When you do not get enough sleep, you can develop serious health problems. The quality of your sleep is important too. Do you toss and turn for hours before falling asleep? Do you wake up frequently during the night? Do you still feel tired when you wake up in the morning? If so, finding out what is causing your lack of sleep is important. It could help you to address the problem before it causes damage.
When you do not get enough sleep or the quality of your sleep is poor, you are more irritable, lack concentration, feel anxious and suffer mood swings. Continuous lack of sleep has been linked to conditions like diabetes, stroke, obesity, heart disease and hypertension. Sleep is the time your body uses to repair itself so when you don’t get enough, it affects your body physically and psychologically.
Multiple studies have revealed that people who get less sleep are more likely to be overweight. This is because sleep helps to maintain the balance of those hormones that make you feel full or hungry. When you get enough sleep, you’re less likely to overeat and gain weight. If you are well-rested, you also have more energy to exercise and eat healthily.
If you sleep properly, you are less likely to fall ill. Your immune system requires you to have enough sleep to stay strong. When you are sleep deprived, it affects the way the immune system is able to defend your body against threats. Not getting enough sleep can affect every aspect of your life including your work, your relationships, and your health. Read on to find out what may be causing your lack of sleep.
1. Stress
We all know that feeling of lying awake at night because we are feeling stressed. Perhaps it’s because we have an examination the next day, we’re worried about work, or we don’t know how we’re going to accomplish what we need to do the following day. Stress makes us more vulnerable to insomnia because it puts our minds on alert. The mechanisms for sleep are affected by a stronger waking impulse.
Some people cope less well with stress than others. Anxious, tense people often experience difficulty sleeping. Reacting to stress in a way that causes lack of sleep appears to have a genetic component too, according to some studies. Stress may cause lack of sleep but lack of sleep can cause stress, and it becomes a cycle that’s hard to break. People who are sleep deprived often show signs of stress.
If a specific problem is causing your stress, it’s best to deal with it head-on. You may think you’re putting it out of your mind, but you’re most likely still affected by it on an unconscious level. If you can, you need to deal with the source of the problem – whether this means going to therapy, changing jobs or talking to a friend. Even if you can’t instantly solve a problem, perhaps a healthier diet or some exercise will help to relieve it.
When you’re suffering from stress-induced insomnia, good sleep practices are important. The bedroom should only be used for rest and relaxation, not for working on projects or trying to work out finances. Try to keep to regular sleeping hours, going to bed and waking up at the same time. Before going to bed try reading a book, meditating or doing some deep breathing.