Usually, when we are sick with an illness or disease, we are aware of it and are doing everything we can to get better. But some serious diseases are often referred to as ‘silent killers’ because of their lack of obvious symptoms, which causes a delay in detection that can prove to be fatal. Here are 10 silent-killer diseases you should know about.
1. High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is also known as hypertension, and it’s a common, very dangerous health issue. High blood pressure occurs when the pressure of the blood in vessels is higher than it should be, putting added pressure on the heart and arteries. This added pressure can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attacks, as well as kidney failure.
Blood pressure will rise and fall naturally during the day, depending on what we’re doing at the time. When we’re relaxed and calm, the pressure is lower, but it rises due to things like exercise, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, age, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, age, diabetes and too much salt in the diet. Blood pressure that is too high will affect blood flow to the organs, which increases the chance of developing other health issues like eye disease and erectile dysfunction.
High blood pressure is known as a silent killer because most people with this condition will have no symptoms and feel generally healthy. If blood pressure is extremely high, a few people may experience dizziness, headache or sudden effects like chest pain or stroke. Because blood pressure rises and falls so frequently, it can be difficult to diagnose. Generally, if your blood pressure is higher than normal on three separate occasions, you have high blood pressure.
To treat high blood pressure, it’s important to lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Regular physical activity, quitting smoking, losing weight, limiting alcohol intake and improving your diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables are some steps you can take to reduce high blood pressure. Some people may also require medication to help reduce blood pressure. If you think you may be at risk of high blood pressure, it’s important to see your doctor as soon as possible.