
Add These Prebiotic Foods to Your Plate for Better Gut Health 

2. Onion Did you know onions would be on a prebiotic list? Onions are health superstars. They have a lot of prebiotic fiber, especially before cooking… Trista Smith - April 14, 2022

A few years ago, the buzzword was probiotics. No one could get enough of the good bacteria that help ward off the bad bacteria and keep your gut healthy and happy. Probiotics are essential to the health of your microbiome, which is a fancy word to refer to the good bacteria that live in your gut and help you digest food. Now, the word of the day is prebiotics. However, what exactly are prebiotics? Are they just another health fad? No. Prebiotics are food for probiotics. The most common prebiotic is certain kinds of fiber that can pass more or less unchanged through the digestive tract. When it reaches the microbiome, the good bacteria chomp down on it and stay happy and healthy. If you don’t feed your microbiome what it needs, no matter how many probiotics you consume, those bacteria just will not stay alive.

Eating a diet rich in prebiotics is essential to maintaining the health of your microbiome. This article contains a list of foods that are particularly high in prebiotics, and you should not be surprised that they are all plants (except for mushrooms, which are a fungus, not a plant). Eating less meat and animal-based foods and more plants is a surefire way to boost the health of your microbiome and keep your whole self at optimal health.



25. Almonds

Almonds are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are the agents that neutralize free radicals, which zip around your body and break down cells at a molecular level. They also contain fiber with prebiotic properties, meaning that it feeds the bacteria in your microbiome. You may be used to enjoying the nutritional benefit of almonds by drinking almond milk, but most of the prebiotics and antioxidants are actually in the skin. Much of the skin does not survive the process of creating almond milk, so to enjoy the health benefits of almonds, eat them whole. One ounce of whole almonds contains one-eighth of your daily protein needs. Keep reading for more ways to incorporate prebiotics into your everyday diet.



24. Radish

Radishes are one of the best vegetables you can eat. Nevertheless, unless you enjoy eating them raw, they can also be one of the most difficult. They are amazing for your body because they have a high fiber content with prebiotic properties and a high vitamin and mineral profile that detoxifies your organs and protects against disease. Eating them, well, there are plenty of ways to eat radishes. Some people have had success turning them into chips and eating them with dip. You can shave them into salads for a bit of a spicy crunch or cut them up to add to a smoothie. Alternatively, slice radishes thinly to put them in soups or use them as a topping for casseroles.



23. Broccoli

Broccoli is a delicious vegetable with a mild flavor that goes great with any dish. It contains so many nutrients that it functions as a multivitamin all on its own: vitamins A, B complex, C, E, and K; folic acid; magnesium; phosphorus; the list goes on and on and on. To make things even better, the fibers in broccoli have prebiotic properties, leading to a greater diversity of the microbiome and all-around improved health. The result is better weight management, better mood, better sleep, better everything, better you! You can even get better hair, skin, and nails by eating enough broccoli.



22. Carrots

Carrots are commonly known to be powerhouses for vitamin A. However, did you know that carrots have prebiotics that helps improve the health of your microbiome? Carrots contain pectin, a type of fiber that functions as a prebiotic, and researchers found that the pectin in carrots helps boost the health of particular kinds of good bacteria found in your gut. The result is better mood, improved digestion, and all-around enhanced health. There are so many ways to enjoy carrots and get this health benefit. You can shave them into a salad, eat them with a yogurt-based dip, or cook them into stews, soups, and other recipes.



21. Jicama

Jicama is usually grown in Mexico and is a potato-like vegetable that has a slightly sweet taste. Many Americans do not eat jicama, but they miss out on incredible prebiotics and other health benefits. One cup of jicama contains 6.4 grams of dietary fiber, much of it functioning as a prebiotic because of how it feeds the good bacteria of the microbiome. Getting enough fiber does more than help your microbiome; it also relieves constipation and reduces the risk of heart disease! In addition to fiber, jicama is very nutrient-dense relative to its number of calories. You can eat jicama raw by itself or in a salad or prepare it in several dishes.



20. Seaweed

Seaweed may not top the list of foods that Americans want to eat, but other cultures have been enjoying the health benefits of seaweed for millennia. It is rich in prebiotics because of the high level of polysaccharides. Some types of seaweed, such as nori, are very high in protein, and vegans should be extra excited about seaweed because it is a non-animal source of some B vitamins. It is one of the best sources of iodine, and it also provides a huge boost to heart health — not insignificant when one considers that heart disease is still the leading cause of death in America.



19. Sweet Potatoes

Think again if you want to limit sweet potatoes to sugary desserts on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sweet potato fries, sweet potato soup, and baked sweet potatoes are just a few ways to enjoy this nutritious vegetable with all of the added sugar and butter in sweets like sweet potato pie. Sweet potatoes have tons of vitamin A; just one serving has nearly 800% of your daily intake! They also have high amounts of C and B vitamins, manganese, potassium, and copper. The pectin and insoluble fibers that they contain boost your gut health by promoting regular bowel movements and feeding the good bacteria in your microbiome.



18. Lentils

The humble lentil is a nutritional powerhouse. These legumes are super cheap and full of fiber, vitamins, and minerals that you may wonder how you went so long without eating them regularly. Lentils have up to 15 grams of fiber per serving, much of it functioning as prebiotic, so they are like fertilizer for your microbiome. They are also high in folate and the trace mineral manganese. Folate is necessary for a healthy pregnancy, and manganese is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce your risk of disease. Try eating a dish with lentils once a week. Your gut and your wallet will both thank you.



17. Watermelon

Nothing says the wonderful summer days quite like a slice of cold watermelon. Watermelon can do more than help cool you off on a hot summer day; its high water content can rehydrate you, and the nutrients inside it will help fight off disease by neutralizing free radicals and improving skin health. Watermelon does not have high fiber content, but the fiber it has helps support a healthy good, meaning that this summer favorite is an excellent source of prebiotics. Eating watermelon stimulates the production of good bacteria in your gut while improving the health of the intestinal lining and even boosting your mood. Who said you could have too much of a good thing?



16. Leeks

Leeks are not popular among Americans, but people in the United Kingdom commonly consume them. A leek is like a cousin of the more familiar garlic and onion, but with a milder taste. The fibers in leeks pass all of the tests to be a good prebiotic, so they are a great way of improving the health of your microbiome. Consuming leeks and other members of the allium family can help reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, so if you are looking to boost the health of your gut, there is no excuse for not adding leeks to your diet. They can be a great ingredient for soups, or you can eat them whole when roasted with herbs.



15. Blueberries

If you watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as a kid, you might have had nightmares about turning into a blueberry. However, you do not need to fear unless you have been naughty and eating untested chewing gum when you were told not to. Blueberries have a rich nutritional profile and are one of the best sources of probiotics that you can eat. They contain potassium, copper, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, and manganese. People who eat blueberries regularly have much better gut health, less inflammation, more sensitivity to insulin (bye-bye, diabetes!), and stronger GI tracts. Start adding blueberries to smoothies, oatmeal, cereal, and even baked goods to get their prebiotics and other health benefits.



14. Walnuts

If you are not already eating walnuts regularly, then you need to. They have more antioxidants than spinach and overflow with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Their magnesium and phosphorus content improves bone and muscle health, and their proteins may prevent or alleviate cognitive decline associated with aging. Studies with rats eating walnuts have dramatically increased gut health, ranging from more good bacteria and fewer bad bacteria to more microflora diversity. The special fibers inside walnuts seem to be particularly potent prebiotics. So start adding walnuts to your oatmeal, salads, and baked goods to get their nutritional benefit!



13. Apples

An apple a day does more than keep the doctor away; it can significantly boost the health of your microbiome. Apples are rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber favorite of gut bacteria. Pectin can also boost your immune system, much of which is in your gut. The soluble and insoluble fibers can help you stay regular, meaning that bloating and constipation can go away with regular apple-eating. Make sure that you eat the peel, meaning that applesauce and apple pie will probably not give you the prebiotic benefits of a whole apple. Organic apples are best, as non-organic apples are laced with pesticides and can be genetically modified.



12. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are part of the fungi family, meaning that they are not plants. People do not usually look to mushrooms for boosting their gut health, as mushrooms are not known for being high in fiber. However, their carbohydrate profile makes them perfect for gut health. Mushrooms contain chitin, a type of carbohydrate that is exceptional at promoting and maintaining the health of your microbiome. Furthermore, you may not be a huge fan of mushrooms, but you can sip on this fungus’ cousin, kombucha. Kombucha is a type of tea made through fermentation with a scoby. You can also enjoy the nutritional benefits of mushrooms through coffees and meat substitutes that are mushroom-based but don’t taste like mushrooms.



11. Cabbage

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable, closely related to broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach. Experts recommend that you eat cabbage at least every other week, but many people are averse to the pungent smell that fills their homes whenever they cook it. This vegetable is full of vitamins and minerals, as well as a healthy dose of prebiotic fiber that the bacteria in your microbiome can chow down on. You can eat fermented cabbage, like kimchi or sauerkraut, raw cabbage in a salad or as coleslaw, or cooked cabbage on its own or as a soup. There are so many ways to eat this healthy vegetable that your taste buds and gut cannot afford to miss it. Keep reading for the top ten ways to add more probiotics into your diet for optimal gut health.



10. Corn

Corn can get a bad rap from nutritionists due to its high carbohydrate content, but it has prebiotics that helps get your gut health on track. The zeaxanthin and lutein in corn help preserve your eyes from macular degeneration, and the resistant starch helps promote gut health. Nevertheless, opening up a can of corn and heating it up on the stove does not guarantee you will reap this grain’s nutritional benefits. Cook the whole cob fresh, and then shave off the kernels for best results. You can also eat corn cold in a salad with black beans and other vegetables to get even more of the resistant starch.



9. Oats

Oatmeal is one of the quickest and easiest breakfast foods you can make, and your gut will thank you for it throughout the day. Oats have resistant starch, which is not digested and passes somewhat intact down to your colon. The bacteria in your microbiome then feast on it all day long and get super happy. The result is a laxative effect, sweeping your colon out and keeping it nice and healthy. Use fruit, chia seeds, flax seeds, and/or some nuts for added benefit. Ensure that you are eating unprocessed oatmeal, not the ready-mix packets loaded with sugar and so processed that the resistant starch is ineffective.



8. Banana

Experts recommend eating bananas regularly to help boost your gut health because they have prebiotics that helps feed your microbiome. You may be used to waiting until the banana is yellow and maybe with a couple of brown spots on the peel to eat it, but some doctors recommend eating them while they are still green. Unripe bananas are low in sugar, so they feed the bacteria in your gut without any build-up of carbohydrates that can lead to weight gain. The starch in bananas also helps you feel full longer, causing you to eat less. If you can’t stomach the idea of unripe banana, add one into a smoothie for breakfast a few times a week.



7. Dandelion Greens

You may think of dandelions as weeds that you have to get rid of, but don’t bring out the Round-Up yet! Dandelion greens, the green part of the plant, are super nutritious and can be eaten much the same way you would eat lettuce, kale, or spinach. They lower the levels of bad lipids in your bloodstream, fight inflammation, and neutralize free radicals. You can harvest them straight from your yard, as long as you haven’t been treating your yard with chemicals that you don’t want to put inside your body. You can even use the flowers themselves in salads or teas. If you don’t have dandelions in your local area, you can buy teas or even fresh greens at a health food store.



6. Spinach

Popeye may have popularized this vegetable by eating it out of a can to gain instant strength, but there are plenty of other ways to eat spinach and become a superhero. You don’t have to open a can; you can eat fresh leaves as the base for a salad, as a topping for a sandwich, or as an addition to just about any soup. Put simply; spinach is one of the healthiest foods that you can eat. It has tons of vitamin C and vitamin K, as well as fiber and phytochemicals that benefit your eyes. Be like Popeye and eat more spinach!



5. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate lovers and women experiencing PMS can rejoice that dark chocolate made its way onto the list of foods loaded with prebiotics that you should be eating more of. Notice that this is not milk chocolate or white chocolate, both of which have the nutritional content of the cocoa bean stripped out by too much processing. Dark chocolate is more expensive and has a stronger flavor. Cocoa beans have polyphenols, an antioxidant that feeds the good bacteria in your microbiome. Studies have proven that people who regularly eat dark chocolate with high polyphenol content have fewer bad bacteria and more good bacteria. Anything above 70% cacao will be bitter and possibly difficult to eat, but experts recommend at least 85% cacao.



4. Asparagus

Yes, asparagus makes your pee stink, but you can help mitigate that effect by drinking plenty of water before and after eating. Asparagus is full of anti-inflammatory agents that neutralize free radicals, which zip around your body, wreaking havoc on your cells at a molecular level. If you find yourself having difficulty with the taste of asparagus, you may just be eating it wrong. Instead of opening a can of asparagus, try making a soup or stew out of fresh stalks that you buy at the grocery store or local farmers’ market. If you love the taste of asparagus, then, by all means, add it to your salads, sandwiches, omelets, everything.



3. Jerusalem Artichoke

Jerusalem artichokes are neither from Jerusalem nor true artichokes, but they are super healthy for your microbiome. Did you know that Jerusalem artichokes are part of a sunflower that grows in the Americas? However, they taste like mild artichokes mixed with a potato. You can even eat them like potatoes by baking them in their skin and eating them with sour cream and other toppings you would normally eat on a baked potato. Jerusalem artichokes have a lot of fiber, making them great for boosting your prebiotics. They have also been linked to better managing diabetes, increasing iron intake, and boosting calcium absorption.



2. Onion

Did you know onions would be on a prebiotic list? Onions are health superstars. They have a lot of prebiotic fiber, especially before cooking them, so load up your veggie burger, salad, and vegetable-based chili with cut-up onions as toppings. They also contain a compound known as quercetin, which has antioxidant and anticancer properties. Look for recipes that use an onion base to incorporate more of these heart-healthy, gut-friendly vegetables into your diet. A word of caution: While a blooming onion may sound like an easy way to get more quercetin and prebiotics into your diet, these dishes have bad fats from the frying and dipping sauces. A blooming onion should be a treat that you share with a crowd; don’t trick yourself into thinking that it is healthy.



1. Garlic

If you haven’t been able to tell yet, prebiotics are great for your stomach and gut. Moreover, when you saw “garlic” listed as a good prebiotic, you may have shaken your head for a second. Really? That pungent spiciness is supposed to help get your stomach feeling better? Not worse? Yes. Garlic has an indigestible carbohydrate known as inulin; it helps promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your microbiome. Garlic has tons of antioxidants, along with antimicrobial and anticancer properties. If you have been sluggish and bloated, garlic may be what the doctor ordered. But be careful. If you suffer from IBS or are on a low FODMAP diet that severely restricts indigestible carbohydrates, garlic could be a trigger for gastric distress.


Detox Your Lymphatic System with These 20 Tricks

Problems with the lymphatic system cause problems all through the body. They cause flare-ups of pain disorders like fibromyalgia and arthritis, skin conditions, chronic fatigue and… Samantha Davis - April 14, 2022

Problems with the lymphatic system cause problems all through the body. They cause flare-ups of pain disorders like fibromyalgia and arthritis, skin conditions, chronic fatigue and headaches, sinus infections, and digestive disorders. Poor drainage also causes excess weight gain and cellulite, cold hands and feet, unexplained injuries, enlarged lymph nodes, and even cancer. With so many possible health problems, it’s evident that keeping your lymph system working is important to your overall health.

The lymphatic system works like a drain for your body, pulling toxins, fats, and fluids from the cells and tissues and emptying them into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the body eliminates these by filtering them through the organs and kidneys. When the body doesn’t filter these toxins, they clog the lymph system, impair the immune system, and ultimately make you sick. Below, we’ll take a look at how you can detox your lymphatic system with these 20 tricks.

Staying hydrated keeps fluid moving through the lymphatic system and is critical to detoxifying the body.


1. Stay Hydrated

Drinking enough water is critical to the lymph system’s health. It relies on your body being well-hydrated to pass toxins through the cell wall and into the bloodstream. Once toxins have been filtered through organs like the liver, spleen, and kidneys, water also carries these toxins out of the body as waste. By staying hydrated, you ensure your body has enough energy to carry out this and many other tasks. After all, the body is made up of 50-70% water and fluid composes about 97% of the lymphatic system.

One of the most important times to drink water is as soon as you wake up in the morning. While you sleep, your body is hard at work healing itself and eliminating toxins. Drinking water helps the lymph system eliminate the waste from the night before. On average, men should drink 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) and women should drink 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of water. You may need to adjust this based on factors like your activity level and where you live, too. Drinking lemon water first in the morning also has benefits.

Exercising helps muscles contract and relax, which is essential to get fluid moving through the lymphatic vessels.


2. Exercise

Exercise is important for the lymph system because it relies on muscle movement like contractions and relaxing to move fluids through the tissues and into the blood stream. It also pumps the cells full of oxygen, helping them release toxins and get them where they need to go. While any kind of exercise is beneficial, the lymph system benefits most from movements that produce strong muscle contractions. Exercise under water is also beneficial because of the increased pressure around the body.

There are many stretches you can do to benefit the lymphatic system. Running, squats, and yoga are all recommended, but there are plenty of other exercises that benefit the lymphs. Jumping on a mini trampoline (rebounding), dancing, or anything that gets your blood pumping is also beneficial to the lymphatic system. As an added benefit, exercising helps you maintain a healthy weight so they lymphatic system doesn’t have to work as hard to push fluids and toxins through the body.

Avoiding clothing that is too tight is one way to ensure your lymphatic system has room to flow.


3. Choose Loose Fitting Clothes

The clothing you wear affects more than just how you look to the people around you. As you choose clothes, you should also be considering how they impact your health. Many of your lymphatic vessels are located just under the skin. When you wear tight-fitting clothing, it squeezes these vessels and makes it harder for them to do their job. Since the lymphatic system spreads through your entire body, avoid tight-fitting clothes from hats all the way down to socks.

It’s also important that you sleep in loose-fitting clothing. The body detoxifies itself most between the hours of 10 p.m. and 2 a.m., so being able to flow freely is important. Since many of the lymphs are located around the neck and chest, it’s also important for women that they avoid wearing undergarments that are too tight. A tight bra constricts the chest, arms, and breasts. This stops the lymphatic system from functioning at its best and it may even affect how much oxygen you’re getting.

Young woman on a massage session – cartoon people character isolated illustration on white background. An image of a cute girl enjoying the procedure and a young blonde massagist. Healthcare concept


4. Full-Body Massage

Massage therapy is known for having a wide range of benefits for the body. It helps relax the body and muscles, while stimulating blood flow. All of these things are incredibly beneficial for your lymphatic system. As you relax during your massage, the pressure applied by the masseuse helps keep move things along in the body. This makes it easier for the lymph system to send fats, fluids, and toxins to the organs so they can be filtered and removed from the body.

Research shows that a full-body massage helps stimulate the lymphatic system and improves flow by as much as 20% to increase its effectiveness at removing toxins. Some other health benefits of regular massage include increased flexibility in the muscles and joints, better mental wellness and relaxation, pain relief, and improved circulation, to name a few. Massage is something that feels like pampering, but that is a real investment in your own health as well.

Leafy greens, nuts and seeds, and spices like turmeric are all great foods that fight inflammation so the lymphatic system functions effectively.


5. Add These Foods to Your Diet

There’s been a lot of research connecting your diet and gut health to the health of the rest of your body. It’s no surprise, therefore, that there are various foods you can add to your diet to promote the health of your lymphatic system. A good first step is eliminating unhealthy, heavily processed foods. You should also avoid food with pesticides, artificial ingredients, and preservatives. In addition to cutting out the bad stuff, there are many foods that support the lymphatic system.

Anti-inflammatory foods are among the best for the lymphatic system because they target inflammation that makes it hard for the body to eliminate toxins. In addition to drinking water, cranberry juice is beneficial because it is high in antioxidants and promotes the health of microbes in your digestive tract. Foods like seaweed, nuts and seeds, leafy greens, and citrus are also beneficial. Additionally, adding spices like turmeric, garlic, and other adaptogenic herbs help reduce inflammation and promote lymphatic system health.

Manual lymphatic drainage helps detoxify the body.


6. Manual Lymphatic Drainage Techniques

Sometimes, the lymphatic system needs a little help to get things flowing again. Manual lymphatic drainage is incredibly effective at removing toxins from the body. This takes things a step further than traditional massage, using pressure in certain areas and small, circular motions that stimulate the flow of lymph fluids through the body. Unlike traditional massage that relies on pushing on the muscles, this is a gentler technique that promotes flow through the lymphs by pulling skin, rather than impeding it by pressing down too hard.

If going to a professional isn’t an option, you can do manual lymphatic drainage yourself. Start by familiarizing yourself with where the lymphs are. To massage them, you are going to make gentle circles and press outwards, away from the lymph nodes. This helps push toxins out of the lymphs, so they can drain from the body and the lymphatic system can pull more toxins from the cells. Some of the most important lymph nodes are located near the armpits, in the groin area, and in the head and neck.

Yoga stimulates lymphatic flow by twisting and squeezing the muscles. Positions involving twisting or being inverted are most beneficial.


7. Yoga

Yoga is another activity that helps improve circulation and encourages movement in the lymphatic system. Yoga that involves twisting and bending is most helpful to the lymphatic system. As you bend and twist, it almost “squeezes” the lymphs the way that twisting a towel squeezes water out. Some yoga positions that benefit the lymphatic system include child’s pose, downward facing dog, standing forward bend, and the cat and cow pose. A type of yoga called yin yoga also uses many downward-facing positions that really help with lymphatic system drainage.

As an added benefit, yoga promotes deep breathing and relaxation. Making time to relax benefits the lymphatic system because it helps relieve stress. A stressful lifestyle is one contributing factors of a lymphatic system that doesn’t work as well as it should. Stress causes your body to pump high levels of hormones, especially cortisol, through your body. These hormones trigger the fight-or-flight response. Since the body is focused on survival, other important bodily processes are stopped. This blocks the lymphatic system and stops the immune system from functioning effectively.

Dry brushing opens the pores, promotes blood flow, and stimulates lymph flow.


8. Dry Brushing

Dry brushing is a great way to stimulate the lymphatic system. All you need for this is a brush with soft-to-medium hardness bristles. Ideally, you’ll want a brush with a long handle so you can easily reach your whole body. It’s also important that you dry brush in the right direction, so you stimulate flow of the lymphatic system. You’ll start with short, circular strokes. While you should brush hard enough that you feel it, dry brushing should not hurt. Additionally, you can be gentler in more sensitive areas.

Dry brushing should start at the ankles, as you brush up toward your knees. As you work toward the different areas of your body, the goal is to brush “toward your heart“. Next, brush the fronts and backs of your thighs, then your stomach. You’ll do the back next, but you’ll move with long strokes from the neck down to the base of the spine. This is the only time you don’t stroke toward the heart. Finally, dry brush your arms by moving from your wrists to your shoulders.

Reducing your exposure to toxins and chemicals means your lymphatic system isn’t working overtime to detoxify your body.


9. Reduce Your Exposure to Chemicals

One of the major functions of they lymphatic system is removing toxins and chemicals from the body. This is necessary because people are exposed to trace amounts of toxins all day long, at home, outdoors, and at work. The body tolerates trace amounts of these chemicals, but too much makes the body sick. By reducing your exposure, your lymphatic system doesn’t have to work as hard. This makes it run more effectively and keeps your body cleansed of all those things that could make you sick.

A great place to start is at home, where you spend most of your time. Be sure you don’t have contaminants like mercury, asbestos, and lead in the home. If you do, hire a professional to have them removed. Switching to glass and metal containers instead of single-use plastics also reduces chemical exposure when storing food and packing lunches. Additionally, consider switching to green cleaning products and wash your hands regularly to remove any contaminants you may have come into contact with.

Certain botanical ointments, teas, and supplements open the lymphatic system and promote detoxification of the body.


10. Botanical Medicine

Botanical medicine relies on using herbs and plants to heal the body. There are many herbs that benefit the lymphatic system, either by improving how well it drains, fighting against inflammation in the body, or supporting the immune system. Many herbs benefits the immune system in more than one way. While herbal and botanical medicine is generally considered safe, you should talk to your doctor first if you are pregnant or nursing, if you have any pre-existing health conditions, or if you are already taking medication.

Dandelions, cleavers, red clover, and devil’s paw are all known for their ability to purify and de-toxify the blood. They will give your lymphatic system a boost and help clean out any sludge in your body. Calendula, echinacea, and goldenseal all have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that stop inflammation. When inflammation isn’t keeping lymph passages swollen, fluids are able to flow more freely through the body. There are also botanicals that benefit the lymph and skin specifically, including mullein, knotted figwort, and astragulus.

A lymphatic drainage facial stimulates the flow of the lymphatic system. You can do it yourself or see a professional.


11. Lymphatic Drainage Facial

A lymphatic drainage facial involves using light pressure, gentle movements, and even skin brushing to encourage flow of the lymphatic system through the face. It works by manually draining the lymphatic system. Research shows that lymphatic drainage reduces swelling and inflammation. It benefits conditions like eczema and acne and it’s even been used after surgeries and cancer treatment to reduce swelling. You can work with someone licensed in lymphatic drainage facial, or you can do it on your own.

You can lie down, sit, or stand while doing this yourself. It’s best to position yourself however you are most comfortable. Before you start, take several deep breaths. Starting at your head, take the palms of your hands and apply gentle pressure. The pressure you’re applying should pull skin downward slightly. Work in a downward motion, encouraging the lymphs to release toward the nodes in the neck. Target each area of your skin at least five times. Additionally, be gentle around the eyes, switching to just a finger instead of using your whole palm.

An infrared sauna uses light waves to stimulate cell regeneration and the heat promotes sweating that opens the lymphatic system and detoxifies the body.


12. Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas are beneficial because they offer the same benefits to the skin as sun exposure, with much fewer risks because there isn’t exposure to radiation. The light waves penetrate skin deep down, making it easier for cells to regenerate and encouraging them to release toxins. As you sweat from being in the sauna, the pores open up and it’s easy for the lymphatic system to drain through the skin. Using an infrared sauna has many other benefits as well, including boosted metabolism, reducing pain and inflammation, and managing certain conditions like allergies and skin conditions.

An infrared sauna is something you can use at a spa. There are also smaller sized models made for people who want one in-home. For the most benefit, you should be well-hydrated beforehand. You may even want to bring a glass of water in to help replenish the fluids you are losing through sweat. While the heat does have benefits, it’s still possible to overheat so keep an eye on the time and don’t stay in too long. You can also open the door if you get too hot and still receive the benefits from the light waves.

Switching between hot and cold temperatures cause muscles to contract and relax, helping lymph fluid be pushed through the body.


13. Hot and Cold Water Therapy

Hot and cold water therapy works by causing the muscles and skin cells to contract and relax. Hot water relaxes the muscles and opens the pores up. Once you switch to cold water, everything contracts and it works by squeezing all the toxics and lymph fluid. Since the lymphatic system relies on muscle contractions and other movements to pump lymph fluid effectively, switching between hot and cold water is a great way to detoxify your lymphatic system. Plus, it’s really easy to do this at home while you’re in the shower.

Start with hot water and let your body adjust. Once your muscles are relaxed and it feels like things are opened up, switch to cold water. Wait at least 1-2 minutes while switching between temperatures to give time for the heat or cold to penetrate your muscles. You should do this about 5-7 times on each setting for a deep drainage of the lymphatic system. For added relaxation and lymphatic benefits, try deep breathing while you’re doing this type of therapy.

Turning your body upside down helps because lymphs are located in the upper body like the head, neck, and groin. It gives the lymphatic system a chance to filter excess water and toxins in the legs and feet.


14. Turning Yourself Upside Down

When you spend a lot of time on your feet, the pull of gravity causes blood, water, and toxins to accumulate in the legs and feet. There are no lymphatic drains around these areas. Instead, these toxins need pushed back toward the organs so they can be filtered through the liver, spleen, or kidneys. You can make it easier for your lymphatic system to push these toxins back where they need to go by turning yourself upside down. With your legs being inverted, the lymph fluids travel toward the lymph nodes found in the groin.

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to turn yourself upside down without doing a headstand. Some people use an inversion table, but even laying on the floor with your legs flat against the wall in front of you helps the lymphatic system flow. Any way you invert your body is beneficial, so headstands, handstands, and even shoulderstands help cleanse the lymphatic system. There are also several inverted yoga positions you can do, such as the downward-facing dog.

Deep breathing opens the lymphatic vessels and promotes relaxation. Shutterstock.


15. Breathe Deeply

Deep breathing engages your stomach, chest, and diaphragm. As you inhale and exhale, it helps move the muscles around and squeeze the lymph system. By stimulating the lymphatic system, lymph fluids are pushed where they need to go and it helps detoxify the body. Plus, deep breathing benefits the lymphatic system because of its relaxation benefits. Often, balancing a social life, our home lives, work, and family cause people to lead fast-paced lifestyles and they don’t make time to relax. High levels of stress is something that stops the lymphatic system from working as efficiently.

To get the most benefit from deep breaths, you should try to do breathing exercises at least once or twice a day. It only takes a few minutes, but there are great benefits from relaxation. As you breathe, close your mouth and keep the tip of your tongue on the uppermost ridge of your teeth. Inhale for a count of four, hold it for a count of seven, then exhale for a count of eight. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, being sure to keep your tongue in position for the most benefit.

Rebounding causes the lymphs to open and close. It also boosts the flow of oxygen and the lymphatic system.


16. Rebounding

Rebounding is an exercise done using a mini trampoline. Unlike running, jumping offers cardiovascular benefits without putting excess strain on joints. As an added benefit, rebounding involves an up-and-down movement rather than a horizontal movement. Since you are working out in a vertical manner, it becomes easier for the lymphatic system to drain. Some additional benefits of rebounding for the lymphatic system include reducing water retention, better detoxification of the body, and improved skin. Rebounding also has fitness benefits regarding strength, blood pressure, and overall health.

To get the most benefit, you only need to bounce on a mini trampoline for 10-15 minutes each day. As you bounce, the upward and downward motions cause the lymphs to open and close. This helps excess fluid and toxins drain and move through the lymph system. Since the motions cause the valves to open and close, you don’t have to do these exercises all at once. Breaking them up into 3-5 minute sessions offers the same benefits and won’t be as stressful for people that are new to the activity.


17. Enzyme Supplement

Research has shown that gut and digestive health play a greater role in overall health than we once thought. It’s no surprise, therefore, that the enzymes that digest food play a big role in lymphatic system health. Enzymes break down food and aid in many metabolic processes. In between meals when they aren’t breaking down foods, these digestive enzymes also break down organic matter, complex fats, and proteins found in the blood. By breaking these things down, the lymphatic system removes them more efficiently.

While the body produces some digestive enzymes, taking an enzyme supplement gives the digestive system a boost. It increases how well your body processes food, giving the enzymes more time to support the lymphatic system between meals. There has also been research that good gut health decreases inflammation, which helps keep the lymph system running smooth. In addition to adding an enzyme supplement to your diet, you can support digestive health by avoiding processed carbohydrates and sugars, choosing healthy sources of fats, and eating lots of fiber and raw fruits and vegetables.

Certain essential oils encourage purification of the bloodstream and tissues, while others help open the lymphatic system.


18. Essential Oils

Essential oils are commonly used in aromatherapy or applied to the skin. They are extracts from various herbs and botanicals, often those that have been used in traditional medicine systems. Mastic opens the lymphatic and respiratory systems, having anti-microbial and decongestant properties, while guaiacwood is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Citrus essential oils like lemon and grapefruit fight inflammation and help purify the lymphatic system, too. Some other beneficial oils include juniper berry, peppermint, and rosemary.

While modern medicine hasn’t fully researched the many benefits of essential oils, many of them have been used in Native American medicine, Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, and even since the times of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Essential oils can be used in aromatherapy by adding them to a diffuser, or even adding them to a pot of boiling water. When applying essential oils to skin or massaging the lymph nodes with them, many need to be diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil to avoid damage to the skin.

Chiropractic care helps remove inflammation and abnormalities that prevent the lymph system from flowing freely.
Wikimedia Commons.


19. Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is recommended for people who have problems or abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system, which is made up of the spine, bones, nerves, muscles, tendons, and joints. Keeping this system working as it should is also important to the health and flow of the lymphatic system, since it exists alongside it in the body. Misalignments or inflammation in the musculoskeletal system block the lymphatic system and stop it from flowing freely.

Chiropractors identify problem areas and then help with treatment, often by adjusting the spine and muscle groups using manipulation and other types of therapy. As obstructions and areas of tension are removed during a chiropractic session, lymph fluid flows freely to detox your lymphatic system. Research shows removing this tension improves the flow of the lymphatic system and improves immunity. Additionally, chiropractic offices offer other services that benefit the lymphatic system, including inversion tables and electro-lymphatic drainage. They may also be certified to perform manual lymphatic drainage.

An inversion table uses gravity to encourage lymphatic flow. Forbes Health.


20. Inversion Table

Inversion tables offer a number of benefits for the body, as well as the lymphatic system. An inversion table is a padded table that has straps for your feet on the bottom. You are secured to the table and then turned up side down. While in this position, the lymphatic and circulatory systems are stimulated. Gravity works with the body, bring blood and oxygen to the tissues and pushing out toxins. Then, they move through the lymphatic system so they can be filtered and transported out of the body.

In addition to its benefits for the lymphatic system, an inversion table benefits the joints and the spine. As mentioned above, keeping these areas free of inflammation helps the lymphatic system keep moving smoothly. This is especially true since the muscles of the body are the most effective “pump” for the lymphatic system. Inversion therapy can be done with a professional, or you can buy an inversion table for home. Chiropractic offices and other hollistic medicine practioners may offer inversion therapy.
