
10 Benefits of Drinking Beer

Beer forms a part of our daily drink as well as an important tradition. Many people have a really good taste for beer, and they well… Melisa Silver - March 10, 2016

Beer forms a part of our daily drink as well as an important tradition. Many people have a really good taste for beer, and they well recognize the varying quality with the changing types.

On a sunny afternoon, you will certainly reach for some cold lagers. To your astonishment, this drink is being used since the medieval times. And guess what? They were cold-stored in a cave back then, where the drink continued to get fermented by yeasts. The older the beer gets, the better it tastes! However, for cold mornings and nights, a stout or a hearty porter shall be enough to fill you up with warmth and enthusiasm.

Beers like those containing double IPA can make you an outstanding party beverage, as well as a casual drink for all times, despite your surrounding temperature. Take ‘Pliny the Elder’ for instance. This beer that is brewed by brewers belonging to the Russian River contains a mesmerizing blend of citrus, hop and malt.

Most of us enjoy beer for the sake of fun, and seldom do we know or understand the health benefits it provides to our body. You might be wondering about those geriatric research works which claimed beer to be hazardous for the health of your heart. They all are true indeed. But it is time to dig up some new studies, since recent research has found that optimum amounts of beer are actually health-friendly.

It is certain that after reading this article, you will have some really good points to drink beer. You will certainly now look into your drink with the thoughts of health and medical benefits roaming around the corners of your brain.



1. Beer is heart-friendly

Yes, you read it right. Antagonizing all the past research, a new study has come up to say that your heart will be happy if you drink beer- but in adequate quantities only. We present to you a mind-boggling research-based study, which involved up to 200,000 participants. This study, which was conducted at Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura in Italy, revealed that there was a drastic 31 percent reduction in the risk of heart ailments in subjects who consumed a pint of beer on a daily basis.

Beer is protective of your heart, for it contains those powerful anti-oxidants called ‘phenols’. Phenols are known to be overly sensitive about the prevalence of free radical species in your body, and so, they tend to ride them away. The lesser the amount of free radical species in your body, the happier your heart will be. Moreover, moderate amounts of consumption of this beverage promote healthy fats, or say HDL in the blood, and suppress LDL, or bad cholesterol. So it won’t be wrong to say that beer maintains good cholesterol levels overall.

But if you exceed the amount of beer intake, you will certainly pose yourself with the risk of developing these life-long ailments. Hence, do take care that you do not cross the limits of beer consumption, where the health benefits may rather turn into a curse.



2. Beer protects your brain

Along with your heart, beer is also protective of your brain. And this is the reason why drinking beer responsibly can protect this organ from falling into the dungeons of “Alzheimer’s disease”. New research indicates that beer in moderate quantities can preserve your mental acuity, a factor that is observed to be most affected in all forms of dementia. You would not want to have a brain with deteriorated cognitive function when you reach elderly age. So, drink beer responsibly, neither too less, nor too much.

There is also some evidence that drinking a pint of beer daily can reduce your chances of having a stroke by 50 percent. It can be related to the fact that beer induces reduction in blood LDL, which is likely to promote the health of vessels.

Study authors from the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine analyzed many research works related to this topic, and concluded that an adequate amount of beer consumption is associated with an amazingly 23 percent reduction in the risk of diseases that produce cognitive decline and dementia, one of which seems to be the Alzheimer’s disease.

In the pathology of this ailment, aluminum in blood is thought to play an important role. Beer drinks contain silicon, and this mineral antagonizes the effects of aluminum on brain, warding away this currently unmanageable disease.

Another such study that was conducted at the University of Alcala in Spain in the year 2007 showed that the silicon in beer can cut down your risks of getting Alzheimer’s disease if you consume brewskis twice a day.

So those who drink beer responsibly, cheers to you!



3. Beer keeps away diabetes

No one wants a sugar-intolerant body. This is what diabetes patients have to go through. Owing to the development of insulin resistance, or exhaustion of insulin-producing pancreatic cells, their body becomes unable to absorb glucose, resulting in mounting amount of sugars in blood. This condition can be avoided with beer. Surprising, isn’t it so? This fact is also research-proven. So, you can be pretty sure about your drink the next time.

In a Harvard study that was conducted in the year 2011, it was discovered that people who were regular consumers of beer were benefited with a 25% deduction in the risk of developing diabetes. This research involved about 38,000 middle-aged males.

Beer is weaponized with diabetes-fighting properties owing to two of its contents: soluble fiber and alcohol. Soluble fiber in beer keeps the bowel of its consumers healthy. Moreover, fiber being indigestible, takes along with it intoxicants prevailing in the blood. Alcohol in beer is beneficial in terms of promoting insulin sensitivity in the body. Insulin directs the body tissues for uptake of blood sugar, a mechanism which is primarily impaired in diabetes.

This benefit is particularly useful to overcome the risk of type 2 diabetes, in which, the body faces considerable insulin resistance.



4. Beer takes care of your calories

Beer takes care of your calories, so that you don’t have to worry about your portion size and your weight as well. You won’t usually find a large bottle or a container of beer. Instead, this beverage comes in small packed and planned sizes, so that the portion of beer your drink is a determined one, rather than gulping down tons of it.

Moreover, anyone who assumes that cutting down upon beer will take away considerable calories from their meal, this piece of utterly pleasant information is certainly for them. Light beers contain merely 100 calories or so, whereas beers like the Olde English High Gravity Malt Style are composed of just 220 calories. So those who are diet conscious will gain nothing special by cutting off beer from their diet, except that they are not going to get any health benefits from that time onward.



5. Beer wards off the risk of kidney stones

Your kidneys are safe with moderate amounts of beer consumption. However, alcohol predisposes these organs to develop stones. Hence, whenever you are given an option between beer and whiskey, you know what to opt-for for the sake of your health. To astonish your mind, here is what a Finnish study has found regarding the benefits of beer for kidneys. A research conducted in Finland suggested that daily consumption of moderate amounts of beer can reduce the risk of kidney stone development by a whole of 40%. Now that is even greater than any protection that can be provided by medications or lifestyle factors.

A person becomes prone to get kidney stones owing to many factors, most common of which include dehydration, high levels of calcium in blood, which can result from many calcium drugs; intake of high amounts of oxalate in meals, a positive family history, etc.

Beer comprises 93% water, which is unlikely to cause you any sort of dehydration. Moreover, its health boon includes slowing down calcium loss from the bones, which can in turn aid in prevention of build-up of this mineral in the excretory pathway of the urinary system.



6. Beer is a storehouse for vitamins

Well not really. However, in comparison to other drinks, beer certainly contains an immense amount of useful vitamins, many of which we might not be even aware of. Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common condition which develops frequently in vegetarians, for this nutrient is a prime vitamin content of meat. Lack of vitamin B12 in blood can lead to macrocytic anemia.

Vitamin B6 deficiency is also a fairly common condition in today’s time, where much of our nutritious meal has been replaced by junk food items. Lack of this vitamin in blood creates problems for the nerves. People with vitamin B6 deficiency usually complain of feelings of tingling and numbness in their fingers and toes, which happens because the nerves of these regions become devoid of the nutrient, and hence, are unable to function properly.

Niacin or vitamin B3 is yet another vital nutrient, which we usually tend to miss out in our meals owing to poor choice of food. It takes an important part in formation of certain stress and sex hormones in the body, ensuring the health of one’s endocrinology. Without the presence of appropriate amounts of vitamin B3 in body, one can face indigestion, fatigue, nausea and depression.

For the renewal and maintenance of cell growth, folic acid plays an important role, since it is a promoter of formation as well as repair of cellular DNA. It is yet another important form of vitamin B that naturally occurs in all sorts of legumes as well as whole-wheat products, oranges, broccoli and spinach. An important sign of folic acid deficiency is ‘anemia’.

What if we tell you that your pint of beer contains all these vitamins?


7. Beer can take care of your bowels

Now that is adding a lot to the health benefits of beer, but it is true. Beer contains high quantities of ‘soluble fiber’, and we all know well what fiber is used for in the body.

Fiber forms the indigestible part of any plant, and it is a pretty good nutrient for regulating bowel movements as well as for keeping up bowel health.

Fiber forms a really good source of healthy sugars in the body, and is responsible for rapid spikes of glucose in blood upon ingestion of this food. By the virtue of its high carb contents, you can totally rely upon fiber for keeping your appetite satisfied for long hours. Hence, it won’t be wrong to say that a pint of beer can prevent those unnecessary and uninvited pangs of hunger. Calorie-conscious peeps! If you want to keep away from overeating, have a pint of beer regularly.

Fiber also clears away blood from intoxicants. Such intoxicants also include those which can induce abnormal growth in cells, leading to fatal ailments such as cancer. Hence, people who consume more fiber usually tend to have a better health status as compared to those who seldom eat fiber.

Now that you know when you are drinking beer, you are actually cleansing your blood, keep in special consideration that you drink moderate amounts of this beverage, and not excessively.



8. Beer can take care of your bones

Now that benefit is certainly an unexpected one, however, it is one hundred percent true, and has been proven by research also. Beer takes care of the good health of your bones, since it promotes bone density. Study authors from the Tufts University have observed a direct and positive connection between beer consumption and improved density of hip bone.

Hip is the most common bone after femur that tends to get fractured at old age. If you do not ensure a strong skeletal system during your hay days, you are likely to go through multiple fractures at an elder age. The study claimed that elderly individuals who consumed more than two glasses of beer a day were benefited with an improved bone density, and a reduced risk of fractures.

The logic behind beer and good bone health lies in its main active ingredient: the silicon.

However, more than two glasses of this beverage in a day has been linked to poor bone health. Hence, make sure that you remain at the suggested scale of beer consumption for keeping up the integrity of your skeletal system.



9. Beer will keep away dandruff

We are pretty sure that we are moving towards some really unusual facts, but it is not a myth. The ingredients of this beverage indicate that beer makes one of the best home remedies for treating dandruff. What you could not accomplish by the means of highly-priced anti-dandruff shampoos, lotions, oils, creams and medications can actually be attained using beer.

You can freely credit the high yeast content as well as the rich vitamin B portion of your drink for helping you in treating dandruff issues. Dandruff usually occurs in individuals who remain dehydrated, have certain skin allergies, live in air-polluted areas, or use hard water to rinse their hair and body.

To make an effective remedy for dandruff out of beer, just make use of a bottle of this drink to rinse your hair.

You will certainly notice a dramatic reduction in the dandruff, and your hair will also be smooth and shiny from that time onward.



10. Beer won’t let cancer and flu roam around you

Beer seems to be quite protective of your health. It won’t let your brain deteriorate, your heart get sick, your bones get broken, as well as your body get cancer-ridden. Thanks to the overwhelming anti-oxidant properties of this drink that kill certain cancer-causing species in the body, cutting down upon the risks of getting the disease.

Of all the phenols and flavonoids in the drink, Xanthohumol is the most powerful one, and the one responsible to impart beer with anti-cancer boons. Research shows that regular consumption of moderate amounts of beer also keeps away the risk of breast cancer in women.

If barley is boiled, it will make one of the best remedies for fighting-off flu. This is what happens when you drink beer. Drinking warm beer makes an excellent treatment for flu. It also improves blood circulation, which will make your vessels less congested, and you can breathe better in that way.



Last, but not least…………….

Beer gives you fun within the limits of good health, don’t forget that. So now any time you are at a gathering and offered a pint of beer, you know that you are sipping good health every moment you raise your glass.
