Your liver is inarguably one of the most important, hardest-working organs in the human body. It performs more than 500 functions, and when it’s not able to do so correctly, the effects can be seen and felt throughout your whole system. Every day, the liver aids the body by providing it with energy and nutrients, fighting off infections and toxins, cleaning the blood, manufacturing many essential proteins, regulating cholesterol, hormones, and more.
The liver can regenerate if it becomes damaged, by replacing old tissue with new cells. However, when liver disease occurs, it causes scar tissue to form and the liver slowly becomes incapable of creating new tissue. The scar tissue blocks the blood flow and slows the procession of nutrients, hormones and natural toxins. Liver damage causes issues with various bodily functions like metabolism, circulation, hormonal balance and digestion.
Liver problems can be caused by many things like hepatitis, gallstones, fatty liver disease, cystic fibrosis, and cirrhosis. Diagnosis is made through physical exams, blood tests, CT scans, ultrasounds, and biopsies. Liver disease has serious complications including kidney failure, diabetes, excessive bleeding, the risk of infection and excessive fluid in the brain.
Symptoms of liver disease are nonspecific. This means there isn’t a reliable symptom that indicates there’s anything wrong. An unhealthy liver affects the way our entire body works, so it’s important to know and recognize the early signs of liver damage.
1. Nausea/Vomiting
Feeling nauseous and vomiting can occur for many reasons, from things like motion sickness, early pregnancy, intense pain, emotional stress and gastritis to heart attack, concussion, brain tumors and some forms of cancer.
It’s important to pay attention to any nausea and vomiting you may suffer from. The timing of nausea can indicate the cause, for example, if it appears soon after a meal it’s likely to be some type of food poisoning.
Often, people ignore these symptoms as something less serious, but those with liver damage may be feeling this way due to their liver being incapable of correctly processing and eliminating toxins.
Constant vomiting can cause dehydration, which can become extremely dangerous. So if you’re suffering from nausea and bouts of vomiting, ensure you keep your fluids up by taking small, frequent sips of water.