
15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods That Fight Pain Naturally

7. Broccoli Broccoli is an essential anti-inflammatory food. It contains a well-balanced content of potassium and magnesium which are essential in helping the body process calcium.… Denis Courtney - May 16, 2016

Inflammation is generally the body’s attempt at protecting itself with the aim of removing any harmful; stimuli from the body such as pathogens, irritants and any damaged cells in order for the body to undergo the healing process. It is our body’s way of saying that it’s not going to take illness and injury lying down. Generally during inflammation the white blood cells and other substances that are produced by it protect us greatly protect our bodies from infection caused by some foreign organisms in our bodies.

Inflammation is an important body function without which we would never cure our bodies from things like sprains and injured muscles. The body’s inflammatory response is very crucial but when it becomes chronic it can most definitely be a bad thing in as much as our bodies are not just going to spectate while we suffer from injuries and other diseases, too much inflammation can cause more harm than good to the same bodies. Weird as this may sound, it would be correct to use the phrase ‘too much of something is poisonous’ in this particular case.

There are numerous things that could activate the body to produce an acute inflammatory response. These things involve but are not limited to:

  • Allergic reactions
  • Frostbites
  • Chemical irritants
  • Pathogenic infections
  • Sunburn or fire burns
  • Trauma (for example when one gets hit by a golf ball on the head)
  • Stabbing

There are many other injuries or eventualities that could cause acute inflammation other than the ones said above and when acute inflammation takes place there is no way you will fail to notice. Some of the signs and general symptoms that come when the body undergoes any one of the above-mentioned eventualities that end up causing acute inflammation may be very uncomfortable in every sense of the word but then again they are very important and the response is very crucial in order for the body to begin the actual healing process and lead us down the road to recovery. Things like swelling, redness of the injured part of the body, heat and burning sensation, loss of body function and pain can be severely uncomfortable but these are just some of the things that lead our bodies down the road of self-recovery.

When inflammation stops being acute and actually becomes a constant low-level feature of our body’s physiology that is always engaged and always active, it becomes chronic and that is where things usually start going south. The inflammatory response is normally supposed to be fast and direct, but this is not the case when it comes to chronic inflammation.


Food and inflammation

Like all bodily functions, there is a relationship between food and inflammation, any food an individual consumes contributes to good health or bad health of the person. Health experts have determined certain foods that can increase inflammation, while other foods that help reduce inflammation. While inflammation is the way our body responds to attacks, sometimes the inflammation immune response never shuts and this leads to chronic inflammation. Some foods can make your body last in this state.

The continued production of white blood cells leads to permanent health conditions such as Arthritis or Alzheimer’s among other health conditions. This ensures that your body is in a detrimental state. Certain factors contribute to chronic inflammation, so it’s not just a matter of the food taken. Stress, pollution and being overweight can contribute to this condition. Bad Lifestyle choices such as smoking, lack of enough body rest and sleep or lack of physical exercise also contribute to these conditions.

However, the choice of food that we eat plays a central role in our health especially when it comes to inflammation. When the body is nourished well it heals quicker and this goes along way when it comes to healing inflammation. No single food causes inflammation but a combination of foods in a diet can contribute to chronic inflammation. Some foods should be avoided as health researchers have found a link between them and chronic inflammation. Some foods care for irritants hence they exaggerate inflammation.


Sugar is almost irresistible as it is found in almost all foods, mistakes, chocolates, juices and beverages, however, sugars trigger the brain to produce Cytokines which are messengers of inflammation. If a person have inflammation and continues to take excessive sugar, chronic inflammation can occur.

Saturated fats

These are the fats that are found in processed foods such as pizza and cheese. Foods that are meat products and dairy products also have saturated foods. These foods trigger adipose tissue inflammation and can be a gateway to arthritis and heart disease.

Tran’s fats

these are fats that are mostly found in fast foods and deep-fried products. Processed products such as cookies, snacks, margarine and donuts contain these foods in plenty. These foods are known to trigger inflammation.

Fatty acids

There are two types of fatty acids which are essential in the growth and development process in the body Omega 6 and Omega 3. This two types of fatty acids are essential for the body. When the intake of Omega 6 is high they trigger the body to produce inflammatory chemicals which affect the body. Omega 6 can be found in sunflower among other sources.

Refined carbohydrates

These are found in food from white flour products, white rice and potatoes. Foods that result from these products include bread, mashed potatoes and French fries and cereals. These foods cause obesity even more than fats. They trigger the body to release advanced glycation end (AGE) which stimulates and escalates inflammation.

Food additives

Additives such as MSG; m ono-sodium glutamate which are found in Asian foods or in fast foods trigger pathways of chronic inflammation as well as liver diseases.


Gluten can trigger inflammation, especially for patients with arthritis and other factors such as lactose intolerance. It is found in wheat and barley.


This is an artificial sweetener that is found in a lot of beverages and products worldwide. It is a neurotoxin, it affects the brain cells and the neuron system. Some people are sensitive to aspartame which makes the immune system treat the chemical as a foreign object triggering inflammation in the body.

Anti-Inflammatory foods

Anti-inflammatory foods help the body fight inflammation and reduce the period the body takes to fight diseases and other foreign objects in the body. They help the body not to overreact when responding to foreign objects in the body. Some of these foods also act in a way to regulate the immune response to certain diseases and triggers. There is a relationship between inflammation food and anti-inflammation foods. This includes omega 3v and some mineral salts. Chronic inflammation is also caused by other factors and it is important to visit a physician. In addition to taking healthy foods, it is also important to visit the doctor for regular checkup visits. Some of these foods are listed below.

1. Green Leafy Vegetables

When it comes to fighting inflammation, green vegetables are the first ingredients you should have. They are rich in certain chemicals such as antioxidants and help in restoring cellular health. Some people find it hard to take vegetables and hence it is advisable you try incorporating them into your diets in different forms such as juice or smoothies. There are certain delicious juices on the market that are made entirely of green vegetables.

2. Bok Choy

Also known as the Chinese cabbage. This cabbage contains over 40 antioxidant chemicals and various minerals that are essential in helping the body heal from inflammation.


3. Walnuts

Walnuts are full of omega-3 essential fats. When an individual wants to have a whole meal which is anti-inflammatory in nature, they can add walnuts to green leafy vegetables and olive oil. Walnuts contain Phytonutrients which is essential against metabolic syndrome and heart diseases as well as diabetes. Walnuts are different from other foods because they contain a wide range of anti-inflammatory ingredients.

4. Celery

Celery serves a multipurpose function when it comes to health. Celery has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant abilities as well as helps the blood pressure to improve while preventing other conditions such as heart disease. Celery seeds alone have a wide range of benefits on their own, they help the body fight inflammation as well as bacterial infections while providing the body with mineral salts such as potassium which are essential in healing the body tissues. In order to maintain to keep your body free of inflammation, it is important to maintain a balance in minerals and celery helps in these regards.

5. Salmon

While omega 6 when accumulated can cause inflammation, omega 3 is a major anti-inflammatory substance. Both of these essential fats are found in fish such as salmon and meat. Omega three is a body-healing food and is essential in reducing inflammation as well as the need for medicines that are anti-inflammatory. Omega 3 also helps in reducing certain risks that are related to inflammation such as arthritis and heart disease and cancer. These fats when taken well become concentrated in the brain and play a crucial role in cognitive as well as behavioral functions. Wild Salmon contains more of this essential fat than domestic salmon.

6. Beets

Beets help the body to repair won cells making it unnecessary for the body to continue producing white blood cells which are responsible for chronic inflammation. They have betalain which is antioxidant which produces the red color and is also an effective anti-inflammatory chemical. Beets contain a good balance of magnesium and potassium.


7. Broccoli

Broccoli is an essential anti-inflammatory food. It contains a well-balanced content of potassium and magnesium which are essential in helping the body process calcium. Calcium when absorbed in the body in large qualities and is not well processed, travels to the kidneys and forms kidney stones which is a major cause of inflammation. Broccoli also contains large quantities of antioxidants with vitamins which lower stress in the body reducing the chances of chronic inflammation.

8. Pineapple

Quercetin is also found in pineapple. Pineapple pairs this important antioxidant with a very important digestive enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain has been used as anti-inflammation food for years and has abilities such as changing the immune system by regulating the immune response which is very important in avoiding unnecessary inflammation. Another effect of bromelain is that it helps the body fight certain chronic diseases such as heart disease. This is because it fights blood clotting by stopping platelets cells in the blood from sticking up or clamming up along arteries’ walls which is the main cause of heart attacks and strokes.

9. Coconut oil

Coconut oil and turmeric does wonders together in reducing inflammation. Virgin coconut oil has high levels of antioxidant compounds that reduce inflammation. Coconut oil is very good for arthritis and could even work better than most medications for arthritis. Since stress can lead to osteoporosis. Coconut oil is very good for osteoporosis patients and aids in its treatment for it. It is also very good for culinary purposes. Coconut oil has a high level of heat stability so is mostly used for sautéing vegetables that are anti-inflammatory. This is another one of coconut oil’s stellar attributes.

10. Ginger

Ginger in any form is an immune modulator that reduces inflammation caused by immune responses that are overactive. Ginger’s ability to boost immune systems is recorded high than has been recorded in history. It is believed that ginger is effective at warming the body, such that it helps break down accumulating toxins in the organs. It also cleanses the lymphatic system. In fact, ginger may even treat inflammation in asthmatic and allergic disorders.

11. Chia seeds

It is hard to get fatty acids that are actually good for the body. Nature provides some of the best solutions for fatty acids that are balanced and good for the body. Chia seeds have omega-3 and omega-6, both of which are essential for the body and are best consumed together. Another benefit of chia seeds is that they are anti-inflammatory oxidants. They consist of vitamins A, B, E and D, minerals like iodine, sulfur, manganese, niacin, iron, thiamine and magnesium. It also consists of essential acids like linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic.

It is advised to take chia for good heart health because of its ability to regulate cholesterol, reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure. It is also less likely to get atherosclerosis while taking chia because it reverses oxidative stress.

12. Turmeric

Turmeric has curcumin as its primary compound which is an active anti-inflammatory component. It is proven to work against inflammation in many situations. Some of the health benefits are that it works in a diet that is anti-inflammatory. Journals have been published saying curcumin is among the most potent anti-proliferative and anti-inflammatory agents in the world. Its high anti-inflammatory properties make turmeric highly effective at helping in managing rheumatoid arthritis.

13. Flaxseeds

Flaxseeds are a great source of omega-3s and for getting phytonutrients. Flaxseeds have great benefits some of which include being antioxidants. Lignans are fiber-related polyphenols, they provide antioxidant benefits for hormone balance, anti-aging and cellular health. Polyphenols promote the growth of probiotics in one’s gut and may help eliminate candida and yeast in the body. To avoid digestive problems, it is best to grind them before consumption.

14. Bone broth

This is one type of food that contains minerals which are already processed hence they can readily be absorbed by the body. This minerals include Sulphates, magnesium phosphorous iron and others. They also contain glucosamine which is very important when it comes to reducing inflammation. Bone broth also contains amino acids which repair damaged cells and tissues hence it is essential in healing certain conditions such as leaky guts.

15. Blueberries

Blueberries contain Quercetin which is an antioxidant that is strong against inflammation. Quercetin is found in citrus, berries and olive oil and is essential in healing the body and repairing body tissues. In addition, blueberries slow down cognitive decline as well as improve memory and reflexes. This is because they contain antioxidants that reduce stress a function which is essential in reducing inflammation.

Patients with certain medical conditions are more likely to suffer from certain conditions such as inflammation. Patients with arthritis suffer more because their bodies are in a continuous state of inflammation. Taking these foods can help reduce their pain. It is also important to note that these food comprises a very healthy diet which means that they protect the body from certain chronic diseases and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. What you eat is fundamental to your health and taking these foods can go a long way in ensuring you remain healthy. Health is a personal effort hence some of the bad lifestyle choices should be let go, regular exercise, healthy eating as well as stopping habits such as excessive intake of alcohol and smoking ensures that your body remains healthy and this ensures that inflammation will not occur in the first place.
