Diabetes can be described as a group of metabolic diseases where a person has high blood sugar or high blood glucose. This can be because the body’s insulin production is insufficient or because the body’s cells don’t respond to insulin in the correct way. In some instances, it can be both. When a person has diabetes their body is unable to maintain healthy levels of glucose in the blood. Glucose, a form of sugar, is the primary source of energy in our bodies. When this is at an unhealthy level, either too high or too low, it can lead to long and short-term health complications. The best way to explain it is our body needs to be able to convert the glucose from food into energy to work properly. Insulin, a hormone, is necessary for that conversion process.
When a person has diabetes insulin is either no longer being produced or there isn’t enough. What happens then is when a diabetic eats foods with glucose, like bread, fruits, cereals, milk, yogurt, sweets, legumes and starchy vegetables, it can’t be converted into energy. Instead, the glucose stays in the blood, resulting in high blood glucose levels. For our bodies to work properly it needs to maintain healthy levels of glucose in the blood. When this doesn’t happen complications can arise and impact various parts of the body including the heart, kidneys, brain, eyes, and feet. Often the early signs of diabetes, especially Type 2 can be so subtle they go unnoticed or they seem harmless enough to not cause any concern. And in some cases, there aren’t any symptoms at all.

1. Increased Visits to the Bathroom
When you have diabetes your body isn’t able to break down food into sugar, which means there is more sugar in your bloodstream. One of the most effective ways for your body to flush this excess sugar out is by passing urine. If you notice you’re making more frequent trips to the bathroom it’s worth mentioning this to your healthcare practitioner. While peeing regularly throughout the day isn’t that much of a big deal, more attention should be paid if you’re waking up during the night to urinate. Once or twice is normal, especially if you’ve had late-night drinks or even had too much to drink throughout the day. However, when your sleep pattern is being affected it is definitely a cause for concern.

Another thing you should pay attention to is the amount of urine you exert. This tells a lot about the state of your organism. Because you have excess sugar in your bloodstream, your kidneys will tend to go into overdrive. A consequence of this is frequent urination and the flushing out of the body’s waste. A usual conundrum concerning diabetes is – how can urine be so abundant if I don’t drink too much water? The answer lies in the absorptive properties of glucose. As it passes through you, it will soak up any fluid along the way. This may leave you dehydrated and devoid of energy. If your daily life is obstructed by your urge to urinate, it’s a cause for concern.