make up the majority of the content of neem oil. Due to such a high content of this macronutrient, neem oil is a great solution for battling oxidative damage. With this benefit, free radicals will stop administering damage to your epidermis. They are perhaps the most pronounced cause of discoloration, inflammations, spots and many more unwanted details on the skin.

Neem oil is also filled with vitamin E, a vitamin very beneficial for our skin. With it, you can reduce the number of lines, age spots and saggy skin. It’s an essential part of every elastic, healthy and youthful skin. If you want to achieve such a skin condition, it may be good for you to try out neem oil. On top of elasticity regulation, you may find it a good sunscreen alternative. With its reflective properties against UV radiation, your skin will remain safe.

If you’ve been having lifelong problems with acne, neem oil can help you with that too. For any problem just mix it with olive oil and water. Any of these mixtures will provide an immediate solution to the aging of your skin.
