Your kidneys lie in your back on each side of your spine and just under your ribs. They have a very important function in the body which is to remove wastes and toxins from your blood. Every day your kidneys filter almost 200 liters of blood and remove about two liters of waste from your body in your urine.
Apart from getting rid of waste, the kidneys have other functions too. They reabsorb certain molecules when filtering the blood such as ions, glucose, calcium, sodium, and potassium. They also produce certain hormones which play a role in good health. The kidneys are indirectly involved in regulating blood pressure as they influence the concentration of sodium in the system.
In our modern lives, we are subjected to much more pollution and contaminants from the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. This can put stress on the kidneys. Problems with the kidneys can include fatigue, moodiness, pain, bloating, kidney stones and infections. If you stay well hydrated, eat healthily and exercise, you should be able to keep your kidneys functioning well.
Adding some herbs to your diet can help to cleanse your kidneys and relieve the stress on them. Many of these herbs help to prevent common kidney infections and act as diuretics, flushing out excess fluid. Some of them act in more of a preventative capacity by boosting kidney function while others help with existing issues. Many herbs are beneficial for supporting kidney function, but if you have kidney disease, you will need guidance on whether you should use them and dosage. Some herbs may not be suitable for those taking certain medications or suffering from serious health conditions.
1. Turmeric
Turmeric has been used for centuries as a spice to add flavor and color to curry dishes. It also has many health benefits due mainly to a substance it contains called curcumin. The strong antioxidant properties of curcumin protect the cells from free radical damage. It has significant anti-inflammatory properties making it useful in treating infection and disease.
Chronic kidney disease is an inflammatory disease which can eventually result in renal failure with the patient needing dialysis and a kidney transplant. Studies show that curcumin can blunt the production and action of inflammatory molecules, helping to ameliorate chronic kidney disease. High blood pressure is another factor that’s significant in causing kidney problems. Preliminary evidence from studies suggests that curcumin might effectively lower blood pressure and help to reduce this risk.
Curcumin has also been shown to increase the production of enzymes in the liver and improve blood circulation. As the liver and kidneys work in tandem, a healthy liver takes some pressure off the kidneys. Taking turmeric can be as helpful as taking some non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs if it is taken in the proper dosage. It is available in many forms such as teas, tinctures, and supplements.
While turmeric has benefits for the kidneys, too much is not good. As turmeric is full of potassium, it is not suitable for those who already have high blood potassium levels. Medical experts believe that people with a tendency to form kidney stones should stay away from turmeric because it contains high levels of oxalate. You must consult a doctor before adding turmeric to your diet if you are taking prescription medications or have certain health conditions. For instance, turmeric should not be used by those with gallbladder disease.