
10 Symptoms You Are not Eating the Required Daily Protein

5. Liquid Retention We all get to retain liquids every now and then. Because of the heat, the hormones, pressure changes, etc. However, if you tend… Luna - July 16, 2017

Whenever you eat, you should be getting the right nutrients for your body. What we eat is usually divided in three macros which are carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. They are all essential to life and provide the daily energy we need to thrive. The required protein is essential to make you feel energetic and keep you going.

But what are proteins? Essentially, proteins are long chains of amino acids. They are necessary molecules that allow you to do certain daily actions. Protein is found within our body’s cells. And our body uses them to repair tissue and also build it when necessary. Required protein is also used to make hormones, enzymes, and they help to build muscles, cartilage, bones, skin, and also blood.

Proteins are not stored in our body, unlike fats and carbohydrates. This means that, in order to maintain a healthy body you will need to intake the required proteins daily. Proteins come from several sources. Such as meat, fish, milk, eggs, soy, and also legumes, beans, and nuts. Whenever you eat them, proteins release amino acids that are essential for your body’s functions.

The generic scientific agreement on required protein intake ranges from 10 to 30% of your daily caloric intake. Which turned into numbers tend to be:

  • Women (19-70+ years of age): 46gr.
  • Men (19-70+ years of age): 56gr.

However, if you do not get to intake all the proteins your body needs, you will see some adverse effects. These effects will show on your hair, nails and skin. As well as in your mood and generic energy levels.

In this article, we will run through the main symptoms that you may experience if you lack the required protein. We will also provide you with solutions, so you can feel better! Let’s start, shall we?

1. Brittle and Weak Nails

This may be the easier symptom to see in terms of required protein. The reason behind it is that nails are basically made of layers of protein. If protein is missing, then your nails will show. The protein nails are made of is called keratin, which is the same found in the hair. Whenever your nails are weak or brittle, you may also notice problems with your hair. If you wish to have healthy and strong nails, then you definitely need to keep up your required protein intake. The same applies to your skin and hair which also have keratin.

Whenever your body does not get enough proteins, it doesn’t get the necessary means to build your nails. Additionally, a lack of protein will also show white spots on your nails. Moreover, it leads to more hangnails, as well as tears and cracks on your nails. It is not only a matter of cosmetic issues. Broken and weak nails can lead to infections and fungus.

Required Protein – Make your Nails Healthy Again!

In order to get your body to produce a proper amount of keratin, you’ll have to focus on eating certain foods. However, protein is not everything you need for it. Together with the proteins mentioned above (meat, chicken, fish, eggs, pork, dairy products, beans, and nuts), you will also need to get iron, biotin, and several other minerals and vitamins. To do so, make sure to intake food such as pumpkins, squash, carrots, spinach, kale, and many more. For biotin, add cauliflower and mushrooms to the food above. Remember, keep your dish colorful to get all the nutrients you need!

It is also good to use topical treatments such as oils and butter, or nail soak. This together with the diet prescription above will help you regenerate and strengthen your brittle or weak nails.

2. Muscle Weakness

Another big symptom of a lack of required protein is muscle weakness. Any sign of pain or sudden weakness in your muscles will suggest that you are not intaking enough proteins. However, always make sure to warm up and cool down in between your workouts to prevent injuries that can happen to anybody. Our muscles get their fuel from protein, which explains why, if you lack your required protein, they will hurt. When we are young, the problem is less visible. However, as we grow old, it can really become something unbearable. Mostly for men. When we age, it is only natural to experience loss of muscle mass. But if there is a protein lack, that loss can be greater and more serious.

Protein-rich tissues are the ones that your body needs and breaks down to use them. Whenever there is a low protein intake, your muscles start to waste and you will feel an increased weakness. If your diet continues to be low in proteins, you will gradually but steadily lose muscle mass.

Required Protein – Keep Your Muscles Strong!

Whenever we consume proteins, we also absorb other nutrients better. Such as calcium and iron. These two are extremely important for your joint health and muscle strength. This is why you need to ensure that you take your daily required protein.

How can you do that? Similar to what we mentioned above, you need to have a balanced diet, including Fats, Carbs, and Proteins. In terms of the latest, make sure to have a varied selection. Including meat, fish, poultry, dairy, legumes, and nuts. However, you can also get proteins from vegetables if you like them better. So make sure to add some broccoli, mushrooms, kale, and spinach to supplement your protein intake. After all, your current health will reflect your future.

3. Weak and Fizzy Hair

Similar to the nails, our hairs also reflects a lack of required protein. This is because of the protein called Keratin. As we explained above, Keratin is found in our skin, nails, and hair. A lack of it will result in disruptions to our natural production and affect them badly. All our body cells use protein as a building block. Even our hair follicles! Each hair on your head needs an adequate amount of protein to grow strong and long. So imagine if you don’t eat enough protein!

Whenever you stop or decrease your protein intake, your body goes into emergency mode. It starts collecting and conserving whatever you have left of protein. By doing this, you will start noticing an increasing amount of hair loss. But hair loss is not everything. Your hair will become brittle, dry, weak, and fizzy. Knots will form more easily and you will find your shower full of hair strands.

Required Protein – Get Some Life Back Into Your Hair!

It is obvious that nutrition plays an important part in our body, including our hair! So, if you feel like there’s something going on, make sure to get your blood checked. By intaking a smaller amount of protein you will also have trouble absorbing iron, which is crucial for hair health and growth. You will probably see Anaemia as a negative result in your blood test. Change your diet to ensure that you take balanced meals including fats, carbs, and proteins.

To add some iron into your diet, use legumes, which are also high in protein. Additionally, you can use homemade remedies to hydrate your hair from within. Such as vegetable oils, butter, or homemade creams. Also, add onion to your diet, which is a natural remedy for hair growth! Also, add some onion juice to your shampoo and you’ll see wonders happening to your hair!

4. Food Cravings

Food cravings happen to all of us and for the most varied reasons. However, when they are strong and constant, even if you just ate, it may point to a lack of required protein. Additionally, it’s not only about generic cravings but more specifically, sugar cravings. Do you know why this happens? It’s actually a simple process. Let us walk you through.

When you ingest less protein and base your diet on a lot of carbohydrates and sugar, your blood sugar levels spike. That is what provokes the sudden cravings and will continue occurring unless you switch to a higher intake of required protein and a lower intake of carbs. Proteins take a longer time to be digested by your body, thus decreasing the hunger feeling. And even though some of the foods with the highest protein count have also more calories than carb-based ones, these calories are actually quality ones. They will fill your body with energy and keep you going for hours. By eating more proteins you are helping your body to regulate the blood sugar and preventing snacking.

Required Protein – Bring the Proteins Back!

It can be hard to switch from a high-carb routine to a high-protein diet. Mostly because the initial cravings will be very strong. And you need to have a lot of self-control to prevent snacking and cheating. However, after a couple of days, you will feel better and renewed. Start by reducing your carbs little by little. And increase your protein intake.

Then once you are able to, remove sugars and processed carbs from your diet. Only intake the proteins mentioned above together with legumes, nuts, veggies, and fruits. Your blood sugar levels will go back to normal and the cravings will disappear. It’s very easy, you just need the motivation to start!

5. Liquid Retention

We all get to retain liquids every now and then. Because of the heat, the hormones, pressure changes, etc. However, if you tend to retain a lot of liquids on a normal basis. And even more on your lower body, such as your feet and ankles. Then you are surely lacking the required protein.

Protein plays a very important part when it comes to fluid retention. It prevents fluid from accumulating. Liquid retention is really salt and water being held in the blood vessels. if you don’t get enough protein then the fluids get into the surrounding tissues. The swelling sensation is very uncomfortable. You can notice if you are swollen if you not only see your ankles and feet bigger, but if the skin is stretchy and touching it leaves a temporary mark.

Required Protein – Get Back on Your Feet with a Few Simple Changes in Your Diet!

Constantly swollen feet and ankles can really get to your nerves. They feel stretchy, shoes don’t fit anymore, and they can hurt. Additionally, generic water retention is also bad for your health. So you definitely want to get that solved. Apart from adding Proteins to your diet, make sure to decrease your blood sugar by removing processed foods and sugars.

Whenever your feet feel swollen, lay or sit down, and put your legs up on a chair. If you can, apply cold on the swollen area as cold helps reduce the effects. Also, avoid certain veggies such as lettuce or tomato as they could increase the chances of swelling. Drink plenty of water and reduce your salt intake as well. If nothing of this helps, make sure to consult with a doctor as there might be other reasons behind the swelling. Nothing dangerous but you surely want to feel better, don’t you?

6. Low Immunity

Our body needs all the macros to work properly. And that includes the daily required protein together with carbs, fats, and all the vitamins and minerals. If you fail to intake one of them for a long amount of time, your body will suffer the consequences. Which sometimes are not so noticeable, and other times they are very serious. The reason behind it is that our immune cells are made of protein among other things.

Whenever there’s a lack of protein, we will be missing on the production of white blood cells, blood proteins, immune molecules, and antibodies. Thus having a diet that is low on required protein can lead to constant sickness. The above cells work together to fight off invaders, and chemicals. Without them, our body cannot stop a simple cold from happening. It also leads to regular illness, falling sick every time there is minimum exposure to a foreign invader.

Required Protein – Get Your Health Back Once and For All!

Start by adding proteins to your diet and reducing the intake of processed foods, sugars, and salt. Proteins can come in the form you prefer, like chicken, beef, pork, fish, seafood, dairy, eggs, legumes, nuts or beans. Many vegetables also have high contents of proteins such as kale, spinach, mushrooms, etc.

Make your diet a varied one, full of colors and taste. Additionally, make sure to drink plenty of water. Whenever you fall sick, start drinking even more water and add lemon and Manuka honey to your regular morning tea. Avoid coffee and dairy when you feel extremely sick. You can then ingest them again once you feel better. It’s all about finding a balance in your lifestyle that allows you to eat foods that you love and keeps your body fuelled with the necessary nutrients including the daily required protein.

7. Brain Fog

We all get some ups and downs with our heads during busy days in the office. Most of us even carry some quick-release painkillers in our purse or store them at our desk. Stress and other factors can lead to headaches and brain fog. However, they are not the only reasons behind it. If you feel like you can’t think straight and ideas don’t formulate properly, then you may have a lack of required protein. This is related to the blood sugar levels in your body.

Proteins are extremely important to our brain and for a healthy, stable neurological function. Not only brain fog can come from this. Also, lack of concentration and motivation are caused by missing proteins. Neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and epinephrine need proteins to be synthesized by amino acids. By intaking enough protein you will actually be boosting your performance and learning skills. If you don’t get enough and proper amino acids, this could lead you to depression and even anxiety.

Required Protein – Think Straight and Increase Your Performance!

With just a few easy steps to improve your diet, you could be working and learning better in no time. In fact, you will feel the boost right the same day and it will stay stable if you keep a healthy and balanced diet. Proteins are the building blocks of your neurotransmitters, so you definitely want to ingest the daily required protein. Every single day.

For, make sure to add proteins such as dairy, eggs, meat, fish, legumes, beans, and nuts to your daily diet. Choose a good variety so you make sure not to get bored of it easily. Eat them together with vegetables, and healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, or avocados. Drink plenty of water every day, do some light exercise, and take your vitamins! You will feel like new in no time!

8. Lack of Sleep

Do you remember that we mentioned above about proteins being an important part of neurotransmitters? In general, our brain runs on proteins to complete our daily regular tasks. For example, our brain is the one controlling the production of the hormones that are used to fall asleep. Whenever you are not intaking the daily required protein, your brain cannot create hormones properly, thus affecting your sleep quality.

Additionally, if you also have muscle weakness as described above, you will have a harder time falling asleep. It has been researched and proved that a higher intake of proteins during a weight loss diet will also result in better sleep. But that’s not everything, unstable blood sugar will also affect your quality of sleep. As described above, blood sugar depends directly on the amount of protein that you ingest. In summary, everything that could go wrong with your sleep quality depends on your overall protein intake.

Required Protein – Stop Counting Sheep, Start Sleeping Well!

If proteins regulate your sleep in such a way, you now understand the importance of a balanced diet. Make sure to intake the required protein every day. Be patient as your body will need time to regulate if you had a poor protein intake before. You can create varied dishes using proteins such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, legumes, and nuts. Add a bit of vegetable and healthy fats for a delicious meal!

In order to improve your sleep, there are also other suggestions available to you. Make sure to turn off all electronic devices thirty minutes before heading to sleep. Use dim lights in your bedroom and apply some drops of lavender essential oil to your pillow cover. Doing some meditation or reading a book will help you snooze into a peaceful and healthy sleep.

9. Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Going through your period is painful enough. But not knowing when it will come each month is even more painful sensation. A woman’s regular menstrual cycle lasts on average 26-28 days from beginning to end. However, many women have irregular cycles. Meaning that it can come at any time, either too soon, or most of the times, too late (even months late). This affects your body with hormonal imbalances, mood swings, fluid retention, and many more symptoms.

Whenever your daily intake is lower than the required protein, and your sugar intake is higher, you’re contributing to higher blood sugar levels thus risking weight gain. With weight gain comes hormonal imbalances affecting progesterone, DHEA, and estrogen. These are the hormones that regulate your cycle.

Required Protein – Get Your Cycle Back on Track!

If you want to know when your period will come. If you want to feel in control and with less symptoms, you need to add more proteins to your diet. Decrease the intake of sugars and processed foods, as well as salt. Increase the intake of proteins, vegetables, healthy fats, and fruits. Stay as natural as possible and cook your own meals.

By keeping your weight inside the average for your height and eating whole foods, you’ll regulate your hormones. Thus, regulating and normalizing your monthly cycles. Additionally, if you have cramps, make sure to workout! Even if it sounds counterproductive, exercising helps to keep the pain at bay! Also, keep a hot water bottle with you and fill it up whenever needed to soothe your tummy. If you feel like snacking on something, take almonds, they’ll give you proper nutrients while satiating you as well! Hormonal imbalance can also affect your performance, your energy, and your skin. So make sure to keep it at bay by ingesting the required protein!

10. Mood Swings

So much in your body depends on its blood sugar levels. Not only all the symptoms we mentioned above such as lack of sleep, irregular menstrual cycles, brain fog, and liquid retention among others. But it also affects your feelings and emotions. Whenever your blood sugar levels change, you will suffer from mood swings. Proteins are what fill our body with energy. If that energy is gone, it will be harder to contain and control your emotions.

You will feel bursts of energy and sudden lack of it. All this could lead to anxiety, panic attacks, and even depression. Additionally, the chemicals used by your brain to make you feel happy (norepinephrine and dopamine) are made from protein. Many doctors suggest a balanced diet and vitamin intake control mood swings and prevent future depression.

Required Protein – Forget About the Ups & Downs!

In general, a balanced diet is all it takes to regulate your body. This means that you will have to include the required protein in your daily meals. Such as meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, legumes, and nuts. But you will also need vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats. Research has also shown that a diet rich in Omega 3 will help you stabilize your emotions. So look for an excellent quality omega 3 and add it to your diet. Either as a daily pill or in form of fish for example.

Additionally, exercise will also keep your mood up. Whenever you take the daily required protein you will feel your body feeling with energy. Use that energy to go for a nice run or walk, go play some team sports, go swimming, or go to the gym. Anything that will make your body move and keep your mood in the sky! So, what are you waiting for? Forget about the ups & downs!
