We have all experienced loneliness at some point in our lives. A lack of social interaction makes us feel like we can’t connect to other people, so we don’t bother trying. We tell ourselves that we can try later when we feel better and more outgoing. We tell ourselves that we’re just having a swing in our mood and that it will pass eventually. However, loneliness can actually be a more serious problem than people give it credit for. In fact, it is actually viewed as a risk factor for several major health concerns that can become quite debilitating if they’re not recognized and diagnosed early on. To bring to light the dangers of loneliness, here are some serious health concerns connected to its presence in one’s life. You will learn about what loneliness really is, especially compared to other isolated feelings. Get ready to learn more about the causes of loneliness and how it can harm your health. More importantly, learn about ways to cope with loneliness so you can have a better future.

23. What Is Loneliness?
Have you ever felt lonely? Not alone, but as if there was no one in the world that you could connect with and that maybe nobody cares? Before the health concerns can be discussed, it’s essential to consider what loneliness actually is first. According to Very Well Mind, loneliness is more of a state of mind than an actual physical aspect of being alone. It is a sense of feeling alone, unwanted, and empty on the inside. It’s not that they don’t want to be around people, but the state of their own mind makes it difficult for them to make any personal connections with people. The longer they remain in this state of mind, the more difficult it can be to form a relationship with another person.
Feelings of loneliness do not only occur when a person is alone. Instead, a person feels completely isolated from other people, even when they’re in a room full of others. These feelings are more connected to introversion, depression, social isolation, and poor social skills. Moreover, because that person feels alone, they feel like they cannot discuss their feelings and emotions with another human being, resulting in that person not getting the help they need. If you are experiencing loneliness, then in addition to feeling as if nobody cares, you may (sometimes without meaning to) shut yourself off from other people. The isolation can multiply the feelings and the effects of loneliness.