
18 Must-Follow Freezer and Meal Prep Rules

What happens when there is no power? On our very last point, let us consider for a second that you have followed all the rules. You… Simi - August 6, 2018

There was a study that was done that said that people are more stressed these days than they have ever been. This might seem odd when you think about people living in the dark ages. They didn’t have electricity. They were inundated with diseases. They didn’t have technology, and they didn’t have medicine.

The peasant class was enormous, and the person with the most weapon set the law of the land. Well, that last one may still be true, but on the whole, you would think that life would be a bit easier now. We have schools, hospitals, and banks. We have cars, roads, and heaters. We have good food, Hollywood, and airplanes. In fact, when you come to think about it what don’t we have? Well, the answer to that is simple. We don’t have time.

We live in a very competitive world where we have to work every hour of every day to make a small amount of money to buy things that we don’t need. We don’t have time to sleep, and we don’t have time to eat.

In light of this, it is a wonder that people aren’t more stressed out. One thing that you shouldn’t have to worry about is food. It is a fundamental human right after all. Now you might not have the time to cook every day, but that is what freezers are for. Provided you are using them correctly.


Get supplies

Before we head into a whole long thing about what you can and can’t freeze, we need to get one thing out of the way. The first thing that needs to be done is to gather containers and supplies. You can have all the food in the world all ready for freezing, but it will be utterly useless if you don’t have something to put it in. Now you could go off and stock up on Tupperware containers, but it might be a good idea to mix things up a bit.

You could manage with dozens of sandwich boxes, but your freezer needs will be higher than that. To keep all your foodstuffs safe, fresh and untainted you will need a whole host of paraphernalia. This could include tin foil, parchment paper and maybe even a glass container or two. All of these things need to be freezer friendly, and they need to be of varying sizes. The last thing that will be necessary is markers and labels. It is all well and good having a couple of casseroles, but how will you know what is what if things are not labeled correctly? Once this has all been acquired, then we can move on to actual meal prep.


Know how to package things

Okay, the whole meal prep thing may have been a bit pre-emptive. We are not necessarily ready to start cutting and chopping. You may have loaded up with containers and supplies. But, do you know how to use them? Are you about to throw a slice of pizza in a box and turn it into the ice tray? If you were about to do that, then it might be a good idea to read the next part very carefully. The freezer can be quite a treacherous place so beware…

Let’s for a moment think about the freezer itself. It’s cold in, there right? Like, cold. Yes, this is stating the obvious but think about that stunning pot of food you just made. Do you think that it would survive in the arctic without the proper protection? That fantastic steak you just bought, imagine how awful it would be if it was riddled with freezer burn. You need to have a careful look at your supplies and make sure that they are freezer friendly. Secondly, food should be wrapped up in wrapping before being put in a container. You need to ensure that there is no place for too much air to circulate around your food.


What about the labels?

You have hit the point where you have all your containers, and you know how to use them correctly. What is next? Do you finally get to start cooking? No, no you do not. Don’t fret; it is almost time to begin preparing. But, we first need to discuss the importance of correct labeling. How great are stews on a cold winter’s evening? They feel at home. They make you warm from your toes to your hair follicles. They are perfect for when you are happy, and they are even better when you are sick.

But, and yes there is a but, they do kind of all look the same. When all is said and done, when everything is cooked, and all the veggies have been thrown in, there is no way of knowing which stew is. Is it chicken? Is it beef? You might as well guess. Then there is the question of when you cooked it. Was it last week or a month ago? Also, how many people can it feed? Is it enough for a family of four or can it only fill two people? This is why you label, and this is why you must label accurately.


There are some things that you shouldn’t freeze

The freezer is like a preserving box is it not? It can take a bowl of food and keep it safe for a couple of days, maybe even a week or two if you are lucky. It is almost quite magical when you come to think about it. But, it is not magic. It is just a freezer. A good freezer at that but a freezer none the less. This means that it does, in fact, have limited capabilities. It cannot preserve everything, and it cannot preserve everything indefinitely. There is food that should just not be put in there.

It is utterly useless to prattle off a long list of foods that shouldn’t be in the freezer. For this reason, we will start small. The first rule of thumb when it comes to foods that you can’t freeze is to beware of dairy. Milk can be frozen yes, but what about other dairy products? No yogurt and no cheese of any kind. The freezing is not such an issue; the problem comes when you thaw these products. They develop an odd consistency and sometimes even a funny taste when they are fully defrosted.


To thaw or not to thaw

We know what shouldn’t go in the freezer but now what do you do with the things that have landed up in the freezer? The time has come to devour that delicious meal that you prepared last week. The whole ride home you keep thinking about how you are going to settle down on the couch and munch down on a warm bowl of whatever. You even prepared for this in advance. Early in the morning, you took the container out and put it on the countertop. There is nothing wrong with that right? That is wrong.

Not only are there rules about freezing but there are rules about thawing as well. You cannot just put something frozen and place it on the counter. You need to defrost food in the fridge. By doing this, you can prevent bacteria from forming in and on your food. If time is a problem, then a bowl of cold water could be used, or even the defrost option in the microwave but do not just leave it out at room temperature. When using the microwave, remember to remove foil and plastic wrapping. In the case of the bowl of water, make sure there are no holes in the packaging.


Refreezing is a big no

Here is another picture to consider. You have gone ahead and cooked a whole pot of food. You cannot possibly eat it all, or you have perhaps made too much on purpose. The purpose is to freeze the whole lot and eat it at a later time. Now, you are all set to throw it in a container and place it in the freezer, but you didn’t label how many servings there were. The result is that when you take it out in a week’s time, there is still food left over that couldn’t possibly be eaten now. You might be thinking that a solution could be to put it back in the freezer. Whatever you do, do not do this.

This has nothing to do with taste or consistency. The big problem here is bacteria. If you go ahead and refreeze already thawed food, you could run the risk of letting bacteria develop in your favorite stew. There is even a time frame that can be considered here. These harmful bacteria can start to develop at least an hour after it has been taken out of the freezer. This is just another reason why labeling is so important.


Ice cube trays can be wonderfully versatile

How great is pesto? Seriously, how great is it? It can go on anything. Well, maybe not everything but it can surely go on a whole range of foods. It can be drizzled over a salad. It can be thrown in with pasta to make a meal in minutes. It can even be smeared on a delicious slice of bread if you are feeling creative. Then we have herb-infused oil. This is another culinary marvel. A fried egg in herb oil is to die for. It takes breakfast to a whole other level. But, if you are addicted to such things, how do you store them?

Do you bulk up when there is a sale and then leave them in the fridge? You definitely could do that; these things are made to last. But there is another option hiding right there in the freezer. This option is those ice cube trays. They are the perfect size to hold such things. You don’t have to give up every ice cube tray for such things, but one or two could make for quick and delicious meals. Muffin tins could even work if you don’t want to give up ice space.


Frozen chunks are not fun

Homemade gnocchi may be quite the mission to make, but it is entirely worth it. In fact, it is safe to say that anything homemade tastes better. You not only get joy out of creating something with your bare hands. But, there is also the fact that you know what is going into your food. You know that you are not putting in a whole lot of chemicals and preservatives. Every little piece is just brimming with tasty goodness. But, what happens when you made too much? Can you store them in the freezer? Yes, you can, but then you run the risk of big clumps of gnocchi. Not the most appetizing idea.

There is, however, a solution. This is to use parchment paper. The process is rather simple. Lay out a piece of parchment paper and line up all your little pieces of gnocchi. Make sure that none of them are touching and then place the parchment in the freezer. Once these pieces have been frozen fully then, you can take them out and put them in a container. This will ensure that you have no huge chunks of gnocchi or even fruit when you are craving a warm dish or fruity smoothie.


Not everything that needs to be thawed

Fresh fruits and vegetables make for a wonderful addition to any meal. They add color, and they add nutrients. They stock you up with vitamins, and they ensure that you get all the required minerals. The only problem with this kind of produce is that it does not last long. Fruit and vegetable can go off very quickly, especially if you are living in a country that is naturally warm and humid. This decreased lifespan of such foods can result in a lot of waste if left to sit there in their bowls.

It is for this reason that people purchase frozen fruits and vegetables. While there may be some who frown upon such things, there is nothing wrong with frozen vegetables and fruits. In fact, it may even preserve their goodness, resulting in a healthier meal. The only problem with these foods comes when people try to thaw them. The result is a soggy and mushy mess. If you do cook with frozen vegetables, then it is much better to prepare them while frozen. This does not diminish the goodness; rather it preserves the integrity of the ingredients. Thus, producing a delicious and distinctive meal.


Frozen fruit can be very useful

We know that fruit can be frozen without damaging the integrity of the product. But, what do you do with these frozen pieces of sweetness? You could try and let them thaw out, but that will result in another soggy mess. This does not only look awful, but the whole texture is quite unappetizing. So unappetizing in fact, that a person may think it best to throw the whole mess in the bin. Considering how expensive fresh produce is, this should undoubtedly be the last resort. There is, however, something that you can do with this frozen fruit.

What’s more, you don’t even need to cook to use this food up. All you will need is a blender and some good yogurt. Here is the plan. Next time you find a whole lot of fruit that is on sale, go ahead and buy it. Buy all of it if you must. When you get home chop it all up and divide it into freezer bags. Put a couple of pieces of each into each bag and then throw a couple of spoons of yogurt in there. These bags can then be frozen and only need to be taken out when you feel like having an amazing smoothie for breakfast or maybe after working out.


Don’t put hot food into the freezer

It seems like the list of freezing rules goes on and on. You might have reached this point and started to think whether any of this is even worth it. Maybe you should rather go ahead and freeze what you want and when you want and roll the dice when it comes to food integrity and bacteria. In all fairness, this could be an option. The chances of anyone dying from a freezer mistake are pretty slim. But, it is possible, and if you make these rules a habit, then any mishaps can be very easily avoided.

With this in mind, you should not be putting hot food into the freezer. This doesn’t have much to do with the hot food itself. Rather, it has to do with the freezer. Even if you are only putting a small bowl of hot food into it, the result could be increasing the internal temperature of the icebox. This may not seem like an issue, but if this change is significant enough, then some of the food in the freezer could start defrosting. This is not entirely desirable and can easily be avoided if you let food cool down before freezing it.


Freezers work to stop time

The wonderful thing about freezers is that they almost can stop time. This is not meant literally. But it is kind of true when you are looking at the lifespan of the food that is being frozen. A freezer doesn’t simply slow down the degradation process; it almost stops it altogether. If you put something in the freezer that is a day old and then freeze it for two weeks, when it is defrosted again, it is still a day early. This is where the magic lies. This is where the beauty lies.

But, this logic does have consequences. This is because the food will only be as good as it was when it was frozen. You cannot expect it to come out better than it was. It will come out in almost the same way, and that is that. The real-world implication of this is that you should freeze food as soon as possible. Food should not be left in the pot for a day or two and then frozen. It should be frozen as quickly as it cools down.


Things grow in the freezer

Freezers can preserve food, but this does not mean that isn’t subject to change once it has gone in the freezer. This has nothing to do with bacteria or the food itself. Instead, this is referring to the water in the food. When looking at the molecules in water, there is quite a lot of change that takes place when they go from a liquid state to a solid state. In layman’s terms, something interesting happens to water when it freezes.

What happens is that the molecules rearrange and form an excellent structure. This structure is what makes ice hard, and it surprisingly takes up more space than the liquid structure does. It has something to do with the rigidity and the shape of the structure. Regardless of the chemistry and physics that are involved, the result is that ice takes up more space than water. In food, this means that a meal can expand when it begins to freeze. The reason why this is important is that you need to account for this expansion. You should not fill containers up to the top and should make sure that there is enough space for the bulging that is going to happen.


Freeze small portions of food

At multiple places on this list, there has been a sentence or two, at times even three, that hark on about how important labeling is. This point will not stress this more than is needed. But, what do you do if you are not that good at labeling? What happens if your appetite changes and what was two portions yesterday is only one portion today? Are you left to suffer without being able to use a freezer or is there another option available? Well, there is another option. This is cooking; there is no cut-and-dry rule. Excuse the pun.

If you are not that great at labeling then simply freeze smaller portions. This way you can take out portions as you need them and don’t run the risk of taking out too much that would need to be refrozen. There is another benefit of freezing small portions and that is that they not only freeze quicker but they are also quicker to defrost. This makes for nutritious meals that can be prepared in about an hour as opposed to having to wait the whole day to enjoy that dish from last week.


If you don’t like the taste of it today, then don’t bother

People could go on and on about what you can freeze and what you can’t freeze. They can tell you how to freeze things and how to thaw them. They will also carry on about how freezing will help you reduce the amount of food that will go to waste. These are all very valid points. The freezer can be a great help to even the most experienced of chefs. It is also very admirable to try and reduce the amount of food that goes to waste in a household. There are people out there who would love to eat the food that is being thrown away by many families.

But, you really shouldn’t be freezing food that you don’t want to eat. Maybe it didn’t taste great or possibly you are just not feeling it. Now, this could change in a week’s time but it probably won’t. If this is the case, then you are better off handing it over to someone else. There is no use in freezing things that you are just not going to eat. Give it away on your way to work and let it go.


Refreezing previously raw food

No, you should certainly not refreeze food that has already been defrosted. But, there is a small loophole here. It is not a loophole, once it has been stated you will see that it is pretty obvious. Firstly, the reason why you cannot refreeze food that has been thawed is that this allows bacteria to come back to life and grow. Then if you go ahead and freeze it, then the cycle is just being compounded meaning that when you eventually do eat it, there will be a whole lot of bacteria thriving in it.

But, what happens if the food was raw and then you cooked it? This mostly applies to meat, chicken, and fish. These foods are generally bought fresh and then tossed in the freezer raw. Which is completely okay. Then they are taken out and thawed. Another thing which is fine. What is not fine is refreezing this raw food. What you can do, however, is to cook the food and then refreeze it. The cooking process will kill any bacteria, therefore, making it safe to be tossed in the freezer again. It is unclear as to who would freeze a cooked steak, but it is possible if you are that way inclined.


Keep the freezer full

The reason why all the food in the freezer is all frozen to the same degree, regardless of where it has been placed is because of how a freezer was made to run. The internal mechanism ensures that cool air circulates around the entire freezing which results in all the food being frozen. With this in mind, it makes sense that the more space there is in the freezer, the more air needs to be circulated. Considering that freezers run on electricity, more air means more electricity means a larger electricity bill and finally less money left for you to enjoy yourself.

One way to keep the power bill down is to make sure that the freezer is full. This might sound counterproductive. Wouldn’t more food mean that you need more energy to freeze it? Actually no, more food means less space. Less space means that less air is required. The conclusion of all of this is that it is best to keep the freezer full if you want to save on electricity. This doesn’t need to happen all the time, but it should be a general rule.


What happens when there is no power?

On our very last point, let us consider for a second that you have followed all the rules. You have labeled everything correctly. You have all the right containers, and you have no frozen dairy products. You have even gone and made sure that you froze things correctly and observed the rules when it comes to thawing. You are a veritable freezer genius, and then the power goes out. You are not entirely sure when it happened but you know it is out. Lights may be the first of your worries, but at some point, you think about the fridge.

All your effort, all your time and all your money are about to melt into a puddle on the kitchen floor. Yes, this is entirely possible. But, do not panic just yet. Whatever you do, do not open the freezer to check. This will do nothing but let the cold air escape. It is called an icebox for a reason. It is designed to keep cool air in. Even if the power has gone out, you do technically have a couple of hours before you are in any trouble. Wait it out until the power comes back on to check what is going on in there.


18 Tried-and-Tested Tips in the Fight to Quit Smoking

The decision to stop smoking is not an easy one. For those who’ve never smoked, it may be hard to understand. They might assume that all… Simi - August 6, 2018

The decision to stop smoking is not an easy one. For those who’ve never smoked, it may be hard to understand. They might assume that all you need to do is stop buying cigarettes and smoking them. If only it were as simple as that. The body of a smoker is dependent on nicotine.


Nicotine withdrawal is difficult to manage. Nicotine has served as an additional energy booster in your life. It releases serotonin and dopamine in the brain. These ‘feel-good’ substances are why you feel a bit happier about things when you’ve smoked a cigarette. They help you with the clarity of thought and memorization of facts. As soon as you stop feeding your body nicotine, the levels of serotonin and dopamine drop. This leads to fatigue, irritability, and even extreme anger. The effects and the onset of withdrawal are felt almost immediately.

Nicotine is an addictive drug, just like heroin and cocaine. Its immediate effects might not be as threatening as these drugs. But its long-term effects can also be potentially fatal. And like drugs such as heroin and cocaine, nicotine is hard to quit. In fact, a lot of people need more than one attempt to get it right.

They might go long periods without smoking and then succumb to the habit again. Then it’s back to square one, and they have to start all over again with the process of quitting and withdrawal. For those who are thinking about quitting or have tried it unsuccessfully, here are some tips to help you achieve your goal:


Be willing to quit

Quitting because it’s what everyone around you expects you to do is a recipe for disaster. If you’ve been guilt-tripped into stopping, it may be hard for you to stay the course and see it through. Motivation from others is not enough to keep you going when the withdrawal symptoms kick in. Most people who have quit for someone or something else report that they are unable to keep it up after they’ve stopped. Eventually, they succumb to temptation and start smoking again. When you decide to quit smoking, it needs to be because you want to do it. It is the only way to get through the withdrawal.

If you are not willing to quit, success is not likely. It’s a very stressful experience, and if you’re not fully motivated, it will be even more so. If you’re thinking about giving up smoking, start off by doing some serious introspection about your motivations. If you feel you’re doing it for someone else, look at ways to make it about quitting for yourself. Draw up a list of the pros and cons of stopping smoking.


Claim your quit date

Once you’ve identified the pros and cons of stopping smoking, do some research into what happens in your body when you quit. It’s best to be prepared and understand what is to come if you stop smoking. If you’ve found more pros than cons for giving up nicotine, you can make a final decision that this is what you want. Knowing what lies ahead means you won’t find yourself burdened with unexpected ‘surprises’ along the way. Now, you need to start planning for when you are going to stop smoking.

It must be a conscious decision. Planning is necessary. Quitting nicotine is a huge change and change should not be undertaken lightly. Think about your timing. It may not be wise to quit smoking in the middle of a stressful project at work. You’re likely to lose your temper and say some things you can’t take back when the withdrawal kicks in. If you postpone it to a less stressful time, you can get through it with some mild irritation, but still, be on speaking terms with your colleagues. Set a date on which you mean to stop. Undertake all the necessary preparations. Then stick to your date, no matter what. If you set a date and keep putting it off, you’re not ready to quit.


Identify your nicotine replacement therapy

Quitting cold turkey can make the withdrawal symptoms unbearable. Some people manage just fine. For others, it becomes a living nightmare. They wind up throwing in the towel before the withdrawal phase is even over. If you’re determined to try to quit cold turkey, you should feel free to try it. But you must have a Plan B in place in case it becomes too much for you. If you know you’re not going to manage cold turkey, don’t even try it. Those who are on their second, third or fourth attempt will see if it’s viable for them or not. Also if it’s your first time quitting, you know yourself best.

You need to consider some nicotine replacement therapy to get you through the first critical phase after you’ve stopped smoking. Nicotine replacement therapy doubles your chance of quitting successfully. You have various options to consider. Speak to your doctor. There are nicotine gums, patches, lozenges, and sprays that you can use. Be prepared for the fact that the one you choose initially may not work. You have to be flexible. If, for instance, the spray doesn’t work, don’t give up. Try the gum instead.


Be prepared for cravings

Nicotine replacement therapy is not going to remove your craving for nicotine entirely completely. You will still have times when you feel like smoking. You might catch a whiff of it on the street. You’ll identify the person who’s smoking. Then, it will take all the willpower you have not to walk over and grab that cigarette out of their hand. It’s important to know that these cravings are temporary, and they will pass. Have something to do when a desire occurs. Have a mantra that you repeat to yourself.

Practice deep breathing techniques and consciously put your mind over matter. It’s not always easy, but it is possible. If you like music, play something that inspires you until you feel the craving pass. If necessary, use your nicotine replacement therapy to make sure you don’t give in and have a cigarette. These cravings are just about the worst experience when you quit smoking, but millions of people have overcome them. And so can you. Some people continue to experience the odd craving long after they stop smoking, but you’ll learn to manage these.


Practice hand to mouth technique

The hand-to-mouth technique may well be your saving grace. The movement of your hand to your mouth for smoking is deeply buried in your subconscious. In itself, this movement has a calming, reassuring feeling for you. That’s where the hand-to-mouth technique can help. You do it by forming a fist with the hand you would have held a cigarette in. Raise that fist to your mouth and place the closed thumb and forefinger against your lips. Inhale deeply and then exhale deeply.

Tighten your fist so that you have to work harder to inhale and exhale successfully. This is calming and can re-center you when you’re having a crisis of confidence. You might think it looks a little strange and wonders what the people around you would make of it. If you feel self-conscious, find yourself a private space and use the technique. But if you’re in a public space and you know you need to do it, go for it. Rather feel a little embarrassed by a bit of staring than give in and smoke again. You know what you’ve gone through so far. Do you want to have to start all over again?


Write down what you can do with healthier lungs

One of the most important things to keep in mind when you quit smoking is the long-term effects. The lungs are the organs that are most affected by smoking. You’ve seen the pictures of what smoking can do to your lungs. Did you know that in most instances, it is reversible? Your lungs are resilient organs. If you do them this favor, they’ll return it in spades. When you smoke, you struggle to breathe when exercising. You might find yourself wanting to exercise but being unable to do so.

You feel a lack of energy because your lungs are struggling to supply enough oxygen to your body. Simple things such as playing with your kids or grandkids may become overwhelming. A smoker’s cough is a sign that your lungs are struggling to perform their functions. If you overtax your lungs by doing too much exercise, you become short of breath. You might find it difficult to breathe or catch your breath. Think about what a pair of healthy lungs can do for you if you manage to stop smoking. Healthy lungs can improve your quality of life and give you back your ability to do things you haven’t been able to do in years.


Surround yourself with support

Involve your friends, family, and colleagues in your decision to quit smoking. They can help you remain accountable and stay on the straight and narrow. Support and encouragement are very important when you stop smoking. You need to have someone to turn to when it gets hard, and you’re scared you can’t do it. Everyone who quits smoking feels like that at some stage when they stop. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. What would be a crying shame is if you didn’t reach out to someone and let them support you. Support during this time can make the difference between success and failure.

It might be a good idea to tell your smoking friends that you might not be hanging out with them as much for the next while. Give yourself a fighting chance. If you’re constantly in the presence of people who are smoking, it makes the temptation worse. Once the worst is over, you can be around smokers again, and it probably won’t affect you at all. The best thing ever would be to have a ‘quit buddy.’ That’s someone who’s stopping smoking at the same time as you. Because you’re going through the same thing at the same time, you can support each other.


Be a supportive partner

If your partner smokes and you’d love for them to quit, have that conversation with them. But bear in mind how you approach it. If you come on too strong and turn it into a lecture, you’re unlikely to get through. Starting the conversation off with pictures of lungs damaged by smoking won’t get you very far either. Your opening gambit needs to come from a place of love and concern. Give your partner space to digest what you’ve said and thought it over. Remember that if they aren’t going to quit willingly, it’s unlikely to succeed. Ask them if they want to discuss it with you more.

Always put it out there that you’re doing this out of concern and care for them. Keep the lines of communication open, and allow your partner to mull things over. It’s possible your partner may take what you say on board and make the decision to quit for themselves. Once your partner has quit, be prepared for the crabbiness that follows during withdrawal. Be patient and let them show you what they need from you. Some people want their partners around all the time; others retreat into themselves for a bit. Make it clear you’re there to support them in whatever way you can.


Establish a healthier eating routine

One of the worst things you can do when you quit smoking is turn to unhealthy food to help you. If you’re going to use sweets and chips to replace the nicotine, you’ll pile on the pounds. This is something that scares many people that are considering quitting. They worry that if they stop, they’ll get fat. This will happen, but only if you let it. If you’re replacing a cigarette with a fork, you can pick up weight. The only way to avoid it is to keep healthy foods such as raw fruits and vegetables around.

If you snack on those, you’ll be okay. But the best thing possible is not to replace smoking with eating. Try to think of other things to do to replace smoking. Go walking. Meditate and clear your mind. Play a game with your children. Quitting smoking and replacing the nicotine with food will make you fat if you don’t plan. Make sure you have healthy snacks on hand. If you’re at work and you haven’t prepared healthy snacks, you’ll find yourself wading through a box of donuts!


Remind yourself that your looks will improve

Smoking ages you. It’s as simple as that. If you compare the skin of a smoker with a non-smoker, you can see it. Smoking exacerbates the skin’s aging process. This leads to the early onset of wrinkles and lines. When you stop smoking the accelerated aging effect will stop immediately. You won’t be able to reverse the damage already done, but at least you’ll prevent it from getting worse. When you smoke, you, your breath, and your clothes all smell like cigarette smoke.

Smoking dulls the sense of smell so much that you probably don’t notice it. But those around you who don’t smoke will. It can be an overwhelmingly powerful smell that is not pleasant to be around. Once you become aware of it, you’ll wonder how you ever let yourself smell like that! Smoking yellows your teeth. This can be reversed if you consult a dentist or oral hygienist for a professional cleaning. The improved blood flow that comes about as the result of quitting smoking will have benefits for your appearance too. Your hair and nails will show the effects. You’ll also feel more energetic. This can improve your libido which is often suppressed by smoking.


Start exercising

Within a short period, after you quit smoking, you’ll start to feel more energetic. Now is the time to capitalize on that and get active. Start off slow. Don’t expect to be able to run a marathon within two weeks of quitting. Be realistic about what you can or can’t do. As your doctor for advice. If you can, join a gym and consult a personal trainer. They can help you determine an exercise program that suits your needs. The exercise you undertake will get your heart rate up. This pumps more blood through your system.

As you’ll be breathing easier, your lungs will allow you to push yourself harder and further. Increased blood circulation helps with converting the food you eat into energy. This can help you lose weight. Improved blood flow to the muscles allows them to strengthen. Find a physical activity that you enjoy doing. It may be walking, running, or cycling. Set yourself a goal to participate in an event as a celebration of quitting. Train and remind yourself daily that quitting smoking is what’s allowing you to achieve this.


Find something to keep yourself busy

While nicotine replacement therapy will reduce your craving for a cigarette, it cannot help you break the habit. If you’ve always taken a smoke break during your lunchtime, you’ll suddenly find that lunch drags where it used to fly by. It used to be that you barely had time to have a cigarette, drink some coffee, eat your food, and use the bathroom. Now you have time on your hands; you need to find a way to fill it. As stated earlier, if you fill that time with food, you’re likely to gain weight.

So, it’s important to find something else to do. A lot of people who quit find activities such as knitting keep their hands busy. This helps to break the habit. Have a stress ball to keep your hands occupied so that you don’t give in. Do crossword puzzles to keep your brain busy. A hobby is therapeutic when you’re trying to stop smoking. But so is taking a walk and appreciating the beauty around you. Find different ways to spend your time. Keeping your hands and mind occupied is a surefire way to break that bad habit.


Plan what to do with the money you’ll be saving

Think about how much money smoking has cost you on a weekly or monthly basis. Instead of absorbing that money into your budget, put it aside and save it. You’ll soon be able to work out how much money you’ve spent on cigarettes in all the time you smoked. It will shock you. Now that you’re saving this money start thinking about something you’d like to do or buy to reward yourself.

Make it something special that you’ll need to save up a while to achieve. It’s a great way to keep yourself motivated when you’re going through a tough time. Write it down as a goal. Work out what it will cost. At the end of each week or month, work out how much closer you are to achieving this objective. While you are the one who has quit, think about including the loved ones who have supported you in the reward. It’s unlikely you’ll succeed without their caring, so make a plan to show them how grateful you are. They’re going to have to put up with a lot from you, and they deserve to know you appreciate it.


Define yourself as a non-smoker

This is a technique to keep in mind once you’ve stopped. There are times when you feel stressed out when you’ll think about smoking. You might smell it and get hit by a craving. You’ll think to yourself, “Nothing would be better than a cigarette right now.” Allowing those thoughts to plant a seed in your mind can be dangerous. You might start questioning your decision to stop smoking. This can lead you to the temptation of starting again. Think of yourself as a ‘non-smoker.’ Say to yourself, “But why would I want to smoke? I don’t smoke.” Remind yourself that you are a new person with a new perspective.

See yourself as someone who doesn’t rely on cigarettes. Be able to remind yourself of what you do now when you’re feeling a bit stressed and anxious. Return to the habits and hobbies you’ve formed until the craving passes. This is a time to rely on the non-smokers around you to keep you reminded of all the benefits you’re reaping from stopping smoking. If need be, write them down and keep the list handy. In that way, when you’re tempted, you can remind yourself why you became a non-smoker.


Think of the benefits for those around you

When you smoke, you don’t smoke alone. Your second-hand smoke affects the people around you. Passive smoking is when someone who doesn’t smoke inhales the smoke of those around them. It can cause long-term health problems as much as smoking does. Studies show that passive smoking can result in lung diseases such as cancer. You might think that because you smoke outside the house, your children are not inhaling second-hand smoke. That’s not true. When you hug them, they breathe in the smoke from your close. This exposes them to nicotine.

Even when you smoke outside at a family barbecue, everyone around you is breathing in your second-hand smoke. You may be quitting for yourself, but you’re also stopping for those around you. When you’re having a craving and are tempted to give in, think about the people around you. Think about how your quitting smoking will benefit them. This can be a great motivator and keep you on the path. It’s hard but thinks about this: if you stop smoking now, your children might never even start. Children often start smoking because it’s a learned behavior.


Avoid alcohol and other triggers

Certain situations may trigger a craving to smoke. You’ll have found that drinking alcohol made you smoke more cigarettes than you normally would. Going to places where smoking is allowed indoors also triggered additional smoking. It’s easy when you don’t have to go and stand outside in the cold to smoke. Being in any social setting where smoking was taking place would increase your nicotine intake. You’re not going to be able to avoid all your triggers forever. You will be in settings where people smoke.

You will drink alcohol. You will still go and hand out with your friends at work when they’re on a smoke break. The key is how you deal with the triggers. At first, you may want to avoid your triggers as much as you can. To do that, you need to be able to identify your triggers. Put pen to paper and write a list of what makes you want to smoke. If you go into a situation that you know is going to trigger a need to smoke, be prepared for it. Be focused on the benefits of quitting and maintain your willpower.


Stay positive

Keep your eye on the prize. In other words, don’t ever let yourself forget why you’re quitting smoking. Even though there may be days when you feel awful, remind yourself of what your objectives are. You may feel physically ill when you stop smoking. Your emotions may go off the scale, and you’ll have mood swings. Each of these is natural response. You need to handle these dark periods with a silver-lining approach. The long-term silver lining is regaining your health and well-being. The short-term silver lining is every minute, hour, day, week, and month you manage to resist the urge.

Celebrate your successes. They keep you motivated and help you to keep a positive outlook. If you dwell on the negatives, you’re likely to give up. You won’t be able to see the good that is going to come from stopping. Then you’re going to wonder why you’re putting yourself and your body through this. Keep a journal. For each day that you’ve remained smoke-free, write down a message of positive encouragement to yourself. Find the good in each day that has come from the fact that you no longer smoke.


Enjoy the freedom

Nicotine is an addictive substance. It becomes your master. It dictates when you do things. You get to a point where you can’t do certain things without smoking first. Some people can’t start their day without a cigarette. Others report being unable to sleep without having a cigarette right before bed. After a few hours without a cigarette, your master reminds you that it’s time for a fix. You start thinking about how good it’s going to feel. Soon, you can think of nothing else. Then you go and have a cigarette. Your master has managed to get you to serve it again.

When you stop smoking, you break the shackles, and your habit no longer dictates what you do and when you do it. It is very liberating. It’s important to see quitting smoking as emancipation, not a punishment. When you find yourself deciding what the last thing you do before bedtime is, you’ll realize that nicotine no longer rules your life. The freedom to spend your money on other things and to spend your time doing other things is a great feeling. Keep your eye on this prize when times are tough. It’s worth it in the end.
