
Science Can’t Beat these Tried and True Miracle Home Remedies

43. Celery for Bad Breath Let’s face it: bad breath stinks—literally! What if there was a simple way for you to get rid of it? While… Trista Smith - July 6, 2022

People discovered medicine many moons ago, and there are many treatments for the various health ailments we face as humans every day. However, where do you think the idea of treatments came from? Long before scientists created a bottle of Tylenol, people used herbs, spices, juices, foods, and other items to help with health conditions. We discover the benefits of various at-home health remedies by mixing different things and seeing how they work together.

When using something natural rather than an over-the-counter medication that comes with side effects of its own, you are going the healthier route. Besides, many of these at-home remedies actually have scientific evidence supporting the oldest therapies. Please keep reading to discover proven home remedies that work despite the plethora of scientific advancements we have at our fingertips.


50. Rub White Vinegar on Infected Cuticles

Infected cuticles from a manicurist who’s a little too good at their job or biting your cuticles is never fun. It tears up the skin, and it looks unsightly. However, there are ways to treat this naturally. One excellent home remedy that works is to put your fingers in a glass with the same parts of warm water and distilled white vinegar. Soak them for about 15 minutes, and then repeat this every day until the infection starts to heal. These home remedies works because white vinegar is a natural antibacterial and can stop conditions in certain areas in their tracks!


49. Use Comfrey to Help with Back Pain

Comfrey is a natural medicinal plant that treats muscle and joint pain. In fact, researchers have studied this plant. According to a study involving 215 people, applying a cream made of concentrated comfrey did help reduce lower back pain, especially in your lower and upper back. These home remedies, like others, are easy to get — you can purchase it at different food stores or online. It’s not just good for back pain overall but can also help with back strains, making these bad boys disappear!


48. Try Oatmeal to Treat Bug Bites

When summer hits, one thing’s for sure — bug bites! Bug bites are actually quite annoying and frustrating, but did you know that there is a way to treat them. Oatmeal works, and it actually can help with itchiness and is used to treat different bug bites, whether from mosquitoes, ticks, or whatever. Colloidal oatmeal is also another great item, and you can actually mix oatmeal with water, put it directly onto the bite, wait about 10 minutes, and then rinse. It’s a great, natural way to treat those bites from the nasty critters, that’s for sure!


47. Eat Beets for Constipation

Did you know that beet is not just tasty but they’re also great for your colon? Beets steamed or cooked, or even mixed as a drink, are great because they can help with constipation, getting everything moving once again. Next time you’ve got the runs, try these home remedies! However, as a warning, beets do have a natural red dye to them, and it may cause the urine or stool to be a bright red color, but it will not harm you. Keep reading for more home remedies that!


46. Vodka for Foot Odor

If you notice your feet are sweating and smelling, get some vodka instead of putting cream on them. Soak a washcloth in some vodka, and then apply it to your feet. Vodka does work in the same way rubbing alcohol does. Since alcohol is a natural antiseptic and helps with drying, it gets rid of some of those nasty odors your feet may have. Furthermore, it also dries the moisture from the area, which is usually the source of athlete’s foot and other lousy bacterial issues that come with this too.


45. Onions Can Soothe Bug Bites

Onions come with many acids to them — they are strong and even potent. They also come with a compound that naturally neutralizes the effects of a bite. If you notice your bug bite is rather painful and sore, not just mildly itchy, try this one instead. Get about half an onion, rub this directly on the impacted area, and wait about 10 minutes before you attempt to rinse it. That way, it seeps into the skin, and it helps with the problems that bug bites cause you!


44. Chocolate Helps with Nausea

While chocolate is a tasty, indulgent kind of food, it’s not just something that tastes good; chocolate is good for when you’re feeling a little bit sick. It’s because chocolate has tannins inside of this, and it helps to dry out the mouth area, which is also what helps to fight the overactive amounts of saliva that you produce when you’re feeling a little bit sick. Chocolate is excellent if you have motion sickness, since the next time you have to deal with that, just grab a square of chocolate, nibble on it, and see how you feel as a result.


43. Celery for Bad Breath

Let’s face it: bad breath stinks—literally! What if there was a simple way for you to get rid of it? While we wouldn’t think celery would cut it, it’s a better way to get rid of foul breath than a breath mint or even brushing your teeth. When you chew celery, it breaks down and absorbs the bacteria within the teeth, cleaning them while also getting rid of that bad breath. It does actually get rid of the odor completely since bacteria cause bad breath. Plus, it’s fibrous, so it’ll get rid of the bacteria in the same way that floss does, so if you don’t have any on you, consider just getting a piece of celery to help!


42. Lemon Balm Can Help with Cold Sores

Lemon balm isn’t just great, but due to the citrus acids that come with this, it can help you actually feel good and have a much better result from this as well, since it’s a natural antibacterial that targets cold sores. To make these home remedies, brew two tablespoons of this herb in a hot water cup. Let it steep as you would tea for about 15 minutes, and then use a cotton ball to put the balm mixture directly onto your cold sores. Repeat this up to three times a day to fully get rid of these cold sores for good.


41. Consider Pencils for Headaches

If you are someone who develops tension headaches that involve tensing the teeth and the jaw, the strain you’re causing on the temples and jaw will make you feel headaches. The solution is to press a temple between your lips and teeth, but don’t bite down on this. It triggers the muscles to relax, preventing pain. While you don’t need to ingest it, it’s a better option than just obsessively chewing on stuff. Keep reading for more home remedies that!


40. Eat Yogurt to Treat Bad Breath

Another good way to get rid of foul breath? Yogurt has bacteria that suppress the bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath. The good bacteria actually crowds out the bad and helps to balance out the area, not just your mouth but also your gut too, and it creates a natural, unhealthy place for them to thrive, which is excellent if you have bad breath that just won’t leave.


39. Drink Raisins in Alcohol for Pain Relief

This home remedy is one that many older individuals swear relieves pain in the joints. Why? Because in golden raisins, the vitamins and anti-inflammatory properties from juniper berries that gin’s composed of help remove pain and swelling from arthritis. The cure is simple: you soak these raisins in the gin throughout the night and then eat ten of these each day for pain relief.


38. Banana Peels Heal Poison Ivy

Did you know that if you have a nasty poison ivy rash, the cure isn’t necessarily calamine lotion or oatmeal baths? It can just be banana peels. Why? Because banana peels come with various agents, which help reduce the instance of swelling and such. You take the banana peel, push it against the rash area, and then rub this for a few minutes. The best part: when you’re done, rub this against your shoes for the perfect shine!


37. Milk of Magnesia Treats Canker Sores

A canker sore is an ulcer within the mouth you get due to infections that are viral or injuries in the mouth. These can be quite painful. If you deal with these, you can just rinse the mouth area with these home remedies and then put it on the sores up to four times each day. This home remedy is a great way to provide instant relief to your mouth and help mitigate the pain.


36. Try Flaxseed to Soothe Constipation

Flaxseed that’s ground is one of the best ways to heal constipation since it comes with both soluble and insoluble fibers, which helps with pushing for better bacteria growth and pushes the stool out. It’s also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce constipation and soften up the stool. Eating a few tablespoons of this each day is a great way to help mitigate constipation and its pain. Keep reading for more home remedies that!


35. Use Yams for Hot Flashes

Yams are not only excellent and tasty and a great side dish, but they actually come with nutrients and antioxidants that help with reducing night sweats and hot flashes in menopausal women. Yams also have natural progesterone, so it helps relieve menopausal symptoms. You want to make sure that you get yams, not regular potatoes since they’re not the same thing if you use this.


34. Nettles Treat Hair Loss

Have hair that’s starting to fall out? Get a cup and serve yourself some tea with stinging nettles in this. You can also take this in capsule form to get the same result. This home remedy works due to the minerals and vitamins in the leaves and the roots. They’re great not just for growing your hair but also for maintenance of the hair too. You can put boiling water over four to six leaves and then enjoy it!


33. Licorice to Treat Calluses and Corns

Licorice is an excellent item because it comes with some great benefits, and it can treat a variety of problems in the body. One of them is calluses and corns. Why? Because it has estrogen-like substances, which actually softens the hard skin from corns and calluses. You will have the best results when using it in a topical form, applied directly to the body. To make this, you need a few licorice sticks ground up and about half a teaspoon of petroleum jelly. Mix this up, and then apply it directly to the spots on your feet that feel rough to help provide relief and treat it.


32. Olive Oil to Treat Brittle Nails

Nails that are broken and brittle are due to a lack of moisture typically. When they’re too dry, they tend to crack and break down. You can use hand lotion to treat this, but this is an excellent nighttime treatment to try before bed. Put vegetable oil on your hands, and then put your hands in a plastic wrap or a vinyl glove to keep the oil on the fingertips and off your bedding. The covering also pushes the oil downward, penetrating the skin and providing moisture to your nails, helping to keep them strong and not very dry.


31. Try Baking Soda for Splinters

Splinters are never fun, but most of us try to shove tweezers in there to remove these. Instead of doing that, a baking soda paste is a much better option to get the splinter out. The baking soda, in this case, swells up the skin, pulling the fragment to the surface. Mix a little bit of baking soda with some water, stirring this until it thickens up and creates a past. Please put it on the area, and then put bandage over it to protect the area. Wait about 24 hours, and don’t use your hands too much. Take the bandage off, and you can then remove this, either with tweezers or with your hand. If the splinter is stubborn and refuses to get out, you repeat this until the splinter surfaces enough that removal is easy. It may come out naturally on its own through this method, making it an excellent at-home remedy!


30. Tea Tree Oil for Acne

Although tea tree oil isn’t a cure-all, you can use it to help treat acne. Doing a test patch first is a good idea. You’ll want to use a tiny bit of it to your inner elbow beforehand to see if you have any reactions before applying it to your face. Just like any other acne treatment, you will need to rub it on your skin daily for the best results. You’ll need to dilute the oil first by combining 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil with 12 drops of a carrier oil. Before spreading the oil, wash your face with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. Apply the diluted tea tree oil by dabbing it onto your blemishes with a pad or cotton round.

Basil Poultice for Mosquito Bites

29. Basil Poultice for Mosquito Bites

Not only can basil be used to spice up a dish in the kitchen, but you can also apply it to mosquito bites to help treat them, as well. Basil’s antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effects help relieve the annoying never-ending itching, swelling, and redness caused by insect bites. You will want to make a paste first by placing basil leaves in a mortar and crushing them with the pestle until they release juices that turn into a paste. Then you’ll rub the mixture directly onto the mosquito bites, cover them with a clean cloth and wrap it with a bandage so that the paste stays in place. Leave on for about 20 minutes before rinsing off.


28. Baking Soda Helps Soothe Heartburn

Although not recommended for pregnant women, baking soda or sodium bicarbonate effectively provides temporary, occasional relief of acid reflux or heartburn. It works because baking soda has an alkaline pH, which helps to neutralize the acidity in your stomach, causing heartburn. Sodium bicarbonate is not safe to take long term; experts only recommend it for acute periods of acid reflux that last for less than two weeks. Keep reading for more at-home remedies that are naturally healthy for various ailments.


27. Thyme Tea for Coughing

You can use thyme to help alleviate coughing because it is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. It’s also disinfecting, an expectorant, and antispasmodic. You can make thyme tea to sip on by pouring hot water over 1 to 2 teaspoons of thyme leaves, allowing it to infuse for 5 to 10 minutes. Cover the tea while it’s infusing to prevent the valuable essential oil thyme from evaporating. For example, if your cough is consistent due to a cold or bronchitis, drink two or three cups per day.


26. Buttermilk for Age Spots

Yogurt, milk, and buttermilk contain high amounts of lactic acid, which can help exfoliate and lighten skin. Vitamin B12, vitamin D, and lactic acid can lighten pigmentation by removing dead skin cells. Using a saturated cotton swab or pad, apply buttermilk directly to the darkened skin to help fight age spots. Leave it on for about 20 minutes before rinsing it off. You can use this at-home remedy daily, or until you get the result you are looking for. Keep reading for more at-home remedies that are naturally healthy for various ailments.


25. Olive Oil Helps Heal Cracked Lips

Are you dealing with chapped or cracked lips and chapstick or lip balms not helping? If you want to go the more natural approach, you should give olive oil a try. It’s not only suitable for recipes when cooking or baking in the kitchen. Experts discovered it could help with treating cracked lips, as well. Coat your chapped lips with olive oil to help heal them. It’s a natural lubricant that will help to soften and moisturize your lips nicely. You can use any vegetable oil to get the same results.


24. Lemon Juice for Kidney Stones

If you are prone to or deal with kidney stones, you could drink just plain water, but that could get boring. And some people may find they don’t really care for lemon water, either. You could drink straight-up lemon juice, but that could be too sour for most people and could cause heartburn. That’s where lemonade comes in to treat kidney stones. It helps to pass a lot of urine, which is needed when dealing with kidney stones. Mix half a cup of concentrated lemon juice with 7 cups of water, and add sugar to taste. Although you should avoid sugar due to the extra calories it brings, you can add a sugar substitute instead for a healthier alternative.


23. Green Teas Are At-Home Remedies for Joint Pain

Proven to be one of the healthiest drinks one can enjoy, experts discovered that green tea could treat many medical problems, including joint pain. Drinking a hot and steamy glass of green tea regularly may help you combat the discomfort that painful joints may cause. This tea may help soothe your symptoms, whether you are experiencing joint pain caused by inflammation or age. Rich with catechin, which are naturally occurring compounds found in many plants, green tea may be beneficial to those living with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.


22. Peppermint Oil for Migraines

Peppermint oil can help treat migraines, and there are many ways to incorporate it into your daily routine. If you are prone to migraines and enjoy taking baths, you can add some of this oil into your bath water to soak in. Massage the oil mixture onto your temples, back of your neck, shoulders, and chest area to help with tension headaches. Inhale peppermint oil with steam or an essential oil diffuser. You can also drink peppermint tea to help you think more clearly and feel more alert when dealing with a headache or migraine. Keep reading for more at-home remedies that are naturally healthy for various ailments.


21. Sugar Helps Stop Hiccups

Are you dealing with hiccups that just don’t want to go away or ease up? Everyone gets hiccups every now and againThat’s where sugar comes in! You can eat a spoonful of sugar to help treat hiccups and make them stop in their tracks. The theory of this working is how sugar affects the vagus nerve, which connects the brain to the stomach. The teaspoon of sugar manages to help stop your diaphragm from spasming, which in turn should instantly end your hiccups.


20. Cherries Help Prevent Gout

Studies reveal that cherries help treat and even prevent gout. A painful gout attack occurs when excess uric acid in the body forms crystals that collect in one or more of your joints, causing inflammation. Experts believe that cherries can help lower uric acid levels in the body, and this fruit has anti-inflammatory properties that may reduce inflammation related to gout attacks. Cherries reduce excess free radicals in the body, known as oxidative stress, which is also associated with gout. They may also help counteract the process that leads to changes in the joints affected by gout.


19. Duct Tape for Warts

Duct tape can be used for many things and is pretty easy to come by these days. The weirdest thing duct tape can help with, though, is to cure warts. The American Academy of Dermatology endorses this method and even has research to back it up. Doctors, however, aren’t exactly sure why it works, but they know that it does. A study found that by placing duct tape over warts, you get the same results as you would by freezing them, and it is a much cheaper alternative. Keep reading for more at-home remedies that are naturally healthy for various ailments.


18. Chicken Soup for the Common Cold

You may think of eating chicken noodle soup when you feel under the weather instead of just taking cold medications. Perhaps, your mom may have given it to eat as a child growing up when sick. Some reports actually back up the chicken soup theory. They reveal that the broth may improve the function of the tiny hairs in our noses, known as cilia. These hairs prevent contagions from getting into the body. Onions, garlic, and other additional vegetables add flavor to the soup and add a healthy dose of phytonutrients, which are vital for a well-functioning immune system. They can also help reduce inflammation in the body, which may also ease the symptoms caused by the common cold.


17. Oatmeal Baths for Itchy Skin

When taking an oatmeal bath, you’re not actually soaking in oatmeal that you would also eat for breakfast. The kind you put into your bath water is called colloidal oatmeal, and you can purchase it over the counter or make your own at home. Colloidal oatmeal binds your skin and forms a protective barrier to your skin, and it not only helps hold in moisture but also eases inflammation. Oatmeal baths still clean your skin, too. Keep reading for more at-home remedies that are naturally healthy for various ailments.


16. Banana Smoothies Help Cure Hangovers

We all know that alcohol dehydrates the body, which can cause many of the symptoms we have the following day after a night of drinking. The milk that is in a banana smoothie helps rehydrate your body. Since they are rich in magnesium, electrolytes, and potassium, the bananas in the smoothie also boost your nutrient levels. Since they are also easy to digest, they will be easy on your stomach, which may already be irritated from alcohol. The three ingredients that make up the banana smoothie hangover cure include bananas, milk, and honey.


15. Ginger for Nausea Relief

It’s not known exactly how ginger might help ease nausea. Nevertheless, some scientists have suspected that certain chemicals found in ginger may influence the stomach, nervous system, and intestines, helping to reduce that nauseous feeling. When taken for nausea, ginger works directly on the tummy and can increase the GI tract’s movement. Even though you can drink the soda to help treat an upset stomach, ginger supplements are of little help when it comes to protecting you against motion sickness.


14. Turmeric to Relieve a Sore Throat

Turmeric has a wide range of minerals, vitamins, proteins, and dietary fiber. It is a potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, antiseptic, expectorant, carminative, and anti-carcinogenic agent. Which is all perfect for helping alleviate that irritating sore throat. It works against a sore throat by inhibiting inflammation while relieving symptoms, such as that itchy or scratchy feeling, pain, burning, and swelling within the throat. You can make a gargle rinse using turmeric, water, and salt, as well as drink turmeric tea to soothe your sore throat. By adding it to a boiling milk and pepper mixture, you create a drink called Haldi doodh or add it to soup to treat your throat.


13. Lemon for Healthy Hair

Who doesn’t want strong, shiny hair? Lemons aren’t only good to spice up your food or drink, but they are also good for your skin and your hair. They help rid your scalp of build-up with the citric acid they contain. The vitamin C found in lemon boosts collagen, which promotes hair growth. The antibacterial and antifungal properties found in lemons help to fight off dandruff. They also help control excess oil secretions due to their acidic nature. Keep reading for more at-home remedies that are naturally healthy for various ailments.


12. Raw Garlic Fights Colds and the Flu

Not only does garlic help to make a dish taste even more delicious and fill the kitchen with a mouth-watering aroma, but scientists found that it can help fight colds and cases of flu by enhancing immune functions. It contains compounds that help the immune system fight against germs. Raw garlic can help reduce the risk of even becoming sick in the first place. Suppose you may come down with something because you were around someone else who was ill. Use garlic as a natural at-home remedy. It can also help reduce the time you are sick and reduce the severity of symptoms caused by a cold or flu. However, it’s unknown if you need to consume garlic daily or if it also works as a short-term treatment when you start to feel an illness coming on.


11. Saltwater Mouthwash for Toothaches

Mouthwash can help freshen your breath and cleanse the areas that your toothbrush isn’t able to reach. Saltwater rinses, however, are equally as effective in improving your oral hygiene and health as mouthwash bought from the store. Not only does it help with oral hygiene, but it can also help assist in the healing process after having a dental procedure done, such as a tooth extraction. Saltwater helps with healing by promoting gingival fibroblast migration, with an increased amount of extracellular matrix components, which help with the repairing inside your mouth. Saltwater rinses can also prevent dry sockets that can be quite painful. These can occur after a dentist extracts a tooth. Aside from the disinfectant properties, you can use saltwater to treat canker sores, toothaches, and even some allergies.


10. Tomatoes for Dark Circles

Tomatoes help lighten dark circles under your eyes. People use them for this purpose by taking a slice of tomato and massaging your dark circles. Since tomatoes contain specific essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin K, and minerals like magnesium and potassium, you can use them to help the skin fight against age spots, tanning, dark circles, and even cancer. You can also make a mixture to apply over your dark circles by mixing tomato and Aloe Vera in equal portions. Apply where needed to clean skin, and let sit for 10 minutes before rinsing it off. For best results, repeat this process twice a day. Since tomatoes act as a bleaching agent, which helps lighten the skin, and Aloe Vera gel is considered a natural moisturizer, the combination of the two will provide a fair complexion and keep your skin hydrated well.


9. Aloe Vera Heals Burns

We know applying sunscreen before going out is a good idea since it prevents your skin from being burned by the sun. Not everyone remembers to apply sunblock or forget to reapply after the recommended time, which means they’ll probably get a sunburn while out in the sun. Although experts recommend avoiding getting burned, sometimes it’s unavoidable. That’s where Aloe Vera comes in handy. It contains the natural compound aloin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. A study found that Aloe Vera effectively treats first and second-degree burns, whether it’s from the sun or from touching a hot surface, for example.


8. Coffee Helps Relieve Constipation

Those who drink coffee daily may not deal with constipation as much as those who don’t really drink coffee at all. Ever notice that you find yourself in the bathroom a short time after drinking a cup of coffee? That may be because coffee helps change gut bacteria and improve the ability of your intestines to contract. Scientists did a study conducted on rats, and they found that coffee improved the contracting power of the muscles in the small intestine. Furthermore, the study also discovered that caffeinated coffee and caffeine-free coffee both had the same results. Keep reading for more at-home remedies that are naturally healthy for various ailments.


7. Cucumbers Are At-Home Remedies for Under Eye Skin

Out of all of the at-home remedies, you have probably heard of this one. However, have you ever wondered why they put cucumbers over your eyes when at a spa? A bit of science supports this treatment of putting cucumbers over your eyes as a gentle and natural way to make your skin look and feel great, too. Why? Because cucumbers have unique hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties that they offer. When used as a treatment, cucumbers can moisturize the area under the eyes due to their high water content. As well as providing a cooling effect of its juice, which helps give skin that refreshing feel and look.


6. Potatoes Can Lighten Underarms

Potatoes are so versatile. You can use them for more than just eating, believe it or not! The juice from potatoes has lightening properties, so people use them as a mild bleach to even out skin tone. Since potatoes are also rich in vitamin C, they can help your skin maintain its elasticity. Simply apply the potato juice with a cotton swab or pad to certain areas that you want to brighten, such as under your arms and in your armpits. Applying potato juice to the skin is the easiest and most convenient way to go about it.

Since lemon is known for its brightening properties, and sugar is a natural exfoliator, you can make a mixture of these two ingredients and potato and massage it into the affected area. Cut two slices of potato and massage them into your underarms. In a blender, blend ¼ of potato and cucumber, adding one tablespoon of chickpea powder. Then apply the mixture to your armpits and wash off after 15 minutes. You can also make potato juice and mix it with condensed milk before applying it to your underarms.


5. Lavender Essential Oil for Stinky Feet

Derived from the lavender plant, this essential oil has many benefits. It is possibly one of the most potent essential oils you can use for so many different ailments. It not only eases stress, reduces acne, and relieves the symptoms caused by allergies, but it can also help you get rid of foot odor. This oil has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, which can help kill odor-causing bacteria. Apply lavender essential oil to your feet by rubbing a few drops onto your feet before going to bed to help kill odorous bacteria. Make sure to wear your socks after applying the oil to your feet, too. Keep reading for more proven at-home remedies that can replace over-the-count medicine.


4. Honey as an Effective Cough Suppressant

Honey has many health benefits, and not just for cooking, either. You can add it to hot tea or mix it into warm lemon water to help soothe a sore throat, whether from sinus drainage or coughing. You don’t have to consume it with anything, though, and you can take it by itself, too. Whether you eat a spoonful of it or feel like squeezing some of it from a bottle into your mouth, honey alone can be an effective cough suppressant. One study discovered that honey is as effective as a common cough suppressant ingredient, dextromethorphan, which is in typical over-the-counter medications.


3. Watermelon Juice Can Help Control Blood Pressure

A summer favorite, watermelon is delicious and refreshing, but it’s healthy for you, too. Watermelon has many health benefits, and experts attribute them to the nutritional facts of this fruit. These include being a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins A, B, and C, as well as having antioxidant properties. A study reveals the advantages of watermelon juice help keep blood pressure under control. Because it is also rich in potassium, this adds the benefit of watermelon helping to fight high blood pressure.


2. Vitamin C for Allergies

Are you ready for two of the best at-home remedies for your common health ailments? Vitamin C offers many essential benefits for your body and is probably best known for the support it gives your immune system. Evidence shows that vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, may help with some allergies. It acts as a natural antioxidant and antihistamine, which you can find in allergy medications that can block histamine and its effects. However, they can cause unwanted side effects of their own. Vitamin C acts differently than antihistamine medications by reducing the amount of histamine your body produces rather than blocking histamine receptors. Studies show that it may decrease swelling, inflammation, and other related symptoms caused by an allergic reaction.


1. Eucalyptus Oil for Pain Relief

Here is one of the best at-home remedies! Experts discovered how beneficial essential oils could be over the years. You can do many things with these oils, like applying them directly to the skin, inhaling them, or soaking them in a tub full of essential oil-infused water. Professions suggested that eucalyptus oil helps ease the pain you may get in your joints. Many over-the-counter ointments and creams that you can use to soothe pain from conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis contain eucalyptus oil. This oil helps reduce the pain and inflammation associated with many ailments. It may also be helpful to those who have back pain or those who are recovering from a muscle or joint injury. Inhaling eucalyptus essential oil may decrease the pain you are experiencing. This plant contains many anti-inflammatory compounds, including limonene and cineole, which may act like pain relievers.
