
30 Snacks Nutritionists Would NOT Approve Of

You’re hungry. You’re on the verge of being hangry! It’s snack time. If you don’t get your hands on a snack in the next 30 seconds,… Simi - April 29, 2019

You’re hungry. You’re on the verge of being hangry! It’s snack time. If you don’t get your hands on a snack in the next 30 seconds, you can’t be held liable for what you do next. You reach for one of your trusted favorite tidbits for a fix. Ah, you’ve got your fix, and you’re good to go again. This scenario plays out for most of us at some point in time. There’s nothing wrong with the situation. However, there could potentially be a lot wrong with the snack you choose to eat. While something to nibble on may be immensely satisfying, it could be bad for your health. Not all snacks are as healthy as they may seem.

You might think that the odd unhealthy snack won’t do any harm. What’s the worst that could happen? In moderation, unhealthy snacks may do your body no substantial damage. When they become part and parcel of your everyday diet, it’s a different story. Excessive consumption of unhealthy snacks can lead to obesity and chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol levels. There are loads of unhealthy snacks lining store shelves, just waiting for you to buy them. You might be surprised to find out that some of your favorite snacks that you thought were reasonably healthy aren’t. They could be harboring some harmful ingredients. Here are some snacks that any good nutritionist would completely ban you from eating to keep you healthy.


Hot dogs

What baseball game would be complete without a typical old-fashioned hotdog? With so many hot dogs stands on the streets outside your office, how often do you indulge in one? They smell delicious, and they taste even better, especially once you’ve added your favorite condiments. Sizzling sausage with all the added extras is one satisfying snack. Hot dogs are so much part of the American culture that they even have a National Hot dog Day in July each year! Fast food outlets offer hot dogs at discounted prices on the day. On National Hot Dog Day, the North American Meat Institute hosts an annual Hot Dog Lunch on Capitol Hill. Even those in the highest echelons of political society can’t say no to a tasty hot dog!

But here are the frightening statistics: hot dogs are made from processed meat which is bad for your health. A hot dog contains about 200 calories, 20g of total fat, and 600g of sodium. Nitrates added to preserve the hot dog turn into nitrites once ingested. The bread roll and condiments add even more to the mix. Processed meats are linked to Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and reduced lifespan.


Sweetened cereals

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We’ve had that drummed into our memories since kindergarten. This morning meal is the one that fuels your body for the busy day ahead. That’s why it’s important to eat breakfast that provides you with energy. While processed carbohydrates like sweetened cereal may give you a short boost of energy, it won’t last long. Your body will experience a sugar-rush. After a short while, you’ll come crashing down. It’s then that you’ll start looking for your next fix.

Cereals are not as healthy as their advertising may lead you to believe. Cereal is a highly processed food. Added to this is the fact that most cereals contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms) which have the potential to cause increased allergies, fertility issues, and digestive problems. During the manufacturing process, cold cereals undergo a process called extrusion. The grains are mixed with water until they form a sludgy mixture. This mixture is forced out through tiny holes which forms it into the cereal shapes we love. Oil and sugar spraying follow to keep the cereal pieces in shape, crispy, and fresh. Most nutrients in the cereal ingredients are lost in this process.


Veggie chips or puffs

Most parents would like to console themselves by thinking that giving their children veggie chips is better than regular chips. When we stand in front of the office vending machine, we want to tell ourselves the same thing. It stands to reason. Veggie puffs are made from… veggies. That must mean they’re healthy, mustn’t it? Unfortunately, just because something’s made from vegetables doesn’t make it healthy. The base product of veggie chips is refined grain. These grains include corn flour, soy flour, and rice. Refined carbs like these have been linked to a risk of conditions such as obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

The veggie puffs do contain vegetables. However, they’re in powdered form. Vegetables are dehydrated to reduce them to powder form. In the dehydration process, most of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients the vegetables hold are lost. The vegetables in your veggie chips can in no way substitute for a portion of fresh vegetables. Looking at the calorie, protein, and fat count, the difference between potato chips and veggie puffs isn’t that vast. Veggie chips do tend to contain more protein and fiber. Veggie chips may have some additional nutrients, but that doesn’t make them a healthy snack.



There’s nothing quite as satisfying as a delightfully fresh doughnut with your mid-morning coffee. What’s a doughnut without coffee, and what’s coffee without a doughnut? The short answer: a whole lot healthier. Doughnuts are by far one of the unhealthiest snacks around. It makes sense if you subscribe to the more enjoyable less healthy ratio. There are several reasons why you shouldn’t make doughnuts a daily habit. They are full of saturated fats. One doughnut contains a quarter of your daily recommended intake of saturated fats. Saturated fats are dangerous, so you want to stay way below the recommended amount. Doughnuts also contain synthetic flavors, preservatives, additives, and trans-fats.

The average chocolate-covered doughnut contains about 300 calories. There are plenty of more decadent doughnuts that include more than double that. Doughnuts also consist of a lot of sugar. A doughnut contains at least 20g of sugar. That’s nearly the whole recommended daily allowance. A high-sugar diet is the primary cause of diabetes, obesity, and insulin resistance. The unfortunate thing about doughnuts is that they arrive in a box from the store. No nutritional information accompanies them. In a world where people are reading food labels more than ever, doughnuts slip into our diets under the radar.


Sugary beverages

These beverages contain no other nutrients, only sugar. The sucrose sugar added to beverage supplies the body with high levels of fructose. Fructose fails to lower the hormone that controls hunger (ghrelin), nor does it create a sense of fullness. That’s why people who drink sugary beverages are inclined to gain weight. They tend to gain weight around their belly area. It is possible to become dependent on sugar as a reward-seeking behavior which is characteristic of food addiction. The high volumes of sugar you ingest when you drink these beverages must go somewhere in the body.

The glucose in the sugar is metabolized throughout the body. Fructose, however, can only be metabolized in the liver. When there’s too much, the fructose is turned to fat. This can lead to fatty liver disease. High levels of sugar lead to insulin resistance. Insulin’s function is to send glucose out of the blood and into the cells to create energy. When sugar exposure is high, the glucose in the bloodstream becomes less sensitive to the presence of insulin. The pancreas begins to produce more insulin. The body’s insulin levels will spike. This can be the beginning of prediabetes which can lead to Type 2 diabetes without intervention.


Frozen meals

Coming home from a tough day at the office and facing the prospect of cooking can be frustrating. You’re hungry, and all you want to do is eat. It’s on these days that we turn to an old favorite – the frozen meal. Most people keep a couple of frozen meals in their freezers for precisely such occasions. But are these frozen life savers good for you? One of the few advantages of eating frozen meals is that they are portion-controlled. They can be used as a guide when dishing other meals so that you don’t overeat. A frozen dinner is better than a high-fat fast-food option.

Here is the bad news about frozen meals. They are very high in sodium. Salt is used as a preservative in the production of these meals. The sodium levels in the average frozen meal range from 700-1,800mg. The daily maximum recommended sodium intake is 2,300mg. Some frozen meals take up almost the day’s entire allocation. Add in the sodium from the other meals you’ve eaten, and you’re way over the limit. Too much sodium places an enormous strain on your kidneys. High blood pressure can follow as a further complication. A heart attack or stroke is possible.


Fruit snacks

When we hear the word ‘fruit’ in the name of a snack, the assumption is that it’s healthy. Unfortunately, that’s not necessarily the case. The case for fruit snacks is that they contain few calories, low in sodium, and fat-free. Many contain Vitamin A and C. This is what the package has emblazoned across it. But if you look at the label closely, you’ll see some other ingredients that are less than healthy. The first worrisome ingredient in fruit snacks is sugar. A single serving can contain up to five teaspoons of sugar. Men should consume a maximum of seven and women a maximum of six each day.

The recommended maximum for children is six teaspoons. If you’re feeding your child fruit snacks, they aren’t allowed any more sugar that day if you want to protect them from potential obesity. Fruit snacks contain some partially hydrogenated fats. Such trans-fats should be avoided. Ingredients than fruit snacks lack are protein, fiber, or healthy fats. They are not filling and will soon have you reaching for another snack. To make fruit snacks look appetizing, food coloring and dyes are added to them. These substances have been linked to specific allergies and hyperactivity among some children.


Pita snacks

As an alternative to potato chips, pita chips are a firm favorite. There is a variety of flavors with something to suit every palate. Together with a delicious dip, pita snacks are ideal for nibbling on in between meals. Or are they? Pita snack producers market their products as healthier than fried potato chips. To some extent they are, but that doesn’t mean they’re the most nutritious snack around. In terms of the nutrients they provide, pita snacks are not all they’re cracked up to be. A single ounce of salted or spiced pita snacks contains around 130 calories, nearly 19g of carbohydrates, 3g of protein, and 4g of fat.

These snacks are highly processed. Many of the healthy nutrients are lost when foods are processed. There are additives which are not necessarily good for you used in the manufacture of pita snacks. Sodium levels in pita snacks are high. The sodium content in a single serving is the equivalent of 10% of the recommended maximum daily allowance. Pita snacks are not rich in fiber, containing 1g per ounce. Processed carbohydrates do not bring about a sense of fullness. You can experience a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. High salt intake can cause hypertension.



One of the most important things you need to look for on the food label of any snack is trans-fats. You don’t want to go anywhere near these if you can avoid them. They are typically found in processed foods. Trans-fats are unsaturated fats. These are the so-called ‘bad’ fats. They should not be confused with saturated fats which, in moderate quantities, are not harmful for you. Trans-fats themselves can be divided into two categories: natural and artificial. Natural trans-fats occur in meat and dairy products. No harm can befall you from these natural trans-fats, provided you don’t consume them in excess.

Artificial or industrials trans-fats are also known as hydrogenated fats. They are created when hydrogen molecules are put into vegetable oil. The hydrogen converts the vegetable oil from a liquid into a solid. The process is a cheap way to extend the shelf-life of the vegetable oil. Trans-fats increase the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. LDL cholesterol is ‘bad’ cholesterol that causes heart disease. Trans-fats do not increase the levels of HDL, the ‘good’ cholesterol. Large amounts of trans-fats also affect the function of insulin in the body which could lead to Type 2 diabetes.


Canned cheese

Having some canned cheese is handy for cooking or preparing snacks. Most people would be hard pressed to say they’ve never had some straight out of the can when no one is looking! Despite its cheesy taste, processed cheese is not 100% cheese. It cannot be categorized as cheese. Most processed cheeses contain roughly 50% cheese. The other 50% of the ingredients include other dairy products such as milk, whey, salt, preservatives, dyes, and emulsifiers. The components are added to extend the shelf-life of the cheese.

The production of processed cheese involves the inclusion of sodium from two different sources. The first is sodium chloride or salt which is present in the natural cheese in the product. The second is sodium citrate or polyphosphates which stabilize the consistency. High sodium levels have a well-documented set of effects that can harm your health if consumed in excess. These include high blood pressure and kidney problems. Full-cream dairy products used in the manufacturing process add unsaturated fats to the cheese. Too much of these fats can lead to obesity. There is also a good chance that it may add bad cholesterol to the body. Adding LDL cholesterol to the body should be avoided.


White bread

Bread is a diet staple and is one of the most-consumed food products around the world. Arguably, a weakness for a lot of people is the smell of freshly baked white bread. Eating it with a generous helping of butter is a delight, and one slice is never enough. There are healthier alternatives to white bread, which is the one bread you should be avoiding. White bread is made from refined wheat flour. When the wheat is refined, the bran and germ are removed from it. Only the endosperm of the grain remains. The removal of these nutritious parts of the wheat already makes white bread less than healthy. Many vitamins, minerals, and fibers are removed.

The endosperm in processed wheat provides the eater with a carbohydrate that digests quickly but offers the body no other benefits. It doesn’t even give the body a sense of fullness. Many preservatives are used to keep the bread fresher for longer. Sugar is added to the bread to give it its flavor. High-processed carbohydrates like the flour used in white bread provide a quick surge of energy. Your blood sugar levels immediately spike. Continued spikes like these can lead to insulin resistance and possible diabetes.


Potato chips

For most of us, potato chips are our go-to comfort food. And eating a small portion from a big bag of chips is impossible. Before you know it, you’re at the bottom of the bag looking for the last few crumbs. Chips are inexpensive and easy to buy. Consuming chips in excess is not good for you. As most chips are fried, they contain high levels of oil. There are about 10g of fat in a single ounce of chips. The calorie count of chips is roughly 150 calories. Given these high levels, it should come as no surprise that chips are fattening. Fried potatoes, which includes chips, are closely associated with weight gain and obesity.

Potato chips are not at all nutritious. They do not contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals. Eating them as a snack does not complement your diet by adding more nutrients to it. The high levels of sodium in chips are unhealthy. On average, an ounce of chips contains about 150mg of salt. Few people eat their chips in single ounce servings. Eating a whole bag of chips adds an unhealthy amount of sodium to the diet, especially if you’re eating other foods high in sodium.


Grilled meat

There’s nothing like a summer social gathering where the menu includes delicious barbecued meat. The grill master is at the barbecue, grilling different meats for guests to eat. A veritable feast awaits. Unfortunately, barbecued meat may not be as good for you as you might have thought. Grilling meat involves searing and cooking it at very high temperatures. Research shows that the process causes the presence of two carcinogens. They are heterocyclic amine (HCA) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

PAHs are found in the smoke your barbecue emits when fat from the meat drips onto the coals. The resultant contains significant amounts of PAHs. HCA is present in the charred exterior of your portion of meat. It will also be present inside the meat if you serve it well-done. Carcinogens such as HCA and PAHs are linked to cancer of the pancreas. People who eat their meat well-cooked have up to a 60% higher risk of getting pancreatic cancer. They also increase the risk of contracting stomach, lung, and breast cancer. To avoid the risk, prevent the flareups in the fire and smoke when cooking the meat. Remove the charred pieces of barbecued meat before you eat them.


White sugar

Humans are born with a sweet tooth. We are genetically predisposed to food that tastes sweet. This means that sugar forms a substantial part of many people’s diets. There are naturally-occurring sugars in a lot of fruits. But these are not the only sugars people are eating. Excessive intake of refined sugar leads to dangerous levels of blood fats. These blood fats lower the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in the body and the increase the levels of triglycerides. Triglycerides are a kind of fat in the body that is produced by calorie conversion. Too many triglycerides lead to obesity which can result in a heart attack or stroke.

There is growing worry around the world about obesity levels in children. Much of the problem is attributable to the fact that kids are consuming more sugar than ever before. Juices, sodas, sugary cereals, and candy contain very high levels of sugar. These items have become part and parcel of a lot of children’s daily diets. White sugar is more refined than brown sugar. The body digests refined sugar quickly. Insulin and blood sugar levels show dramatic increases. There is no sense of fullness as the sugar digests almost right away.


Canned soup

If you’re feeling sick, soup is supposed to make you feel better. When you get home late after a rough day, warming some canned soup is quick and easy, so you can get to bed right away. If only the health benefits matched the convenience. Unfortunately, they do not. Canned soups often contain high levels of sodium which is used as a preservative. Too much sodium is harmful to the kidneys and is a leading contributor to high blood pressure. The number of hypertension diagnoses is skyrocketing, and a diet too rich in sodium is a major cause of it.

The plastic linings inside the soup also present a health hazard. They may contain Bisphenol A (BPA). BPA is a toxin byproduct of plastic production. BPA interferes with the body’s endocrine system which regulates hormones. It has been shown that BPA from a plastic lining in a can seep into the contents. Since you can’t rinse soup to get rid of the BPA, you’ll wind up ingesting it. Canned soups are not as nutritious as we’d like to think. Many contain less than 3g of fiber and 5g of protein. Your body needs more than this for a meal to be sustaining.


Cereal bars

Cereal bars became popular in the wake of a new cereal consumption trend. Fewer people are eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast. They want to eat cereal on the go. Innovative cereal companies came up with the cereal bar to satisfy their customers’ needs. Some cereal bars are healthy, but others are not. The best way to figure it out is to look at the nutritional information and ingredients list. You’ll be shocked to see how much sugar and calories some cereal bars contain. It’s likely you’ll start to see them as less of a snack staple and more of an occasional treat.

With all that sugar, a cereal bar will cause a blood sugar spike. Your body burns through its minimal energy contribution quickly, leaving you feeling listless and hungry. Your blood sugar will remain more balanced if you choose a cereal bar with low levels of sugar and high levels of protein and fiber. Fiber slows down the release of the sugar in the cereal bar into the bloodstream. This eliminates the sugar rush and the sugar crash. Protein sustains energy, therefore higher levels will make the cereal bar worth eating.


Processed Meats

Processed meats form part of the modern diet. Cured meats such as ham and corned beef and smoked meats like salami are ideal for sandwiches. Dried meat like jerky is a favorite snack. If you’re eating too many of these meats, you’re putting your health at risk. Several ingredients used during the processing of the meat are not good for you. Nitrite or sodium nitrite is added to processed meat. It helps to retain the color of the meat, improves the flavor, and preserves the meat by preventing the growth of bacteria. Nitrite occurs naturally in many vegetables.

The nitrite used in making processed meat is not the same. It converts into N-nitroso compounds which include nitrosamines. Animal studies have concluded that nitrosamines can play a part in forming bowel cancer cells. Sodium chloride used in meat processing results in high salt levels which can cause hypertension. Meat smoking is used to preserve the product. During smoking cancer-causing carcinogens like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) transfer to the surface of the meat from the smoke in the air. Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) generally occur when meat is cooked at high speed at hot temperatures. Sausages and meat burgers may have significant quantities of HCAs in them.


Artificial Sugars

We know that refined sugar is bad for us, but we like sweet things. The obvious solution is to use artificial sugar. Nothing could be further from the truth. Artificial sugars are just as bad for you as refined sugar, if not worse. While artificial sugars are sugar-free, that doesn’t mean they’re a healthy alternative. Artificial sugars do reduce the number of calories you consume compared to real sugar, therefore they can reduce the risk of obesity. There are five types of artificial sugars. They are saccharin, acesulfame, aspartame, neotame, and sucralose. Artificial sugars are often sweeter than other sugars.

When consumed in large quantities over a significant period, artificial sugars can lead to the overstimulation of the sugar receptors. The result is that a food that a person may have perceived as sweet such as an apple no longer tastes sweet enough. They begin to avoid these healthier foods as they do not find their taste satisfying. People who use artificial sugars are prone to thinking they can consume other sugary foods. An example would be justifying eating some cake because you’re using artificial sugar in your coffee. This is a psychological response to using artificial sugars, which completely cancels out their effectiveness.



When we hear fruit juice, we assume it’s healthy. This supposition is not always correct. Some juices are highly nutritious. Others contain so much sugar that they are bad for you. When you’re shopping for juice, be conscious of the label. Juice cocktails and juice-flavored drinks are not 100% pure fruit juice. Juice forms only a fraction of their ingredients. The remainder consists of water and sweeteners like corn syrup which is rich in fructose. These beverages are high in sugar and low in nutrients.

Another problem with juice is that much of the fiber of the original fruit is lost. It is for this reason that nutritionists recommend eating the whole fruit instead of only drinking the juice. For many parents, juice is the only way they can get their children to consume fruit. Even so, juice should be limited to one glass a day, preferably diluted with water. Sometimes, preservatives are added to store-bought juices. It’s preferable to juice your fruit yourself to make sure it’s free of sweeteners and preservatives. Choose fruits rich in antioxidants for juice. These include berries and grapes. Best of all, you can make your own fruit juice combination to suit your tastes.



Bacon is tasty, and most people cannot contemplate eating a full breakfast without a generous serving of bacon. We’ve grown up with bacon as part of our diets, and the idea of it being unhealthy is unfathomable. But there are some facts about bacon that show it’s not something you should be eating too regularly. Bacon is cured and smoked. In the curing phase, the bacon is soaked in salt and nitrates. On occasion, the mixture includes sugar. For most types of bacon, smoking follows the curing process. Salt and nitrates prevent bacteria from infecting the bacon, giving it longer shelf life.

There is a lot of fat in bacon. About half of it is monounsaturated fats, 40% is saturated fat, and 10% is polyunsaturated fat. Significant levels of cholesterol are present in bacon. The monounsaturated fats in bacon include oleic acid which is seen as a healthy fat. Saturated fats are dangerous if consumed in excessive amounts. They present the risk of heart disease. The high salt content in bacon as a result of the curing process means bacon contains a lot of salt. Too much salt can cause high blood pressure. In time, hypertension can lead to heart disease.



The fact that sausages aren’t that good for your health should come as no surprise. Processed meats have been labeled as carcinogenic to humans which is not encouraging news. And sausages are purely processed meats. The first thing that should make you think twice about eating sausages is the main ingredients. Sausages are made from an array of minced meats. Some sausages are made from all the leftover meat in meat processing plants. This meat combination is placed in a sheath made from animal intestines.

The processing of meat involves high levels of salt to cure the meat and prevent bacterial growth. Sodium is an effective preservative, but it is not healthy if consumed in high quantities. The kidneys need to process all that salt. This leads to eventual kidney disease or failure. Sausages also contain nitrates. These substances convert to cancer-causing carcinogens during the cooking and eating process. Sausages include high levels of saturated fat. It’s part of what gives them their delicious taste. Saturated fats can cause heart disease if they are consumed in significant quantities. Nutritionists recommend that, if you’re going to eat sausages, you don’t fry them. The additional oil piles onto the fat intake which most of us can ill afford.



Muffins are misleading as they masquerade as a healthy snack. They are not a breakfast substitute; they’re cake. And few people eat cake for breakfast. That means that muffins are not healthy snacks. A store-bought muffin has, on average, more than 400 calories in it. And that’s the regular-sized muffins. Jumbo muffins, made to appeal to our love of muffins, are even worse. Store-bought muffins are baked to stay fresher for longer. Additives are included in the recipe to make sure muffins have a longer shelf life than they ordinarily would. Store owners do not want to find themselves having to throw muffins away as they expire too soon. Additives are artificial and are not desirable for your body.

Muffins are made from refined flour and sugar. In the refining process, flour loses much of its nutritional value. Refined sugar does nothing except give you a momentary sugar rush. When the rush is over, you’re hungry again and looking for another muffin. The oil used in the baking of muffins adds to our daily fat intake. These ingredients are in all muffins, even the healthiest options like bran muffins. A bran muffin is the best type of muffin to eat as it at least offers you some fiber.



We all have that one friend who is a chocoholic. You might even be that friend! Chocolate is a firm favorite as a snack. The problem with chocolate is that you can barely walk through any store without being confronted with it. It is used to market special occasions like Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, and Christmas. The chocolate industry generates billions of dollars each year. Chocolate is made from cocoa. 70% of the world’s cocoa comes from West Africa. The crop is also grown in other tropical regions near to the Equator around the globe.

There have been instances where high levels of heavy metals including cadmium and lead were registered in raw cocoa and processed chocolate. In large quantities, heavy metal consumption leads to heavy metal poisoning which can be fatal. Chocolate contains a lot of sugar. It includes a high number of calories. That’s why it tastes so great. Excessive consumption of sugar can lead to obesity. It is widely accepted that excessive ingestion of chocolate can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Chocolate has also been documented as a common migraine trigger. The research indicates that the tyramine, histamine, and phenylalanine in chocolate are responsible.


French fries

Here’s another guilty pleasure most of us indulge in even though we shouldn’t. No fast food meal (aside from pizza, perhaps) is complete without French fries. Studies have found that French fries are more dangerous as part of your diet than other potato dishes. That leaves us with only one conclusion: it’s the ‘fry’ in French fries that is the problem. The problem with French fries is the trans-fats in the oil in which they are fried. Another factor that causes them to be unhealthy is the added salt. A lesser known issue with French fries is a chemical called acrylamide. This chemical appears in significant quantities in overcooked fried potatoes.

Animal studies have shown that there is a link between high levels of acrylamide and cancer. The odds of it posing a similar risk to humans is high. Experts suggest you get your potato fix from dishes other than French Fries. The fat from the oils using in making French fries contributes to weight gain. At fast food outlets, oil is used more than once. The chemical composition of oil changes each time it is heated. There are compounds released from this breakdown that can be hazardous to your health.


Bisphenol A

Bisphenol A is known as BPA. It is an industrial chemical utilized in the manufacture of some plastics. BPA has been around since the 1960s. One of the plastics that contain BPA is polycarbonate plastics. These plastics are used in food storage containers such as water bottles and sandwich containers. Epoxy resins also include BPA. These resins are used to coat the inside of food and beverage cans. BPA seeps into the food and beverages it touches. When we consume these products, we ingest BPA. At low levels, BPA does not pose a significant risk to humans. However, sustained exposure can have severe medical repercussions.

BPA disrupts the balance of hormones needed for the body to function correctly. There is ongoing research into a link between BPA exposure and hypertension. When it comes to avoiding BPA, you need to be conscious of the plastics you expose yourself to. One of the reasons many countries plan to ban single-use plastics is the risk of BPA exposure. Heating these plastics in a microwave or dishwasher presents even more danger. The BPA breaks down and finds its way into your food with greater ease. Experts also advise minimizing the amount of canned food and beverages you consume.



Popcorn is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It’s what you do with the popcorn that makes it unhealthy. Popcorn is a rich source of antioxidants such as polyphenols which protect cells from harm. The healthiest way to cook popcorn is using an air popper in the microwave. Make sure you buy one made from high-quality plastic that doesn’t contain BPA. Popcorn cooked on the stove in a little oil is less healthy, but not dangerously so. You can prepare your popcorn healthily, but what do you do with it afterward? Do you drown it in salt and butter? If the answer is yes, you’re making a perfectly healthy snack unhealthy.

The real culprit is prepackaged microwave popcorn. The lining of the bag poses medical hazards to you. The lining is made of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). This substance is also used in non-stick cookware. When PFOA is exposed to heat, there is the potential to increase the risk of getting cancer or becoming infertile. One of the flavoring agents in microwave popcorn is called diacetyl. This chemical can increase the risk of bronchiolitis obliterans, a lung condition that causes breathing difficulties and scarring of the airways in the lungs.



Potatoes are a paradox. On the one hand, they are viewed as unhealthy as they are starchy. This makes them a high-glycemic food which poses a risk to blood sugar levels. Potatoes break down into quickly after ingestion. Sugar levels rise, and insulin is released to bring them back to equilibrium. As with any food that breaks down speedily, potatoes don’t do much to satisfy your hunger pangs. You’ll feel full for a while, but then your appetite returns. The quick breakdown also means that you’ll have a short boost of energy followed by a slump. During this slump, you’ll be tempted to look for more carbs to eat.

On the other, they are high in fiber which is essential for proper digestion. They are a good source of Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. When it comes to potatoes, the problem is not the potato itself; it’s what you add to it. Deep-frying potatoes in oil adds a lot of fat to them. Mashing them and adding butter and cream to the mix does the same thing. Drowning them in condiments only adds extra sugar and preservatives to your meal. Keep potato portions small and limit what to add to them.


Frozen pizza

Keeping a frozen pizza in the freezer for an emergency is something most people would admit to. Frozen pizzas are ideal for a simple supper after a long day. When unexpected guests descend on your home for dinner, you can accommodate them with frozen pizza. If only they were as good for you as they are easy to prepare. Whether fresh or frozen, pizza isn’t exactly a healthy meal. A pizza contains high levels of sodium, fats, and refined carbs from the flour. Toppings like sausages and ham are processed meats which are bad for you. Too many slices of pizza and you’re on your way to issues with your weight, cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Frozen pizza adds an extra hazard to the mix. There are many preservatives, colorants, and additives in frozen pizza. As with any artificial additions to food products, they are considerably less healthy than fresh products. You will find additional salt used as a preservative to lengthen the shelf life of the pizza. Elevated levels of salt can cause high blood pressure. Prolonged high blood pressure can lead to heart disease. Not all frozen pizzas contain dangerous levels of salt. Check the label before you buy the product.


Cow’s milk

From the time we’re very young, cow’s milk forms part of our daily food intake. It is rich in calcium which builds strong bones and teeth. Cow’s milk is the basis of all dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, and ice-cream. There are a few things to consider when it comes to cow’s milk. First, a cow’s milk needs to be pasteurized. Pasteurization involves the heating and cooling of the milk to eliminate bacteria. Milk contains saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and cholesterol. Full-cream milk contains more than low-fat or skimmed milk.

The mass-production of milk means that massive herds of cows are kept by farmers and milked each day. Cows are fed hormones to make them grow and reach maturity faster than they usually would meet the demands of the market. These growth hormones are in the milk that we drink. The presence of hormones in cow’s milk is disturbing as it has been linked to slightly higher risks of prostate and ovarian cancer according to some studies. Cows are also given antibiotics to prevent the spread of diseases such as foot and mouth disease and anthrax. The antibiotics are transferred to the milk. Pasteurization doesn’t entirely eliminate hormones and antibiotics from the milk we drink.


Energy drinks

Energy drinks seem to be more popular than ever, despite incontrovertible proof that they are not good for you. We reach for energy drinks when we need a physical and mental boost. The main ingredient in nearly every energy drink on the market is caffeine. The caffeine is supposed to stimulate the brain to help with focus and concentration. It is also meant to give your body a rush of energy. Another key ingredient that makes most energy drinks effectively is sugar. Sugar makes up the bulk of the calories in energy drinks, aside from those that are sugar-free. Bear in mind that sugar-free means that there is a reasonable probability that artificial sugars have been added instead of refined sugar.

The effects of the caffeine and sugar combination in energy drinks may include increasing the heart rate and blood pressure. Many people have experienced palpitations after consuming three or more energy drinks in quick succession. The sugar in energy drinks can lead to a blood sugar spike upon ingestion. The body produces insulin to sort out glucose levels. When the pancreas is continuously on the defense, producing more and more insulin, diabetes is likely to follow.
