
30 Things That Happen When Walking Every Day

29. Walking can reduce incidences of acid reflux Acid reflux is very painful. The condition occurs when acid from the stomach travels up into the esophagus.… Simi - December 5, 2018

We’ve heard it all before; walking is good for you. And it is. However, what few people know is just how many benefits there are to including a 30-minute walk into your daily routine. Good walking habits can have a profound effect on your physical, mental, and emotional health. The human body is designed for walking. Unfortunately, most people do too little of it. The sedentary lifestyles we lead keep us sitting far too much and walking far too little. There’s no need to give up, though. Taking the time to walk for 30 minutes each day can reverse the adverse effects of spending too much time sitting.

The best part about walking as part of an exercise routine is that it’s free. You don’t need to join a fancy gym. Getting outdoors is one of the best parts of walking for exercise. Another great thing is that you can go walking with family, friends, or as part of a ‘club’ of walkers. There’s more time to talk and catch up with people which is something we do too little of these days. If you think walking is a waste of time, think again. Here are 30 benefits walking has for your body:


1. Walking is essential for the health of your heart

A brisk walk is an excellent way to give your heart muscles a workout. As walking is a form of cardio exercise, it raises your heart rate. This is the number of times your heart is beating per minute. Your resting heart rate and exercising heart rate will differ. A raised heart rate makes the heart pump faster. The muscles of the heart are like any other muscles in the body. They need exercise.

The best way to give your heart some exercise is to do activities that make your heart rate rise. Regular cardio exercise strengthens the heart muscles. This allows you to take on more intense cardio activities such as jogging or running. The stronger your heart, the more capable it is of dealing with situations that require it to work harder to supply your body with blood and oxygen.


2. Walking can help to improve your joint mobility

Stiff joints can cause a lot of discomforts. They eventually lead to immobility. Having stiff joints does not preclude you from walking every day. Initially, it may be a struggle as the joints are unable to flex. Walking may be a bit painful too. However, you should persevere knowing that in the long-term walking will provide you with much-needed relief.

If you have a condition that weakens your joints or makes them stiff, you should consult your doctor before starting to walk for daily exercise. In most cases, doctors will recommend walking, but caution patients not to overdo it. After a while, you’ll notice that your joints start to ache less and become more flexible. Regular exercise like walking eases joint stiffness. What makes walking perfect is that it is a low-impact form of exercise which makes it less harmful to the joints than running.


3. Walking is important for keeping your bones strong

As we age, our bones might begin to lose their density. Bone density is the amount of bone mineral present in the bones. A depletion of bone density leads to conditions such as osteoporosis. Exercise helps to retain bone mass. For those who haven’t been exercising at all, the best way to start is by walking.

Walking is a great way to build up the bones and retain the bone mineral needed for healthy bones. The stronger your bones are, the less likely they are to break. People with low bone density are more prone to fractures and breaks. As exercise can help to stabilize or improve bone density, a person who exercises regularly is less likely to sustain an injury. Walking improves your overall fitness and flexibility which can help to prevent you from falling which could lead to a break or fracture.


4. Walking can help to eliminate a backache

A lot of backaches are the result of poor posture and prolonged strain. Spending a lot of time sitting places a strain on your back muscles, especially if you’re not sitting on a chair that offers back support. The strain of keeping the back upright in a seated position for long periods can leave the muscles tired and aching.

One of the best ways to relieve a backache is to get out of your chair and stand up. When you’re working at your desk for hours on end, you’re advised to take a break, stand up, and take a quick walk around the office to get your back feeling more relaxed and less tense. So, imagine how a much a 30-minute walk can do to alleviate a backache. Regular exercise strengthens the core back muscles which reduces the frequency of backaches.


5. Walking can help to relieve high blood pressure

High blood pressure is the result of the strain placed on the body’s arteries and veins as the heart pumps blood through them. If the pressure on the veins and arteries is too great, the walls of these blood vessels might be weakened. Weakened blood vessels can lead to a heart attack or a stroke.

A stronger heart can pump the blood needed through the body with less effort. This means that the pressure on the arteries and veins gets reduced. As little as 10 minutes of walking a day can make a significant change to your blood pressure. The recommended 30 minutes can make the impact more meaningful. A person taking blood pressure medication might find themselves needing less or no medication if they make a habit of walking. No changes to medication should be contemplated without consulting your doctor.


6. Walking can help you manage your blood sugar

High blood sugar is the result of having high levels of unused glucose stored in the blood. This poses a potential threat to the body. The insulin from the pancreas helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. Sometimes, the insulin can’t manage on its own. When the body cannot process glucose and maintain healthy blood sugar levels, there is a risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes requires treatment with insulin.

Exercise can be the key to maintaining more healthy blood sugar levels. As the heart rate rises, the body starts to use more of the glucose in the blood. The glucose feeds the muscles which allow them to keep working. If you’re being treated for high blood sugar or diabetes, your doctor should be informed of your exercise plans. Regular testing of your blood sugar before and after exercise will give you an indication of its effectiveness.


7. Walking can speed up your metabolism

Our bodies as fuel use the food we eat. When you fill up the tank but don’t go anywhere, the fuel remains unused. In the body, unused fats and sugars are stored for future use. If they are never used, they can lead to a rise in blood sugar levels and an increase in weight. That’s why it’s important to put the food you put into your body to work for you.

Metabolism is the rate at which your body converts food into energy. A sluggish metabolic rate means that you’re likely to gain weight. You can speed up your metabolism with regular exercise such as walking. The minute you start walking, your muscles start working and demand fuel which the body metabolizes. This will minimize how many unconverted fats and sugars are retained in the body and help you to lose weight.


8. Walking can improve your lung function and health

Your lungs supply your body with life-giving oxygen. Without healthy lungs, insufficient oxygen is transported around the body which can affect your well-being. Walking gives your lungs a workout together with the rest of the body. Using exercise to strengthen your lungs is a good idea for your long-term health. The action of walking requires the lungs to supply more oxygen to the body than they do when you’re at rest.

This increased activity makes the lungs work at their full capacity. A regular workout is as good for your lungs as it is for the rest of your body. The lungs are strengthened and less susceptible to lung disease. A lot of asthma patients benefit from exercise such as regular walking and how it strengthens the lungs. If you have a lung condition, always consult your doctor before you start an exercise program.


9. Walking can help to reduce stress levels

Stress is ubiquitous in the fast-paced lives we lead today. People get exposed to internal and external stress. Not staying on top of your stress levels can have very adverse effects on your physical health. Stress causes elevated blood pressure, sleep problems, and can have an impact on your weight.

One of the first things you should do when you’re feeling stressed is exercise. A 30-minute walk can help you manage your stress. Some people find that walking clears their heads and takes them away from their stress for a while. Others find that thinking about what’s going on while they’re walking helps them to sort their problems out and figure out what to do next. Exercise releases endorphins and hormones that make you feel positive and energized. Feeling this way helps you to deal with all the things that are stressing you out.


10. Walking can improve your balance and coordination

If you watch a baby learning to walk, you’ll see the intense concentration on their faces. Their full focus is on balancing on their feet and being able to put one foot in front of the other. Walking requires a combination of balance and coordination. As time passes, walking becomes second nature and not something you have to concentrate on.

However, as with most things, practice makes perfect. The more often you do something, the more proficient you are at it. You may have mastered the art of walking a long time ago. However, if you don’t do it frequently, you can start to experience reduced balance and coordination. Losing your sense of balance and coordination makes you clumsy and prone to falling. People who take up walking must put their balance and coordination skills to the test which keeps them sharp.


11. Walking can help if you’re feeling down or depressed

Depression can leave you feeling lethargic and overwhelmed by feelings of sadness. A depressed person will struggle to start with an exercise program because it’s a challenge to get up and get going. However, as hard as it may be, walking can be one of the best things a depressed person can do.

Exercise like walking releases chemicals like serotonin and dopamine which are feel-good chemicals. They induce a feeling of well-being. Often, depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. Serotonin levels can bring on a bout of depression. Stimulating the brain to release these chemicals through an exercise like walking can help a depressed person get a handle on how they’re feeling. Using walking as a way of dealing with a bout of depression doesn’t mean you don’t need medication. However, it can help make your treatment regimen more effective.


12. Walking may reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia

The causes of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia are still the subject of research. More studies into what causes these conditions are very much needed. Treatment is also the subject of research. There is no cure for either condition. Doctors and researchers believe that there is a link between diet and exercise and the onset of Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. The reason that exercise such as walking may be beneficial is that it increases the flow of oxygen to the brain.

Doing exercise and increasing the flow of oxygen around the body and to the brain has many benefits. The additional oxygen supplied to the brain during exercise can stimulate your memory and make it easier to recall facts. Walking is a great way to clear your mind of all the distractions around you, allowing you to be more focused and able to concentrate.


13. Walking can stimulate your brain and make you more creative

A lot of situations in life require you to come up with creative solutions. Stimulating your creativity does not come easily to everyone. However, if you need to get your creative juices flowing, consider going for a walk. While walking, you can clear your mind of all the cobwebs and let your creative streak come to the fore.

Doing something physical can take your mind off the issue at hand. This is the exact moment that the penny will drop and the solution you need will come to mind. Getting outdoors and communing with nature while taking a walk can give you many creative ideas. A lot of authors swear by walking as a way to get creative inspiration for their novels. On a physical level, walking probably stimulates your creativity because it allows for an increased flow of oxygen to the brain.


14. Walking can boost your immune system’s ability to fight off infection

A person who makes a habit of walking is less likely to catch a cold than someone who doesn’t. The physical activity may flush bacteria out of the airways before they can take hold. Exercise can cause differences in antibodies and white blood cells. When antibodies and white blood cells detect a threat, they take action to fight it off. During a walk, the blood flow becomes more rapid. The antibodies and white blood cells are traveling around the body more quickly.

This increases their chances of detecting a threat earlier on. Early intervention by the immune system prevents infection from taking hold. The elevated body temperature a walk causes may also prevent the growth and spreading of bacteria which only thrive at a certain temperature. Walking also reduces the release of stress hormones which may make the body susceptible to illness.


15. Walking can help to reduce allergies and their effects

Regular walking can decrease allergy symptoms. The improved blood flow around the body may help to remove allergens, especially those in the air around you. Environmental allergens such as pollen, grass, seeds, and smoke can be eliminated from the system by increased blood flow. Environmental allergens cause itchy eyes, a sore throat, pressure on the sinuses, and a runny nose. Allergens can also produce asthma attacks.

Take the allergic reaction of the sufferer into consideration. Walking cannot take the place of prescribed medications. Allergy sufferers should carry their medication with them when they go walking. This is important for acute allergy sufferers who need to use an Epipen or asthma pump. It’s unlikely that walking will eliminate an allergy. However, it can improve the body’s ability to respond to exposure to an allergen. Consult your doctor before embarking on an exercise program.


16. Walking is an excellent way to improve your digestion

The body’s digestive system is essential for eliminating waste from the body. As soon as you eat something, it enters your digestive system. The digestive system’s job is to break what you have eaten down. The nutrients from the food are provided to the body for energy. However, not all the food is used. Some of it needs to expel from the body. Eating enough fiber is essential for a functional digestive system.

Fiber is an integral part of the digestive process. It helps to form the stool and moves the stool through the intestine so that it can be expelled. Another essential way to keep the digestive system working is exercise like walking. A brisk walk will keep your digestive system working. Walking may speed up the digestive process. The increase of blood flow as a result of walking stimulates the digestive system to work faster.


17. Walking can help you trim down and show off your best assets

As the muscles in the body get stimulated by walking, they start to firm up. Firmer muscles have better definition and are toned. Within a few months of walking, you’ll start to notice certain groups of muscles are firming up. Most noticeable are the leg and buttock muscles. They become leaner and shapelier than they were before.

You might find yourself wanting to show off a bit of leg once your calves and thighs become more toned from walking. Tighter clothes may also be appealing where once you would have done just about anything to prevent people from seeing your butt. Enjoy the fruits of your labor by changing your look with some new clothes that accentuate your newly-toned muscles. Continue walking to get them even more toned and trim. Embrace the changes to your body and let them motivate you.


18. Walking can help to improve your sleeping patterns

A lot of people go through periods where they struggle to sleep. However, if the problem persists, you may have insomnia. A lot of people think the only treatment you can get for insomnia is sleeping medication. This is not necessarily true. One of the first things your doctor will ask if you complain about insomnia is how much you exercise.

That’s because an exercise program is closely related to good sleep patterns. An ideal way to get your sleep patterns under control is to start walking. A study conducted among people who have chronic insomnia found that walking reduced the time it took them to fall asleep. It also lengthened the time they spent sleeping. Walking decreases anxiety which is often a factor in insomnia. The increase in body temperature and the cooling afterward can also promote sleep.


19. Walking can keep you looking young

A lot of people who take up walking say that they feel younger. This is attributed to the exercise program they’ve taken up. However, exercise won’t just leave you feeling more youthful. It can make you look younger as well. The increased blood flow throughout the body that walking triggers make no exception when it comes to the skin. Blood flow to the skin heals sores and helps to keep the skin moist. Well-hydrated skin is less likely to wrinkle.

Another effect that regular exercise has on the skin has to do with the chromosomes. Chromosomes age with the body. One of the things that happen to them is the shortening of the telomeres. The telomeres are at the end of each chromosome and influence the aging process. Longer telomeres get associated with being more youthful looking. Exercise may slow down the shortening of your telomeres.


20. Walking is low-impact and therefore less likely to result in injuries

Getting moving can pose its risks. The impact of exercise on the hip, knee, and ankle joints can cause injuries. For those prone to such injuries, the idea of taking up walking may be off-putting. The risk of getting a joint injury is quite low. In comparison with high-impact activities like running and playing other sports, the risk is minimal.

Walking is regarded as a low-impact activity. This means that it doesn’t cause the jarring pressure on the joints that high-impact activity does. Like any other exercise, there are precautions you should take before walking. Warm up activities like stretching reduce the risk of injury. Cooldown activities after the fact are equally important. Anyone with a history of joint injuries or conditions that make them prone to joint problems should consult their doctor before starting a walking program.


21. Walking can improve your physical endurance

Are you tired of being the colleague that’s out of breath after climbing the stairs? Perhaps you’re sick of being a sweaty mess when trying to keep up with your friends as they walk outside to enjoy their lunch break. Being out of breath and perspiring at the littlest effort is a sign that you’re unfit. Precisely, you lack endurance. Endurance is the ability to carry on with a physical challenge for a more extended period.

Walking is the perfect way to build up endurance. You can start slowly and see how many miles you cover in your first walk. The more you walk, the further you’ll be able to go within the same 30-minute period. You’ll find yourself being able to up the pace at which you walk and keep going for longer. These are all signs that you’re building up physical endurance.


22. Walking can help you to alleviate restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome can be challenging to live with. It causes sensations in the legs that the body reacts to by twitching or sudden movements to alleviate those feelings. A lot of people complain that their restless leg syndrome keeps them awake at night. The condition affects the quality of their sleep which, in turn, affects their quality of life. The causes of the disease are not yet fully understood. The treatments available address the symptoms but not the purpose.

Mild to moderate exercise is recommended for restless leg sufferers. Anything too strenuous may make the problem worse. No exercise at all will have the same effect. This is what makes walking the ideal solution. Walking offers the perfect combination of exercise without too much exertion. You can walk at your own pace for as long as possible to alleviate the symptoms of restless leg syndrome.


23. Walking is good for exercising your foot muscles

The feet take a lot of strain. When you stand up and walk, your feet carry your full weight. To manage this, the foot muscles need to be strong. A sedentary lifestyle will cause the weakening of the foot muscles. As soon as you spend a lot of time on your feet, they’ll start to feel sore. This is your feet’s way of telling you that the foot muscles are tired.

Like any other muscles, the way to strengthen your foot muscles is to exercise them. This means getting on your feet and moving around more often. Walking gives your feet a good workout and allows the muscles to strengthen. With stronger foot muscles, you’ll be able to spend more time on your feet without limping around afterward. Make sure you wear appropriate shoes when walking. They support the foot muscles and allow them to strengthen.


24. Walking is good for boosting your Vitamin D intake

Vitamin D is vital for the absorption of calcium in the body. Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy bones that do not lose their density. Taking calcium supplements or eating foods rich in calcium is fruitless if not accompanied by the intake of Vitamin D.

You can get Vitamin D by eating liver and fatty fish. Your body does not produce its own Vitamin D, so your diet needs to include it. However, food is not the only way to get your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin D. Sun exposure also provides the body with Vitamin D. That doesn’t mean you need to lie in the hot sun and bake yourself to a crisp. All it takes is getting outside into the sunshine for a short period. Why not combine your need for the ‘sunshine vitamin’ with taking regular walks?


25. Walking should increase your energy levels

Getting your heart rate up and speeding up the circulation of blood through your body is going to affect your energy levels. A common misconception about any exercise is that it saps the energy out of you due to the physical activity. People believe that exercise will leave them feeling exhausted and unable to do anything else. This isn’t true at all. While you might feel a bit tired after your walk, the physical exertion is going to create more energy in your body.

The increased blood flow strengthens the heart which also boosts your energy levels. The improvement in your mood will give you more energy to tackle tasks with renewed vigor. The fact that walking promotes better sleep quality means that your energy levels will rise. The mental focus and creativity walking facilitate also boosts energy levels. Recharge your battery for greater energy by taking up walking.


26. Walking can improve your love life

One of the ways you can channel your new-found energy is putting it to work in the bedroom by engaging in more intimacy with your partner. Increased energy levels may get you in the mood far more often than you were before. Another way that walking can improve your love life is the fact that it releases endorphins into the bloodstream. This leads to a sense of heightened satisfaction and a euphoric feeling.

The endorphins are called feel-good hormones. Let’s face it, when you’re feeling good about yourself, you’re far more likely to want to make love. Why not take up walking with your partner. Then both of you will feel that high at the same time, and both feel in the mood to hop into bed. The act itself is another workout altogether which leads to a further release of endorphins which will leave you wanting more!


27. Walking can make you live longer

A lack of physical activity can lead to an early death. Not exercising reduces your expected lifespan. Walking reduces your risk of many diseases that may shorten your life. These include type 2 diabetes, heart disease, pulmonary diseases, digestive disorders, memory loss, and hormone imbalances. Obesity can bring on the onset of such conditions. Walking can help an obese person lose weight and protect themselves from developing these life-threatening medical conditions. Walkers lose weight by partaking in this pleasurable exercise.

Several studies have been conducted that show a causal link between regular exercise and longer life. Exercise such as walking can prevent strokes and heart attacks which are among the leading causes of premature death. Even people who smoke can benefit from regular walking or some other exercise. However, their chances of prolonging their lives will improve even more if they stop smoking altogether.


28. Walking can raise your levels of good cholesterol

When people hear the word cholesterol, they immediately think of heart attacks and strokes. Cholesterol can contribute to such potentially fatal events. However, there are two types of cholesterol. Commonly known as good and bad cholesterol, it is the presence of bad cholesterol that can cause heart attacks and strokes. The medical term for bad cholesterol is LDL (low-density lipoprotein).

It accumulates as fatty deposits in the veins and arteries and restricts or blocks the flow of blood to and from the heart. The correct term for good cholesterol is HDL (high-density lipoprotein). HDL travels through the body removing LDL from the bloodstream. The HDL absorbs the LDL and takes it to the liver where it gets destroyed. Physical activity such as walking increases the flow of HDL around the body. The HDL is better able to find and absorb the LDL and get it to the liver.


29. Walking can reduce incidences of acid reflux

Acid reflux is very painful. The condition occurs when acid from the stomach travels up into the esophagus. The esophagus is not lined like the stomach to make it tolerant of the acid. Consequently, the acid burns the esophagus which is extremely uncomfortable. It’s normal to experience the odd instance of acid reflux, especially after you’ve overindulged at the dinner table. Taking a walk after overeating may settle the stomach and avoid the reflux episode.

Persistent acid reflux could be due to Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder or GERD. One of the major causes of GERD is excess body weight. There is pressure on the stomach caused by being overweight. This forces the stomach acid up and into the esophagus. Losing that excess body weight alleviates the stress on the stomach and stops forcing the stomach acid upward. Walking is proven to result in weight loss.


30. Walking may help to reduce the symptoms of PMS and menopause

PMS is a pre-menstrual syndrome. Menopause occurs when a woman reaches the end of her fertility cycle, and her reproductive system begins to shut down. Fluctuating hormone levels characterize both these conditions. The primary hormone that may be elevated or reduced is estrogen. Estrogen is the female hormone needed to keep the reproductive system stable. A fluctuation in estrogen before menstruation may lead to back pain, irritability, and headaches. For women experiencing menopause, hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness may occur.

For both conditions, low-impact mild to moderate activity is advocated to relieve some of the symptoms. Improved circulation can help to reduce pain associated with cramping. The mental benefits of walking may help with the emotional rollercoaster that accompanies PMS and menopause. Keeping your weight down can also reduce the severity of symptoms.


30 Signs of Soul Exhaustion

Are you in a funk and feeling like you can’t get out of it? Perhaps you’re going through a traumatic event. Your heart and mind are… Simi - November 29, 2018

Are you in a funk and feeling like you can’t get out of it? Perhaps you’re going through a traumatic event. Your heart and mind are preoccupied with what’s going on in your life. Suddenly, your body starts reacting to the situation. Your body and mind are interconnected. So, when your mind is stressed, your body will begin to show the symptoms. When the physical symptoms begin to manifest, the first thing you’ll want to do is treat them. The symptoms will go away for a short time with some treatment, but they’ll soon return. Why? Well, treating the symptoms won’t erase the cause. Your emotional struggles are not resolved by treating physical side effects.

The expectation of getting better physically is unrealistic when the root cause of the problem is not addressed. Stepping beyond the physical issues and treating the problem is the only way to help. Your soul is tired. A worn-out soul is impossible to heal with medication. It takes confronting the underlying issues directly and dealing with them comprehensively to allow the soul to revive and recover.

Here are just some of the ways your soul will try to tell you it’s exhausted and needs help:

physically exhausted. Image via Shutterstock


30. You’re physically exhausted all the time

How many times have you gone to bed early feeling exhausted? You think all that’s needed is a couple of extra hours of shut-eye. However, you wake up the next morning feeling just as tired, if not more, than the previous evening.

Even after the nine recommended hours of rest, you feel as if you’ve slept for four. If you’ve tossed and turned trying to get to sleep, feeling tired makes sense. So, why would you feel equally tired even though you fell asleep immediately?

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You might not remember it, but you probably dreamed about the issue that is making your soul tired. Those who remember their dreams often describe them as vivid and disturbing. Such dreams are exhausting.

The body will also feel exhausted if it is not fed and hydrated enough. Make sure you’re following a healthy diet.

Tired woman feeling neck pain. Image via Shutterstock


29. You have body aches

A lot of people struggling to get through a difficult time in their lives complain of physical pain. Some tension in the back and neck muscles are common. These can be caused during sleep when the person is having bad dreams.

When struggling with a life-changing event, the body can be tensed up all the time. The muscles might spasm when tensed for prolonged periods.

Sad desperate grieving crying woman. Image via Shutterstock


Many people complain of phantom pains during times of emotional pain and stress. They might experience sharp or dull pains in their arms or legs. These pains have no physical basis, but they are intense. They are the body’s way of telling the mind that the soul is tired.

Self-medicating is dangerous in this case. Most painkillers are habit forming, which has long-term consequences. Stopping the use of painkillers may be a challenging experience.

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28. You often feel dizzy

Dizziness can be the result of several different medical conditions. Low blood pressure is caused when the pressure in the arteries leading to and from the heart is below the expected average of 120/80 mm Hg. Low blood sugar is also characterized by dizziness. This condition sets in when there is insufficient glucose in the blood to sustain the body’s normal functions.

A person who feels lightheaded all the time, or feels like their body is spinning, could have vertigo. Vertigo sufferers often think they are off-balance or falling.

Dizziness. Image via Shutterstock


The physical causes of dizziness can be investigated. However, they are not the only reason a person can experience lightheadedness. A constant preoccupation with the problems plaguing you can lead to some of the conditions that result in dizziness.

Some people who are stressed out can experience dizziness with no underlying cause. Their bodies, minds and souls are worn out.

Gastric reflux. Image via Shutterstock


27. You have digestive complaints

The four most commonly experienced digestive complaints are gastric reflux, stomach ulcers, diarrhea and constipation. Gastric reflux is the movement of stomach acid into the esophagus. Stomach ulcers are sores that occur in the stomach lining.

Both conditions cause a lot of pain. Self-medicating with substances like aspirin can create these conditions.

Diarrhea and Constipation. Image via Shutterstock


Loose stools characterize diarrhea. Constipation is a struggle with having regular bowel movements. Under stress, the body can veer between the two extremes. A person might one day have diarrhea and have constipation the next.

A poor diet lacking in fiber is the root cause of such digestive complaints. Your mental and emotional fatigue can affect your diet, which might bring on certain digestive complaints. However, it’s possible to have digestive complaints with no logical, physical cause. These complaints may come and go. They’re the soul’s way of telling the body it’s worn out and tired.

Blurred vision. Image via Shutterstock


26. You experience sudden blurred vision

Blurred vision can have several causes. The condition is defined as the loss of the sharpness of one’s eyesight. Objects appear hazy and do not have well-defined outlines.

Blurred vision usually has its roots in near-sightedness. A pair of reading glasses will solve the problem. However, blurred vision that occurs without warning and clears up eventually could have another cause. Other causes include stroke, migraine or blood pressure problems.

Blurred vision and trouble focusing. Image via Shutterstock


People who are going through a difficult time due to stress, grief or trauma may experience blurry vision. Symptoms such as dizziness and headaches usually accompany the condition. Where these cannot be explained away by physical causes, the onset may lie in the emotional struggle a person is encountering.

Dealing with the sheer exhaustion the struggle causes to the soul can clear up the blurred vision. Afterward, there may be no more episodes.

headache. Image via Shutterstock


25. You have headaches all the time

Headaches strike most people from time to time. They become a cause for concern when they occur with increasing frequency and intensity. A lot of people associate frequent headaches with serious conditions such as brain cancer.

This may not necessarily be the case. A headache is one of the body’s most effective ways of communicating that something is wrong with the mind and soul. A lot of people start taking pain medication to deal with the headaches.

headache. Image via Shutterstock


Continued use of pain medication without consulting with a doctor to determine an underlying cause can be dangerous. Pain medications become addictive. The body becomes dependent on the medication and not taking it leads to withdrawal in the form of another headache.

The vicious cycle of addiction can cause a downward spiral, and add more problems to the ones the person is trying to deal with.

Emotionally numb. Image via Shutterstock


24. You feel emotionally numb

Emotional numbness is described as the inability to process feelings meaningfully. A lot of people prefer to deny the emotions instead of processing them. This act of burying their heads in the sand like an ostrich usually makes the issues worse.

This numbness will extend beyond the person’s issues and affect their relationships with the people around them. They find themselves unable to empathize and relate to others who are having a hard time.

Numbness. Image via Shutterstock


The fear is the result of opening themselves up to a family member or friend and their problems. Doing so will result in them having to confront their issues and problems, which they’re trying to avoid.

The people around you might no longer take you into their confidence when they see that you don’t appear to care. They will withdraw from you. You are left feeling even more isolated and alone.

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23. You can’t explain your feelings

Being overwhelmed by the things going on in their lives, people are unable to put a name to what they’re feeling. This is quite common, as people experience more than one feeling at a time.

The experience is akin to a roller-coaster ride. Getting off is not an option while the ride is in progress. Approaching the actual cause of the emotions a person is going through gives them the chance to deal with them.

Different emotions. Image via Shutterstock


People go through a range of emotions when they’re coping with something that’s taxing them and stressing them out. Identifying which part of the emotional process they’re at and what they feel can help a person deal with the problem.

Putting a name to a feeling helps you figure out how to address it. Being unable to name or acknowledge your feelings is a sign your soul is tired.

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22. You often feel disoriented

Have you ever arrived home from work and not remembered the trip home?

“I’d go onto auto-pilot during my commute after I’d lost my brother to suicide,” Dave said. “I was already inside my home before I realized that I had no recollection of how I got there. My mind was so preoccupied with my grief; I’d often feel disoriented.”

Many people processing the emotions brought on by a time of great difficulty will complain of feeling disoriented.

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They feel like they don’t know whether they’re coming or going. They find themselves getting lost on the way to a place they’ve been many times before, or feel unable to focus and concentrate.

Preoccupation with a loss or trauma doesn’t give other matters space in the brain. They are pushed to one side. The feeling of helplessness this induces makes people feel even worse about themselves.

Panic Attack. Image via Shutterstock


21. You experience panic attacks

A panic attack can strike with no warning. A sudden wave of anxiety or fear washes over a person. The attack leaves the person feeling unable to do or say anything at that moment.

A person having a panic attack may feel their heart pounding, their heart rate increasing and heart palpitations. Sweating, shaking, and hyperventilation will also occur. A lot of people say they feel like they’re frozen in place while being smothered.

Symptoms of panic attack. Image via Shutterstock


Panic attacks are often confused with heart attacks, as some of the symptoms are similar. These attacks are debilitating and leave the sufferer exhausted afterward. They can be embarrassing when they happen in public.

People who experience panic attacks are often the subject of teasing and gossip. This is especially true when they’re around people who don’t understand what a panic attack is. Panic attacks might be the body’s way of telling you that your mind and soul are tired.

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20. You feel lost and lonely

“I was so unhappy at work. I’d feel alone in an office full of people,” Susan said. “I felt cut off and excluded from everyone.”

Spiritual exhaustion can lead to feelings of isolation. A person may be afraid to share their problems as they’re fearful they will be judged or hurt.

Young upset pensive woman feeling lonely. Image via Shutterstock


Other people fear confiding in a person exposes them to potential gossip. The other person may share the secret despite promising to keep it confidential. This betrayal can have lasting consequences, and may make a person feel even worse about their situation.

Being alone and feeling lonely is not good for any person. No man is an island. As social creatures, people need other people. Finding someone to share the burden with is essential. Confiding in a person is often the first step in addressing the underlying issues. This will be good for the body, mind and soul.

Bitterness and resentment. Image via Shutterstock


19. You feel bitterness and resentment

Holding grudges is bad for your health. Having been through a tragedy or trauma, it’s natural to harbor some bitterness about what happened. It could be a divorce, the death of a loved one or losing your job.

An unexpected event even may leave the person feeling cheated by what happened. This can make the person feel a great deal of bitterness.

Bitterness and resentment. Image via Shutterstock


Bitterness leads to resentment. The person may feel like a specific person or event is what caused their problem. They begin to resent the person or people involved in what has happened to them. Their resentment seethes under the surface and begins to consume them. Soon, there’s nothing left except for a burning desire for some revenge.

Studies suggest that not dealing with bitterness can lead to illness in the long-term. Feeling bitter and resentful exhausts not only the body, it affects the mind and soul.

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18. You feel anger and jealousy

Looking around, a person undergoing intense emotional or mental stress may become angry with those around them.

“I was so angry that I was laid off,” Jeff said. “I felt so angry with those who’d singled me out to lose my job, and I was jealous of my colleagues who weren’t laid off. So felt like a victim, and that made me even angrier.”

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Holding onto feelings of anger and jealousy exhausts the body, brain and soul.

As soon as you become angry, the adrenal glands start working. They release the hormone cortisol into the bloodstream. This is the stress hormone \we need for physical survival. The heart rate and blood pressure rise in preparation for self-defense.

Continuous episodes of anger place a strain on the body. Not only the body is affected. The mind and soul become exhausted from feeling like this all the time.

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17. You feel weak

A good many people feel physically weak when going through a tough time dealing with one of life’s many curve balls. Feeling incapacitated and unable to do the things they used to is difficult. The feeling may be down to exhaustion, poor diet, and not looking after themselves.

When a person experiences stress, they tend to neglect themselves and their needs.

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Feeling emotionally weak is another common experience. A person may be more prone to tears. Normal situations they would have dealt with now cause them to fall apart. They feel that anything that happens will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

The things you’re going through are wearing you out on many levels. They leave you feeling weak. Dealing with the situation and starting on the process of recovery will restore your strength. Feeling more in control will alleviate the tiredness your soul is feeling.

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16. You are afraid of the future

Under emotional stress and pressure, a person may feel that they don’t have a future. They might even feel too afraid to start to think about what the future will be like after what they’ve experienced.

After the loss of someone dear to them, many people feel guilty for even wanting to have a future.

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Being unable to contemplate the future is a warning sign you’re exhausted, and it’s time to take care of yourself. Feeling that there is no future is a sign you’re out of gas and need to find a way to refill your tank.

Regardless of what has happened, there is a future, and you need to acknowledge and see that. Living only in the past and trying to get through the present may work in the short-term. However, over the long-term, you need to learn to look to the future with hope.

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15. You lose your passion

People have different passions. Some find passion in their work, while others are passionate about hobbies. A lot of people are excited about changing society and the world. They devote their time to charitable acts and caring for others.

Where you were once like that, you might be finding it hard to remember what made you so passionate and why. It’s likely that right now you’re just trying to get through the day.

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This takes enough energy without also having to focus on other things. Your lack of energy reserves makes it hard for you to care about minor trivialities such as the things you used to be passionate about.

When your heart and soul are weary, it’s hard to remember what you were passionate about and why. Time for healing is essential to allow you to rediscover your passion and maybe find new interests.

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14. You eat too much

There’s no easier thing to do when you have a tough time than eat your way through it. That’s the view many people subscribe to. The body needs to be fed during times of stress.

Unfortunately, the body doesn’t tell us to indulge in fruits and vegetables. The body tends to tell us we need to eat carbs… a whole lot of carbs.

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Reaching for something starchy or sugary when we’re down is something a lot of people do. It’s called comfort eating. French fries and chocolate may make us feel better. However, the effect wears off quickly, leaving us feeling like we did before we ate them.

Although the food doesn’t help, a lot of people continue to eat it anyway. The result is weight gained that isn’t easily lost. Or worse, it can lead to conditions like obesity and diabetes.

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13. You eat too little

A loss of appetite can be indicative of many conditions. One of them is stress or distress. A lot of people going through a traumatic experience, like the loss of a loved one, lose their appetites. They don’t want to eat and start to lose weight.

“After my sister died in a car accident, I stopped eating,” Kate said. “I was so busy being a pillar of strength to others that I would skip meals. I only realized how bad it was when I became ill as a result of it.”

Loss of appetite. Image via Shutterstock


The body is like an engine. It needs to be refilled with the right fuels. Not giving it any fuel at all can have lasting consequences for your health.

If you’re not hungry and have no interest in food, it’s time to look at the things happening in your life that are getting you down.

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12. The ghosts of the past haunt you

Being unable to let go of the past can drag down the body and soul. In the immediate aftermath of a tragedy or trauma, feelings run high. This is an extraordinarily stressful time. However, you must move on. Somehow, you must make peace with what has happened.

That may mean having to pick up the shattered pieces of your life and put them back together. This allows you to move forward. Dwelling on the past and the “what ifs” is normal, but there comes a time where it has to end.

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Holding onto what caused emotional and spiritual pain prevents a person from moving forward.

As hard as it might be, the ghosts of the past must be banished to where they belong in the past. They’ll be a part of who you are going forward, but they cannot be allowed to own you.

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11. You feel something is missing

Most people eventually move on from the events that caused them to be hurt and devastated. They put their lives back together and carry on.

A lot of people who’ve lost loved ones to suicide say they struggled but succeeded in finding a way to move forward. However, they continue to feel like something is missing.

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“It will always be in the back of my mind that my husband was unhappy enough to take his own life and I couldn’t see it,” Jan said. “I spent many years feeling like something was missing. I realized that what I was missing was the answer to the only question I had: ‘Why?'”

Accepting that you won’t have all the answers and won’t necessarily understand the reasons for what happened takes time. Until you’re able to do so, that missing piece will continue to wear you down and prevent you from healing.

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10. You don’t want to help others

Feeling trapped inside a set of events and circumstances that have caused loss or trauma leaves a person unable to help others. Even though they might see someone who desperately needs their help, they are unable to give it. The paralysis their own situation has brought about leaves them incapable of helping others.

Being able to help others is a great healer. Putting one’s own problems to one side for a brief period helps with the process of moving on.

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Wanting to help others is one of the first signs a person is recovering. Getting to that point is often the biggest challenge.

If, months after the event, you still feel you don’t want to help others, it’s likely you are not yet on the path to recovery. Your heart and soul are not yet on the mend. This might indicate you need help to start moving forward.

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9. You make excuses to be alone

Isolating yourself from others when you’re undergoing a stressful situation is quite a normal reaction. You might feel that no one understands what you’re going through. A fear of judgment and ridicule will stop you from reaching out.

When you are in contact with people, you pretend that everything is fine when it isn’t.

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To avoid the pretense, a lot of people withdraw from others. It’s easier to be alone than to maintain a façade for friends and family. This means making excuses to avoid social gatherings. A person may accept an invitation but cancel at the last minute. Most often, it is their intention to go. However, at the eleventh hour, they change their minds.

Avoiding people and canceling at the last minute are indications that you haven’t fully confronted the events you’re dealing with. The process of healing hasn’t started, and it’s holding you back.

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8. You let others treat you like a doormat

When a person is dealing with a painful time in their lives, they might be inclined to let others take advantage of them. Being emotionally vulnerable makes them the perfect target for manipulative people.

“I was so traumatized by the abuse I suffered as a child,” Mandy said. “I always panicked when someone wanted something from me, and I would be so terrified of the consequences of saying no. As a result, I was taken advantage of at work and in my relationships.

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“Dealing with what happened and all the consequences gave me the power to stand up for myself and not allow others to walk over me.”

During times of stress and grief, it might be easier to say yes to something than explain why you’re saying no. Allowing others to take control might be less taxing than being in control.

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7. You don’t let go of toxic people

A person who has experienced a loss or trauma may lose their perspective on relationships. They often hold onto bad relationships. The toxicity of those relationships continues to harm them and prevents them from moving forward.

To outsiders, it looks like a form of self-punishment. It may seem that the person is actively seeking the toxic relationship. They are so absorbed in what’s going on in their lives that they cannot see the harm they’re suffering.

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Often, the toxic person is a connection to their past that they’re not quite ready to let go of. Toxic relationships become something of an addiction.

At the same time, they are parasitic. They suck the joy out of a person’s life and prevent them from living to their full potential. The person may see a toxic relationship for what it is and still won’t be able to let it go.

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6. You feel unloved

Going through difficult times can leave a person feeling that no one loves them. Even though they might be withdrawing and avoiding people, the person will feel unloved. They feel alone and also misunderstood when they’ve imposed that on themselves. Others might feel unworthy of love and unable to see why they deserve love.

“I was driving the car when my best friend died. I didn’t think I was worthy of forgiveness, let alone love,” Sarah said. “Everywhere I looked, I saw people I thought couldn’t love me again after what I’d done.”

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Feeling unloved or unwanted is harmful to the healing process. One of the best motivators for recovering from a terrible event is the love and support of others.

Feeling like no one loves you can hinder or even halt the recovery process. Identify the people in your life who love you, and lean on them for support.

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5. You are prepared to go against your own morals and principles

Some emotional vulnerability can cause people to make some uncharacteristic decisions and choices. They are not thinking logically, and this can result in reckless behavior.

Others might feel that they don’t have anything to lose, so they do something they normally would not.

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Act in haste, repent at leisure, or so they say. The ramifications of a poor decision can be life-altering. A decision to engage in risky sexual behavior can ruin someone’s life. A time of emotional turmoil and struggle is not the best time to make big decisions. Even after the situation has passed, a person’s judgment may still be affected.

Not having dealt with what has happened will lead to a continuation of poor decision-making. The bad decisions and choices can lead the person on a downward spiral from which they will struggle to recover.

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4. You self-medicate

When going through a lot of emotional strife, people feel helpless and hopeless. The struggle is so overwhelming. The person will look around for something to help dull the pain. Anything that will stop them from having to deal with their problems becomes an attractive prospect.

A person struggling to deal with their problems may turn to alcohol and illegal drugs. They may also start to abuse prescription medication.

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The mood-altering properties of these substances can help the person to forget what is going on in their lives. It’s a sure-fire way to avoid problems and not confront them. Using and abusing substances can trigger an addiction. Treatment and recovery from addiction are difficult.

Breaking the cycle of addiction will take a visit to a rehab facility and lots of counseling and therapy. Avoid self-medicating, as it has some lasting consequences that might be difficult to shake.

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3. You don’t recognize yourself

Suffering a loss or trauma leaves a permanent mark on a person. The mark will become smaller over time, but it’s there for life. Grief and turmoil change a person forever.

With time, a person will start to recover and return to being the person they were before. Taking the time needed to recover and deal with what has happened helps a lot.

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However, it’s not that easy for everyone. There are people who struggle terribly to get back to their old lives. Some are unable to do so at all. They become a totally different person than who they were before.

If you look in the mirror and you can no longer recognize yourself, you might be struggling to recover from an event that has changed your life. While any change will challenge who you are, your true essence and character should remain.

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2. You feel unmotivated

Grief and emotional struggles leave a person feeling unmotivated. Not feeling able to motivate yourself is a red flag.

In the initial stages after the event that triggers your struggle, self-motivation will be a challenge. However, if it continues after the fact, you need to think about getting some help.

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A human being is motivated from within. Self-motivation is combined with motivation from external sources. Motivation makes people ambitious and able to set goals for themselves. Without motivation, no one would ever try anything new or go out on a limb. Most of the world’s inventions would not have been discovered without a healthy dose of motivation.

When getting out of bed is something you need to motivate yourself to do, your body, mind and soul are exhausted. A lack of motivation can lead to depression and seep into all aspects of your daily life.

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1. You don’t laugh anymore

Laughter is an expression of joy and happiness. Often, when people have experienced a loss, they feel they’re not entitled to laugh or find joy. They actively censure themselves and don’t laugh at anything anymore.

Even those who want to laugh find it an enormous effort. A smile feels like a strain and laughter seems impossible. This is normal in the immediate aftermath of a tragedy or sad event.

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It should recede over time, and the person should be able to find things that make them smile or laugh. When nothing can bring a smile to your face or make you laugh any more, it is a sign of emotional or spiritual exhaustion.

Addressing the cause of your struggle can help you find yourself again. And, along the way, you’ll find that life will present you with many reasons to smile and laugh.
