
The Sneaky and Not So Subtle Signs Someone May Have Lactose Intolerance

1. Finding Support for Lactose Intolerance Just because you are lactose intolerant does not mean you have to give up dairy entirely; you just have to… Trista Smith - December 31, 2021

Do you drink milk often, but then have stomach ache? Maybe you love ice cream, but it doesn’t seem to love you back. Not everyone is aware that they have lactose intolerance. Certain people probably have no idea what could be causing their intestinal distress regularly. It’s not until they pay close attention to their diet or take a trip to the doctor’s office that they realize there might be a problem. And that problem is lactose intolerance. However, what is it exactly? Why should people be aware of this condition? It’s important you understand the symptoms and causes of this condition. That way, you can learn how to enjoy a dairy-free life in order to minimize your discomfort in the future. Keep reading to learn the difference between someone who is lactose intolerant and those who have dairy allergies. Also, discover ways to create delicious meals without using milk, cheese, and other common dairy products. There are tasty alternatives to dairy so you can still eat a balanced diet that tastes good, too. But first, discover if you have a lactose inefficiency to begin with. If you feel as though you are dealing with these sign and symptoms, then you may have lactose intolerance. Consult with your doctor or a dietician about the next steps so you can live with this common condition in the most comfortable way possible.



24. What Is Lactose Intolerance?

People often think that lactose intolerance is an allergy reaction to milk or dairy products, but that is not the case. Although there is no cure for it, it is more than just an allergic reaction. It is a reaction to lactose, which is the sugar that exists in milk. For some people, when they’re younger, they are capable of producing lactase to break down this sugar so that it can be more easily absorbed into the body. Lactase is created in the small intestine, which is attached to the stomach to start working on the milk as soon as possible.

However, some people can’t produce this sugar, or they start to lose the ability as they get older. Lactose intolerance also affects people differently. For some people, milk and all milk products can produce symptoms, while others are only affected by milk. People’s bodies are different, so it’s confusing why some people would react this way and others don’t. So what are some of those awful symptoms that can occur after drinking milk or ingesting dairy products?



23. What Happens Inside The Body Of A Lactose Intolerant Person?

Because there is no lactase being created by the body to break down the milk sugar, it continues through the small intestine and into the large intestine and colon. The presence of sugars in this area of the body interacts with the natural bacteria that already live there and starts to ferment. This is why a lactose intolerant person will experience bloating, gas, and diarrhea. Some people may notice these symptoms right away, while it may take a few hours before others start to experience symptoms.

So how do you know if you’re lactose intolerant? The best thing you can do is to cut dairy and other milk products out of your diet for a few weeks to see if the symptoms go away on their own. If they don’t, the problem lies somewhere else, and you should see a doctor immediately. If the symptoms stop, you should slowly bring different dairy products back into your diet to see what your body doesn’t tolerate and what you’re okay with. In the end, if you discover that you’re lactose intolerant, it’s not the end of the world. You’ll just have to adjust your diet accordingly.



22. Are There More Things To Know About the Signs and Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance?

Because your body cannot make any more lactase, you are likely to feel several physical symptoms if you are lactose intolerant. The symptoms vary from person to person, but most are quite unpleasant. Individuals who are lactose intolerant often feel severe stomach cramps, bloating, diarrhea and gas after consuming dairy products. It is essential to know that lactose intolerance is not the same as having a milk allergy. While digestive issues are similar symptoms, people with this kind of allergy may also experience wheezing, vomiting, and even anaphylaxis, which can be life-threatening if not treated immediately.

Lactose intolerance is often hereditary. Primary lactase inefficiency is the most common kind of lactose intolerance. Maybe your parents gave it to you inherently through a genetic fault in the family line. The condition becomes more prevalent after a person becomes less reliant on dairy products in the daily diet. Even though most people stop drinking as much milk after two years old, lactose intolerance symptoms tend to not show up until adulthood. If you find yourself sick after consistently consuming some milk products, you may want to consider getting something to alleviate your discomfort to help you feel much better.



21. Should You Take OTC Medication For Lingering Symptoms of Lactose Intolerance?

People lactose intolerant typically begin to feel the symptoms about 30 minutes to two hours after they eat or drink the dairy product. The discomfort can last quite a while, too, up to 48 hours later. While the first line of defense is to avoid the foods entirely, several over-the-counter medications can alleviate and reduce the symptoms to help you feel better. What to take depends on the severity of the sign that you are feeling. For example, if you are experiencing excessive gas, you can take Gas X, also known as simethicone, to keep from feeling worse as your body processes the milk sugar.

Imodium, a loperamide, or Pepto Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) can lessen diarrhea symptoms. Going to the drug store route for a remedy depends on how badly affected you are from your stomach ailment. It may also depend on what you have to do that day. If you have an essential task at work or a paper to complete, you may need to take over-the-counter medication to power through your day. If your symptoms worsen, you may need to consult with your primary care physician for other options.



20. How Is Lactose Intolerance Different From A Dairy Allergy?

People often confuse the two with each other, but they’re not the same at all. Lactose intolerance is a reaction to the sugar in milk that can be developed over time or even go away on its own. On the other hand, a dairy allergy causes a reaction in other parts of the body, just not the lower intestine. Another difference is that lactose intolerance can develop later in life. At the same time, dairy allergies exist from birth, with most children under the ages of four showing dairy allergy symptoms.

Some symptoms they share in common are gas, bloating, nausea, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. However, a dairy allergy also has additional symptoms in other areas of the body. That includes wheezing, a tightening of the throat, hives, a rash, and having trouble swallowing. For babies, they can reveal blood in the stool. So it would help if you had these additional signs looked at by a medical doctor to determine whether you have a true milk allergy. It’s the best way to protect your health so that you’re aware that you have to avoid milk and dairy products in the future.



19. What Are The Different Kinds of Lactose Intolerance?

Did you know that there are different kinds of lactose intolerance? To be more specific, there are four different kinds, all caused by various sources and different stages in a person’s life. The symptoms are exactly the same, but the cause of this condition appears that provide them with their other names. This first is primary lactose intolerance and is the most common form that exists. After the age of five, the human body no longer produces lactase to digest milk. As these levels drop, it becomes more difficult for the human body to digest lactose.

Next, there is secondary lactose intolerance, which results from some injury, illness, or surgery that has taken place. These incidents can affect the small intestine in some way, leading to it making less lactase. Diseases such as celiac disease and Crohn’s disease reduce the levels of lactase being produced. Developmental lactose intolerance is the third form and mostly happens in premature babies. It only lasts for a short time after birth, however, and goes away on its own. Congenital lactose intolerance is the rarest form and occurs when there is no lactase being produced at all from birth. It’s a genetic disorder that the parents have passed on.



18. How Does A Doctor Diagnose Different Types of Lactose Intolerance

You are suspecting that the reason you feel unwell is from dairy in your diet. Now, you will need to figure out what kind of lactose intolerance you have. Because the ailment can take different forms, you will need to have your doctor confirm what kind of intolerance to lactose that you have. Primary care physicians have a few tests to determine the different types of lactose intolerance. The doctor will first ask you about your symptoms and suggest avoiding dairy products for a short time to see if your symptoms get better. Another diagnostic test is a hydrogen breath test, which is the most accurate in diagnosing lactose intolerance. If you cannot digest lactose, then bacteria will metabolize and produce hydrogen.

Another test is a blood sample, where the doctor will examine your fasting glucose levels. The doctor will instruct you to drink a liquid containing lactose. Your physician will then compare your blood glucose levels to the baseline and determine a diagnosis from those results. If you are considered lactose intolerant, then your blood sugar levels would have either risen slowly or not risen at all. Once your doctor has determined what is causing your pain, you will better understand your body. More importantly, you can gain knowledge about proper nutrition.



17. Are Certain People More Susceptible to Lactose Intolerance Than Others?

To be quite honest, most adults in the world, as many as 40%, stop producing lactase needed to digest milk sugars when they’re between two and five. Humans are the only mammals that continue to consume dairy into their adult lives, and we experience lactose intolerance because we’re not biologically built to do so. Lactose intolerance can be passed on through genetics, but it can also result from other diseases affecting the digestive system. It’s best to speak to your doctor to see if you’re genuinely lactose intolerant or if you have something else going on that you should know about.

Some ethnicities are more prone to being lactose intolerant than others. These include Mexicans, Asians, Indigenous Americans, and Africans. Lactose intolerance is also passed down through genes in these ethnicities since the diets were never heavily focused on dairy in the past. Moreover, since there’s no cure for lactose intolerance, these genes will continue to be passed on.



16. What Tests Are There For Lactose Intolerance?

If you’re not interested in weeding out your diet yourself, you can go to your primary care physician to see what tests can be performed to tell if you’re lactose intolerant or not. The more difficult test to do is a blood test, where blood is drawn and put through a battery of different tests to see if your body can produce lactase. This test isn’t usually performed because a much simpler test can be done to show where you stand with milk sugars.

And that test is the breath test. You wouldn’t think that it would be something this simple, as easy as breathing, but it is. A doctor will ask you to exhale, and it will be measured for hydrogen. If you have high levels of hydrogen in your breath, then you’re lactose intolerant. This is because lactose, when broken down in the colon instead of the small intestine, creates hydrogen gas. This gas is then absorbed into the blood and is transported to the lungs to be exhaled. This is a much less invasive test that people are sure to get behind.



15. What Are The Risks Associated With Lactose Intolerance?

There are specific factors that come into play that increase your risk of becoming lactose intolerant. It’s not to say that if you have all of these factors, you’re definitely not going to have dairy products, but there is an increased risk of not being able to ingest any milk or milk products if any of these factors are present in your life. The first significant factor is age. As you get older, you tend to become more lactose intolerant. As stated earlier, this is because mammals are not meant to ingest milk so long into their adult life.

The second factor is ethnicity; those who are of African, Hispanic, Indigenous American, or Asian descent are more likely to be lactose intolerant. A third factor involves certain diseases that affect the small intestine. These include diseases and conditions such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and bacterial overgrowth in the intestine. Lastly, specific cancer treatments can play a role in how prone you are to becoming lactose intolerant. Radiation therapy especially can cause intestinal issues, which can increase your risk of becoming lactose intolerant.



14. Are There Any Complications Associated With Lactose Intolerance?

Because dairy is both the primary source of calcium as well as lactose, avoiding milk will lead to a reduction of calcium in the body. Milk contains many other vital nutrients and minerals as well, including vitamins D and B12, A, zinc, and magnesium. As a result, a severe lack of these nutrients will start to affect the bones in the body. In fact, several diseases can result if you cut out all dairy from your diet that affect your health for the rest of your life.

The first is osteoporosis; the bones become too thin and weak and become more prone to breaking. You tend to suffer from more fractures and broken bones, which can be extremely painful to deal with. The second disease is osteopenia; this is where the mineral density of the bones becomes too low. Without treatment, this will eventually lead to osteoporosis. The third disease is malnutrition; some vitamins and minerals require others to be more easily absorbed into the body. Without the nutrients present in milk, the other food you’re eating could not be as adequate as it should be. When you’re malnourished, it will take much longer for wounds to heal, you’ll feel more exhausted throughout the day, and you’re more likely to experience depression.



13. What Can I Do If I’m Lactose Intolerant?

The great thing about lactose intolerance is that you don’t have to do much to remedy the situation. All you have to do is avoid milk and some dairy products. That may be a little difficult if you do have favorite foods you can’t give up. However, thankfully, there are a lot of lactose-free versions of foods you already eat out there. It just takes a little research to find them. Be prepared that they’re not going to taste exactly the same, but if it saves you from some discomfort, then it’s definitely worth the switch.

There are also some supplements that you can take, like Lactaid, that will help you to break down the lactose in milk. This will counteract the bloating effects and gas you will experience so that you can still enjoy milk and other dairy products out there. If you’re interested in this kind of solution, then be sure to have a conversation with your doctor to see if it’s the right option for you. You don’t want there to be a possible interaction with any medication or other foods you’re taking.



12. Are There Alternatives To Dairy?

The big thing about dairy is that it is quite rich in calcium, and without it, people are worried that they will start to develop weak bones. However, there are plenty of other calcium-rich foods that you can add to your diet to counteract the elimination of milk from your diet. These include tofu, dried beans, almonds, fatty fish, beef liver, egg yolks, and kale, just to name a few. Basically, consider adding more dark green, leafy vegetables to your diet to help maintain the levels of calcium that you need in your diet.

There are also milk alternatives out there, like soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk. These have been fortified with calcium to help people meet this deficiency. It would be best if you kept an eye out for other foods that may have hidden lactose in them as well. Some examples include dried vegetables, snack foods, candy, and certain medications. Many birth control pills and medicines to treat gas and stomach acid can also contain lactose. Be sure to read the ingredients before you take them. You don’t want to end up with horrible side effects all over again.



11. What Are Some Other Ways To Keep My Lactose Intolerance Under Control?

If you’re one of those people who really can’t afford to cut all dairy out of their diet, there are some other ways you can manage it, but it requires a lot of hard work and patience on your hands. What you’re going to need to do is to keep a food diary. That means taking account of every food that you eat and recording how it makes you feel afterward. You’ll have to keep track of how much you ate when you ate it and when you first started to feel symptoms afterward.

This way, you can figure out which foods you can still eat over time without having to cut out all milk products from your diet. This will provide you with the pattern you need to determine which foods are really not good for you and which ones you can still eat without too many adverse effects on your body. Are you still having reactions even though you are careful about your dairy intake? Well, it means that you’re going to have to cut it out entirely. Alternatively, you could rely on a lactose supplement to help you digest the milk sugar.



10. You Can Take Control Of Your Intolerance By Making Your Own Meals

The option is not always available, but you might have to learn to cook your own meals almost every day to minimize your symptoms. Going out and buying food that’s already made puts you at risk because you would have no way of knowing what ingredients go into your meal. Furthermore, if you’ve ingested lactose while you’re at work, you may end up having to spend a lot of time in the bathroom. That could land you in a bit of trouble.

Instead, you could learn to brown bag it. Make your meals at home, where you’re aware of everything going into it, and take it to work with you. It’s a lot of extra effort. You’ll have to get up earlier in the morning to get it done. However, at least you’re not running the risk of having to endure intestinal distress throughout the rest of the day. There are plenty of lactose-free recipes out there, too. Please don’t think that your diet is going to shrink to just vegetables and meat immediately. There are alternatives out there to help you make even your favorite desserts that would have contained milk. Now you can make them guilt-free that will keep your tummy happy.



9. Look At Lactose-Reduced or Lactose-Free Products

You would be surprised to discover that there are actually lactose-free kinds of milk out there. It’s cow’s milk with the lactose removed. Of course, because of this, the milk will not taste the same, so it’s either something you’re going to have to get used to, or you’re going to have to consider other options on the table, like almond or soy milk. Thankfully, if you can get used to the taste, lactose-free milk still has the same amount of calcium, so your bones can still thrive from having this in your daily diet.

There are lactose-free cheeses and yogurts as well if these foods also affect you. Of course, you may have to look in a different section of the grocery store to find these alternatives. Be prepared for them to be a little more expensive, which can add up your monthly grocery bills. However, the choice is entirely up to you when it comes to your health and what you’re willing to change in your life to feel comfortable daily.



8. The Kind Of Cheese You Eat Could Make A Difference

If you’re one of those affected by cheese, you’ll have to consider your options. There are actually cheeses out there that contain less lactose than others. Soft cheese like ricotta and cream cheese tend to have higher levels of lactose, while aged, harder cheese like parmesan and sharp cheddars contain much lower levels of lactose. So you don’t have to go without all cheese in your diet.

You may also want to look at cheeses made from sheep or goat’s milk instead, as these also contain low levels of lactose. So you can still have all of that creamy goodness of soft cheese without the intestinal distress. But as always, keep an eye out for your symptoms if you’re still not feeling great after consuming any of these suggested cheeses. It may mean you have to give these up as well, unfortunately.



7. How Long Do Lactose Intolerance Symptoms Last?

It’s not a very serious condition, but it can leave you feeling uncomfortable all day long. The severity of the symptoms is dependent on how much lactose you’ve consumed in one period and how much lactase your body can produce; the less it makes, the stronger the symptoms will be and the longer they’ll last. The majority of symptoms resolve themselves within a period of forty-eight hours but can persist if you continue to consume lactose during that period. Bloating can resolve much sooner if you take certain medications to alleviate the sensation itself.

Nausea kicks in at least two hours after eating lactose, which can leave you feeling pretty awful. The other symptoms, such as diarrhea, gas, and pain, can onset at any time and are probably more immediate than the other symptoms, depending on how your body handles lactose. Diarrhea may be quick, or it may take some time to present itself. The pain may be persistent the entire time and appears with both gas and bloating, so you may find yourself trying to alleviate these three symptoms simultaneously.



6. You May Want To Consult With A Dietician

Do you have to be careful about what food you eat? That daunting task can be troublesome. Not only that, it can also be stressful. Are you ready to alleviate some of those problems? All you have to do is go talk to the experts instead. Speak with a dietician as soon as possible. That way, you can get the rundown on what foods you should and shouldn’t be eating. Plus, you can discover alternatives. A dietician can teach you how to manage your symptoms more healthily. They only want to help you and set you on the right path to being both happy and healthy at the same time.

After reading this, does a dietician seem like a good choice for you? You may want to speak to your primary care physician first. Why? Because they can set you up with the right person. It will save you time of having to hunt one down yourself. Understand that it will take a few appointments before you’re set up with a diet plan that’s right for you. Please, exercise patience throughout the process. Besides, you want to get the most out of it so you can start feeling better.



5. What Can You Do To Combat The Conditions That Arise From Lactose Intolerance?

Because you need dairy to take care of your bones, they will start to suffer. However, there are other things you can do to strengthen your bones that will reduce your chances of broken bones and fractures in the future. First, you can do what is called a bone density test. This measures your bone density in the different areas of your body to detect osteoporosis before a fracture occurs. Getting some exercise is also a great life choice to make, as it helps strengthen the muscles connected to your bones to reduce the chances of bones breaking.

You can make other lifestyle choices to reduce your chances of fractures, such as quitting smoking as well as reducing your daily intake of alcohol. Those who drink and smoke heavily are prone to more bone loss due to poor nutrition. There are some medications a person can take to combat bone loss, too, such as taking certain calcium supplements, going through hormone therapy (especially in women going through menopause), and bisphosphonates.



4. Consider Eating Other Food On The Side When Consuming Dairy

You may think that having dairy with other food will only cause your intestinal distress to be worse, but most people have reported that the opposite is true. In fact, they’ve said that they’ve experienced reduced symptoms when they ingest dairy with other food that doesn’t contain lactose. For example, instead of drinking a glass of milk, have a few pieces of wheat toast with it so that your intestines have some element to work on. Food tends to put all of the intestines into overdrive so that they can break down all of the incoming substances instead of only drinking milk.

You may have to experiment to see which foods work best at reducing your symptoms when coupled with dairy. You may be surprised; having dairy with certain foods may even eliminate your symptoms! Keep an eye on these, and be sure to include them in your diet more frequently… but only if they’re still healthy for you! Again, this is why the food diary is essential, as you’ll have an accurate record of what does and doesn’t work for you.



3. Always Keep Your Doctor In Mind

Have you already taken some of these steps to help improve your reaction to lactose? That is great news! Nevertheless, you should still keep an eye on your health. Are you no longer experiencing bloating, gas, and pain? Thank goodness! However, you should look out for other symptoms that reveal that there’s a more serious problem going on. For example, if you have a sudden change in bowel habits, take note. Does heartburn now hit and keep you from sleeping? Are you unable to keep down any food? These are all concerns. Furthermore, if there is blood present in your stool or vomit, you should go to the hospital to receive treatment.

Other diseases have similar symptoms to lactose intolerance that require different treatment other than avoiding lactose. Knowing what these diseases are and getting tested for them can make a difference in the long run. You can get you the treatment options you need to have a happier, healthier life. Speak to your doctor if you are worried about any aspect of your digestion issues. That way, you can take care of the problem before it becomes more serious.



2. Consider Going Probiotic

There’s one dairy-related product that you should keep in your diet that’s not going to make your stomach cramp up all day! That would be the plain, low-fat yogurt. Yogurt is known for its probiotic culture, which helps your gut bacteria flourish to aid digestion issues. Nevertheless, did you know that probiotic yogurt can also help the body to break down lactose, thereby reducing your symptoms? It’s more likely than you think! Just one cup may be enough to help, and you’re still getting all of that yummy calcium that it contains.

Probiotic yogurt has been a godsend for those who suffer from digestive issues. That goes double for those due to other underlying conditions, diseases, medications, or treatments. For example, antibiotics are good at treating bacterial infections. However, it does so by attacking all bacteria in the body, including the good ones. By adding some probiotics to your diet, you can help to counteract this. In doing so, you will bring the body back to its normal functioning state. Did you just discover you are lactose intolerant? It will be in your best interest to invest in some probiotic yogurt.



1. Finding Support for Lactose Intolerance

Just because you are lactose intolerant does not mean you have to give up dairy entirely; you just have to monitor it closely and take everything in moderation. It may take some time, but you can start to understand your body better even if you are lactose intolerant. You pay attention to your body’s natural cues and figure out how much you can eat or drink without feeling the severity of your symptoms. Few individuals have such severe symptoms that they have to cut out dairy altogether. You will know the right amount and can determine from there how much you can consume.

Milk and dairy products have many vital nutrients, and if you are lactose intolerant, you will need to find different ways to consume them. You could take calcium supplements. You may also want to increase your intake of other foods that contain calcium to make sure you are getting your recommended amount. These foods include broccoli, leafy vegetables, canned salmon, fortified cereals, oranges, and almonds. You can also try different milk substitutes, including soy, almond, oat, and rice milk. You will also need to be mindful that you are getting enough vitamin D. Why? Because people often get this vitamin supply from fortified milk. You can eat more eggs or take a vitamin supplement. Your body also naturally produces vitamin D when you are out in the sun. The bottom line is that you will want to take care of yourself and make mindful choices that impact your overall health.


Many Women Go Undiagnosed with these Illnesses for Years

It’s challenging to get a proper diagnosis, especially when doctors and specialists can’t figure out what’s wrong. You may go years without getting answers, and it… Trista Smith - December 31, 2021

It’s challenging to get a proper diagnosis, especially when doctors and specialists can’t figure out what’s wrong. You may go years without getting answers, and it can be frustrating and overwhelming. It’s important to discuss any symptoms you’re feeling with your doctor and push for testing even when they think it’s unnecessary. It may interest you to know most testing for illnesses is done on men until recently, that is. Doctors are pushing for more focus on women’s conditions. We’ve compiled a list of the most undiagnosed illnesses in women. Some women with these illnesses go undiagnosed for years before getting some type of relief.



18. Heart Problems Often Go Unnoticed

Heart problems like heart attacks often go unnoticed because symptoms present differently in women when compared to men (via WebMD). If you have a heart attack, you may notice numbness and chest pain, but women have entirely different symptoms that don’t follow the textbook. While it’s unknown why women experience heart attacks differently than men, it is important to know the signs a woman may experience. Even though some of the symptoms are similar, others could be confused with another illness.

When women experience heart attacks, they often feel symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, as well as back, neck, and jaw pain (via WebMD). These symptoms usually come with chest pain, but that could be easily confused with heartburn. Strangely, women experience heart attacks differently than men, but all women should know these extra symptoms just in case. Women have smaller blood vessels around the heart, which could be a contributing factor. Doctors still use standardized testing for illnesses such as heart attacks and heart disease, designed for men’s hearts. Hopefully, doctors will develop testing for women that can help diagnose heart concerns before they become severe problems.



17. Your Immune System Can Cause Many Problems

Your immune system is responsible for protecting your body from germs, bacterial, and viral infections. It can cause various problems for your entire body when you have an autoimmune disease that prevents your immune system from operating correctly. Women are often misdiagnosed for immune system issues due to the variety of illnesses that can affect them. Surprisingly, it takes an average of four years and five doctors to get a proper diagnosis for immune system diseases (via WebMD). That’s a lot of time, patience, money, and suffering to deal with when you’re so frustrated with the doctors who can’t figure out what’s wrong with you.

There are a variety of immune system disorders that can cause many different symptoms. With 75% of autoimmune cases happening to women, you should be vigilant with your symptoms (via WebMD). The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association did a study to find these shocking percentages. It’s difficult to diagnose autoimmune diseases due to various symptoms such as fatigue, generalized pain, and mood changes. These symptoms could be something else such as depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, or even a cold. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s essential to discuss them with your doctor to ensure it’s not something serious.



16. Endometriosis Can Cause a Variety of Issues

Endometriosis is a medical condition that causes the uterus lining to grow abnormally. In some cases, women experiencing painful periods are misdiagnosed with something else with endometriosis. The problem lies with the symptoms experienced. Most women experiencing this condition have to see numerous gynecologists to receive an appropriate diagnosis. The most common diagnoses women get when experiencing symptoms of endometriosis are irritable bowel syndrome and even depression. Pelvic pain is the most common symptom of endometriosis, which can often contribute to other conditions (via Yale Medicine). So, doctors often test for other conditions before considering endometriosis.

The most common symptoms experienced with endometriosis include pelvic pain, painful menstrual cycles, nausea, vomiting, painful intercourse, and painful bowel movements. As you can see, these symptoms are vague. Doctors try to stay away from a diagnosis of endometriosis because testing requires surgery (via Yale Medicine). They try to keep you from unnecessary pain and medical bills, so testing for endometriosis is often a last resort. If you have any of these symptoms, it’s important to tell your doctor. You don’t have to just deal with all of the symptoms, thinking it’s just normal to have painful periods.



15. PCOS Can Make It Difficult to Have Children

PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition that causes the ovaries to create an abnormal number of androgens, a male hormone that women only produce a small amount of normally. This illness is named for the cysts that form on the ovaries (via Prevention). This condition is one of the most undiagnosed illnesses in women because the symptoms are so vague. Plus, your lab work will often come back as ‘normal,’ leading doctors to believe you have something else going on. The diagnostic criteria for PCOS require at least two symptoms even to be considered a possibility. Without a proper diagnosis, you can go years, believing what you’re experiencing is normal.

Symptoms of PCOS include acne, weight gain, irregular menstrual cycles, and hair growth on the face and body (via Prevention). Your doctor will most likely try to rule out other conditions like hypothyroidism and depression. Your menstrual cycles will become so irregular that you’ll often go months or even years without a period. While this disease still isn’t well understood by doctors, some tests can help diagnose it. Bloodwork can tell doctors whether your hormones are regulated or not. You can also request ultrasounds of your ovaries to look for the telltale “string of pearls.” The string of pearls is the name for the multiple cysts often found in women diagnosed with PCOS. If you’re experiencing any symptoms of PCOS, it’s essential to make an appointment with your gynecologist to discuss treatment options.



14. Do You Have Problems Sleeping?

Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition that causes you to stop breathing while you’re asleep (via Prevention). Even though this illness occurs more in men, it’s still misdiagnosed in women. Sleep apnea can cause other diseases such as high blood pressure, strokes, and even heart failure, so it’s vital to recognize the symptoms and speak to your doctor if you notice anything odd. If you think you have sleep apnea, talk to your doctor as soon as possible, as sleep apnea can be very dangerous. Many doctors still consider sleep apnea to be a disease only men get, so women aren’t regularly asked how they’re sleeping. It’s a pressing question more doctors should be asking.

If you have sleep apnea, you may notice difficulty sleeping, feeling fatigued or down, weight gain, excessive snoring, and feeling tired even after a whole night’s sleep (via Prevention). Doctors will often take these symptoms and give you a diagnosis for something else entirely because they’re so vague. If you snore, have PCOS, have a family history of sleep apnea, or are overweight, you’re at a higher risk of sleep apnea. If you have any sleep apnea symptoms, there are sleep studies that can be scheduled to find out exactly how many times you stop breathing while you’re asleep. Discuss your symptoms with your doctor and ask if sleep apnea could be the culprit for your symptoms.



13. Breast Cancer Can Be Extremely Dangerous

There is much awareness around diseases like breast cancer. With so much attention, you’d think this kind of awareness would cause breast cancer to be diagnosed immediately, but that isn’t always the case. Some women aren’t diagnosed until the later stages because of a lack of knowledge and the symptoms. Studies have been performed on people with breast cancer and found that 31% of cases are misdiagnosed (via Prevention). So, what’s the problem? Why does something as serious as cancer get a misdiagnosis? The problem lies with diagnostics. It can be difficult to find cancer in the early stages, especially with certain types of breast cancer.

Symptoms of breast cancer include pain, lumps, redness, swelling, flaky skin, and discharge from the breasts (via Prevention). With all of these symptoms associated with the breasts themselves, you’d think diagnosing breast cancer would be a pretty simple process. That’s not always the case, however. Even women who get routine care and mammograms aren’t always safe. In some cases, breast cancer isn’t found in mammograms, and lumps don’t always form. If nothing is found during routine testing, women may have breast cancer, and their doctor may shrug it off as regular bodily changes. It’s vital to know the symptoms of breast cancer and perform regular at-home breast exams to ensure your safety from this sometimes-devastating disease.



12. Ovarian Cancer Is Dangerous as Well

It’s troubling that there are no diagnostic tests specifically for ovarian cancer. Symptoms can start rapidly, leading to a severe case of ovarian cancer. Plus, it doesn’t help that the symptoms are vague. If you’re concerned about your risk of ovarian cancer or have a family history of it, be sure to speak with your doctor to see what you can do. Even blood testing doesn’t give doctors accurate information to provide a proper diagnosis. The American Cancer Society has studied the subject and found that only 20% of ovarian cancer is located at an early stage (via Prevention).

Symptoms of ovarian cancer vary between women and can affect various parts of the body, which is why it’s difficult to detect. These symptoms may include pain in the pelvis or abdomen, a lump in the stomach, nausea, feeling full, bloating, weight loss, indigestion, fatigue, and loss of appetite. If you have a combination of these symptoms or feel a painful lump in your abdomen, it’s critical to speak with your doctor immediately. This type of cancer can come on rather quickly, leading to severe symptoms and even death. If you’re at risk for ovarian cancer, ask your doctor for a CAT scan or MRI of your abdomen to be sure (via Prevention).



11. Doctors Often Misdiagnose ADHD in Women

Women often go misdiagnosed for years for ADHD because the diagnostic criteria are outdated. Women are great at hiding symptoms of ADHD and may brush it off as anxiety. ADHD can present in various ways that make you think it could be something else as well. Most doctors believe ADHD presents only at an early age, but that isn’t always the case. It can be present throughout your life. The diagnostic criteria for this illness need to be updated to include it presenting at any age. If you’re concerned about the possibility of having ADHD, please speak to your doctor and voice your concerns. There is testing available to help decipher your symptoms.

Symptoms of ADHD in women include feeling stressed out, feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, feelings of distress, trouble concentrating, perfectionism, and more (via Very Well Mind). Any combination of these symptoms will lead to a diagnosis of ADHD in women. Various things cause ADHD, including environmental factors, low birth weight, brain injury, and premature delivery. ADHD is treated using medications such as antidepressants and stimulants, as well as therapy (via Very Well Mind). Your doctor will discuss your options for treatment combinations and decide which works best for you. If you have any of the symptoms of ADHD, it’s essential to talk with your doctor and tell them what you’re feeling. You don’t have to feel the symptoms anymore, and they can be treated to help maximize your quality of life.



10. Lupus Affects All Parts of the Body

The problem with lupus is that it mimics a variety of other diseasing, making a proper diagnosis difficult for doctors. It can imitate rheumatoid arthritis, connective tissue diseases, rosacea, fibromyalgia, thyroid diseases, and more (via CDC). So, you can see why getting a proper diagnosis for it might be difficult. If you’re concerned with symptoms you’re experiencing, it’s always important to speak with your doctor as soon as possible. It also doesn’t hurt to ask for a second opinion if your doctor isn’t taking you seriously. As an autoimmune disease, lupus causes your body to attack itself, leading to various symptoms that affect all parts of the body.

Lupus can affect your brain, heart, lungs, skin, blood cells, joints, and kidneys (via CDC). Be on the lookout for fever, rash, joint pain, and fatigue symptoms. Lupus doesn’t have a cure, and you may experience flare-ups even with treatment. The treatment for lupus includes anti-inflammatory medications, steroids, limiting sun exposure, and lifestyle modifications. You can minimize flare-ups with a combination of treatments. Don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion if you feel your symptoms are more than your doctor is treating you for. Changing your diet to include plenty of fruits and vegetables, along with meats, can also help to reduce symptoms. If you’re diagnosed with lupus, ask your doctor what you can do at home to reduce flare-ups.



9. Fibromyalgia Is a Misunderstood Autoimmune Disease

Fibromyalgia is another autoimmune disease that can affect all parts of the body. Doctors don’t widely understand it, and women often get misdiagnosed. Treatment is available to help control symptoms, but this is another disease you’ll have for the rest of your life. Conditions that mimic fibromyalgia include rheumatoid arthritis, sleep apnea, lupus, and thyroid diseases. As you can see, diagnosis can go wrong for various reasons. Since it isn’t widely understood, doctors often go for a diagnosis of something else while they try to figure out what’s going on.

Fibromyalgia symptoms include pain in the neck, thighs, hip, and back, problems with memory and concentration, dizziness, or dry eyes (via CDC). You may also have problems falling and staying asleep, heightened sensitivity to pain, and chronic fatigue. These symptoms often fall into various categories when it comes to getting a proper diagnosis (via CDC). Hence, doctors tend to test other diseases before they come to a definitive diagnosis. You could go years without an accurate diagnosis. It’s important to tell your doctor all of your symptoms and ask if fibromyalgia is possible. It’s okay to ask questions and tell your doctor what you think it could be.



8. Women Often Go Undiagnosed for Strokes

A stroke occurs when your brain doesn’t get the oxygen and blood necessary to function. Blocked or leaking arteries cause it. There are two main types of strokes – ischemic and hemorrhagic. Surprisingly, women are 33% more likely to be misdiagnosed when having a stroke (via WebMD). This percentage is troubling, to say the least. So, why do women get misdiagnosed? The stroke may be so minor that you won’t even know it’s happening in some cases. You may not even feel any symptoms. It would show up on a CT scan or MRI, but doctors don’t do those unless they have a reason.

In some cases, women going to the emergency room for severe headaches are sent home before pursuing the underlying cause of the headache. Simple symptoms like this one are the reason strokes are so often misdiagnosed (via WebMD). Other symptoms include dizziness, loss of coordination, trouble seeing out of one or both eyes, numbness or weakness on one side of the body, problems with concentration, and difficulty speaking. If you or someone you know has these symptoms, it’s crucial to call 911 immediately. Use the acronym ‘FAST’ to discern whether or not it’s a medical emergency. This stands for face, arms, speech, and time. If it is a stroke, you’ll notice one side of your face drooping. You may have difficulty raising your arms, as well as slurred speech.



7. Do You Have Problems Processing Certain Foods?

If so, you may have celiac disease. Celiac disease is a condition where the body has problems processing gluten. Gluten makes up various foods we eat daily, and you can find gluten in food items such as pasta, bread, cereal, and even beer. Your small intestine is where the problems start with celiac disease. Gluten can’t be processed through the small intestine in people with celiac disease (via Mayo Clinic). So, why is it misdiagnosed in women? The problem lies with the symptoms. Men and women experience different symptoms with celiac disease, making it more challenging to diagnose.

Celiac disease symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gas, bloating, constipation, abdominal pain, fatigue, and weight loss. This variety of symptoms can often be mistaken for something else as simple as an upset stomach. You’ll notice continuing symptoms, especially after eating something containing gluten (via Mayo Clinic). Since gluten causes inflammation in the small intestine, people with celiac disease often feel sick most of the time. The symptoms only go away by removing gluten from your diet. Speak with your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. They can refer you to a nutritionist who will help you design a diet and meal plan without gluten.



6. Crohn’s Disease Can Cause Painful Symptoms

Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that affects the lining of the digestive tract (via Mayo Clinic). It can lead to serious symptoms that cause various problems in the body. Crohn’s disease is often misdiagnosed in women because the symptoms mimic other conditions related to the bowels. If you have Crohn’s disease symptoms, it’s important to tell your doctor immediately to avoid painful symptoms. Furthermore, women may experience more symptoms than men regarding Crohn’s disease (via Mayo Clinic). It’s possible to go years without a proper diagnosis or a diagnosis for something like irritable bowel syndrome.

Crohn’s disease symptoms include diarrhea, weight loss, anemia, fatigue, and abdominal pain. Bleeding from the rectum, painful menstrual cycles, and painful sex are symptoms women experience more often than men. Studies show women get this disease about the same amount as men, but symptoms can differ drastically. You may go years having Crohn’s disease without any symptoms whatsoever, then one day, the symptoms show up full force. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s vital to talk to your doctor and voice your concerns. Crohn’s disease can’t be cured, but it is treatable with certain medications and possible surgery if necessary.



5. Learn More Information About Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is another autoimmune disease that affects the joints in the body. Studies show that women are more likely to get autoimmune diseases than men, so why do doctors misdiagnose them for other illnesses? Many things go into getting a proper diagnosis, especially for diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Many of the symptoms can be attributed to other conditions, so it’s difficult for doctors to diagnose before ruling out everything else. Rheumatoid arthritis is another type of mimicking disease, where the symptoms make it difficult to diagnose. If your doctor suspects rheumatoid arthritis, you’ll be asked to get some blood testing done, and they may do some X-rays of certain joints in your body.

Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include pain in the hands, feet, knees, elbows, neck, and back (via Medline Plus). Other signs of RA include swollen joints, fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, joint stiffness, strange pins and needles sensations, redness, and more. The plethora of symptoms makes it extremely difficult to pin down the cause (via Medline Plus). If you think rheumatoid arthritis is the culprit for your pain, ask your doctor for a referral to see a rheumatologist. These specialists can run more tests and find the cause of your symptoms. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or be assertive regarding your health. If you believe something is wrong and you aren’t getting answers, ask for a second opinion.



4. Pain Can Be Difficult to Diagnose

Chronic pain can be challenging to diagnose because of the differences in symptoms from person to person. It can take three to six months to get a diagnosis and begin treatment (via WebMD). Problems lie in the way pain is experienced on an individual basis. Doctors have to customize treatment plans for each walking through their doors. Whether you’ve been in pain for a few weeks, months, or even years, doctors will have to run a variety of tests to find the cause of your pain. Some testing may include bloodwork, MRIs, X-rays, and CT scans.

Symptoms vary for everyone in chronic pain, but most women experience joint pain, burning pain, muscle aches, irritability, depression, anxiety, problems sleeping, fatigue, and loss of flexibility (via WebMD). If you experience chronic pain that lasts for more than a few days at a time, it’s essential to speak with your doctor. You don’t have to sit at home in agony when treatments are available to ease your symptoms. Treatments for chronic pain include injections, physical therapy, medications such as muscle relaxers, anticonvulsants for nerve pain, antidepressants, acupuncture, and surgery.



3. Uterine Fibroids Can Be Extremely Painful

Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus. Doctors usually find them in women of childbearing years (via Mayo Clinic). These growths are often felt during pelvic exams but are often missed if the patient isn’t feeling any pain during the exam. Doctors don’t understand uterine fibroids well, so it’s important to know the symptoms and tell your gynecologist if you experience any symptoms. Uterine fibroids can be mistaken for other diseases such as PCOS and endometriosis. If you have a family history of uterine fibroids or other pelvic disorders, speak to your doctor about your risk (via Mayo Clinic).

Certain risk factors play a role in the development of uterine fibroids, including obesity, early-onset puberty, and a family history of fibroids. Symptoms of uterine fibroids include pelvic pain that can become severe, heavy menstrual cycles, and longer than average periods. The treatment for uterine fibroids usually involves removing the fibroid during surgery, but it can be treated with medications and preventative care. If you have uterine fibroids, speak to your doctor to learn more about your options and whether you need surgery for your specific case.



2. Heart Attacks Can Be Fatal

Heart attacks can be perilous. Studies show that women are fifty percent more likely to receive a misdiagnosis for heart attacks (via So, why does this happen? Researchers believe it occurs due to misperceptions of what a heart attack patient looks like. Some doctors may have an idea and misdiagnose a woman because she doesn’t fit into their picture. It’s a dangerous way to look at heart attacks, especially since all types of people can have heart attacks, not just people who are obese. The University of Leeds in the United Kingdom found that 100 women per day were diagnosed with heart attacks in local hospitals. That’s a high number, but it doesn’t account for misdiagnosed people.

It’s essential to know the signs and symptoms of a heart attack, as well as the risk factors. Symptoms of a heart attack in women include shortness of breath, pain in the jaw, neck, back, and arms, pain or pressure in the chest, nausea, cold sweats, and even lightheadedness (via If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. It may just save your life! Risk factors for heart attacks include diabetes, obesity, stress, eating an unhealthy diet, and drinking too much alcohol. If you meet these criteria, it is vital to speak with your doctor about your risk and change your habits to ensure safety.



1. Doctors Often Misdiagnose Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Women

CFS, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is a disease that makes you feel exhausted all of the time. Doctors do not understand it well, and this often leads to misdiagnosis. You could have this condition for years without knowing exactly what’s wrong with you. There is no testing for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so it’s difficult for doctors to diagnose (via Mayo Clinic). They are most likely to diagnose you with something else before concluding that the problem is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Your exhaustion with CFS is always worse when doing tasks but doesn’t get better even if you rest.

Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome include dizziness, the feeling that rest is never enough, and problems with concentration, memory, and focus. Other signs are swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, headaches, and joint or muscle pain (via Mayo Clinic). While the cause of CFS is unknown, doctors believe a variety of factors causes it. If your doctor suspects Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, they will try to rule out everything else with testing first to ensure a proper diagnosis. If you feel your doctor isn’t giving you the answers you need, it doesn’t hurt to ask for a second opinion. Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome includes antidepressants, medications for blood pressure, and pain medications. You may also benefit from certain types of therapy.
