
Get Blood Platelet Count Imbalances in Control with These Health Foods

Bok Choy Bok Choy is a great one because it’s also a leafy green with large amounts of vitamin K, along with other vitamins, minerals, and… Trista Smith - August 31, 2022

Have you ever had a cut, and wondered how your body can miraculously heal itself? You didn’t need stitches or even a Band-Aid. Yet, the scratch went from reddish and sore to completely recovered. The human body has developed a way to recover from these minor ailments. Blood platelets are an integral part of the body. Without them, wounds form, and your body struggles to fight off invaders. They’re responsible for damage control of injuries and ensuring that healing wounds is quick and easy. But what we eat can help create our microscopic healers. Some foods can help regulate platelets, so you don’t have to worry about thrombocytosis happening in the body. Here are some essential foods that’ll increase your blood platelet count.



First, What Are Platelets?

Platelets are cells that circulate throughout the body. However, they really get to work and bind together when they notice damage to any blood vessels. Essentially, blood platelets are responsible for repairing blood vessels within the body. When you’re injured or get a cut on the body, platelets basically show up to the site of the damage. Working together, blood platelets create a blood clot. You’ve probably notice that after you get a cut, a scab may form a few days later. You can thank your blood platelets for that quick and virtually unnoticeable recovery.



What Do Platelets Do?

Platelets are tiny blood cells, and you’ll only be able to see them individually through a microscope. They literally look like plates, hence the name. They float around in your body. That is, until they receive a signal to act. They travel to the infected area and become activated. Blood platelets become almost like an octopus or a spider, using big “tentacles” to ensure that all of the broken blood vessel areas are properly closed up. The result? You’ll receive what we all recognize as a scab so healing can take place.



What Are Healthy Platelet Levels?

Healthy platelet levels usually range anywhere from 150,000-450,000 platelets per microliter. What happens if you have more than 450,000 platelets per microliter? Your doctor may diagnose you with thrombocytosis. Essential thrombocytosis means you have too many cells. If you have less than 150,000 then the diagnosis is thrombocytopenia. Do you think your blood platelet count is too high or too low? You can get a blood test to determine if you have healthy blood platelet levels. Your doctor may look at the blood platelet count and other blood functions during your visit.



What Is Secondary Thrombocytosis?

Besides essential thrombocytosis, there is a condition called secondary thrombocytosis. It is often a result of cancer, anemia, inflammation, or an infection that attacks this. If secondary thrombocytosis is left untreated, it may lead to a stroke or heart attack. Further, you might need to get platelet apheresis, a process that involves taking the blood out, removing the platelets, and then putting them back in your body. You may need a platelet apheresis if you’re anemic or have too few platelets, and then have a surge of them. In general, though, increasing your blood platelet count to healthy levels is vital for proper recovery of the body. Besides, you can prevent various conditions that may otherwise go by the wayside and cause other health issues.



Why Should You Increase Your Blood Platelet Count?

In general, you don’t have to worry about high levels of platelets unless there is an underlying condition. So if you have anemia or are getting cancer treatments, high levels may be present. Since you know why, it may not be cause for concern. Overall, getting rid of too high of a platelet count is easier than one that’s too low, so it’s in your best interest to attempt to increase this in natural ways, like healthy foods.



What Happens When You Don’t Have Enough Platelets?

If you don’t have enough platelets, you can develop thrombocytopenia. It essentially means that you cannot have regular blood clotting. If they’re too low, you will have trouble with this essential function. As a result, you may experience excessive bleeding. In some cases, this can be life-threatening, as many people may suddenly start to bleed out. Sometimes, certain medications can cause further problems. The body may go into shock, and you might struggle with correctly processing this condition. Platelets are vital, and while too many can cause alarm, too few do put you at risk for possible issues with blood clotting.



Symptoms of Low Blood Platelet Levels

You often don’t notice your blood platelets being too low until you get a blood test. However, you may notice it if you’re bruising far too easily or if there is bleeding from the nose, gums, teeth, or the GI tract. Stomach ulcers and bleeding can be a common symptom. Why would your blood platelets be too low? It could be excessive drinking and/or certain medications. If you have lymphoma, leukemia, or kidney dysfunction then you should raise your blood platelet count. Side effects from chemotherapy may lower your blood platelet count as well.



How Can You Increase Blood Platelet Count?

The best way is to increase your blood platelet count is by consuming the right kinds of foods, including leafy greens, healthy fats, and more vitamin C and iron. You should avoid having excessive alcohol as this lowers the blood platelets naturally. Also, you can have a chlorophyll supplement, which is great because it has many healthy plant vitamins that’ll help you. If you’re stumped on what you can do to help increase your blood platelet levels, you can talk to your doctor to get more information on how to make this easier for you and naturally increase your blood platelets.



Do Platelets Determine Cardiovascular Health, Though?

While it determines how your body responds to clotting, it’s also important to understand that while you may have high platelet levels, if they’re not functioning correctly, that’s a significant problem. Some people struggle with platelets that stick too much together. This can lead to an increased risk for heart disease. If platelets are sticking together far too much, you are at greater risk of strokes and/or heart attacks. Keep reading to learn about the foods you can consume to increase your blood platelet count naturally.




Are you a fan of eating fish? Cod is a fish that is good for those who need to have low platelet counts. It has omega-3 fatty acids, which are healthy fats that help increase platelet count. You can also take this in the form of cod liver oil, which improves the circulation of the body and fights inflammation. However, you should be mindful if you consume cod or cod liver oil, as it can thin your blood if you’re consuming large amounts.




Here is something you can sneak into your meals and boost your health without even noticing. Flaxseed is another one that’s similar to cod liver oil, as it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. The flaxseeds are pretty easy to find, and you can have them as whole seeds in smoothies or grind them up. You can ground them into a powder, and many people also like to cook with this as an alternative to natural grains. It also helps with inflammation. Flaxseed doesn’t thin out your blood as much either, and it is excellent for many people who enjoy adding these to smoothies.




Walnuts also contain a ton of healthy fats, which are great because they’re great for reducing inflammation and providing omega-3 fatty acids. They contribute to blood platelet count, increasing it significantly. Be mindful when consuming walnuts, as they can cause issues with your blood, but if you want to increase your blood platelet count, throw a few of these in your breakfast foods or grind them up. Walnuts are a tasty snack you can have in the afternoon as a great energy pick-me-up.




Yum — strawberries! Yet another reason to work strawberries into your diet. While many berries are great for increasing your blood platelet count, strawberries are some of the best. They are low on the glycemic index and contain a wealth of various antioxidants, which, of course, contribute to the increase of your blood platelets. They also eliminate free radicals and will help stave off heart issues. You can add strawberries to smoothies or eat them fresh; they’re delicious and easy to work with. Plus, with all the health benefits, it’s great to use in various dishes.




Blackberries are similar to strawberries in that they also offer an increase in blood platelets. They contain a variety of different flavonoids, along with anthocyanins, which are natural antioxidants that’ll help with eliminating free radicals. They’re also incredibly flavorful, a great additive to any dish you’re looking to make. Blackberries are great in smoothies and juices, and lots of people like to add blackberries to their pancakes and other baked goods. You can also eat these raw, and that’s the best way to get the full array of benefits that these fruits offer.




Naturally, you would assume kale is healthy for you, right? However, how good is it for increasing your blood platelet count? Well, since kale is a leafy green, it is an excellent food for increasing blood platelets. Not just that, though, kale contains Vitamin K in rich amounts, and kale is also low in calories and very tasty. It’s a great food that’ll increase your blood platelets quickly. You can add kale to salads, soups, and stews, and you can eat this raw too. Kale also is tasty cooked, but it’s best raw or steamed to keep the nutrients in place when you consume it.




Raisins are dried fruit, and while you won’t think that raisins have a lot of vitamins and minerals, they do. They contain large amounts of iron, which increase the blood platelet count. This is also great for those with low iron counts or if you’re anemic, which will boost blood production. You can eat raw raisins, but they’re great in salads, and you can add them to desserts and breads. They’re great, and a healthy sugar alternative compared to other fruits and are considered a low glycemic fruit.




Arugula is another leafy green, so it contains natural antioxidants that’ll help with increasing the blood platelet count. It contains nitrates, which will help prevent their aggregation, and also contains Vitamin K, which helps increase blood platelet count. Arugula also contains natural antioxidants and flavonoids, which are healthy and help destroy free radicals. You can add arugula to salads and shakes and create a green shake with arugula and other vegetables to create a power shake that’ll be incredibly tasty and taste really good.



Bok Choy

Bok Choy is a great one because it’s also a leafy green with large amounts of vitamin K, along with other vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, while also fighting the free radicals in the body. It naturally will increase the blood platelet count and improve cardiovascular health. You can use bok choy in many Asian food recipes, including ramen and stir-fry. You can add it to other stews, soups, veggie shakes, and salads. It’s an effective way to improve your blood platelet count.




Cheese is healthy because it has some fats that keep you full. But it also contains many B vitamins, including B 12, which is used specifically for blood platelets. It naturally increases the blood platelet counts. You can add cheese to a lot of various foods, and raw cheese is also good and a great snack to add to your day. Cheese is part of the dairy family, so you can add this to various dishes and improve your blood platelets.




Yogurt is similar to cheese in what it contains. Sure, it has a plethora of goodies, but the B12 will help to increase the blood platelets in your body naturally. Plus, it has vitamin D and other tasty vitamins, which are helpful for bodily health and wellness. Yogurt is great as a breakfast food if you’re on the go and need something tasty for the day. You can also have it as a mid-afternoon snack, and it’s quite tasty and simple to use. You can add yogurt to other dishes too.




Amla, also known as Indian gooseberries, are tasty berries that are healthy for you. You may not realize it, but they’re super rich in vitamin C, like other fruits. This helps with immunity, and the antioxidants within this, along with the vitamin C, work to increase your blood platelet count naturally. You can have a handful of these during the morning, especially on an empty stomach, and you’ll be able to increase your blood platelet count naturally through these. Plus, they’re pretty tasty as well.




Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants too. It also helps with the way you’re able to absorb iron too, which ensures proper bodily health. This also works to increase the blood platelet count in the body naturally. Enjoy pineapple raw, or it is a great fruit to add to smoothies and juices. You can also add it to cakes, which are always fun and yummy. You can also put it on pizza, but that’s not as healthy as eating it raw.




Liver is technically a type of meat, and while it’s not as common as other meats, it’s excellent for your blood platelet count. This is rich in Vitamin K, which helps increase the blood platelets in the body naturally. If you’re thinking about making some liver, you should follow a recipe to prepare it. That’s because improper liver preparation can often make it taste bad, so make sure to take caution and follow recipes if you choose to make this.



Almond Milk

Milk; it does a body good! However, not all milks are the same, from dairy cows to human breast milk. Almond milk is a milk alternative, and it’s a good one for those who are lactose intolerant or who don’t like regular milk. It also contains a lot of B12, which helps improve the blood platelet count of a person. You can add almond milk to a ton of different stuff. If you like to have protein shakes, you can add almond milk to them as a low-calorie alternative. You can also add almond milk to cereal and other items, especially if you don’t have milk around.



Soy Milk

Like almond milk, soy milk also contains large amounts of Vitamin B12. It is also considered a milk alternative and is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant and those with a milk allergy. Soy milk is plant milk and naturally increases the blood platelet count. Soy milk can be used in similar ways to regular almond milk as a milk alternative and also is good in cereals, protein shakes, and so much more. You can do a lot with soy milk.




If you like seafood and fish, have you ever thought about eating this option? Swordfish is considered a lean fish that’s great for increasing blood platelet counts. It contains lots of B12 and zinc in it, which are responsible for blood platelet count, and it’s also good for iron. As a word of caution, you should only eat swordfish once a week since it contains mercury, which can impact blood toxicity if you consume too much of this. If you’re curious about how you can eat this, you can add it to many different foods, and it’s pretty awesome if you’re not sure whether or not you can use it.




Tuna is similar to swordfish since it does contain a lot of B12 and zinc in it too. It’s also got lots of omega-3 fatty acids that are great for increasing blood platelet count. Some people like to have tuna raw, or they can have tuna in the form of salads and sandwiches. You can flavor this with other herbs and spices to help make this more flavorful. Tuna is also a great lunch or dinner item and pretty tasty.




Do you love peanuts? You can enjoy a few, you can without the guilt! Peanuts may not seem like it, but they contain essential fatty acids and something else too. That’s folate, which is natural for increasing your blood platelet count and helps improve blood and heart health. You can eat raw peanuts, add them to shakes and stews, and enjoy them with other foods. They taste great but try to go for the lightly salted ones for best results.



Sunflower Seeds

It may seem strange to eat a seed instead of letting it grow into a flower. However, consuming sunflower seeds can improve your blood platelet count. While many people get the benefits of sunflower seeds from the oil, you can eat them raw too. They contain large amounts of folate, folic acid, vitamin K and other fatty acids. They’re also packed with lots of antioxidants, making them healthy food. You can add sunflower seeds to salads and stews, and you also can have sunflower seeds in various smoothies and such too. You Can eat them raw with the shells or get the shell-less versions if you’re a fan of those.



Whole Grains

Whole grains are fantastic for improving your blood platelet count. They contain B vitamins, folate, and healthy grains, which are different from processed grains. Whole grains contain all of the nutrients in these foods and are incredibly tasty. You can get whole grains in many bread products. Just make sure that if you do get this, you make sure everything is kept intact. You should avoid any whole grains that are enriched. Whole grain pastas and rice are great for improving your blood platelet count and taste great too!




Most people either love it or hate it. If you prefer it, that’s a great thing because cabbage is super healthy. Cabbage is another tasty leafy green filled with vitamin K and other flavonoids. Leafy greens are perfect for getting the vitamins you need to increase blood platelets, and they’re delicious too. You can have cabbage steamed, raw, or added to various foods. Some people like to have cabbage raw, but it’s better to be cooked. Avoid directly cooking cabbage; instead, steam them and eat them raw for best results.




Of course, lettuce is healthy for you. However, how good is it for blood platelets? Lettuce may not seem like much since it’s considered a leafy green filled with Vitamin K. this helps to increase your platelet count by stimulating the blood clots and improving the platelet counts. You can use lettuce for practically everything, and there are many different foods you can make with this. This vegetable is better left uncooked, but it’s also quite tasty.



Red Peppers

Red peppers are tasty, and they contain a lot of vitamin C in it. While it may not seem like much, they have a ton of antioxidants that help improve the blood platelets and enhance the blood platelet counts in the body. Blood platelets do increase if you eat this food. You can add this to stir-fries and other foods. You can also add this to soups and salads. Many people like to bake these too, and roasting red peppers is tasty. There are lots of ways you can include more red peppers in your breakfast, lunch, and dinner to increase your platelet count.



Bell Peppers

Why stop at red peppers? Bell peppers are slightly different from red peppers but contain a ton of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is excellent for increasing the blood platelet count and boosting immunity. Many people like bell peppers too because of the variety of antioxidants present there. You can add bell peppers to a variety of foods. Since you have multiple colors and flavors, you can use them in salads, stews, and soups, and it’s good in stir-fry and other dishes too. You can add bell peppers to noodle dishes, and not only does it taste great, but you’re also increasing your blood platelets easily!




Blueberries fall under the berry family, so they contain tons of vitamin C, which helps improve the blood platelets in the body. They also naturally increase your blood platelet count, and it’s quite simple to do as well. You can add blueberries to practically everything. You can make shakes, add them to ice cream and other baked treats, and taste amazing raw. If you’re a fan of blueberry pies or even blueberry custards, you’ll enjoy their taste. Blueberries are also good on an empty stomach, so if you have a chance, consider having a handful of these every single morning to improve your blood platelet count.




Garlic is considered a superfood, and not just that, it contains a lot of different vitamins, but it also helps with interacting with the Thromboxane A2, which naturally helps get the platelets into action to increase the blood platelet count. It’s also suitable for purifying the body and is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral. You can add garlic to practically any food that you have. Many people love to eat it as a garnish, and some like to cook with it. Be careful, though, because while it’s a great food for purifying the body, it’s quite potent, so a little bit goes a long way. But if you love garlic, a clove a day will keep many health conditions away. Just carry a toothbrush, floss, mint, and more because garlic has a distinctive aroma.



Lean Meats

Chicken, turkey, and other lean meats increase your blood platelet count. You should avoid processed or heavy red meats, as they usually do the opposite, and they’re not as good for cardiovascular health. Most lean meats don’t contain as many unhealthy fats, which are great for heart health. But not just that, they contain lots of zinc and vitamin B12, along with tons of protein, which is excellent for your blood platelets. You can pretty much have these in any sort of form. For turkey, try to go for turkey that isn’t in lunch meat form. You can also get turkey bacon as an alternative to regular bacon, a great food that will increase your blood platelet count and is a healthier alternative to traditional bacon.




Don’t skip your eggs! Eggs are not only good as a natural protein that is easy to use in various foods. However, they also contain plentiful vitamins for your blood platelet count. Eggs have lots of choline and vitamin B12, and a deficiency of that is what causes a low blood platelet count. The beauty of eggs is how versatile they are. You can cook them in the morning scrambled or in an omelet form with other healthy platelet-increasing foods, or you can have them for lunch in the form of a sandwich. Using eggs as an alternative to meat is a popular way to get enough protein to help fuel the body.




This citrus fruit seems to be a miracle worker for so many health issues from the inside out. Of course, it can it can help increase your blood platelet count, too. Oranges are a vitamin C powerhouse and contain lots of folates, which are ideal for improving your blood platelet count. Not to mention, tons of antioxidants are within this, which can help destroy free radicals in the body. Oranges come in a variety of different ways. Raw oranges you eat as a snack are the best way to consume them, and you can also add them to a salad. Another super popular way is orange juice, but make sure it’s organic and natural and isn’t loaded with sugars. That will do the opposite to your blood platelet count and is nowhere near as good as the fresh, organic orange juice.




Lentils are not always something people consider when trying to improve their blood platelet count. Nevertheless, lentils are rich in iron and vitamin B12. It’s also a natural protein and is a great way to improve your health and wellness. They also contain a wealth of iron in them and are suitable for improving your blood platelets and increasing them, which can help with wound healing and wellness. You can have lentils on the side of the main dish or as a snack, and they are a great protein substitute for those who need something natural.



Lemon Juice

No, it’s not lemonade, but this lemony liquid will do wonders for your health. Lemon juice is a great way to improve your blood platelet counts naturally. Lemons contain a ton of vitamin C, as they are a very popular citrus food. Some people don’t like the taste of fresh lemons and would prefer to get the juice from them. This juice contains other antioxidants, which are suitable for improving your immunity and naturally boost the body’s blood platelets. You can add lemon juice to water to get the full effects. Some people like to add this as a garnish to a salad or a piece of lean meat. Lemon is good for boosting the flavor of practically any dish out there, but as a word of caution, it may make you pucker, so it’s worth using a little bit.




No matter what time of the year it is, pumpkin. Pumpkin critics are not welcome here. Pumpkins contain two vitamins that are great for blood platelet levels: iron and vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for forming new red blood cell growth and also the growth of platelets. Iron, found in the seeds, is also vital for your red blood cells, and a deficiency plays a part in anemia and other conditions. You can usually have pumpkin in a variety of ways. Some people prefer the meat from a pumpkin and others like the seeds. You can roast the pumpkin seeds to create a healthy, delicious snack you won’t get enough of.



Sweet Potatoes

Similar to pumpkins are sweet potatoes. Well, they are both orange… But that’s not all! They contain great healthy carbs that the body needs, and best of all, they have a ton of vitamin A. in fact, these are some of the best foods for boosting vitamin A levels, which is vital for the production and growth of different cells. Sweet potatoes are best lightly roasted or baked, and they are easy to find as well, and you can add them as a side dish to practically any meal. Some people also like mashed sweet potatoes, and that’s another super popular way to consume foods that’ll increase your blood platelet count. A serving of this will give you all the vitamin A you need daily.




Pomegranates are healthy for various reasons, and many people swear by them. They contain many vitamins, minerals, and other amazing additives that are perfect for increasing your blood platelet count. A serving of pomegranate will help to maintain healthy platelet levels. These are great on their own, or you can add them to salads or have them as a topping on desserts. Some people like them in baked goods, but the different things that you can do with pomegranate are worth checking out, as they’re great for improving your blood platelets naturally.



Black Eyed Peas

Sure, they have some hit songs, but we aren’t talking about the band here. Black-eyed peas are great for those who want to improve their blood platelets. It contains folate and is super rich in this. A serving of this will give you a healthy amount of folate, which is used to increase the blood platelet counts naturally. While it isn’t always the most appetizing, it can be great if you garnish these with various herbs and spices. You can also add these as a side dish to practically anything, making it a great way to increase your blood platelets. They’re pretty easy to make, and they are quite tasty too.



Brussels Sprouts

This one might be a hard one to swallow — literally! While most of us dislike the taste of brussels sprouts, they’re incredibly good for increasing your blood platelet count. This is because they’re super rich in vitamin K. They also have tons of vitamins and minerals, similar to other leafy greens. Now, how do you make these taste good? Many people like to grill them, and if you blanch them a bit first, they taste a bit better. Some people also may enjoy them with extra seasonings on top. You can add brussels sprouts to your table, and they’re good for an additional dinner side item, especially if you’re someone who can tolerate this.




No, making a profile on Tinder and going out with someone will not improve your blood platelet count. Obviously, we are referring the the not-so-popular food here. Dates are similar to what raisins have, and that’s a lot of iron. They’re great for improving your platelet count, and if you’re low in iron, a few dates can improve those counts quickly. However, they are higher on the glycemic index, similar to raisins. So don’t eat too many of these, as the benefits may diminish if you do this. You can have dates as a healthy snack or add them to salads and other foods. They’re good in moderation, but don’t expect to get your full serving of iron through these alone. But this can also help, especially if you suffer from low iron counts.




As the name suggests, beetroot is the root part of the beet plant. What you might know is that the root holds all of the nutrition, too! Due to the high amounts of iron and vitamin A in them, they’re vital for improving the blood platelet count. Many doctors will recommend beetroot when they’re trying to help anemic patients recover. You should consume it in juice, as not everyone can enjoy the taste of it. But if you’re a fan of eating beetroot raw, or don’t like beetroot juice, consider adding it to a salad, or if you make a stir-fry of veggies, consider adding beetroot to it as well.




Carrots, high in vitamin A, are perfect for increasing your blood platelet count. They also have a ton of beta-carotene in them since it’s orange in color. This is high in various antioxidants, and that, of course, will help with improving the blood platelet counts. Carrots are a superfood, too, so you’re getting many benefits from this. However, not everyone likes raw carrots. Personally, one of the best ways to ensure that you get your full serving of carrots each day is to roast them and add them as a side item. You can add herbs and spices to them, and they taste great while holding onto plenty of their nutrients.



Fresh Milk

A glass of milk is always good, but did you know that it also contains a ton of great benefits to it? Milk contains calcium, which is great for overall development, and it also contains large amounts of vitamin K and vitamin D, vital for strong blood platelet counts. Vitamin K helps ensure proper clotting, preventing bleeding. As for how you should consume milk, go for the freshest that you can get. The problem with most milk from the grocery store as it’s fortified with hormones and such. Get the kind of milk that offers the best amount of vitamin K possible but isn’t overloaded with hormones.




Kiwis are a great fruit, and they are another citrus fruit, so that means one thing: they’ve got a ton of vitamin C in them. They also are filled with natural antioxidants to ensure that not only your blood platelet counts are high, but your overall immunity is also at the best level that it can be. If you like to consume kiwis, have them when you want to. They are a great snack; you can add them to salads, shakes, and smoothies. As a word of caution, they don’t work immediately, so if you have these and notice your blood platelet count hasn’t increased immediately, don’t fret.




If you aren’t a vegetarian, you might roll your eyes at this food. However, tofu is another high-quality protein alternative, and it’s also got tons of iron. Iron is great for increasing your blood platelet count naturally, as it’s pretty easy to consume, and you’ll see the results quickly. This also fits in the lean protein category, so it doesn’t have a ton of fat or excess calories either. Vegetarians and vegans can use tofu as an overall protein substitute if they want to eliminate meat from their diet. You can eat this raw or even cook it and add it to a variety of dishes, from soups to stews to even salads. Tofu is delicious food for vegetarians and helps improve your blood platelets.




You probably know salmon is a preferred fish among medical professionals for its various health benefits. However, it is also idea for blood platelets. Salmon contains a lot of two things that’ll help with the blood platelet count, and those include B12 and, of course, omega-3 fatty acids. Both of which work well to ensure heart health and the formation of red blood cells. It also prevents anemia and low platelet counts, and it also can help with reducing your blood pressure too. You should cook salmon lightly for the best results. You can have this raw or get the meat from salmon to make patties from this. Salmon is a very lean fish, so you don’t have to worry about possibly eating too many calories either, it’s all pretty straightforward, and it’s why lots of people love to eat it.



Aloe Vera

This miracle plant is ideal for skin, hair, and health. It can sooth a burn almost instantly; however, it can equally help with blood platelets. Aloe vera is a great one for improving overall health. If you want to fight off foreign invaders and help your macrophages perform well, add aloe vera juice to your diet. You can also have aloe vera because it is ideal for improving the antioxidant levels in the body, so if you’re someone who struggles with too many free radicals, consume some of this. The most popular way to have aloe vera is in the form of juice, and it also works well as a dressing or additive. You can have a cup of this a day and then drink it, and it will naturally improve your blood platelet counts in no time and is perfect for those who want to practice optimal health and wellness.




Here is a food that you probably not thought about when it comes to increasing blood platelet count, or at all really. Giloy is a plant used for treating a variety of diseases. People have used it since ancient ayurvedic medicine to treat anything well. From illnesses to even infections, Giloy helps. That’s because it has tons of antioxidants and is anti-inflammatory. Many people use this because it helps to alkalize the blood, balancing everything out, and is used in many alternative medicine circles to treat low blood platelets. How to use this? Consume the leaves after steeping them in water overnight, and then boil them. After a couple of days, you should see the blood platelets count. You can also toss them in salads and other dishes to add to the flavor, and is great for improving the blood platelets you have



Wheatgrass Juice

Many healthy people use wheatgrass juice to help increase the blood platelets in the body. It naturally flushes out the toxins in the body and provides plenty of vitamins and minerals to the body to improve the blood platelets there. But not just that, it can also reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. Plus, wheatgrass juice also reduces obesity, and these three things are major factors associated with heart disease risk. To consume this, you should aim for one wheatgrass shake a day. Get a processor to prepare the juice. You can add other herbs and other flavors to this, too, if you’re someone who doesn’t like the bitter taste of wheatgrass. Health nuts swear by it, and it can increase your platelet count and help in a variety of other ways too.



Papaya Leaves Juice

Papaya leaves are incredibly beneficial for improving the blood platelet count. In fact, it’s another ancient ayurvedic treatment for low blood platelets, and people have used it since ancient times. That’s because the leaves, particularly in papaya plants, are strong in antioxidants, boost immunity, and include alkaloids and other phenolic parts, which offer significant effects. They’re also incredibly high in B vitamins, vitamin A, C, and K, all of which play a role in blood platelets. They’re also high in iron, which is excellent for people. You can use the papaya leaves to create a juice that’ll help you improve your blood platelet count. You should consume this every few days and try to sip it often. And if you want to increase it faster, try to drink it twice daily for optimal results.




Popeye’s favorite meal! (The cartoon, not the restaurant with chicken sandwiches). Spinach is healthy for a variety of reasons. It’s a great, low-calorie vegetable but contains a ton of B vitamins and Vitamin K since it is a leafy green. Spinach is pretty easy to bake with too, and it will naturally increase your blood platelet counts quite easily. It’s pretty impressive how fast this one works, as it’s easy to consume. You can add this to soups, salads, and other dishes. You can also cook the spinach until it’s wilted to add as a side dish. Some people like to have raw spinach, and that’s fine. Raw spinach is usually the best way to increase your blood platelets, as it’s right there and very easy for you to eat too!




Finally, we’ve got broccoli as the top food to help increase blood platelet count. A nice, dark green vegetable, it’s incredibly rich in vitamin K, vital for proper blood clotting and improving platelet numbers. It also contains large amounts of vitamin C and its antioxidants, boosting immunity and improving your blood platelets. Broccoli isn’t always the most popular vegetable to consume, but if you can get past the taste, it’s a great way to improve your blood platelets. Some people like to eat raw broccoli, but lightly cooking and roasting it, along with adding a dip or cheese to the top, is a great way to consume it to increase platelet counts. Plus, if you eat broccoli with cheese, you get double the benefits and naturally increase your blood platelets.
