
Warning Signs of Anxiety in Kids

Those who have an anxiety disorder frequently feel anxious or fearful. Anxious feelings are related to worry about situations in the future. The reaction to present… Trista Smith - September 25, 2019

Those who have an anxiety disorder frequently feel anxious or fearful. Anxious feelings are related to worry about situations in the future. The reaction to present events is known as fear. Someone with anxiety can experience many physical symptoms like shakiness, dizziness, and an accelerated heart rate. Anxiety presents itself in various disorders, including social anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, agoraphobia, separation anxiety disorder, and selective mutism. Many people end up developing more than one anxiety-related disorder.

With anxiety, genetic and environmental factors contribute to symptoms. Those who have experienced a history of poverty, mental disorders in the family, or child abuse have a higher risk of developing anxiety. Panic attacks and anxiety are difficult to recognize in other people. It’s even harder to diagnose in children, given that their bodies are still growing, so they’re not going to react the same way. If you’re a parent or someone who works closely with children, here are some behaviors and signs you can look out for to determine if a child has a panic attack or not. Keep reading to learn about symptoms of anxiety in kids.

An anxious child may have difficulty sleeping. Credit: MaxPixel


Your child may seem restless at night.

Life is hard when you are young. As children grow older, they’re naturally going to have a few changes in their sleeping patterns, but if there’s a significant drastic change, such as feeling restless and not being able to fall asleep, then you may have a problem on your hands. For a growing child, dealing with insomnia can lead to changes in their mood as well as issues at school. That is because children who have anxiety tend to be overstimulated, so their brains have problems turning off at night. The bright lights from electronics can make it hard to keep calm.

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In today’s technologically obsessed world, young children and teens have to deal with a lot more during their school and social lives. Because of social media and texting, the school day’s problems can often be carried over to home life as well. The best you can do is establish a calming bedtime routine that helps ease their minds into a state of relaxation and preparation for sleep. The mind needs time to rewind and relax at the end of the day. Try to keep screen time to a minimum, especially when it is incredibly close to bedtime.

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You may find that your child becomes quite clingy.

To a child, the world is a prominent scary place without their parents close by, so separation anxiety is normal. In fact, it’s normal for them to be a little clingy still even when introduced to strangers later on in life. After all, parents are the first protectors and the first teachers, the ones they have spent most of their time with since the day they were born. Parents are the most important people in their little world. Over time, children can become more relaxed around family members and friends that they see regularly.

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It starts to become a real problem when the anxiety they experience prevents them from sleeping, eating, or even playing. Suppose it affects their daily lives and their ability to socialize with peers. If your bashful child tends to retract in social settings, there are a couple of ways to put them at ease. When you notice your kid hiding behind you during these times, get down to their level and talk to them in a soothing voice to reassure them that everything is fine and nothing terrible will happen to them. Your calm demeanor will help them keep calm and carry on.

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An anxious child may have an overwhelming fear of strangers.

Being socially awkward is one thing. Being overly scared of someone new is something else entirely. As we just mentioned, it’s normal for children to become wary of strangers. There is comfort in sticking to familiar things. However, if they clam up or start to cry when a stranger comes by, they may have anxiety. Shyness should usually begin to phase out after two years old. You want your child to grow into an independent individual. A tendency to steer away from social situations could be a symptom of anxiety.

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What should you look for? If they cling to you even after meeting someone friendly or continuing to be fussy or cry after that person is gone, they may have anxiety. It’s a sign that there are lingering feelings that they don’t know what to do with. When this happens, talk to your child to see what’s bothering them and let them know that they don’t have to be afraid of strangers you talk to when they are with you. You can encourage older children to take calming breaths as a coping mechanism to help them from feeling awkward.

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Becoming aggressive or careless can be a concern.

You may not realize that some of the ways your children are changing could indicate a social problem. One shocking sign that parents aren’t ready for is your child becoming very aggressive and careless. That is because they’re undergoing stress, and they’re not equipped to handle it by themselves, so they lash out. They may also be dealing with problems in their home that are coming out in their actions. Anxiety in children can manifest as tantrums, meltdowns and other acts of aggression. These children are trying to find a way to deal with the chaos they feel inside their minds.

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The anger may make sense, but that does not excuse them to mistreat those around them. It can be alarming when a small child becomes aggressive, and you may not know how to manage their extreme behavior. Carelessness is a form of lashing out as well, as they’re taking out their frustrations on themselves in the process of feeling better. Exercise patience to get to the root of the problem instead of reacting negatively; you’ll get better results. You need to help them realize that acting aggressive is not the most effective way to communicate. They are capable of making better choices in how they behave.

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Weepy children may have an underlying reason.

Shedding a tear is not always connected to feeling sad. Children tend to cry a lot when they are anxious or stressed, as it is a form of relief for them. Not all children cry when this happens, but it’s one of the more apparent signs that they’re anxious. Because anxiety is often associated with extreme feelings, young children who suffer from the condition may cry to deal with some things that they are not how to handle. They may start crying to signify that something is wrong, even if they are not sure of what it is.

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If a small incident results in your child’s high emotions, they may be dealing with anxious feelings. It’s an even worse sign if their crying develops into hysterics that you have no way of bringing them down from. In fact, this crying may also lead to problems breathing or even vomiting in the process because they’re so worked up. Do your best to calm them down but seek the attention of a pediatrician if these attempts fail. It is important to assure their work through the built-up, previously unreleased feelings. Keep reading to find out more about childhood anxiety symptoms.

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Possessing irrational concerns and worries may be a sign of anxiety.

Not everything is what it seems, and sometimes little ones can have big fears over the small things. Careful observation is required to notice any sudden irrational fears in your child. Are they worried about something terrible happening like accidents or even the death of a loved one? Perhaps they developed a sudden fear of a family pet or taking a ride in a car. Alternatively, being in school with their peers, even those they are friends with, causes their behavior to shift into unusual territory. It can be a lot to deal with when you are young.

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Where they might have originated is not always clear. These fears may have arisen out of specific instances, but some children just develop natural phobias to things, even ones they’ve never experienced or met before. Talking to your child about these fears can help you to understand whether they can be considered normal or if your child has an anxiety disorder. It is crucial not to ridicule or minimize your child’s fears and ask them what exactly makes them so scared. Accepting that their fears are relevant can help them control their negative thoughts. Cognitive-behavioral therapy treatments may also be a consideration for young patients.

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Physical signs of anxiety include chronic painful conditions.

Not feeling well can be more than just a typical ailment. If your child appears to be feeling bad regularly, then it’s possible that they may be anxious about something but don’t know how to tell you. Anxiety and stress can lead to tummy aches as well as pains throughout the body. Other chronic complaints could be diarrhea and headaches. Your child may not pinpoint what is exactly wrong but instead will want your help in solving something physical rather than what is going on on the inside.

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Not every child will be able to tell you that something is wrong. If your child is too young to talk, you can observe them see a change in their behavior. If they appear to be eating less than they usually do or don’t seem interested in playing with their toys, they may have anxiety. Once you have discovered that something needs to be attended to, do not hesitate to make an appointment. Take your child to see their doctor quickly if you notice these changes. The primary care physician will recommend a specialist who can help figure out the problem at hand.

Many children have a fear of going to daycare, but an overwhelming fear may cause anxiety. Credit: Flickr


A child may have anxiety if they develop an overbearing fear of going to daycare.

It is hard to be away from your children, and it can be even harder if they exhibit extreme emotions of the thought of you being away. Dropping off at daycare may not be a seamless transition initially, but many children adapt to the new schedule after a little bit of time. Further fits can mean something else. That is an extension of separation anxiety, as they can’t see you throughout the day. It is more than getting weepy for a few minutes: this is full-on crying hysterically, clinging to you, and being inconsolable after you’ve left.

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Something is causing your child not to enjoy the time spent at daycare. It could be that your child has an anxiety disorder, but there could be other difficulties going on, such as being bullied by other children. They wouldn’t want to stay somewhere where they’re mistreated, which can further increase their anxiety. The first step is to get to the root of the problem. Ask your child’s daycare providers if they’ve noticed any recent changes with your child to figure out what’s going on. Everyone’s cooperation is key to helping the child get through what the trouble is.

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Becoming hypersensitive to clothes can be a sign of expression or something greater.

As your children get a little older, you may notice that they start hating certain clothes in their closet and refuse to wear them anymore. Your budding nudist may be showing signs of self-expression, but it could also be something else. That could be a sign that they’re becoming hypersensitive to certain things. It could be the feel of certain fabrics against their skin, or it could be colored. Furthermore, it could also be that they do not like how the tag hangs on, how restrictive the outfit is, or how the seam is situated on the socks. Basically, it is crucial to find the underlying cause.

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It can be frustrating trying to handle a child who is too wrapped up in going around in the birthday suit. Either way, don’t jump the gun and judge your child as being too uppity. They may prefer to make individual clothing choices that make them more comfortable, such as wearing shorts instead of pants or sneakers instead of flip-flops. Give your child options when it comes to their wardrobe so they can feel comfortable throughout the day. It will promote independence and pride in what is worn.

Many children are shy around new people and in new situations. Credit: Pixabay


Feeling extremely shy can be a sign of anxiety.

Personality is something everyone is born with. It makes you who you are, and some are more outgoing than others. A naturally shy child is not a sign of anxiety; it’s the extent to which that shyness plays out that might become a problem. Most children can feel nervous from time to time. Remember, anxiety is different from a child being naturally wary. If your child’s shyness becomes crippling and leads to them not wanting to be around anyone besides their immediate family, you should be concerned.

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Look for signs such as your child becoming alarmed or withdrawing from other people, cowering when asked to play with other children, or clinging to you and crying. Shy children are more comfortable waiting by the sidelines than they are participating in the game or activity. These are signs of some kind of anxiety, and your child may feel increased feelings of loneliness or lessened self-worth. If it seems that your child is not growing out of the extreme shyness phase, you may want to seek professional help. Schedule an appointment with your child’s pediatrician to figure out how to help them.

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An anxious child may become inflexible.

Giving children structure is always a good idea, as it provides them with expectations to meet daily, but when a child can’t function without them, then there’s a problem. Many may prefer order, but not everything can be planned out according to one’s wishes. Being inflexible with situations with your child can be a challenging situation for any parent walking on eggshells to circumvent an extreme reaction. A child should not expect everyone around them to stick to their chosen routine at all times. Adaptation is an essential part of child development.

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Most children outgrow the desire for a rigid schedule after two years old. Children who become anxious are incapable of changing or adapting to new situations. The unpredictability element can leave them feeling wary since they don’t know how to prepare for these unexpected situations. They feel more comfortable with consistent schedules and repetitive activities. Whenever something happens where the routine is interrupted, consider talking with your child’s doctor to see if a specialist is needed.

Loud noises can be difficult for children with anxiety. Credit: MaxPixel


Sensitivity to noise can be a sign of anxiety.

Being surprised by loud noises can be unpleasant, but anxiety in children can also become an auditory issue. An anxious child may become startled by loud noises, such as the vacuum cleaner running, the flushing of a toilet, or a barking dog. It’s your job to help calm them down when you notice these problems arise. Anxiety is placing their body in a constant state of stress, so when something startling happens, their bodies go into overdrive to try and protect themselves. Children may start acting out in anger when they are distressed by the sounds.

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Work on helping your child become accustomed to sudden loud noises. You can even get them hearing protection like earplugs or safety earmuffs. There are also ways to expose your child to loud noises to get them used to them. A few tips include giving a warning before a loud noise is sounded, help your children set proper boundaries, and take new experiences with understanding. There are several other tips about helping children with anxiety.

Irregular sleep patterns can be expected for children. Credit: NeedPix


A child who has problems sleeping may be dealing with a larger concern.

Sleep is an essential part of child development. Experts suggest that school-aged children should receive between 9 and 11 hours of sleep each night. When a child is growing older, their sleeping patterns are going to change. You may notice that they even start sleepwalking, which can be a little terrifying. When it can become a worrisome problem is when the erratic sleep patterns turn into insomnia. Insomnia can last a couple of nights, or it could be more consistent. What could be triggering the sleep could be daily stress, pain, or other mental health issues.

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Nevertheless, if you see insomnia, then you need to intervene. As we mentioned before, help them to develop a routine before bed so that their brains recognize that it’s time to turn it off and let them know that everything is okay. Limit their use of smartphones and tablets, especially at night. You can find soothing lavender shampoo and soap and give your child a relaxing bath to calm them down before bedtime. Reading a book to them as they fall asleep can help as well. Getting into a routine may be just the thing you need to help your children overcome what is bothering them and get ready for a good night’s sleep.

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An anxious child may become overly dependent on you.

Your job as a parent is to raise a self-reliant child, but that sort of confidence does not come so easily to some young people. Your child already relies on you for their necessities in life, but an anxious child is likely to follow you around wherever you go. In the worst-case scenario, a child will have a complete meltdown if you step out of the room, even for a few minutes. This over-dependence can make leaving the house for errands or work especially difficult and can take its toll on you, the parent as well.


How to console your child through their panic attack is first to identify that there is a problem. There is an issue if they follow you to the bathroom and wait outside if they relish helping out the teacher at school or need constant attention and reassurance from teachers to feel safe. Speak to a doctor or child psychologist to determine the steps to take to keep your child from being too dependent on their parents. Making your child more reliant requires giving them the confidence to know that the separation is only temporary, and becoming independent is a healthy way to grow.

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Children may develop ritualistic tendencies.

Many children prefer to live in order. They want to keep things together, nice and neat, and in a way that helps them when they need to complete a task. However, adhering to too much of a ritual can be a symptom of anxiety. Children with anxiety usually like to have rigid ways of going about their days, becoming ritualistic. That helps to ease their stress because they know what’s coming next. Because anxiety leads to heightened feelings of losing control, children have a say, so they perform that controlled task repeatedly.

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The repetition leads to feelings of environmental certainty, so it is understandable why a child may feel lost once encouraged to change behavior abruptly. It was mentioned before that children with anxiety become stubborn to change; this is a more intense reaction. They could have a full anxiety episode if they don’t get a story before bedtime like they’re used to or if their food is rearranged differently on the plate. Routines can be useful for a child, but needing a strict routine to function is not normal. Seek help from your child’s doctor, who can refer a specialist to help through the transition.

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Kids may become stubborn in regards to their food.

Providing nutritious meals is a cornerstone of parenthood, and what you feed your children has a significant impact on how they feel physically and emotionally. If your child is not a consistent member of the clean plate club, it could be that they are just developing their taste. However, it could be something else. Take note of your child if they become super picky about the food that they eat. That is an extension of needing rituals, so they want to eat the same foods every day. So this can spiral into a disaster if you’re trying to keep your child healthy.

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The food preference may just be another way your child is trying to deal with your anxiety. Eating one food or one meal every single day for almost every dinner can quickly lead to malnutrition if you’re not careful. Even worse, your child could forego lunch at school if it’s not the food they like. Try to encourage your child to try new foods, even if it’s just one bite. Reward compliance with something else that they want might help. If they only eat one meal, that will lead to even more bad eating habits in the future. There are other things to watch for. Keep reading for more signs regarding children with anxiety.

New people can be scary for a child, and warming up can take longer. Credit: Pixabay


There may be issues warming up to new people.

Social awkwardness may be prevalent in some children; they just prefer someone they know. Nevertheless, meeting new people is an integral part of becoming a social creature. Anxious toddlers tend to have problems opening up to new people and being friendly toward them. That can become problematic in a school environment, especially for children in elementary and middle school. You want your children to make friends easily. They’re more likely to avoid any class activities or sports and prefer sitting by themselves instead of engaging with other children in the class.

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The inability to meet new people can also harm their education. Children with anxiety may not feel confident to ask for help when they are working on schoolwork. They may even avoid talking to the teachers altogether. That can lead to even more antisocial behavior and set your child up for problems as they get older. Don’t let antisocial behavior become the norm in your child’s life. Contact your child’s primary care physician to find out how you may be able to help them manage their problems with social situations.

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While it may be rare, some anxious children are obsessed with not getting dirty.

Getting dirty is part of a daily routine for some children. Sloshing through mud puddles, making dirt pies, and playing with other messy situations may be a part of their daily routine. They love it, but not all children do. Because messes are seen as a bad thing, anxious children tend not to want to get dirty. That also means not participating in sports or activities that involve some disorder. This behavior is not normal and should be addressed. Staying away from messes is another way they can try to control their situations.

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As we have discussed in other symptoms, the inability to control the messy world around them can result in disaster. Children who try to protect themselves from germs, dirt, and other fears may be missing out on some of the fun parts of childhood. When encouraged into these kinds of activities, children will have absolute meltdowns to get out of participating. They may request that they change their clothes after being outside or wash their hands excessively. Take note if your child uses hand sanitizer often, spends too much time at the sink washing their hands, or has peeling skin on their hands from overexposure to water. All of these signs can be the indignation of an anxiety condition that may need more attention.

Worrying can be exhausting and take away the joy of life. Credit: MaxPixel


An anxious child may also be a worrywart.

Life is full of things to worry about. It can be normal to be concerned about things. When it becomes a problem is when it becomes an obstacle that they cannot overcome. Children with anxiety may tend to worry about certain aspects of their lives that they shouldn’t be worrying about excessively. That can include school, family affairs, acceptance by other children, or getting good grades. Although this may seem healthy, especially in school activities, it can be detrimental to their health to worry too much. A few concerns here and there can be overwhelming and hard to handle.

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Figuring out that your worrywart may have anxiety can be challenging to manage. It is hard when the worries start to affect their behaviors. It can lead to low self-esteem and affect both their mental and physical health in the long run, making it impossible for them to function. They’ll only end up setting impossible expectations for themselves that they have no way of meeting. That will lead to anxiety in adulthood. Getting a hold of the condition early is key to giving them tools to help them later on in life.

Anxiety can manifest in physical ways. Credit: Pixabay


More than just psychological concerns, anxiety can present in physical ways.

Anxiety is not just a mental issue; it can affect physical health as well. As your child starts developing into their pre-teen years, these anxiety symptoms may begin taking a visible toll on their body. These are symptoms that you can’t excuse away through healthy childhood development. Some of these crucial physical symptoms may include always having headaches or stomach aches, refusing to eat, being impatient or distracted, difficulty falling asleep, trembling, or sweating profusely when faced with somewhat intimidating scenarios.

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It can be hard to see your child exhibit physical symptoms of anxiety—the reason why is not always understood. Feeling nervous can also mean trembling, increased heart rate, and many other symptoms. Physical signs of anxiety can seriously affect a child. It can impact how they perform at school as well as their mental health. Keep an eye out for these physical signs of anxiety in your children so you can track what is triggering these attacks and how you might be able to assist them through it. Talk to your children’s doctor about some everyday things you see so you can pinpoint what the problem is.

An anxious child may have a fear of going to familiar places. Credit: MaxPixel


Anxious children may be afraid to go to school.

It is normal for some students to experience dread when it comes to school. The school week can arrive way too soon after a pleasant and relaxing weekend doing the things they enjoy. However, some children have an irrational fear of learning. That is not just a fear of doing poorly in school or avoidance of bullies. At the later stages in a child’s life, this fear can physically manifest as symptoms. They could feel anxious about being around other children, interacting with teachers, doing their homework, or taking tests. Your child could not want to participate in physical education classes or after-school activities.

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If you think that your children might have school-related anxiety issues, you should pay particular attention. A child can start complaining about feeling too ill to go to school. They may even begin to show gastrointestinal distress; thus, experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea. If allowed to stay home, the symptoms will subside since that fear is no longer there. The symptoms may then come back when the idea of attending school comes back into the conversation. Children may not know why they are sick, but something is causing the problem. Talking with your child about school phobia can help you pinpoint the reason for the anxiety.

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Anxiety can come across in emotional forms.

Some symptoms of anxiety are present only on the inside. Although the physical symptoms of anxiety are easy to notice, you have to pay attention to the emotional signs as well. These shouldn’t be mistaken for normal childhood behavior, especially if they’re consistent and seem to only appear in certain situations. These emotional signs can include having repeated panic attacks, crying a lot, being cranky or fussy for no reason, becoming afraid to make any kind of mistake, being scared of teachers and peers, or having obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors.

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Because many of these symptoms are hard to recognize right away, your child may be dealing with anxiety for a long time before you notice that there may be an issue to address. It can be challenging to know that your children had suffered in silence, but there is something you can do. Any combination of these symptoms is a sure sign that your child may have an anxiety disorder and should be taken to your pediatrician. Find out more ways to watch for anxiety symptoms in children.

Nerves are normal, but anxiety can amplify them. Credit: Pixabay


Your child may become extremely nervous.

Nervous feelings can be complicated. As hormones start to get into full swing when your child starts hitting puberty, they’re going to have intense, fluctuating emotions that they won’t know what to do with. It will only make their anxiety worse, so you must be there during this troubling period in their lives. Because of these fluctuating emotions, it can be even harder to diagnose an anxiety disorder. The body has a heightened sense of high alert as the mind tries to process what could happen.

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Everyday concerns can bring stress, but there is a healthy way to encourage your child to deal with any obstacles that come their way. Worrying about grades, past behaviors, relationships with their peers, and family issues may seem reasonable. However, if it’s happening continuously, typically for more than six months, then their “nervous disposition” could likely be an anxiety disorder. It is crucial to encourage appropriate times to be concerned and when some things may be out of your child’s control. Talk with your child’s doctor about options to help quell those fears.

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Your child may have a deep fear of being away from loved ones.

Some children are very affectionate. They love their parents with all of their beings. It is nice to be loved, but if your children tend to steer away from anyone who is not you, that may be because of anxiety. As children grow older, you should notice that they want to be more independent about the decisions they’re making in their lives. There is a problem, however, if they’re still afraid to be away from you. If your child is unwilling to be away from you, it can completely disrupt your family’s routine and make life difficult.

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It is not only affecting your child, but it could also negatively affect you. You may also feel like you will need to avoid making plans without your child because of the problems it causes. It is not just younger children who can feel extreme emotions from a distance. Separation anxiety can become detrimental to older children, leading to stomach aches, chest pains, nightmares, and profuse sweating. You should seek medical attention if you notice any of these symptoms. Talk to a child psychologist to see how to help your child cope with separation anxiety.

Anxiety may also present itself in behavioral ways. Credit: Pixabay


Anxious children may show behavioral signs.

Lashing out because of anxiety is also a symptom that some children may exhibit due to anxiety. Along with the physical and emotional, there are behavioral signs that should be carefully examined as well. If you notice that your child is showing these signs of behavioral problems, keep a close eye on what is happening and take note of any consistent patterns. Again, if these symptoms recur for six months, then there is an issue. The disruptive behaviors are keeping your child from conducting their everyday tasks.

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Some of the signs you can look for are continually asking “what if” questions, preferring to stay inside during recess, or avoiding engaging with other students. More noticeable factors might include always seeking approval from others, having trouble focusing, and avoiding any social situation at all costs, including birthday parties or after-school activities. If your child displays any of these symptoms, take them to see a child psychologist to manage their anxiety. Working to find the trigger behind these anxious symptoms is a process that is worth figuring out for your child’s health and well-being.

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Your kid may have particular fears.

Being afraid of something is not anything to be concerned about. Having very general fears for pre-teens is expected, such as not knowing what the future will hold. But when your little scared cat has zeroed in on specific worries, then you might have reason to have your own worries elevated. The phobia could be a particular item or even a situation. It could range from spiders, clowns, going to the doctor’s office for a checkup, or several other things and scenarios. The thought of being near what they are scared of can bring about extreme reactions.

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Something about that item or situation is conjuring up feelings of intense dread. Those fears, however, can become detrimental when they border on the irrational. That can include fears of specific colors or certain events happening, even though they’ve never had a negative experience with either of these things. These fears are genuine for anxious child, and they don’t realize how irrational they may appear. The concerns are made worse when they’re forced to confront them, exhibiting signs of extreme distress. Speak with a counselor to see how to help your child manage their fears.

Nobody wants to feel embarrassed or humiliated by their peers. Credit: Wikipedia


Anxious children may have an intense fear of being embarrassed or humiliated.

What others think of you when you are young can be something to obsess over. Being accepted by their peers is essential to many school-age children, especially once they enter into adolescence. They want their classmates to like them. One of the most common phobias for pre-teens is “social phobia,” the fear of being laughed at by their peers. Embarrassment can have a very adverse effect on daily interactions. The worry that something will happen to cause them to be ridiculed could be a sign of anxiety. In the most extreme cases, the child may have a panic attack.

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Others are down when they think that they have been the source of such mockery before it even happens. This fear can become quite extreme, which leads to children isolating themselves from other kids as well as adults to prevent such events from occurring. In more severe cases, it can be debilitating for them to speak to figures in authority or make presentations in front of the class, ultimately affecting their grades in the long run. If your child’s anxiety over being embarrassed is more extreme than the usual pre-teen kind of behavior, seek help from an expert.

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Children with anxiety may become overly panicky for no reason.

Looking on the wrong side does not necessarily mean your child has anxiety. Some young people tend to see situations in a glass half empty sort of way., no matter what the details are. A child who is a cynic can be just a part of their overall personality. Where you need to take notice is when those viewpoints are more widespread. Seemingly everything makes them anxious. It can become quite common for your child to become panicky for no reason if they’ve had anxiety for several years. You will notice that they will have physical reactions manifested in their responses.

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Their bodies are in a constant state of alert, so they have more panic attacks. Panic attacks are serious and should be treated as soon as possible. If left untreated, these panics and fears can develop into real phobias, such as agoraphobia (the fear of going outside), lead to heart issues such as tachycardia and chest pain, and make it difficult for the child to breathe normally. It’s a condition that should be taken seriously very early on in a child’s life. Keep reading to find out more ways that anxiety may have impacted your child.

Having physical symptoms of anxiety can disrupt your child’s day-to-day life. Credit: Psycom


Somatic symptoms can be a sign of anxiety.

Anxiety can present itself in several different symptoms. Concern over what is wrong can also be a sign that your child is experiencing anxiety. Somatic symptom disorder occurs when a person has an extreme focus on any physical symptoms they may be having. If a child is experiencing pain, shortness of breath, or weakness, they could end up being majorly stressed and have issues functioning normally. They do not know what is happening, so they are scared of what could be wrong, and they are concerned about the loss of control that they are feeling.

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Specific physical symptoms may be a result of a medical condition. This disorder is caused when one or more physical symptoms is disrupting a person’s daily life. If your child is anxious about their physical symptoms, it may be because they believe they are sick more than they have an illness. Regardless, you should have your child seen by a doctor to make sure there aren’t any severe issues happening. That is especially true when these symptoms are present for six months or more. Find out other signs to look out for by clicking on the next slide.

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Children who are anxious may avoid others and situations.

It has previously been discussed that some children have a shy personality. They prefer to stay with the people and situations that they know. When this becomes something to be concerned about, panic is a detriment to their social well-being. An avoidant personality disorder is characterized by the avoidance of personal relationships and social interactions. That occurs because of the extreme fear of being rejected by other people. Those who have developed this disorder feel inadequate, have limited trust in other people, and have low self-esteem. Some may even refuse to cooperate because that fear is so intense.

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Children who have avoidant personality disorder will not want to be around other people, especially their peers. They will speak softly, be cautious when they talk, and appear awkward in a conversation. They are overly self-critical and self-conscious. These traits will occur in childhood and can be carried through to adulthood if left untreated. Take notice of how your children behave before school and during other events where they are forced to interact with other children. Anxious children may never be extroverted, but they may gain the self-confidence that they need to overcome their social fears.

Many children throw temper tantrums, but anxious children may be upset over simple style choices. Credit: Parents


Excessive meltdowns about style choices may be a sign of a bigger issue.

Sometimes your child may have to do something that they do not want to do. That is part of child development and how some push the envelope. However, how prevalent these meltdowns are could be a sign that they are dealing with something more serious. As we’ve mentioned before, children with anxiety can have issues with what they wear. They could be afraid of wearing a particular color, pattern, or fabric choice. This concept can result in extreme meltdowns, especially before school. Your child could display anxiety over their clothing in various ways.

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How children with anxiety react when they are faced with adverse situations to what they would prefer can be revealing. They could throw a tantrum, scream, cry, or get aggressive. If they don’t like the outfit you select, how you style their hair, or even the shoes you choose, they could act out. That can be problematic, especially if your child is required to wear a school uniform and you don’t have a choice in what they wear. It would be wise to make an appointment with your child’s primary care physician if you believe that your child may be exhibiting anxiety symptoms.

Adjusting to school, including the work, environment, and teachers can be difficult. Credit: PBS


Anxious kids may have difficulties transitioning within school.

Another way your child may be showing that they have anxiety is how well they progress through their school. Education is an integral part of any child’s development. It is a place where they grow, learn, and interact with other peers. It is also a place of constant change. Children have to adapt from class to lunch and from recess back to the classroom. For an anxious child, a break in their routine can be a disaster. That can be especially apparent in school. If your child has anxiety, they may have trouble transitioning from class to an after-school activity.

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Getting from school to a team sport activity or even a study session can prove challenging for a child with anxiety. Their motivation could be down, and their desire to be alone can be high. An anxious child may again want to do what they want to do and not accept anything different. This hard-to-handle situation could also present in older kids. Adolescence is hard. It’s also hard to go from an extremely social situation like school and transition to another social setting like a football game or a piano lesson.

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Anxious children may have high expectations for school.

Overachieving children are interested in their personal success. They may obsess over high marks in school and want to keep their honor status. It becomes a problem when they are meant with an academic challenge that they are not meeting their own expectations. Children with anxiety are tough on themselves. They put so much pressure on how they behave, causing their anxiety to rise. Most of the pressure a child with anxiety will put on themselves is related to school. Any small setback could cause intense feelings of failure.

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Anxious children will think that they need to perform flawlessly in all aspects of their lives. They must have perfect grades, be the best player on their sports team, and excel at their homework. These are some of the things that they control, but it cannot happen 100 percent of the time. That is an unhealthy mindset and can lead to severe problems as they grow up. Talk to your child’s teachers and guidance counselor to see how you can alleviate some of their anxiety. The professional help could be what they need to create realistic expectations for the rest of their lives.

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder may be a sign of anxiety.

Other conditions could also present themselves in anxious children. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by a strong need to perform routines or have obsessive thoughts repeatedly. It is not always what people think it is. Many people believe obsessive-compulsive disorder has to do with someone wanting their homes to be immaculate, but this condition manifests itself in many ways. While some of this may be true, OCD can also mean other symptoms.


Your child will be diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder if they have unwanted thoughts that are obsessive in nature. Children with OCD take specific actions to suppress these thoughts. Repeated hand washing, making sure a door is locked, flicking a light switch on and off are examples of OCD. Extreme cases of this disorder can result in routines taking up hours in a person’s day. If your child displays any of these behaviors, seek the help of a child psychologist as soon as possible.

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Body-focused repetitive behaviors can be a sign of anxious children.

When children enter puberty, they can become more interested in what they look like. Popularity can be synonymous with the idea of physical perfection. Some signs of anxious behavior could be focusing on the parts of the body. Body-focused repetitive behaviors refer to an impulse-control action that results in damage of a person’s physical appearance. Children with this condition can also cause serious physical injuries to themselves. Anxiety is the leading cause of these repetitive behaviors. Examples of body-focused repetitive behaviors include hair pulling, skin picking, cheek biting, and compulsive nose-picking.

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You should pay attention to how your child is dressing because they may be trying to hide some of the things they are doing to themselves. You may notice your child is losing large patches of hair or has scabs and scars on all of their arms and legs. Make sure to get your child seen by a doctor to prevent any infections. The best treatment for this disorder is psychotherapy. Keep reading to find out more signs to watch for if you believe your child has anxiety.

Panic and worry can further intensify a child’s anxiety. Credit:


Panic disorder can enhance a child’s anxiety.

While anxiety can present itself in various ways, the loss of control of the current situation. The anxiety disorder that involves unexpected, frequent panic attacks is known as panic disorder. When a person has a panic attack, they experience a period of extreme fear. That presents itself in shaking, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, and numbness. Nearly 3 percent of people will have a panic attack at one point in their life. There is no known cause of panic disorder, but experts believe it to be hereditary.

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These episodes can be extreme. Panic attacks can manifest in your child when their anxiety is at an all-time high. Children are not always equipped to deal with such intense feelings, so getting them access to professional help is recommended. Contact your children’s doctor if you have any concerns or think that your child may exhibit these behaviors.

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Traumatic situations may cause post-traumatic stress disorder.

As the name suggests, dealing with a traumatic situation can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. It only makes sense, and chances are good you are familiar with this term, but in adults. However, it can also affect kids. Anxiety can lead to a wide variety of issues, both physical and psychological. One of the conditions that can come from anxiety is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). PTSD occurs in people who have gone through a traumatic event like abuse, assault, a natural disaster, or the sudden death of a loved one.

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If your child has developed PTSD, it’s imperative to get them into therapy with a psychologist. They can recover from the events they’ve experienced, but depression and anxiety can linger. That can lead to your children having a strained or distrustful relationship with their friends and family. Keep reading about signs of anxiety in kids that you can look for in your own children. It is essential to notice these traits early so you can help guide your child as they grow. There are ways to help them break these bad habits and cope with stress better.

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Nail-biting is a common sign of anxiety.

Nail-biting is a widespread behavior in children. Over 30 percent of children bite their nails. Biting nails is considered an impulse control disorder and can be classified as obsessive-compulsive. Some children who bite their nails do so due to anxiety and emotional disorders during childhood and adolescence. Nail-biting can cause physical damage to the fingers and hand as well as social damage. A child who bites their nails can break the skin on their cuticles and get saliva in the open wound, leading bacteria to cause infections. Those who bite their nails can have shame and guilt due to their condition.

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Biting your nails is a bad habit that can carry into adulthood. If children and adults alike knew how many germs were under their nails, maybe they could stop. Have you ever bit your nail so long that it goes below the cuticle and bleeds? It is harrowing and takes weeks to grow back. Try painting your child’s fingernails, even with a clear coat, to prevent nail-biting. However, use a non-toxic polish in case they continue to put their fingers in their mouth regardless. Encouraging nail growth with polish, rings, and other rewards might also help this jittering habit.

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Frequent urination may be a sign of anxiety in children.

Potty issues can linger for kids from newborns well into childhood. From being constipated or bedwetting to just being distracted from playing, learning to go to the bathroom can be complicated. However, there are some other issues to look for in children who deal with anxiety. If you notice that your child has been going to the bathroom a lot more than usual, they may be anxious. Another symptom of anxiety in children is frequent urination. That happens a lot at night, but most likely, a full bladder is just a part of the condition.

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When a child’s sleep is disrupted, it can be due to several factors. They could be experiencing anxiety, stress, dips in blood sugar, and a late bedtime. Anything that causes the body to be alarmed with stress can lead to your child having to get up at night to use the bathroom. If they’re stressed during the day, it can transfer to how their body functions at night. Try to pay attention to these signs of anxiety in kids and seek professional help if you aren’t sure what to do.

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Anxious children may have a strong startle response.

Considered a defensive reflex, a startle response is based on feelings of protection, interruption, and escape. When a person is alarmed by a sharp movement or loud noise that their subconscious deems negative, they react with a full-body shudder or cover their head and neck. A person in a heightened emotional state can experience an extreme startle response. It is not necessarily the same as panicking during an emergency, although that might not be the best response. Having a spaz moment when something serious is happening is the cause of another observation and conversation.

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If your child has an exaggerated startle response, they may have anxiety. If hearing a loud noise or seeing something scary causes them to duck, jump, or scream, that’s not normal. Make an appointment with a child psychologist to get your child treatment for their anxiety and strong startle response. If you think your children have anxiety, keep reading to learn more signs so you can monitor them, and act accordingly. Your doctor can help you determine what to do given the symptoms. Don’t worry; it’s okay for your kid to have anxiety because there are ways to deal with it.

Children with anxiety do not like to be away from their loved ones. Shutterstock


Fear of being alone may be a sign of anxiety.

Is your child clingy? It is natural for them to love you so much, even more than anyone else. After all, your kids have known you forever and take solace in your naturing ways. Being best friends with your youngins, and spending lots of time together is great. They might even throw a fit when it is time to stop playing and start cleaning or doing homework. However, the fear of being alone and away from you is something more serious. In fact, it can even be a sign of anxiety if your kid has a fear of being alone.

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Some children may have a small fear of being alone. Others may have extreme fear and worry about being left alone; that is part of a more significant issue. The child may fear being lost from their family or that something terrible may be occurring to a family member if he or she is not with the person. While it is normal to have this fear to some extent, it is not common for it to be an excessive amount of fear and cause anxiety. The fear of being alone may be brought on by biological or environmental factors or a combination of the two.

When found in a tense situation, children may pick at their skin. Shutterstock


Skin picking can be a common sign of anxiety in children.

Like nail biting, nose picking, and other forms of fidgeting, picking at the skin can also be a sign of anxiety. Some people may think it is just something kids do, but these bad habits can also transition into adulthood. What does it mean when an adult is picking at their own skin excessively? You would hope to stop this bad habit as a child. However, is skin picking something more profound to analyze? Some doctors would say yes. Keep reading to learn how skin picking can affect children.

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Skin picking in children can be caused by numerous things, including anxiety or stress. By picking at their skin, it may provide children with a small feeling of relief. While it may offer temporary relief, it may also cause the child to experience guilt, shame, and embarrassment about this habit. They may even attempt to cover up both the act as well as the resulting evidence of it in the form of marks or scabs. If you notice your child picking at their skin, it might be beneficial to have a conversation to see what is truly going on.

Performing OCD-like behaviors bring a momentary sense of relaxation. Shutterstock


Children with anxiety may have OCD-like actions.

Did you know that having OCD-like behaviors may be a sign of anxiety in children? These thoughts are not wanted and may be linked to fears such as touching dirty objects due to a preoccupation with dirt or germs. The child may also experience compulsive rituals such as washing their hands multiple times. While the child may not understand why they do these rituals, they feel compelled to do them. They may also feel embarrassed that the behaviors occur and can’t be controlled.

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Washing your hands too often is not the only OCD action. There are multiple things a person can do that would be considered obsessive-compulsive. For example, OCD-like activities may also include compulsive behaviors such as hoarding objects or repeated doubts. Does your child display any of these actions? Although you might think it is good hygiene or just a quirky behavior, you might want to pay close attention. If you suspect your child has OCD or anxiety, you should make an appointment with the pediatrician.

Screaming, yelling, or fighting others can be a sign of anxiety in children. Shutterstock


Disruptive behavior may be a sign of anxiety.

Everyone has a bad day sometimes, kids and adults alike. Furthermore, this is perfectly fine because nobody is happy every single day. It is normal to have a range of emotions from sadness to anger, depending on what the day brings. However, does your kid often have disruptive behavior more than not? Even when nothing provokes it? While typically acting out may not be something we associate with anxiety, it is possible. There are particular signs to look for in disruptive behavior that might be a result of anxiety.

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If a student is compulsively kicking the kid’s chair in front of him or throwing a tantrum when the schedule is ignored, it may be anxiety. Anxiety can make kids more aggressive. When children feel upset or threatened and don’t know how to handle their feelings, they are more likely to be disruptive. This action may include fighting other kids, throwing things, or pushing over a desk because they’re feeling out of control. Suppose your child’s teacher explains some of these behaviors to you during a conference. Please consider these notes.

Anxious children are often more than likely to ask many questions, usually the same ones. Shutterstock


Anxiety may cause children to ask many questions.

Children can be full of all kinds of questions. Sometimes they are full of the same question. That goes double if your little one is around five years old. Furthermore, the questions can range from usual to outrageous within the same conversation. Many times asking so many questions is chalked up to the child being curious; sometimes, it may be a sign of anxiety. Did you know that? It is essential to pay attention to these slight differences to determine if it is just curiosity or anxiety. You can consult with a doctor if you are unsure.

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How could this action be a sign of anxiety in children? Kids who are feeling anxious might ask many questions, including repetitive ones because they worry and want reassurance. By asking the same question over and over, the child can feel more comfortable and attempt to get the relief they’re seeking. Other times, a child may ask many different questions because they feel insecure and seek answers. Keep reading about other ways children may reach out for attention without knowing it.

Visiting the school nurse can become a daily event for anxious children. Shutterstock


Frequent trips to the school nurse might be a questionable sign.

Children with anxiety may make frequent trips to the school nurse with headaches, nausea, or stomach pains. Anxiety can manifest in physical complaints just as often as in psychological complaints. Unexplained headaches, nausea, stomachaches, or even vomiting could be signs of stress in children. Children may also feel the need to escape their classrooms if they feel anxious, and the school nurse’s office may be a safe place for them to relax. Does your child often do things like this during school? If your teacher reports this behavior to you, make sure you listen closely.

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Other signs that might present themselves during trips to the school nurse include a racing heart and sweaty palms without having any physical activity present. They might also complain of tense muscles. Do you notice your child gets out of breath, too, while these other symptoms are present? It might be time to visit the doctor and discuss anxiety with your child. There are other behaviors children might exhibit during school that are signs of anxiety. Keep reading to learn about what you should look for in your school-age child.

Fear of failure can cause children to slack in school. Shutterstock


Not turning in homework can be a cause for concern.

School can be difficult, especially if your children have to participate in some form of virtual learning. Some kids take to school like a duck in water, with hardly any homework. When they do have school assignments, they can finish quickly and get a good grade. However, other students struggle with academics. That does not mean C-average students all have anxiety. However, when a child doesn’t turn in their homework, it’s because they haven’t done it; however, it could also be because they are worried it isn’t good enough.

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Anxiety can often lead to second-guessing, where the child spends so much time questioning their work and answers that it never gets finished. An anxious child might erase his work over and over until there’s a hole in the paper. Children may begin to worry about their homework assignments or upcoming tests much earlier than other students. Worrying about this upcoming assignment for much longer than their peers can often hinder their ability to complete the task at hand. Make sure you keep track of your kid’s projects and if they are turning everything in on time.

Children who are tired the majority of the time may be trying to communicate something bigger. Shutterstock


Fatigue and low energy can be warning signs of anxiety.

Children often complain of being tired. Usually, it’s for simple reasons – it’s the end of a busy day or because they stayed up too late the night before. It can sometimes be an excuse when they’re trying to get out of doing something they don’t want to do. Depending on your kid’s age, you might go through a period where bedtime is always a sad time. They don’t want to go to sleep in fear that they will miss out on something.

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However, when a child complains all the time and fatigue starts to get in the way of things they usually enjoy, it could be a sign of anxiety. When life feels difficult for children, they may feel it and express it as fatigue for whatever reason. They may be feeling anxious at school and come home exhausted. Pay attention not just to fatigue but low energy as well in your growing child. It might be more than a bad night’s sleep or a weekend of playing the video game too late.

No longer enjoying their favorite hobbies can be a cause for concern. Shutterstock


Your child may withdraw from activities they previously enjoyed.

Does your child love to draw, read, or play dress-up all of the time? Maybe they enjoy certain toys like dolls or cars and even have a favorite stuffed animal. You have probably watched the same cartoon movie over and over again — sometimes multiple times on the same day. Yes, most children’s hobbies evolve as they mature. However, one sign of anxiety might be when the child suddenly loses interest in activities they previously enjoyed.

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Often there is a reason that they are avoiding those certain activities. If they have experienced a situation that has caused them anxiety, they may make every effort to avoid places, people, or activities that remind them of the event. Their sudden loss of interest in what used to be their favorite activities can sign that something is going on. You should pay close attention to your child to see how they are feeling. Don’t be scared to mention something to them or a doctor.

While some anxious children have a fear of being alone, others choose to be. Shutterstock


An anxious child may isolate him or herself.

Does your child like to play alone often? While sometimes that might seem enjoyable because you can get some chores done, that might not always be the best option for your little one. You might take this trait as being independent. Moreover, that might double if you have just one child with no siblings. However, an anxious child may isolate for other reasons. As we mentioned earlier, some anxious children may have a fear of being alone. On the other hand, some anxious children may purposely choose to isolate themselves from others.

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This action may look like frequent absences from school, refusal to join in a group activity, or avoiding social activities such as sports. There can be a fear of new hobbies that lead to difficulty in joining or getting started. For them, it is easier to isolate themselves rather than worry about what could go wrong. The fear of being wrong, embarrassed, or having to interact may lead them to isolate themselves. If you notice these traits, which are more than just being shy or timid at first, then you should reach out to your child.

Does your child always say that their stomach hurts? Shutterstock


Children will feel stomach pain.

Stomach aches are one of the telltale signs that something may be wrong. It could be something physical, but your child’s complaints could also be something mental. When a kid feels stressed, the adrenal glands make and release cortisol into the bloodstream, which causes a flight-or-fight response. The stomach tightening can then trigger other symptoms of discomfort in the abdomen.

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It may be described as merely a tummy ache in smaller children, but it could be more. Anxiety problems can also result in stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and other painful symptoms. It is crucial to notice when an upset stomach is more than just what appears on the surface. Those feelings in your children’s stomachs could be their stress response. Contact their pediatrician to find out what the direct cause could be.

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Your child could be suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Another problem that may first arise from a stomach ache is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is a disorder accompanied by a host of issues, including abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and gas. There is no known cause, but some experts suggest that those with the condition have a more sensitive and reactive colon that responds to certain foods with stress. It is also referred to as a spastic colon.

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Experts state that those with IBS frequently suffer from anxiety and depression. The colon is partially controlled by the nervous system, which is responsive to stress and other things that could cause negative feelings. Anxiety is the body’s response to stress, and children with IBS may be having very physical reactions because they are concerned about the things going on around them.

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Your child’s muscles can tighten.

Because the natural reaction in survival mode is to fight or flight, children dealing with anxiety may feel their muscles tighten when they are under an anxiety attack. Different areas can be affected. Some may be felt in their neck, chest, jaw, or stomach. There are no specific target areas. It depends on where the brain sends the distressing signals.

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Your child may not know what is happening whenever they are feeling the muscles tighten up. You can console them and try to get them calm until the episode subsides. Please note how frequently they complain about the tightened muscles and consult with your child’s doctor for a follow-up visit. There is much more to learn about what to watch for. You can find out more about anxiety signs in children by reading on.

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Your child will complain of itchy skin.

Some anxiety orders cause children to have itchy skin. Several itchy skin conditions can also lead to anxiety, creating a situation where one scenario exacerbates the other. It may be treatable, but it is still something that should be checked out to determine how they may be connected and what could be an appropriate treatment. Your child’s scratching or picking at the skin could be a sign of anxiety.

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We also previously discussed the repetitive bodily actions that some children may exhibit. The picking of skin could have started as a way to seek release from the uncomfortable sensations. Keep reading to learn more about signs of anxiety in children. If you notice one or more of these symptoms in your kid, don’t worry. You can reach out to your doctor to learn more about how you can cope with stress. Furthermore, how you can teach your children to deal with anxiety.

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The heart rate will become elevated.

When the heart pumps extra fast, the body is triggered to work harder to get the blood flow to the other areas. A fast heart rate is expected in children as it responds to increased exercise levels or other activities. However, anxiety can be a whole different story. The condition could manifest its fight or flight tendencies to the heart’s productivity. That could spell out big problems if it becomes chronic.

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If your child is complaining about chest pains or trouble breathing along with an overworking heart rate, you may need to ensure that they see immediate medical attention. Their heart may be beating too fast. One good rule to follow is that if the child’s heart is beating too fast to count the number of beats it is producing, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible. There are several other signs to know. Keep reading to find out more.

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The ears may be pulsing.

Just like stomach pains, earache is another common condition that many children have. However, there is a difference between pain and hearing something that may not be there. Tinnitus is a condition where your child would listen to pulsing or a whooshing sound. Stress causes the secretion of hormones by the body and blood circulation, which leads to less oxygen intake in the inner ear.

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Stress does not cause the condition to appear; however, it can, over time, generate more health problems for your child. Physical changes from anxiety-induced stress could even trigger hearing loss and other inner ear problems. Hearing is such a meaningful sense. Contact your child’s primary care pediatrician if you believe your child is experiencing this symptom. There are techniques you can learn and apply when feeling stressed.

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Your child may have shortness of breath.

Getting winded is a normal occurrence when it is after an intense exercise or playtime. However, anything short of that can be immediately alarming. Another alarming symptom of an anxiety attack is shortness of breath. It often coincides with other symptoms such as elevated heart rate, and immediate medical attention may be needed to get the sign under control.

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Trouble breathing is something that you could notice right away, and it might be the result of another medical problem, such as asthma. Anxiety is indeed something that most adults and children can feel from time to time. It may be part of normal learning, growth, and development. It becomes a concern when it is consistently disrupting your child’s health and social life. We all want what is best for our kids.

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Your child may be feeling an electric shock sensation.

Electric shock feelings are often called phantom vibrations, where the brain shivers or zaps. The feelings are like sensing a phone vibrate only to discover that nothing happened or a buzzing sensation. It could also be terrifying at the moment, and your child may not know what to do when it happens. These phantom vibrations could be caused by attachment anxiety.

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If you believe that your child’s constant concerns and fears are out of the ordinary and the disruption is negatively impacting how he or she is growing, you should share those statements with your child’s doctor. Monitoring the symptoms is essential. You could need the child psychologist or counselor’s help to handle your child’s difficult physical and emotional feelings.

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Your child may constantly feel dizzy.

Feeling dizzy in the short term can be a bit of fun, especially if it is the result of spinning around too many times. It makes your child fall. However, in an uncontrolled setting, it can be scary. Children with anxiety may complain about feeling dizzy for seemingly no reason. The physical symptom could be related to an anxiety disorder as the body responds to other responses from within.

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Experts believe that constant dizziness is due to the brain areas that are responsible for the dizziness feeling interacting with the child’s other anxiety-induced symptoms. Feeling dizzy is often described as a light-headed or wooziness sensation. Does your child ever stand up and just stay there for a second? Maybe they stare off If this and other symptoms are happening consistently, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

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Your child is not eating correctly.

We have talked about other areas that children and adults try to control their unwanted feelings of anxiety. Food intake is another one. However, there may be a related physical reason why your child does not want to eat. Lack of an appetite and a decrease in food a child eats could be a sign that he or she is feeling anxious. Do you notice this habit in your children? Try to pay closer attention if you think this is happening.

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There is loss in appetite might be because of the hormonal changes that are occurring within the body. The other physical symptoms of anxiety could be another reason why your child is pushing back the plate of food and wanting to be left alone until the feelings subside. Because nutrition is so vital for development, contact the doctor for assistance if you believe this is happening to your children.

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Your child may be short-tempered.

Because anxiety may be the culprit behind a host of other problems, you may notice that your once sweet-tempered child may have become a bit of a hothead. Those with anxiety often have trouble falling asleep or staying in slumber. Sleep-deprived children may become more sensitive to small setbacks and problems. In turn, they are irritable and quick to anger.

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Experts believe that anxiety and short tempers go hand in hand with feelings of loss of control. Children with anxiety are being presented with a stressor that they do not know how to handle. These frustrated feelings could then present themselves as anger. Emotions are a tough thing to tackle. Call your children’s pediatrician if you are feeling concerned that your constant crabby child may have anxiety.
