
How to Get Rid of Neck Fat: Exercises and Home Remedies

When it comes to the neck, it’s probably the area of the body where fat tissue is the most persistent. Countless measures can be tried to… Simi - February 15, 2018

When it comes to the neck, it’s probably the area of the body where fat tissue is the most persistent. Countless measures can be tried to reduce neck fat but it’s only some that actually work. This is mostly because the neck doesn’t contain any muscles that are overly used. Of course, there are some, but you probably won’t be lifting anything heavy with them. Therefore, you might as well be stuck with the most stubborn case of fat tissue.

Not only is the slowest area to see reductions in fat, but the neck is a major indicator of your general health. Neck fat can be a sign that you have a condition such as polycystic ovary syndrome or a dysfunctional thyroid gland.

Cushing’s syndrome may also be the culprit, but the most common factor to blame is aging. If you already have some fat tissue in your neck area, it’s only going to look worse as you age. This is due to your skin turning flabby and losing flexibility due to a reduction of collagen excretion.

Losing neck fat doesn’t only have an influence on your health, but your looks. The more visible your jawline is, the thinner and younger you will look. Therefore, in order to combat this annoying kind of fat and to improve your looks and health, we’ve compiled a list of methods that will help you lose the extra fat. Keep in mind that they all take persistence and some significant effort. You won’t go rewarded if you work hard.


1. Neck rotation exercise

Since the neck area doesn’t do any heavy lifting, there has to be a way to activate it. One way to accomplish this is through exercise. The good news is that exercising your neck is a piece of cake in terms of exercise difficulty. In order to lose a substantial amount of fat, you should establish a routine that will keep you both motivated and in check. An excellent beginner exercise is the neck rotation one.

Exercise is pretty simple; it’s a shortcut to a stronger and more toned body. Even though it isn’t as effective as cardio exercise, it covers one other aspect of neck health. It makes your muscles bigger and more toned. This will make the layer of fat tissue look small in comparison to the muscle fibers underneath it. Thus, you will both be stronger and look better in a short period of time.

In order to begin the exercise, sit with your back straight and look straight in front of you. Take a deep breath and turn your head as far as you can look to the left. While exhaling, turn your head slowly to the right. While maintaining your breathing, repeat the motion from side to side about five to ten times, as much as you can.

This exercise is important, as it will help you keep your posture straight, as well as aid you in losing fat and toning your muscles. If you feel soreness or discomfort, pause for a day or two. Don’t be afraid to consult your doctor and be careful. Reckless exercising may cause pinched nerves and other similar injuries which can hinder your progress for good.


2. Side resistance exercise

We’ve already mentioned the importance of exercise and the way it affects your body. However, there is one aspect of exercising that can help you lose neck fat even faster. That solution is combining different exercises and creating a real mini-workout. With the aforementioned neck rotation exercise, an ideal candidate for a combination would be the side resistance exercise. When paired, these two spell trouble for neck fat.

This particular motion is extremely valuable to your body as it works the side and back areas of the neck, along with the upper back. As your upper back grows stronger, you will be able to do more reps per each set of the exercise and grow stronger. Like we’ve said, the attack on neck fat comes from two sides – the muscles get more toned and the fat tissue layer gets thinner and thinner. The perfect combination.

In order to establish the starting position, you should stand up straight. Afterwards, place your right hand on the right side of your head. The key is to slowly bend your head towards your arm and push back the head with the arm, preventing the head from reaching your shoulder. This isn’t really done in reps, as you hold the position for 20 seconds. Do it 10 times, with repeating the process on each side.

Combined with the head rotation exercise, this particular motion is the best way to assault neck fat mercilessly. If you do it on a daily basis, you are bound to see some changes in multiple facets of your neck. You will feel stronger and you will definitely see your jawline more pronounced this way.


3. High-Intensity Interval Training – HIIT

When it comes to losing neck fat, the same rules are in force as with other forms of fat on your body. The first and foremost rule is that you need to lose some calories. Most people understand this as decreasing your calorie intake. Yes, that can be of help, but doing some aerobic, cardio training is important as well. There are many factors for inserting such exercise into your daily routine.

You will lose fat, which is evident when it comes to losing calories. Also, your metabolism will be accelerated. This is due to your lungs being widened by cardio, which in turn allows them to transport more oxygen to the body. More oxygen equals healthier cells and less carbohydrates being stored as fat tissue within your body. All in all, this amazingly beneficial exercise signifies the death of all neck fat.

HIIT is a very effective and particular form of cardio exercise. People love it because it doesn’t take a lot of time and space, but it’s incredibly effective. It functions by giving your body a shock. That shock is administered by giving the body 20 seconds of max effort exercise, followed by 10 seconds of moderate to little effort. Understand it as sprinting with all your force for 20 seconds, then jogging lightly for 10.

The science behind HIIT lies in the fact that your body will quickly have to switch between your fast-twitching muscle fibers and slow-twitching ones. Fast ones are used for explosive power and short distances, whereas slow-twitching ones are the exact opposite. That constant switching will shock the body and increase fat loss at an incredible rate.


4. Long distance running

We’ve already mentioned the significance of cardio exercise when it comes to losing neck fat. This form of bodily activity is significant because it provides you with a calories outlet, a way to burn your excess neck fat. This allows you to see your fat layers shrink more and more, with the pinnacle of that type of activity being your jawline in a more pronounced and visible version, along with a lack of flabby skin.

There are many forms of cardio exercise, but one of the healthiest and most popular is long distance running. Its benefits span much farther than your body looking or feeling better. It creates discipline within your mind, preparing you for more complicated challenges in your life. By accomplishing your goals in terms of miles run, you will garner more and more motivation as fuel for further accomplishments.

With long-distance running, you will expand your lungs more and work on your slow-twitching muscle fibers. They will reduce the size of your fat layer and increase oxygen delivery to your cells. That process results in an accelerated metabolism, something that will ensure that you will not only lose fat far more easily but also gain it harder. Something like that is a valuable ally, especially as your age.


5. Aerobic or Zumba classes

HIIT and long-distance running are great ways of accomplishing your goals when it comes to losing neck fat. Both ways of cardio are strictly down to business and provide you with a no-nonsense approach to weight and fat loss. What’s the catch then? Well, for some people, it’s hard to do it by yourself and establish a routine of discipline when it comes to achieving your goals. Discipline too has to be exercised.

Because HIIT and jogging require lots of discipline and self-reliance, some people fail to achieve their wishes of losing fat. However, there is an alternative for those getting started. Why don’t you think about signing up for a Zumba or aerobic class? These organized forms of exercise have helped numerous individuals achieve that chiseled neck. It’s a great way to motivate yourself with the help of others.

These workouts are usually done with music, which is a big plus in terms of adrenaline and motivation. Playing music on your headphones isn’t as enticing as loud, speaker music! The trainer will instruct you and the other trainees to do a lot of sets of lots of exercises, without many breaks. This method will cause you to sweat your soul out by trying to accomplish everything.

Another big plus of this method of exercise is meeting people with the same goals as yours. By knowing that there are ten other motivated individuals, you won’t be tempted to slack or miss a training session. As you advance in terms of self-discipline, it will be much easier to accomplish jogging and working out on your own. Losing neck fat is a marathon, not a sprint!


6. Weighted neck raises

Now, we’ve decided to return to the exercise facet of eliminating neck fat. The basic exercises at the start of this list are a good introduction into the world of fat loss. They introduce you to the motions your neck is capable of and the range of those motions. At the beginning, all the focus should be on them, but later on, you might require something more difficult to continue your fat-burning pilgrimage.

The next exercise in line consists of raising your neck using special neck weights. This form of activity is important for exercising the thickness of your muscle fibers. By balancing the weight between the start and end positions, you will put a strain on the fibers and your body. That way, you will both lose fat at a higher rate and make every single muscle fiber more toned than ever.

You need an exercise bench to perform this one. You will lie on the bench with your head hanging down. Next, strap the weighted head belt to your head area and slowly raise and drop the weight. Make sure the motion between the two positions lasts at least two seconds, for maximum strain on the muscles. If you thought head turning and rotations were effective, weighted raises burn fat like nothing else.

Of course, you should always be careful when choosing the weights for this exercise. Make sure it’s an amount that is heavy to lift but doesn’t cause pain or a decreased range of motion. Weight training is proven to be the greatest addition to one’s fat burning regime. This is also true for neck fat, as you will assault your layers with a two-in-one murderous combination of different effects on your body.


7. Sleep more

There are many factors that can accelerate one’s metabolism and contribute to the right functioning of one’s organism. It’s easy to get lost in all those reasons and factor, but in order to get rid of that annoying neck fat, you have to keep your composure and know what needs to be done. This way to decrease the amount of fat on your neck is not an unconventional one, but not many people acknowledge it.

Sleeping is as important as regular exercise and a right diet. Why? Well, when you sleep, you’re entering a phase where your body does all the work to consolidate the inner functions for the next day. When you sleep, your metabolism is regulated, your fat is stored and rearranged, along with acquiring the energy necessary for achieving tasks, both physical and mental. Losing neck fat is something that requires sleep.

Skipping sleep or sleeping insufficient hours is a habit that contributes to weight gain. Your metabolism is a mechanism that both regulates how much you gain fat and how fast you lose it. No matter how good you eat or how blindly do you follow your workout regime, you won’t lose the neck fat so efficiently. By sleeping around eight hours per night, you assure that your body is a well-oiled machine.

Not just any well-oiled machine, but a machine that is ready and willing to melt excess fat tissue. Many fitness enthusiasts hit the so-called plateau because they just can’t improve their figure because they don’t sleep enough. If you think the existing methods don’t work, try rearranging your sleep schedule. Chances are, this might be the solution that your body was craving for.


8. Mouth exercises

Not all neck muscles can be affected by the motions that are done by moving your entire neck. As it is with every body part in the human body, the neck is comprised of a lot of different muscle groups. In order to truly remove that annoying fat layer, you need to pay attention to every muscle group and attack them accordingly. Thus, you will achieve an optimal jawline, making you look fresh, fit and fabulous.

An often underrated exercise is the mouth exercise. By chewing, you activate your mylohyoid muscle, the one that connects your lower jaw to the rest of your neck. With most people, you can find the majority of fat accumulated right around this area. Imagine what you could do if you just activated the muscles on a regular basis. By adding it to your exercise routine, the fat will be long gone in a short period of time.

To do it, you should sit straight and open wide. Then, you stick out your lower jaw and put the lip over the teeth. The key is to hold this position for around 15 seconds and repeat once you’ve returned to starting position. By doing this for five minutes straight, two times a day, you will see fat disappearing in a matter of days. You always need an effective punch to motivate you and this is just what you need.

Don’t worry if you feel soreness after a little while or the next day. Your body simply isn’t used to using your jaw muscles that much in continuation. Even if you do eat a lot, that’s often with breaks and you don’t get to put so much strain on your neck muscles.


9. Don’t slouch while sitting

Something that people willingly or subconsciously disregard is their sitting posture. Too much focus is on merely completing tasks and being rewarded, but not how these tasks are completed. This is mostly true for people who have desk jobs and are thus forced to sit around all day. It’s hard to concentrate on your posture, but it’s something that can really contribute to neck fat accumulating as time goes by.

Most people slouch while sitting, meaning that they relax their entire neck and upper back area so that they are hanging out of the chair. Such a practice might not be alarming as sitting with your back curved, but it can lead to the weakening of your neck muscles. Muscle weakening immediately leads to fatty deposits appearing out of nowhere on your neck. It’s definitely something to look out for.

The best way to combat slouching is to consciously force yourself to sit straight and keep your head high. Because your muscles aren’t relaxed, they will be employed to keep the head balanced and make sure that you are stable. That way, the muscles will grow stronger, allowing you to gain less fat and even do some neck exercises much easier than you would otherwise do them.

Look at correct sitting as an investment for the future. Do you want to look older and fatter just because you didn’t care about sitting when you were young? Of course not! That’s why taking it one day at a time brings out the best in your neck health and gets you closer to that ideal jawline that you always yearned for. It’s much easier than it sounds, trust us!


10. Regulate your calorie intake

Getting rid of neck fat is a rewarding, but equally daunting task. Most people struggle with this problem due to genetics or bad habits throughout their life. It’s not easy to make a change from the ground up in order to improve your life for the better. In order to even start, you have to strike at the very foundation of the problem – the things you eat, when you eat them, how you eat them and how much you eat them.

Neck fat gets accumulated the same way as every other type of fat does – through excess calories. Your weight simply rises because you eat more than you burn. Of course, it’s important to have a training plan at your disposal, but sometimes, you need to up the ante a little with some dietary regulations. The first and most important rule is to simply eat less. Calculate how much you eat and reduce it.

Chances are you eat big meals in a hurry. Stop that, it doesn’t bring you nothing but trouble and it slows down your metabolism. For starters, decrease the overall amount of food you eat and split into five smaller meals. This, as any type of progress, requires a substantial amount of discipline to accomplish. You will need to measure and calculate how much you and, most importantly, what you eat.

The obvious candidates to avoid are sugary drinks and sweets. If you have to eat a sweet, combine it with something useful. Buy a Sneakers before a workout to give you fuel. That way, the carbohydrates won’t sit in your body and wait to get turned to fat tissue.


11. Hydrate yourself

If you want to lose neck fat and live a healthier life, drinking water merely to not dehydrate is simply not enough. By upping your water intake, you will improve much of your body’s functions and move closer to your goal of less neck fat by any means necessary. Water is your best friend and it’s high time you used it properly to your advantage. Despite being a hassle at first, drinking water turns into a useful habit.

Water plays an important role in your organism’s functioning because it eliminates toxins. For starters, drinking water should be a priority just because how healthy it is. It’s important to lose neck fat, sure, but it’s even more important to be as healthy as possible. Also, H2O accelerates your metabolism because it provides the cells with more fuel and energy. Every process in your body will go much faster.

Out of all these processes, perhaps the most significant is the one involving fat burning. The more you drink water, the more fat you will burn. If you’re already doing some sort of physical exercise, water will only help you shed the fat around every part of the body, especially the neck. And because neck fat is so stubborn, you will need all the help you can get to get rid of it.

If you’re drinking water, try making a habit out of drinking medium sized sips every once in a while. You will bring in a lot of water, but you won’t overburden the organism. The key is to understand that your body doesn’t need all the water at once. You ought to dose it in order to achieve the ideal results. Also, be sure to avoid dehydrating drinks – soda, coffee, alcoholic ones and stimulant medications too.


12. Start drinking green tea

Two facets of your organism are often disregarded when we talk about getting rid of neck fat. Metabolism and skin flexibility have a lot to do with how much neck fat you have and how it looks. By having a good metabolism, you will lose fat faster and gain it not as easily. With skin elasticity, you will achieve the goal of having a skin surface that isn’t saggy and that can actually hide skin fat, if you have any that is.

One magical remedy for both these facets is green tea. This amazing and ancient drink contains various minerals and antioxidants that can do much to contribute to your well-being. For starters, they accelerate your metabolism and bring forth a new and improved way of burning fat during physical exercise. Try, for instance, drinking a cup of green tea before your workout. It will do wonders trust us.

Green tea is also very beneficial for skin health. It stimulates the body to stop the deterioration of the epidermis and it promotes the excretion of collagen, the protein which is responsible for keeping the skin nice and elastic. We’ve already talked about how much of an influence are toned muscles to the look of your neck. Elastic skin tends to constrict the fat tissue, not letting it sag like it usually does.

If you’re wondering about the exact dosage, the answer is to experiment, first and foremost. For people who don’t like drinking liquids all too much, two cups are a great start. It’s great to have a water heater to just prepare large amounts in a short time period, without going through the hassle of heating up the stove all over again.


13. Use coconut oil

Another underrated part of combating excessive neck fat is the use of ointments. Topical application of some remedies can do wonders when it comes to losing neck fat. It’s good to base your plan on diet and exercise, but adding some other factors to the equation may really prove to be the turning point in your journey. One such ointment isn’t mainly an ointment, but it’s more of a cooking aid. Meet coconut oil.

This strange form of oil isn’t gotten directly from the fatty acids from the coconut that fall from palm trees. It’s one of the healthiest forms of oil in existence. Besides being amazing to cook food with, it can be rubbed on the neck. By rubbing it, you will allow the medium-chain fatty acids to enter the cells and get converted to energy right away. This plays an important role in regulating your neck fat.

Coconut oil is also known for increasing the rate at which your metabolism functions. As your metabolism grows faster, the existing fat will start fading away, and your body won’t be so keen on creating new batches. Instead, all the carbohydrates will be turned into energy, without much of it ending up around your neck area. This is important in regulating your bodyweight, too.

Aside from rubbing coconut oil into your neck a couple of times a day, you can introduce it to your diet as well. Because of the way it handles the heat, it won’t poison your body with saturated fats. Also, it brings a new taste blend into your kitchen. You will love trying out all your favorite dishes with it, giving you an exotic aftertaste in your mouth. Something that’s both useful and enjoyable!


14. Make an egg white mask

Here we are, back with the ointments again. Aside from ointments that are rubbed into the skin directly, there are ones that don’t quite function the same way. These ones have to be kept on the skin for a little while, in order to let the effects take place. One such ointment is also something that we don’t deem as such. We’re talking about egg white and its amazing properties in taking your skin health to the next level.

Can you guess why we said skin health? Well, the state of your epidermis is an instrumental factor in determining how will your neck fat affect your appearance. Having tight and healthy skin will take years off of your appearance, giving you the fresh look that you’ve always yearned for. Egg whites contribute to that goal in a major way and that it why you should make a mask for both your face and neck area.

To whip up this amazing mask, you need whites from two eggs and some honey, milk and lemon juice. By mixing all this and applying it to your neck area, you will bombard your neck with nutrients that will serve as a fountain of youth for your skin. If you apply it to your face, your new youthful look will take away the attention from your existing annoying neck fat. Something that you very much deserve.

This skin tightening mask is to be used three times a week. There is no need for more, as you will get your skin used to the feeling and allow it absorb the nutrient better every single time. Don’t worry about rinsing away the mixture – lukewarm water will do just fine. If you like the mask enough, you can leave it on for more than the recommended 30 minutes, until it turns to crust. Experiment and enjoy.


15. Use apple cider vinegar

Some substances are not like the others, as they have fat breaking properties. When using these substances, it’s not to base your whole weight loss program around them, it’s merely to add to the already existing foundation. Dieting and exercise should be the starting point from which all neck fat disappears. However, this isn’t to say that apple cider vinegar isn’t an incredible boost.

It prevents the accumulation of fat cells in various parts of the body. This is important when you want to boost your progress and get a little bit more motivation. When that jawline becomes more pronounced, you will see how much more will to succeed you will have. You deserve to be happy and it’s time to take advantage of every tool at your disposal. With an increased fat breakdown, you’re in for a fun ride, that’s for sure.

Another way in which apple cider vinegar helps you is by providing your body with a plethora of nutrients. Magnesium, calcium, and potassium are just some of the incredibly valuable minerals found in apple cider vinegar. Not only will the make your skin look healthier, but you will also see toxins flushed out of your body at a much faster rate than usual.

The best way to make use of apple cider vinegar is to mix it with olive oil. Massaging the area in rough and upward motions is ideal for allowing your skin to absorb every drop of the vinegar and oil. Another good option is adding honey to the mix, as it also has some amazing benefit in terms of making your skin look better.
