
10 Natural Alternatives to Deal With Back Pains After Everything Else Failed

Back pain is a common health issue, and can affect all ages, from elders to adolescents, but has been shown to be more frequent in those… Simi - October 9, 2017

Back pain is a common health issue, and can affect all ages, from elders to adolescents, but has been shown to be more frequent in those aged 30-50. In most general cases, the causes of backache are bad sitting posture, arthritis, obesity, pregnancy, excessive physical work, poor nutrition, and inactivity. Symptoms of a backache are soreness around the hip and back region, reduced elasticity of the spine, and trouble sleeping. These symptoms may affect both your physical and mental health, as it becomes difficult to efficiently go about your day. Therefore, treatment is very important and the pain should never be ignored.

Today, the most prescribed treatments for backache are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs, like Aspirin and Tylenol, combined with stronger pain medications. Unfortunately, adverse effects like liver damage have been linked to these drugs, and thus information on alternative forms of therapy is in demand. Natural healing solutions are ideal alternatives. They are affordable and easily accessible. However, they additionally provide a range of other benefits to your body, with less risk of side effects. So, if you are also experiencing weight loss, high body temperature, genital numbness, or trouble urinating, it is advised to consult a physician right away.

If your back pain is not accompanied by any of these ailments, natural therapy can help you. So, instead of resorting to popping dozens of pain relievers each day, discuss these 10 natural backache remedies with your health physician, and find out if they are safe and suitable for your condition.



Ginger root has a range of health benefits and has been used for pain relief by the Chinese for thousands of years. This ancient remedy has been backed up by research showing that ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may relieve pain caused by inflammatory diseases, like arthritis. By increasing your blood circulation ginger helps remove built-up toxins in the painful area. This will reduce swelling and soothe the pain.

One effective way to get relief from the pain is to apply it as a compress to your back. Start off by grating the root and wrapping it in cheesecloth. Then place the wrapped ginger into hot water for 30 seconds, wait for it to cool, and then leave it on the sore area for several minutes, 2-3 times a day.

Ginger is also effective and delicious to drink in tea. You can get ginger tea bags from the health stores. Alternatively, fresh ginger tea can also be easily made from scratch at home. First, you will need to grate fresh ginger root. Next, cut it into 4-6 thin slices, and then boil it on low heat in 1 cup of water. After 10 minutes of boiling, you will strain the water and drink it. You can add honey to make it sweet. You may drink ginger tea 2-3 times daily.

A ginger cream may also ease pain and is simple to make. Just blend ¼ cup of water with 1 cup of fresh chopped ginger and add the paste to shea butter or coconut oil. The cream can be kept for up to 6 months if stored in an airtight container in the fridge.


Basil Leaves

Basil leaves help in reducing pain and swelling caused by arthritis. It may be an effective remedy for backache resulting from the disease. Researchers claim that on ingesting, the concentrated extracts from two strands of basil- Ocimum americanum and Ocimum tenuiflorum.

– It significantly decreases joints by more than half within 24 hours. Lower back pain in arthritis patients can often be caused by inflammation of the sacroiliac joint that connects the spinal base to the pelvis. Therefore, it is highly recommended that those with arthritis, and lower back pain, must consume basil to reduce the inflammation of their SI joint.

What’s more is that there have been no reports of basil causing painful burning sensations in the abdomen, or irritability in the gastrointestinal region. These side effects are often experienced by arthritis sufferers who take pain-relieving medication daily. After assessing the basil plant, researchers have reported that eugenol, the oil that gives the herb its distinctive aroma, is responsible for its’ anti-inflammatory properties. The Asian varieties of the herb contain larger amount of eugenol, and will thus provide a stronger and anti-inflammatory effect.

One way to in-taking basil is by preparing basil tea. Start off by boiling 8 to 10 basil leaves in 1 cup of water until the water evaporates to half. Strain the water and leave it to cool down. Drinking this once or twice, daily, may alleviate the back pain. Fresh basil may also be incorporated into your diet, by adding to curries, pasta, and salads. Basil oil is another great way to reap the healing benefits of the plant. In case of neuritis, it is highly recommended that the oil should be massaged into the lower back and spinal area.


Poppy Seed

One of nature’s best alternatives to painkiller drugs is the opium poppy. It is a plant that grows wild in most states. It is consumed for hundreds of years for the relief of muscular and analgesic pain. The poppy flower produces natural opiate alkaloids that bind to the receptors of our central nervous system and prevent pain signals from passing through. It reduces the severity of the pain. Morphine is the most prevalent alkaloid contained in poppy seeds. It comprises 8%-14% of the total alkaloids. The morphine binds to and activates the mu-opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord, which reduces back pain.

The soothing benefits of poppy seeds can be experienced by simply using them as a garnish or adding spice in your meals. They make delicious additions to meat, noodles, bread, salads, and fish. Poppy seeds are one of the vital ingredients for preparing cooling medications to ease inflammation and pain. You may also choose to grind a cup of poppy seeds with rock candy and consume this mixture twice daily, with a glass of milk.

The seeds will also be beneficial to those who are experiencing back pain as a result of improper diet and lack of nutrients. The seed is rich in minerals such as iodine, manganese, zinc, magnesium and copper and calcium. The minerals will strengthen your backbones and connective tissues, thus helping to prevent back pain.

The poppy seed can also be added to tea. Doing so, it will reduce pain as effectively as codeine. However, it is important to note that poppy seed tea can be dangerous when consumed in high dosages.


Essential Oils

Another effective way to alleviate back pain or get relief from the discomfort and soothe any muscle tension is having your back massaged with essential oils. First, you will need to choose your essential oil. Each one comes with its own healing benefits. It leaves you with a variety to choose from.

For acute back injuries or strains, peppermint oil provides fast relief by numbing the pain with its cooling properties. Lavender, the most popular oil on the market, will alleviate backache by reducing spasms and easing tightness and tension in the lower back. It will also reduce inflammation and relax your mind, further relieving you of the pain and stress that comes with back problems.

Another great option is mustard oil, which rapidly penetrates the pores on your back. It will relieve you of the discomfort caused by stiff joints and painful muscles. If back pain is a result of rheumatoid arthritis, olive oil is an effective solution. It prevents the enzyme that causes inflammation. Lower back and rheumatism can also be relieved with eucalyptus oil, with its natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Rosemary oil aromatherapy is also a common solution to pain and inflammation. The practice has been supported by a study in the Psychosomatic Medicine Journal. It shows the oil to be an effective treatment. To experience the aromatherapy benefits, you must directly inhale the rosemary oil scent and allow it to calm your mind and the sensory nerves that are responsible for the sense of pain. The essential oils can be mixed together for added benefits and can make the healing process faster.


Ice compress

Ice therapy can help to provide relief for back pain in a number of ways. If you are suffering from a back injury, applying ice to the affected area will slow down any inflammation and swelling that occurs afterward. It is similar to local anesthetic and will reduce the pain in sore tissues.

The ice numbs the area, slowing down the nerve impulses and disrupting the pain-spasm reaction between the nerves. It reduces the severity of muscle spasms. The ice will reduce circulation and cause the veins in your tissues to contract. With the removal of the ice, the veins will dilate and blood will rush to the area to overcompensate. The infusion of blood will provide the injured back muscles, tendons, and ligaments with the nutrients they need to heal.

You may be tempted to apply the ice directly to your back, and for long durations, in an attempt to have the quickest relief possible. This cold exposure will not benefit you and can cause skin sensitivity or an allergic reaction. Instead, put a few blocks of crushed ice into a plastic bag or wrap them in a towel and place the compress on the painful region for up to 15 minutes. Repeat this application every half hour. If ice block is not readily available, using a bag of frozen vegetables is just as effective.

Bear in mind that the ice therapy will be more effective within the first two days of your back muscle injury. Heat packs are also useful for back pain and are recommended over ice packs if you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis or cold allergies.



Since chronic inflammation is one of the leading causes of back pain. The strong anti-inflammatory properties of garlic make it effective in helping to prevent and reduce pain. Garlic also contains a high content of selenium, which can help to treat back ache caused by arthritis. Analgesic properties are also found in the chemical capsaicin, another component of garlic. Capsaicin is a key ingredient in most creams that target pain relief.

By simply consuming 2-3 garlic cloves every morning on an empty stomach, you will notice a reduction in the back pain you experience. Chew the cloves thoroughly and gulp them down with water to help ease the burning sensation in your mouth.

Another method is to finely dice 4 garlic cloves and let them sit for several minutes before adding them to a glass of milk. The wait allows for the beneficial enzymes in garlic to activate. Drinking this mixture daily can help stop inflammation on the sciatic nerve, easing back pain caused by sciatica.

Garlic doesn’t necessarily have to be ingested; it can be massaged onto your aching back in the form of garlic oil. To make the garlic oil you will need to heat either some coconut oil, mustard oil, or sesame oil, on a low setting, and then add 8 or more garlic cloves to the pan. Keep the pan on heat until the garlic turns brown. Thereafter, strain the oil and leave it to cool. Massage the oil onto the affected area and leave it to set into your skin for 3 hours and then wash it off with warm water. Repeat this process at least once every day.



Poor nutritional diet and indigestion can cause chronic inflammation that irritates muscles, tendons, and ligaments, enormously. A recent study in Asian Spine Journal confirms this by showing that almost a third of women and a quarter of men who suffer from back pain, also had difficulty digesting certain foods or other complaints regarding their gastrointestinal functioning.

If sufferers of back pain also experience constipation and infrequent bowel movements, it is highly advised that they make changes to their diet, as toxins may have built-up causing the inflammation and pain. Increasing whole-wheat intake could help with digestion. It also prevents and reduces back pain. Wheat contains compounds that produce an analgesic effect, which can help alleviate the pain further. Nevertheless, the healthiest diet won’t reduce your back pain, if you continue to eat foods that your body is sensitive to. Track your diet and the times you experience the most back pain. You may even find that sensitivities to gluten (wheat) might be the reason for triggering your pain.

However, pain relief is also possible without having to ingest the wheat. Wheat bags are another effective alternative to prescribed painkillers for acute back injuries or strains. Wheat grains have a unique cellular structure that causes them to take in heat quickly and release it much slower. This feature makes them an ideal form of heat therapy, as they only need to be microwaved for 2-3 minutes for the heat to soothe your pain for significantly longer. Applying the wheat bag to your back will cause the blood vessels in that area to dilate, causing an increase of oxygen and nutrients that will aid in healing damaged tissue.

This feature makes them an ideal form of heat therapy, as they only need to be microwaved for 2-3 minutes for the heat to soothe your pain for significantly longer. Applying the wheat bag to your back will cause the blood vessels in that area to dilate, causing an increase of oxygen and nutrients that will aid in healing damaged tissue.


Epsom Salt

Epsom salt offers many health benefits, one of which is the relief of pain and inflammation. Chronic inflammation of muscles and joints is the main cause of pain, especially back pain. The salt is composed of magnesium and sulfate. Research has shown that magnesium reduces inflammation and assists with muscle and nerve functioning, while sulfate aids in better nutrient absorption and the flushing of toxins from the body. For these benefits, many athletes turn to Epsom salts to combat sore or injured muscles.

Simply make a natural painkiller remedy by mixing Epsom salt with hot water. Soak a towel or washcloth in the mixture for 10 minutes and ring out any excess water before applying the towel on and around the painful area. The heat will reduce any swelling in the area, while the Epsom salt will reduce inflammation.

An Epsom salt bath is also possible and highly recommended. Just add two cups of the salt to your hot bathwater and soak in it for 15-20 minutes, with a glass of water nearby to keep you hydrated. The sulfate in the Epsom salt will remove toxins from your back that are causing it to ache. The removal of toxins will cause you to become sleepy, so try to have the Epsom salt bath before bedtime.

Owing to the strenuous lifestyle of today, stress and anxiety are common causes of muscle tension and backache. By sliding into a warm Epsom salt bath, the salt will help your body produce serotonin that will elevate your mood and bring a relaxed feeling to your mind and body.


Chamomile Tea

Another ingredient that can be found on your kitchen shelf that can effectively relieve back pain, is chamomile tea, often referred to as the “herbal aspirin”. The tea is commonly used to soothe stiff and tense muscle tissue caused by stress. The chamomile herb also improves digestion, and will further benefit those who struggle with back pain resulting from obesity. Calcium in the chamomile will also help to decrease muscle tension and relax them, while its antispasmodic properties reduce the severity of muscle spasms in the back.

Chamomile tea is often enjoyed as a casual beverage; however, by simply increasing the dosage, chamomile tea becomes medicinal. To get this therapeutic dose of the herb, infuse about 14 chamomile tea bags in 2 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes. The tea bags can be reused up to three times; however, the potency will decrease with each use.

This dosage may seem extreme, but is safe unless you have an allergy to chamomile. It is also best to avoid immediately driving after the full-strength dosage, as chamomile is also known for its calming and sedating effect on the mind. This effect will further aid in pain relief and help you sleep more easily, since a common symptom of back pain is difficulty in sleeping.

Chamomile essential oil can also be used to alleviate pain caused by tension. It can be massaged onto the aching area or burned as an aromatherapy treatment. In a recent trial, chamomile oil was shown to reduce the need for analgesics in individuals suffering from arthritis pain, after they rubbed chamomile oil onto the affected area three times a day for 3 weeks.



As mentioned previously, lack of nutrients is one of the prevalent causes of back pain. One nutrient deficiency that could very likely result in muscular pain, is calcium. Ensuring your body gets enough calcium can reduce the severity of back ache and help prevent them.

Many of the remedies listed contain calcium and this is one of the reasons they are listed as a treatment for back pain. Calcium is required by the body to strengthen bones. As we age, our bones struggle to maintain their mass, leading to conditions such as osteopenia or osteoporosis. These conditions can cause your spinal vertebrae to weaken, resulting in back pain. However, too much of anything can be dangerous, and an oversupply of calcium may result in bone fractures. This is why doctors recommend calcium from natural sources instead of supplements.

Milk is a naturally rich source of calcium and it is highly recommended that it be consumed regularly. Adding honey to milk as a sweetener can provide added benefits. Milk can also be combined with other anti-inflammatory ingredients, like turmeric and ginger.

Milk also contains magnesium, another essential mineral that is needed by the body. If there is too much calcium in your body or there is an inadequate amount of Magnesium, your muscles will not easily relax and remain contracted. Contracted muscles, also referred to as ‘knots’, are one of the leading causes of back pain. While milk might not be the richest source of magnesium, regularly drinking milk can definitely help you reach the daily requirements needed for you to be relieved of back pain caused by tension.
