
30 Natural Diuretics that are Safe and Effective

6. Parsely Before after dinner mints became the standard, people were left with basically only one option. This was to chew on a couple of sprigs… Simi - September 16, 2018

The secret to healthy living is not really a secret at all. There may be an entire industry that has developed around this supposed myth, but if you were to stop for a second and think about it logically, you would see that it is very easy to be healthy. All you need do is eat food that is fresh and unprocessed, to get in some regular exercise and lastly to drink adequate amounts of water.

The reason why the word adequate is used here is that the right amount differs with each person. The general guideline may be 8 glasses a day, and if you are at a loss of where to start then this is perfectly acceptable, but the amount of water that you require is dependent on a variety of factors. One of them is the environment that you live in. If you are living in a hot and humid climate then the chances are, you will need to drink more than 8 glasses a day.

The reason why water is so important is that it not only keeps you hydrated, it cleans your body. If it weren’t for water, then your body would not be as efficient at removing waste. But, there such a thing as too much water. Over-hydrating can result in headaches and a couple of other things that prove that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

If a person does have too much water in their system then they would need to find a way to increase their water excretion. Substances that do this are called diuretics. These are 30 diuretics that are natural and can rid you of that excess water.

1. Black tea

Coffee lovers out there can attest to the fact that there is nothing quite like that first cup of coffee in the morning. Even if you are the type of person who is not genetically affected by caffeine, that morning cup of joe sure does put a spring in your step. Then there are the people who pick tea as their beverage of choice. These people may seem odd to their coffee drinking counterparts, but they may be onto something. This reason being, that tea can be a natural diuretic.

This is, if it is black tea. If a person skips the sugar and does not add any cream or milk to their tea, then they could be well on their way to getting rid of that extra water in their body. Some sugar would be alright but too much sugar can lead to a whole host of other health problems, so it is advisable to avoid it as much as possible. If you are carrying around a little too much water, then it may be time to switch up some of those cups of coffee for tea. A single cup will not make that much difference, but if you consistently increase your intake, then you should notice a difference soon enough.

2. Dandelion

For people who are unfamiliar with the possible healing benefits of homeopathy and otherwise natural ingredients, it may seem rather odd to start consuming flowers in an attempt to cure a health problem. But, just for a second, consider this. The fact of the matter is that plants are filled with a whole host of ingredients that could be incredibly beneficial to one’s health if they know how to use them. On this topic, dandelions could be very helpful indeed.

Before you summon up images of people standing in a field blowing flowers around, think of dandelions instead as a herb. A herb that is also a natural diuretic. These do not have to be eaten whole, that sounds rather appetizing. Instead, you could consume them alongside some hot water. All one need to do is to throw a couple of dried dandelions into hot water and then wait. The resulting liquid will resemble a sort of tea which should be consumed a couple of times a day. If this is done consistently enough, then the healing benefits will start kicking in, and your body will start to expel its excess water naturally.

3. Hawthorn berry

This natural ingredient is a tiny bit more obscure than the others that appear on the list. At first glance, most won’t even know what it is let alone how it could help them deal with their water retention problems. For starters, let’s discuss what exactly hawthorn berries are. Firstly, they are a plant, while that may seem obvious it is better to be safe than sorry. Secondly, it is quite a close relative to the rose. This does not mean that it looks like a rose, which it does not. It simply means that there are some biological similarities.

It does not have to be consumed whole, and like most of the other items that appear here, it can be bought in tea form already. In this case, no work has to be done. Boil some water, toss the teabag in and enjoy. The reason why this plant is so good for water retention is that it has a direct impact on one’s kidneys which in turn is responsible for the amount of urine that a person excretes. Some of this tea every day will coerce the kidneys into producing more urine, therefore ridding one of any lingering water they may have.

4. Juniper berry

This is another such ingredient which may not be very well known. If you are familiar with it, then you probably only know it as an ingredient that can be used in cooking. Furthermore, people are generally only able to recognize it in its original form. Without having to google juniper berries, they are small reddish looking berries that are relatively translucent. If, on the other hand, you are not looking to cook but are rather looking for a diuretic, then you may be directed to a small vial containing juniper berry extract in the form of an oil.

While juniper berry oil may work incredibly well as a diuretic, this should only be done in small doses. It is not necessarily poisonous, and people should not be afraid to use it, but it should certainly not be used excessively. It works as a diuretic by increasing the amount of fluid that passes through the kidneys thus increasing the overall amount of urine that is produced. If you are unsure as to how much extract can be consumed, then a good guideline is 20-100 mg of the extract.

5. Green tea

Every other day there is a new article expounding on the magnificent effects of green tea. Are all these people, along with the hundreds of generations of Asian people who stand by the leaves all wrong or is there something to it. The fact is, and yes this is a fact that has been verified by scientific studies countless times, that green tea is not just a beverage. It is more a medicine than a drink. It is able to cure or at the very least, help treat a whole host of ailments. One of them being, water retention.

The way to go about this is very simple. All you need do is head to the store and buy a box of green tea. Granted, not all products are created equal, and there are some that are better than others. But as long as you buy some tea that has actual green tea in it, then you are set to go. If you manage to find a product that has low levels of caffeine in it, then you can safely drink this amazing drink throughout the entire day. You could even sip on it right before bedtime.

6. Parsely

Before after dinner mints became the standard, people were left with basically only one option. This was to chew on a couple of sprigs of parsley. These little green bites would not make your breath smell like mint, but they took the sting out of that garlic bread which you went to town on just a couple of hours before. It is quite possible that this did not in fact work, but people did it anyway. Now, moving on from the whole fresh breath smelling argument. There are a couple of other uses for parsley. They make for a wonderful garnish as well as a delightful addition to any fish dish, but there is also the question of water retention.

If you were to take a few handfuls of fresh parsley and throw them in some boiling water, you would have a perfectly good medicinal tea if you let it brew for an hour or so. This tea may seem a bit unappetizing, but it is not that bad. If you put some honey in it, then it could taste quite nice. Aside from the whole taste issue, if you drink a couple of cups of this tea every day, then you will notice yourself going to the bathroom more.

7. Hibiscus

When it comes to herbs and other plants for medicinal uses, there tends to be a lot of misinformation that does the rounds. This isn’t necessarily because people are trying to convince people of false information, rather they are just not as informed on the topic as they claim to be. As a general rule of thumb, it is best to do a bit of your own research before taking things as facts. This being said, when it comes to hibiscus, there is some actual evidence to suggest that it could help with water retention.

This data is by no means conclusive, but it is encouraging. Most of the research being done in this arena surrounds hibiscus and high blood pressure. This might seem counterproductive when it comes to water retention, but in fact, the two are related. If a person is holding too much water in their bodies, then this translates to too much fluid in their blood and thus a raised blood pressure. If one were to drink hibiscus tea for about 6 weeks, they could notice a drop in their blood pressure which will naturally result from increase fluid output.

8. Horsetail

This herb is quite interesting in the fact that it is the descendant of a plant that is millions of years old. It can be quite odd to think of plants that have been around for so many years and yet they are quite helpful to humans who have been around for a much shorter time frame. It is here where we find just one of the many wonders of nature. With this in mind, horsetail is a very old remedy for fluid retention. People have been using it for longer than we can trace and yet scientists have only just started testing its validity.

It is worth noting that these tests have been rather limiting, but even so, their results have been encouraging. There is evidence to suggest that not only is horsetail effective in reducing fluid retention, but it may also even be as effective as other synthetic products that are on the market. It has also been found that not only does horsetail reduce fluid retention, but it does so without upsetting a person’s electrolyte balance, which is a large concern when it comes to an increase in fluid output.

9. Lemons

It might sound like a massive cinema cliche, but a glass of cool lemonade on a hot summers day is quite frankly one of the best things on the planet. And why wouldn’t it be, lemons are a marvelous fruit, and you can put them in almost anything. Think about it, lemons go well in desserts and savory dishes. They even pair well with alcohol. Now, we all know that it is a very versatile ingredient, but it is not a huge leap to consider what it can do for a person’s health.

When you bite into a slice of lemon, you can almost taste the goodness in it. When it comes down to fluid balance in the body, unsurprisingly, lemon can help here too. The reason for this is that it is a natural diuretic. But, this does not mean that eating a lemon sorbet will help you get rid of that excess water. If you are going to be consuming it for its health benefits, then it is best to stick to the fruit in its most natural form. This can be done by squeezing half a lemon into warm water and drinking it when you wake up in the morning.

10. Garlic

This particular ingredient is immensely potent. So potent in fact that it has landed itself in the pages of novels as being a vampire repeller. Where this rumor started is unclear, but when you catch a whiff of someones garlic breath, it is unsurprising that people back in the day thought that it could harm the undead. If used correctly garlic can be an amazing addition to a meal, and it can even contribute to a person’s health.

The first benefit is that there is evidence to suggest that garlic is a natural antibiotic. This should already speak in its favor considering how harmful antibiotics can be. Then there is the question of what garlic can do for a person circulation. The idea is quite simple, if blood is circulating correctly throughout one’s system, then you have more blood going to the kidneys. More blood in the kidneys means that there is the possibility of more urine being produced by said kidneys. If you are holding onto too much water, then this is a very desirable side-effect to garlic. If you worried about the smell, then why not double dose on diuretics by drinking parsley tea after eating your garlic.

11. Watermelon

When it comes to watermelon people either think of it as a fruit which kids eat or they think about the countless videos that circulate online on how you can get a whole bottle of alcohol into a watermelon. While both of these are correct, there are some other uses for watermelon which people should be aware of. Before launching into a discussion on the benefits of watermelon, it first has to be mentioned that it is a fruit that is rather high on the glycaemic index. This means that while it can be healthy, it should not be eaten too much.

In terms of its uses when it comes to water retention, the first reason why it can help is that the fruit is predominantly water, as its name suggests. While it might seem counterintuitive to consume water in an attempt to expel more water, this is one of the easiest ways to get rid of excess water. There are also other properties in watermelon that aid in water expulsion, making it the perfect fruit for those days where you are feeling bloated.

12. Grapes

Once you pass the age of about 30, people tend to prefer their grapes only once they have been smashed and fermented in a barrel for a couple of years. While the red variety of this liquid may have been found to aid in circulation, it should not be consumed in excess. Yes, alcohol may be a diuretic in its own right, but as we all know how painful a hangover is, maybe we should stick to fresh grapes and not their fermented counterparts. With that out of the way, why don’t we move onto those fresh little bursts of flavor that can be bought in the store.

Not only do they make for a wonderfully nutritious and delicious snack which is far healthier than any sweet on the market, but they also aid in balancing the liquids in one’s body. This is both due to the natural properties that exist in the grapes as well as the fact that they too have a rather large water content. They do, however, have their own amount of naturally occurring sugars and as such should not be eaten by the pound. Instead, have a couple a day as a snack for optimal results.

13. Berries

Earlier on in this list, there were a whole host of berries which were obscure and possibly completely unheard of. While the aforementioned berries are possibly more powerful than the more common fruits that are found at the grocery store, they are not always as accessible or tasty for that matter. With this in mind, what about the delicious strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries that make their way onto our dessert plates? Do they have any properties that could be helpful when it comes to fluid retention?

Luckily for all the berry fans out there, they do. Alongside this, berries are positively brimming with antioxidants which are essential when it comes to maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. On the matter of fluid retention, they may not be the most effective item on this list, but they do have their place. Another added benefit is that if you opt for blueberries, which have a relatively lower sugar content, then you can consume a fair amount of them without feeling too guilty. If you are looking for a decidedly potent berry, then pick the cranberry. These have long been known for their diuretic effects and could make for the perfect medicinal snack.

14. Celery

Over the last couple of decades, celery has gotten a bad reputation. This is certainly not because it is unhealthy. Rather, it is because they are associated with diets and as such people have the incorrect idea that they are bland or do not taste nice. If you have eaten fresh celery lately then you know that this is certainly not true. Celery is indeed a very tasty snack that manages to pack freshness and just a tiny bit of sharpness all in one bite.

If you are a fan of snacking on celery then not only are you eating food that is decidedly low on calories, but you are also eating one which could be aiding both your circulation and fluid balance. It is so effective in managing fluid retention that it has been used for ages as a natural agent against hypertension before people had access to medicine or other synthetic products. There is also the matter of the vitamins and electrolytes that are present in celery. These will ensure that while you may be expelling water, you are not ridding yourself of all those electrolytes which your body needs to function correctly.

15. Bell peppers

If you have ever gone to the Mediterranean, then you would have noticed the sheer amount of peppers that go into their cooking. This goes for both the bell and fiery variety. Then there is the fact that people in the Mediterranean not only live to a ripe old age but in general, they are healthier than most other countries in the western world. Is this just a coincidence or are peppers so healthy that they can extend one’s life?

While peppers alone may not be able to add a couple of years onto one’s life, there is no denying that they surely do contribute to one’s longevity. The reason for this being that they are loaded with vitamins. Some of these like vitamin A work to improve a person’s night vision while others like vitamin B6 have direct diuretic effects. While these effects can be derived from any pepper in the pepper family, if you are looking to get the most out of your pepper then you are best off by picking the red variety. These are specifically good for bloating and fluid retention.

16. Onions

Almost every person on this planet knows that when they cut onions, they are probably going to cry like a little baby. They will wind up standing there with a knife in their hand not knowing what is up and what is down. They will be in pain, and they will vow never to cut onions again. Now consider this, if onions are so good at ridding us of fluids via our tear ducts, then they could possibly help us get rid of water through a different route. Granted, onions making you cry and onions making you urinate more are due to completely different reason, but at the end of the day, the result is still the same.

Onions are so good at balancing the fluids in a person’s body that most patients who are suffering from hypertension or who have kidney problems are told that they must include more onions in their diets. The reason for this being that onions come inundated with vitamins and naturally occurring chemicals which all work together to ensure that if you have any extra water hanging around, it is surely not going to be a problem much longer. While these benefits can be derived from cooked onions, it is best to eat them raw if possible.

17. Cucumber

In literally any movie ever made where women are having facials, there are always cucumbers involved somewhere. While cucumbers may be hydrating, they are completely useless if they are placed on one’s eyes. They may feel cool, but they are not doing anything for your skin in that regard, you’d be better off placing some used teabags on your eyes. This does not mean, however, that cucumbers are useless. They are very healthy if you chose to eat them and not let them lie inert on your skin.

The first thing that is worth mentioning here is that cucumbers have a very high water concentration. This means that if you include them in your snacking regime, you will effectively keep yourself thoroughly hydrated thus convincing your body that it does not need to hang on to any excess fluid. The other factor of interest here is the amount of electrolytes that are in cucumbers. When it comes to fluid balance in the body, electrolytes are just as important as water. Therefore ensuring that you have adequate amounts of both will put you well on your way to preventing bloating or dehydration.

18. Ginger

Ginger is possibly one of the most important ingredients a person could have in their households. Forget salt or oil, ginger is the thing that should be on every grocery list. This may seem like a bit of an overreaction for those that do not cook a lot of Asian food, but ginger is more of a medicine than a spice anyway so it can do no harm to ensure that it is always on hand. If you can cook with it, then definitely do so at every possible convenience. If not, then it might be a good idea to learn because ginger is a miracle food.

Not only is it a powerful natural antibiotic but it is also stocked with vitamins and minerals, and it acts as a very powerful diuretic. This is the case because ginger works wonders for one’s circulation. This has already been clarified, but for the sake of fullness, when a person is the proud owner of a healthy circulatory system, they are also the proud owner of functioning kidneys that are getting the correct blood supply. This, therefore, results in an increase in urine output if that is in fact what is needed to maintain fluid balance.

19. Asparagus

Have you ever smelled someone else’s urine after they have eaten asparagus, or possibly even smelled your own? If you have, then you would know that it is not pleasant at all. While this is one rather unpleasant result of asparagus consumption, it should not deter people completely. In fact, it should not deter people at all. When you consider how much impact asparagus has on the smell of urine, then one can only wonder just what other effects this vegetable has on a person’s urine.

Relatively foul smelling urine aside, asparagus is quite the wonder vegetable. It is not only a very healthy vegetable, but it is also low in calories, like most other vegetables, meaning that one can include it in their diets without worrying about their waistline. Getting back to the benefits of asparagus, there are so many vitamins and minerals that are present that all work to improve one’s overall health and digestive wellbeing, that it should not be left out of the dinner menu. There is also evidence to suggest that it could help reduce bloating making it a guilt-free and happy addition to that salmon dish.

20. Pineapple

A lot of people have quite the love/hate relationship with pineapple. The reason for this being that it might be delicious on that first bite, it may even taste great after you have had 20 more bites, but once you hit that 30 bite mark you tongue and lips start to burn. If you eat enough pineapple, this burning sensation may not even go away until the next day. The reason for this being that pineapples have a very high acidity content. The acid which could start to irritate one’s skin if it is consumed in too high quantities.

This being said, the potential dangers that could result from overindulging should not deter people altogether. The fact of the matter is that pineapples are wonderfully good for one’s health. One particular benefit that is of interest here is the effect that pineapple has on the fluid that is held in one’s body. Pineapple could prove to be a very powerful diuretic if used correctly. It is such a reliable remedy in fact that people in African cultures have been using it for centuries. It does not matter whether it is fresh, dried or ground up in a powder, the result is that a little bit of pineapple a day will keep the excess water away.

21. Reduce salt intake

What exactly is in those little white crystals that you are throwing on your food. We know that it is called salt, but what does that mean. To answer that, you need to head over and look at the periodic table. On there, you will kind two elements, namely sodium, and chloride. When these combines, we have salt. In the body, these elements split up again into their constituent parts.

One of which, sodium, bond to water and as such tries to maintain the amount of water that is inside and outside of your cells. If there is too much sodium in your body, then you could wind up holding too much water. This means that you should try to reduce the amount of salt that is making its way into your body if you are holding onto too much water.

22. Increase the amount of magnesium that you consume

When people start throwing around terms like magnesium, those who have not spent time in a science class may be at a complete loss. While the term itself may sound complicated, all anyone needs to know in this regard is that magnesium is essential for the enzymatic functions in their body.

We need to make sure that we are getting enough magnesium and if that is done, then one will notice that their water balance will be improved. This element can be taken in the form of supplements, or it can be found naturally in the foods that you eat. These foods include things like nuts, dark chocolate, wholegrains foods, and many others.

23. Get more vitamin B6 into your system

Broadly speaking, people associate the B vitamins. This is in part true, but these same people do not always know that there are a few different types of B vitamins and they are not necessarily aware of what they do. Vitamin B6, in particular, is a vitamin that is essential for the correct and healthy production of red blood cells.

It can be found in a variety of foods that include but is not limited to meat. Potatoes, bananas, and nuts are also an excellent source of vitamin B6. Increasing the intake of these foods will ensure correct red blood cell formation, but it will also help premenstrual women with water retention problems. This may even extend to others in the population that are not specifically suffering from PMS.

24. Consume foods rich in potassium

This is another such element which is involved in a whole host of activities that go on in the human body. The first activity that is of interest is the conduction of electrical signals that are sent throughout the body. Potassium plays a direct role here and as such should always be included in a person’s diet. Then there is the interaction that exists between potassium and sodium.

When one increases their potassium intake, their body responds by decreasing the amount of sodium that is present. Now, because an increase in sodium means an increase in water retention, by eating more bananas, tomatoes, and avocados, a person can decrease the amount of water that is held by their body.

25. Decrease the number of refined carbohydrates that you eat

The relationship between refined carbohydrates and water retention includes something that physiologists call a cascade. This cascade kicks off when a person has a meal that is rich in processed or refined carbohydrates. Once the body has broken these down, there is a spike in blood sugar levels and as such a spike in insulin levels. When insulin levels rise in the blood, the body responds by reabsorbing any sodium that might be present in the kidneys.

We already know that an increase in sodium means an increase in water retention which means that if you have a diet that is rich in refined carbohydrates, then you are probably going to suffer from water retention at some point or other. No one is saying that you must cut carbohydrates out altogether, but you should rather eat healthy carbs that include whole grains and such like.

26. Exercise more

What happens when you spend some time at the gym? Sure, there are the sore muscles along with thoughts that you may very well be insane for putting your body through this, but most notably there is sweat involved. Any strenuous exercise will result in that familiar feeling of dampness on your skin. For those people who are holding onto too much water, this thin film of moisture outside of their body will be very welcome.

While exercises may only help water retention in the short-term, it is one of the most useful things you can do if too much water is your problem. Furthermore, when you exercise your body moves more water into your muscles which will help reduce the doughy-looking appearance which is all too familiar for those that cannot shed those extra liters.

27. Get enough sleep

Did you know that you can go longer without food than you can without sleep? This may sound like one of those catchphrases that people use when they talk about health. But, this is one of those times when it is true. The benefits that one can derive from getting enough sleep are endless.

These people are less likely to suffer from mood swings. They will have a stronger immune system. They will think clearer, and they won’t have to worry about those unsightly black rings underneath their eyes. As we move down the list, you will find a rather odd benefit of getting enough sleep. This being correct water balance in the body. The reason for this being that a person’s kidneys start to function properly if they start getting enough sleep.

28. Destress your life

What happens to your body when you get stressed out? This is not just referring to short-term stress. Instead, we are talking about prolonged periods of stress. Sure, your immune system starts to break down, your hair might start falling out, and you will slowly notice that your sleep pattern has gone to hell in a handbasket.

But, why does all of this happen? Is it just your mind ruining your life or is there something else going on? The culprit that you are looking for is cortisol. When you are under prolonged periods of stress, your body responds by increasing the amount of circulating cortisol. This hormone has many effects, one of those being an increase in bodily water retention.

29. Balance your electrolytes

When people talk about fluid balance, what exactly do they mean? Are they merely carrying on about the amount of water that you are drinking or are they talking about the actual balance of fluids that exists both in and out of your cells? Unsurprisingly, they are talking about the latter. Fluid balance is not just about water intake. It is also about the consumption of electrolytes that work to maintain the balance of fluids in the body.

The balance between electrolytes and water is very delicate, and if not kept in check then a person will certainly suffer from either excessive water retention or dehydration. There is not, however, a one size fits all solution when it comes to water and electrolyte intake. Instead, it all depends on the individual. If you are drinking a lot of water, then you need to make sure that you are getting enough electrolytes. If you are not drinking enough water, then your electrolyte intake needs to match this if you are to avoid excessive water retention.

30. Drink enough water

When the topic is how one can avoid retaining water, it might seem like a wild notion to ask them if they are drinking enough water. Surely if your body is holding too much water, then you should lay off drinking the same thing that is causing the problem? Not only is this thinking wrong, but it could be damaging to your health.

The reason for this is that your body is a lot smarter than you think it is and it is working day and night to stay alive. When it comes to water, if you are consistently not drinking enough water then your body will respond by holding onto the water that it has. It knows that it cannot survive without water, so it will be damned if it is going to let go of the precious fluid that comes trickling through the digestive tract.
