Social media have been booming for the past decade. It has opened the door of being more accepting towards others. People enjoy having the freedom to be whomever they desire. However, this has brought the urge for some people to seek perfection and change beauty standards. Thankfully, our phones most likely have an app to make your skin and body look flawless. That means, you don’t really have to go under the knife and spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery. Nevertheless these free and painless filters might not reach your standards of beauty. So what if you have the budget for it and want to look flawless without the need for an Instagram filter?
For women, it can be either a judgemental reaction or praise. It probably depends on the procedure. Furthermore, it is a bit more secretive when a man goes to change something about themselves that they don’t like, right? Well, we went on to Reddit to find many burning questions about beauty. According to men, is plastic surgery worth it? Even though the human body is amazing, should you risk it to get your dream nose or have a body deserving of the gods? Let’s go and find out what men on Reddit think of plastic surgery! Would they get it done themselves? More importantly, what do they think about women who get plastic surgery?
27. It all comes down to what type of plastic surgery.
Everyone has different points of view about this topic. It can be a bit controversial, but it’s always welcome to have other opinions rather than ourselves. For example, this deleted user put a lot for the discussion on the table, which can be put in perspective. He states: “Depends on how much and what. I’m on the fence about plastic surgery. On the other hand, it can cure people of some deepest insecurities and make them more attractive. On the other hand, it might create some sort of beauty arms race if plastic surgery becomes accepted. I also don’t like the idea that beauty can be bought and sold, thus falling into the domain of the wealthy.
Truth be told, I’m only going to be with a girl who is pretty enough for me to be attracted to. There is no possibility of me coming to appreciate her personality if she does not physically appeal to me first. I believe a lot of men would share my sentiment. It seems almost wrong to tell an unattractive woman that she can’t do what is potentially the only thing possible to make herself more attractive. It’s complicated.”