
10 Home Remedies To Instantly Clear Away Phlegm

Lovely Lemon Lemon is a popular home remedy for the elimination of phlegm. Lemons belong to the citrus fruit family which includes oranges and grapefruit. Lemon… Simi - October 31, 2017

Phlegm is the body’s counterattack against foreign bodies that invade it from time to time. These include substances such as dust, grass, pollens, etc. When these entities enter the body, it responds by creating a mucous coat to trap them and prevent them from doing further harm.

Unless you live in a sterile bubble, exposure to these invaders is inevitable. Your body has then created phlegm to protect you. Phlegm that the body produces settles in the chest and throat.

Whilst the body’s production of phlegm is normal, its continued presence can lead to:

  • Persistent throat clearing due to post-nasal drip (the accumulation of phlegm in the back of the throat)
  • Coughing (expelling phlegm from the respiratory tract)
  • Rhinorrhea (runny nose)

Left unabated, phlegm can eventually become infected resulting in the need for a trip to the doctor’s office and a course of antibiotics. This is because phlegm can contain bacteria and virus cells produced in order to fight off the substances that have invaded the body. Common illnesses caused by an accumulation of phlegm include upper respiratory tract infections, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis.

The trick is to treat the accumulation of phlegm before it becomes infected. Whilst over-the-counter medications can be obtained to do this, there are a number of home remedies available. A discussion of 10 follows. They are highly effective, 100% natural, non-invasive and inexpensive. Most medical healthcare professionals advocate their use.

Simply Steam

Steaming is a highly effective method of loosening phlegm, thereby expelling it from the body. This is because steaming dilutes the phlegm, changing it from a solid to more liquid state which is easier to remove. There are two main steaming techniques that can be used:

  • Steam showers

This entails a hot shower in a confined space (i.e. keeping the doors and windows of the bathroom closed). Deeply inhale the resultant steam. Two such showers a day (of about 10 minutes each) are advised in the case of high volumes of phlegm.

  • Conventional steaming

Use a tub of boiling water for this method. The user places their face over the tub of boiling water and inhales the steam. Placing a towel over the head in order to confine the steam and maximize inhalation is an advantage. Do this several times a day. Each session should last about 7 – 10 minutes.

A variety of essential oils can be added to the boiling water for conventional steaming to expedite the loosening of the phlegm. Essential oils are often used in combination with each other. Examples of essential oils that are highly effective congestion busters are:

  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Peppermint oil
  • Sandalwood oil
  • Basil oil
  • Thyme oil

It is important to bear in mind that whilst essential oils are natural, they must still be used sparingly and with caution. Follow the directions on the products. There is a risk of allergic reactions to essential oils. For those with a history of allergies, consult with a medical healthcare professional prior to using essential oils.

Standard Salt

Salt has a variety of uses in the maintenance of the human body’s health. The two main ways in which salt can be used to treat phlegm are:

  • Gargling with salt water.

Create a saltwater mixture (the generally accepted ratio is a tablespoon of salt to a cup of water) using warm water just prior to gargling. It is important to make sure that the salt has fully dissolved into the water.

Take a sip of the mixture and gargle thoroughly with it. Spit the mixture out. Repeat the action using most or all of the mixture. Dispose of any unused mixture. It can lose its efficacy if left to stagnate between gargling sessions.

How often you gargle with salt water will be determined by the severity of the phlegm levels in the body. If the phlegm is causing minor symptoms, gargle once every day or two. For moderate symptoms, gargle 1-3 times a day and gargle 3-5 times a day for severe symptoms. times a day.

  • Nasal irrigation with salt water spray.

Purchase saline (or salt water) sprays and used them to irrigate the nose. This is useful when the mucous build-up is in the nose, the sinus cavities and in the throat. A variety of sprays can be purchased over the counter. You can buy metered dose pump sprays or pressurized sprays.

Regular irrigation of the nose is helpful in preventing phlegm buildup in the upper respiratory tract. Usually, people prone to phlegm buildup are advised to irrigate their noses once a day on a daily basis. Should the phlegm build-up worsen, irrigate the nose 2-3 times daily.

Heavenly Honey

The healing power of honey is well-known. It is categorized as demulcent, which means that it provides throat relief. Honey contains Dextromethorphan, a substance used in the manufacture of cough medicine. It is also known to contain antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. Honey is also regarded as an immune system booster which helps the body fight infection. It additionally has the advantage of being pleasant tasting, which makes it a home remedy that children will generally enjoy using.

One of the ways in which honey can be used to treat phlegm is to mix a tablespoon of honey with a glass of water and then drink it. Make and drink this mixture several times a day. Mix honey with lemon, ginger and a number of other ingredients to create beverages to reduce phlegm in the body.

It should be borne in mind when shopping for honey, that 100% organic honey will have higher quantities of the elements that give it its healing properties. Therefore, it is generally accepted that organic honey is better than processed honey when it comes to medicinal use.

Exercise caution when ingesting honey if the user has uncontrollable blood sugar levels. This is because honey can then trigger an episode of high blood sugar which can have potentially fatal consequences. In this case, discuss the use of honey with a medical healthcare professional before using it. Similarly, do not under any circumstances administer honey to infants under 12 months old because it can contain botulism which their immune systems are not developed enough to fight. Once over 12 months old, the body can resist botulism.

Lovely Lemon

Lemon is a popular home remedy for the elimination of phlegm. Lemons belong to the citrus fruit family which includes oranges and grapefruit. Lemon contains antiseptic properties and is also very rich in Vitamin C which is well-known for its immune-boosting properties.

There are several ways to use lemon for phlegm control. They are:

  • Lemon Juice

Mix the juice of a lemon (about 2 tablespoons) with a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water. Consume this mixture 3 times daily and it will loosen phlegm as well as reduce phlegm production. It is also regarded as a home remedy for mild fever.

  • Lemon Slice

The user takes a slice of lemon and puts a bit of salt on it. The lemon slice is then sucked and the juice consumed. Do this can 2-3 times a day.

  • Lemon Gargle

Lemon juice in water can be used as a substitute for salt water gargling. It is highly effective. Unlike salt water, swallow the lemon juice, thereby providing a Vitamin C boost to the body. Many users find it to be more effective than salt water gargling. However, instead of abandoning one for the other, alternating salt water gargling and lemon water gargling may be the best option in order to maximize the healing powers of both ingredients.

As lemon is a seasonal fruit, it may not be available all year round. It may also become expensive to buy during the off-season. In the event that this is the case, purchase lemon juice from a local supermarket. Use lemon juice together with honey and warm water.

Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a lesser-known home but effective remedy for the treatment of phlegm buildup. Apple cider vinegar is produced by taking the juice of apples and allowing it to ferment. Bacteria and yeast are added to the mixture. The fermenting process continues until the sugars in the mixture have turned to alcohol.

Apple cider vinegar is widely known to have antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. It is effective in the treatment of sinus infections and rhinorrhea (runny nose). It also aids the breaking up of mucus and phlegm in the body. Apple cider vinegar also combats a sore throat as the bacteria causing the sore throat cannot exist in the acidic environment created by the apple cider vinegar. Its weight loss enabling properties are also well-known.

Apple cider vinegar is usually ingested diluted in water. Many regard it as being unpleasant tasting. However, the benefits it provides outweigh the slightly unpalatable taste. Mix apple cider vinegar in other beverages such as fruit juices or iced tea in order to mask the taste. It is commonly accepted practice to drink your preferred apple cider vinegar mixture 2 to 3 times a day.

The buyer needs to be selective when purchasing apple cider vinegar. Not all apple cider vinegar were created equal. Processed apple cider vinegar is not as effective as raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar. However, where purchasing unprocessed apple cider vinegar is impossible owing to a lack of supply or expense, regular apple cider vinegar should be purchased and used as it is an effective weapon in the fight against phlegm.

Germ busting Ginger

Ginger is a highly versatile home remedy with a myriad of uses. Its healing powers have been spoken of for centuries. It is a well-known immune booster. Ginger has antiviral and antibacterial properties. Additionally, it is a natural expectorant which means that it loosens and clears phlegm. Ginger is frequently used in the treatment of digestive ailments and complaints. As a rule, ginger is mixed with other ingredients such as lemon, honey or cinnamon when used as a home remedy for phlegm.

Here are some ways in which ginger can be used:

  • Ginger and honey tea

Make this tea by adding a tablespoon of fresh ginger (sliced or chopped) to a cup of boiled water. Alternatively, grate ginger root and squeeze the juice out. Thereafter, add one to two teaspoons of honey. The tea should not be allowed to cool too much before consumption. This tea is soothing on the throat and stimulates the break-up of phlegm in the body. It can be drunk frequently throughout the day.

  • Raw ginger

Chew raw ginger slices on a daily basis to treat phlegm build up.

  • Ginger powder

For a maintenance dose and to maintain sufficient levels in the body, ginger can be used in day-to-day food making. In Indian cuisine, ginger features prominently as an ingredient in meals.

  • Ginger essential oil

Use only a very small amount of ginger essential oil. Carefully follow the directions on the bottle. Where there is a medical history of allergic reactions, approach and consult a medical healthcare professional before initiating the use of the essential oil.

Powerful Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper is commonly associated with adding a bit of spice to a dish, but its healing powers are wide-ranging and not to be underestimated. Cayenne Pepper has both antioxidant and detoxifying properties. The Cayenne Pepper shrub originates in Central and South America. Cayenne Pepper contains Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, potassium, manganese, and flavonoids. The active ingredient in Cayenne Pepper is called capsaicin.

Cayenne Pepper clears congestion by breaking up the phlegm, thereby allowing its expulsion from the body.

When shopping for Cayenne Pepper, as with most products, ‘fresh is best’. Where possible, purchasing fresh Cayenne Peppers is preferable, but the powdered form is also very effective. This includes Cayenne Pepper spice.

Aside from use in regular cooking, Cayenne Pepper can also be used to make healing beverages, usually in combination with other home remedies. Look at the examples below:

  • Cayenne pepper can be mixed with lemon and water to create a soothing drink which combats phlegm build-up.
  • Cayenne pepper can be combined with ginger, honey, apple cider vinegar, and water. Used regularly, this mixture will help minimize the body’s phlegm production.
  • Some people prefer to drink Cayenne Pepper alone mixed with water.

Use a degree of caution in the introduction of large quantities of Cayenne Pepper into the diet. Too much Cayenne Pepper can result in irritation of the stomach as well as stomach pain. Additionally, Cayenne Pepper has been known to have negative interactions with some medications such as aspirin. Therefore, when prescription medication is in use, consult a medical healthcare professional before full-scale use of Cayenne Pepper (beyond routine use in cooking) is implemented.

Terrific Turmeric

Turmeric is also known as Curcuma, Indian saffron, and haldi. It is a plant that is a member of the ginger family. Turmeric is most often associated with cooking. It is used as a flavorant and colorant and is most notably found in curry powder. The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin has great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which make it a great home remedy for phlegm build-up.

Generally, turmeric/curcumin are purchased as a powder or spice. But they can also be purchased in capsule form, as tea, and as an extract. Generally if used in these forms, the health benefits are self-explanatory.

Make turmeric into tea by combining a teaspoon of turmeric with a cup of boiling water. If necessary, strain the mixture before consumption. Alternatively, take a similar amount of turmeric with hot or cold milk (although it is important to note that dairy products are irritants to phlegm and may worsen the situation). Sprinkle turmeric together with cinnamon over a cup of coffee and ingest daily. Turmeric and ginger lemonade can also be a tasty, refreshing alternative. Make it with carbonated water, a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon each of ginger and turmeric powder.

Too much turmeric can lead to an upset stomach. Turmeric also acts as a blood thinner, so people who take blood thinners such as Warfarin should exercise caution and consult a medical healthcare professional before starting to use turmeric over and above the little that gets used in cooking. Turmeric and its healing products are well-known and it is hoped that the above ways of using it are helpful.

Homemade Chicken Soup

The concept of having homemade chicken soup when you have a cold or build-up of phlegm is something of a myth, old wives tale or urban legend. However, it does actually have healing properties. This is especially true if it is used in conjunction with ginger and garlic.

The emphasis here is on “HOMEMADE” chicken soup. The store-bought chicken soup contains very high salt levels and various preservatives, so homemade is best.

The little bit of salt in the homemade chicken soup together with the fact that it is served warm can ease a sore throat. The warm mixture also hydrates the body and moistures the throat. Homemade chicken soup also contains a compound called carsonine, known to help boost the immune system.

A variety of homemade soup recipes abound and in all likelihood, each individual has at some time or another had ‘grandma’s chicken soup’ or ‘mama’s chicken soup’. These soups are perfect for consumption when battling a sore throat caused by mucous congestion. As with most soups, the inclusion of vegetables such as carrots, lentils, celery, etc. can only make the soup healthier and give it additional flavor.

Because the healing properties of homemade chicken soup end when the soup is expelled from the body after digestion, consume it on an ongoing basis (2 to 3 times a day) in order to be effective. Cooking one batch of soup and then freezing it in small portions is advised (especially if you’ve traveled home for some good home-cooked food!).

The healing powers of homemade chicken soup should not be dismissed as it has been proven to be very effective.

Outstanding Onion and Garlic

Onions possess antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. So it not only eases swelling of the throat but assists with the expulsion of phlegm from the body and helps to fight off the infection that may be caused by the phlegm. Though not appealing to every palate, the user may have to grin and bear it in order to take advantage of the undisputed healing properties of the humble onion.

The most commonly suggested way of using onion as a home remedy for a build-up of phlegm is as follows:

  • Peel and finely chop an onion

Place into a bowl and add a tablespoon of sugar. The mixture will eventually turn into a liquid. Stir it well. Put it in a bottle and shake it prior to each use. Ingest a large spoon (or tablespoon) of the mixture every 2 – 3 hours to bring excessive phlegm under control. The mixture should last for a day or two. Thereafter, discard any unused mixture and make a new batch.

  • Garlic is part of the onion family

It contains Allicin. The health effects of garlic are caused by the sulfur compounds created when garlic cloves are chopped, crushed or chewed. Garlic is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B6 and manganese. It boosts the immune system and significantly reduces the risk of colds.

The two easiest ways of using garlic are the use of garlic supplements and the inclusion of garlic in your day-to-day cooking. Most people find garlic added to cooking delicious. Garlic features prominently in Italian cooking. People prone to colds are advised to include garlic in their food preparations.
