
10 Effective Natural Remedies And Treatments For Scar Removal

6. Honey Honey has been used as food, medicine, currency and more for thousands of years. Honeycomb was often buried alongside pharaohs in ancient Egypt, and… Elizabeth Lilian - March 6, 2017

The human body has a very intricate healing process. It’s working constantly to protect, regenerate and heal. Scars are a result of this process, and occur when the skin is injured by things like accidents, disease, surgeries or skin conditions like acne. There are different styles of scar tissue, and they can appear flat and pale, raised and red, sunken or pitted, or barely visible at all.

Scars cannot be completely removed, and it’s best to begin treating them as soon as they appear as this will give them a better chance of healing. There are various procedures you can undergo to reduce scar appearance, such as dermabrasion, laser resurfacing, or topical creams and ointments, but the best remedies can often be found at home.

Here are 10 home remedies for scar removal.


1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an extremely popular choice of plant in phytotherapy and has been used for thousands of years, often referred to as “a wonder plant”. It’s a short-stemmed succulent native to Africa but can be found all over the world. Aloe vera has thick, serrated leaves and flowers that typically bloom in summer. There are roughly 400 species of Aloe vera, but the one that holds medicinal properties is the Aloe Barbadensis Miller, also known as the true aloe.

The leaf structure of an aloe vera plant contains four layers. The aloe vera gel is on the inside of the leaf, surrounded by a tough rind and bitter sap that helps protect the plant from foraging animals. This inner gel contains the essential amino acids that make aloe vera such a beneficial healer. This gel has been used to treat wounds, burns and other skin irritations for centuries. It’s also been used to treat eczema, asthma, constipation, ulcers, headaches, arthritis and coughs. Aloe vera is also effective in supporting healthy gums and teeth, as one study published by the Academy Of General Dentistry found.

Aloe vera has been FDA-approved as both a natural flavoring and an over-the-counter medication for burns, and is also a popular addition in cosmetics and herbal remedies. It contains bioactive compounds that include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, flavonoids and polyphenols, and has antibacterial and antioxidant capabilities. Aloe vera can protect the skin from UV rays and radiation, and can even lower blood sugar levels in diabetics and those with insulin resistance.

Using aloe vera gel on scars can be very effective. If you have an aloe vera plant at your disposal, you can harvest your own gel by taking a cutting from the plant and peeling back the thick outer skin. Scoop out the gel on the inside, and massage it into the scar tissue. Let it sit for 30 minutes, and then wash it off. If you don’t have an aloe vera plant, don’t despair. The gel can be bought from herbal stores and chemists with the same results. Treat your scars with aloe vera twice a day until the desired result is reached.


2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is usually made from the dried meat of aged coconuts. This meat (also called copra) is passed through a hydraulic press that extracts the oil. Coconut oil can be either cold-pressed or expeller-pressed, the difference being that cold-pressed coconut oil is treated at a lower heat than expeller-pressed. Both types of oil are healthy, but cold-pressed oil is generally believed to be healthier as heating oil can remove some of the nutritious compounds.

Coconut oil holds many benefits. It’s antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-parasitic, and can treat such issues like digestive problems, high blood sugar levels and weight regulation. It’s also a wonderful skin treatment as it can deeply moisturize, protect from the sun’s rays and soothe sunburn, dry skin and eczema.

Coconut oil contains protein, healthy fats, and an unusually high amount of triglycerides, which can benefit weight loss as our bodies find it harder to convert triglycerides and medium-chain fatty acids into stored fat, which makes them easier to burn off. Around 50% of these fatty acids is lauric acid, which forms a substance called monolaurin when it’s ingested. Both forms kill harmful bacteria and viruses, which make coconut oil an effective treatment for fungal and yeast infections.

Coconut oil is a perfect remedy for a variety of different skin conditions. It contains vitamin E which is essential for healthy skin, as well as repairing and keeping skin smooth. It also prevents wrinkles and other signs of aging. To use it on scars, simply scoop out a small amount from the jar (preferably cold-pressed and organic) and rub between your palms to warm it up. Coconut oil solidifies when cool, so you may need to take one or two scoops to get enough on your palm. Once it’s warm and liquefied, massage it over the scar tissue. Do this as often as needed.


3. Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is actually the collective term given to eight fat-soluble, naturally occurring chemical compounds that can be found in foods or taken as a dietary supplement. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, and it acts to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E also helps keep the immune system strong, helps the formation of red blood cells and keeps the blood from clotting inside them.

The best way to consume vitamin E is through a healthy diet. Vitamin E can be found in many foods like almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, broccoli and vegetable oils like wheat germ, safflower and soybean. Vitamin E can also be added to cereals, fruit juices, and spreads like margarine, butter and other condiments. Vitamin E is also beneficial for healthy eyesight, and can work wonders on skin and hair. It’s a common ingredient in many lotions and moisturizers due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities, as this can help protect the skin from harmful pollutants.

The application of vitamin E can help prevent the formation of wrinkles by boosting collagen production and cell growth, which are key components in maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Vitamin E oil can also lighten brown spots that occur from age or sun damage, and it’s also extremely ideal for treating dry, rough skin as it helps the skin retain its natural moisture. It can also be used on the hands and fingers to promote healthy cuticles and nails.

Concentrated vitamin E oil can be extremely thick and sticky and hard to work with, so when using it to treat scars there are a few options. You can open vitamin E capsules and pour the oil out directly onto the scars, rubbing it in as best as possible and then allowing it to sit for 20 minutes before washing off with warm water. An easier method is to dilute the vitamin E oil by combining it with a carrier oil like coconut, which makes it easier to rub into the skin. Treat your scars with vitamin E oil several times a day for maximum effect.


4. Olive Oil

Olive oil is often referred to as the healthiest fat on earth. It’s full of healthy nutrients, vitamins and minerals and has been a major staple in the Mediterranean diet for thousands of years. Olive oil is made from olives and extracted using various methods. The healthiest type of olive oil is extra virgin, which is extracted by natural methods. It’s high in phenolic antioxidants and contains substantial amounts of vitamin E and vitamin K. It also contains saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, and omega fatty acids.

The main health benefits of extra virgin olive oil come from the polyphenols. Containing such phenols as the cancer-preventing luteolin, the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral quercetin and the neuroprotective antioxidant oleuropein, olive oil can combat a wealth of health issues. It can lower blood pressure levels, improve heart health, reduce cholesterol levels, and can even combat Alzheimer’s and other cognitive declinations that occur with age.

Olive oil has also been shown to prevent skin cancers like melanoma. The vitamin E has anti-aging benefits, helps restore smoothness to the skin and provides protection against UV rays, and unlike other moisturizers, olive oil doesn’t clog the pores. Instead, it cleanses the surface and penetrates deep down into the skin.

Using olive oil to treat scars is quick and simple. Apply warm olive oil to the skin, and massage in well. Allow it to soak for thirty minutes before wiping off, or leave it on overnight to soak into the skin even more. Use extra virgin olive oil for the best results, and treat the affected area as often as needed.


5. Lemon

This popular citrus fruit has taken the nutrition world by storm with its seemingly endless amounts of health benefits. Lemons are used all over the globe in cuisine, healthcare, even around the house. They can be used for a wide range of things like sore throat treatment, furniture polish, cleaning solution, rust-remover and hair treatment.

Lemons contain an impressive amount of fiber and vitamin C, as well as phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6 and potassium. They don’t hold many calories, and have little fat and protein. Lemons are full of bioactive compounds like citric acid, which can help prevent the formation of kidney stones; hesperidin, an antioxidant compound that can potentially strengthen blood vessels; diosmin, which can reduce chronic inflammation; and D-Limonene, which gives lemon that distinct smell and as such is the main ingredient in lemon essential oil.

Lemons are believed to help prevent cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attacks by providing vitamin C and decreasing cholesterol levels. The scent of lemon has been shown to ease anxiety and lift depression, and helps to reduce fatigue and exhaustion. Lemon juice can be used to reduce pimples, treat dandruff, cleanse oily skin and even repel insects. Lemon juice also contains alpha hydroxy acids which makes them a great natural bleach that can be used to whiten skin and nails and highlight hair. These alpha hydroxy acids also make lemons an effective treatment for scars as they act as an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells and lighten the discoloration.

Lemons also promote new skin cell growth, improve elasticity and regenerate damaged skin. To use on your scars, simply apply lemon juice on the affected area. If it’s a facial scar, or if you have skin sensitivity, dilute the lemon juice first with rose water or vitamin E oil. Treat the area once a day until adequate fading occurs. Be aware that lemon juice can make your skin sensitive to light, so avoid immediate exposure to direct sunlight, and always use sunscreen when outside.


6. Honey

Honey has been used as food, medicine, currency and more for thousands of years. Honeycomb was often buried alongside pharaohs in ancient Egypt, and the Romans would use honey to tend to their wounds. It’s a natural sweetener and is made from the nectar of flowers. The nectar combines with enzymes from the bees, creating chemical compounds and converting the nectar into fructose and glucose. The color and taste change depending on the flowers used, and the health benefits are plentiful.

Honey contains vitamins and minerals like thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium, as well as 18 different amino acids. Honey is considered a low-GI food, meaning it’s slowly absorbed into the bloodstream and leaves us feeling fuller for longer. This results in better digestion and regulated blood sugar levels. It’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, due to an enzyme added by the bees that creates hydrogen peroxide. This hydrogen peroxide promotes enzymes that dissolve dead cells and tissues, and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels.

Raw honey is full of benefits. It can suppress a cough, strengthen your immune system, promote faster healing for cuts and sores, heal burns, improve skin problems and is a powerful probiotic. Certain types of honey can even be effective against antibiotic-resistant superbugs like golden staph. Honey is also full of antioxidants that may provide protection against free radicals and oxidative damage.

Honey is a humectant, which means it draws moisture from the air into the skin, and as such, it can provide a deep moisturizing effect when used on the skin. It can also act as an effective spot-treatment for pimples, a natural hair conditioner, a deep pore cleanser, and an after-sun treatment. Honey is a natural skin-lightener, and its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties enable it to fade scars and increase healing. To use, mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of coconut oil or vitamin E oil, and apply to the affected area. Cover with a bandage and leave to soak overnight, washing it off in the morning. Repeat once a day or as often as needed.


7. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has become a hugely popular addition to the modern diet, and it’s purported to hold a wide array of health benefits. It’s created by a two-step process, similar to how alcohol is made. The apples are crushed and exposed to yeast, causing the sugars to ferment and turn into alcohol. Bacteria is then added which turns it into acetic acid, the active compound in vinegar that gives it the noticeable, pungent smell. Acetic acid contains antibacterial and antifungal properties and is commonly used as a counterirritant.

Apple cider vinegar is low in calories and can suppress the appetite, making it an effective tool to regulate or control weight gain. It’s been shown to regulate blood sugar levels in those with type 2 diabetes, support a healthy digestive system and raise the levels of good bacteria in the gut. Unfiltered, unpasteurized, organic apple cider vinegar contains strands of “mother”, which looks like unsightly cloudy sediment but is actually full of proteins and enzymes that act as probiotics. Apple cider vinegar can also be used to preserve food, as the acetic acid kills harmful bacteria such as E. coli that grows on food and causes it to spoil.

Apple cider vinegar can treat dandruff, polish wood, improve digestion, tone the skin, and be used as an all-purpose household cleaner. Animal studies have proven its ability to reduce levels of cholesterol and triglyceride, which can minimize risk of cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attack, though further research with human studies is required. Apple cider vinegar is an effective facial cleanser as it contains alpha hydroxy acids that help remove dead skin cells and promote new cell growth. It can be used to treat acne, dark spots, clogged pores, wrinkles and other signs of aging, and it also balances the pH levels of the skin, which prevents oil build-up and excessive dryness.

Use apple cider vinegar on scars by diluting organic vinegar with filtered water before applying it to the skin. Dab it on with a cotton pad, then rinse after five minutes. Alternatively, you can make an at-home treatment by combining two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with one teaspoon of honey and two-thirds of water. Mix well and massage into the skin, letting it soak in for thirty minutes or more before washing off. Treat scars once a day with apple cider vinegar until results are seen.


8. Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is a type of vegetable fat derived from whole cocoa beans (also known as cacao seeds), and is used frequently to add taste, scent and smoothness to foods like chocolate, cosmetics and tanning lotion, soap and many other topical creams. Cacao seeds come from the cocoa tree, which has been used in ancient civilizations such as Mayan and Aztecs. Mayan legend describes the cocoa bean as a gift from the Gods, and was used as currency. Nowadays, cocoa beans are harvested from fields around Africa, South America and India.

Cocoa butter was used mainly to make chocolate, for medicinal purposes, and was even considered an aphrodisiac. They’re made by roasting the cocoa beans, which are then cooked for up to two hours, then liquefied and compressed until the liquid separates from the solids. The solids are used to make chocolate powder while the liquids are used to make cocoa butter and chocolate. Cocoa butter melts at body temperature, and is one of the most highly concentrated natural fats available.

Cocoa butter melts gradually when it touches skin and is soothing and easy to apply. It’s often used to treat skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis, and it can help heal calluses, moisturize dry skin, prevent and reduce stretchmarks, and can even give the skin added elasticity and strength. Cocoa butter helps retain moisture by creating a protective barrier across the skin, and is effective in treating wrinkles and other signs of aging. It contains high levels of antioxidants like stearic acid, oleic acid and palmitic acid, which can neutralize free radicals and benefit the skin.

These antioxidants also make cocoa butter an effective treatment for scars. It works to reduce the appearance of scarring and protects the skin from further damage. To treat scars using cocoa butter, simply apply a spoonful to the skin and massage in. Leave overnight and wash off the next morning, repeating until the scar fades. Cocoa butter also provides health benefits if ingested, but it contains a high amount of calories and as such it shouldn’t be eaten too frequently.


9. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is often considered to be Australia’s natural antiseptic and is commonly referred to as a ‘medicine chest in a bottle’. The oil is distilled from the tea tree (scientifically known as Melaleuca alternifolia), a tree belonging to the myrtle family and native to Australia. It’s been used for hundreds of years by indigenous Australians, who brewed tea with it and used the leaves for medicinal purposes. Tea tree oil is produced by steaming the leaves and branches and then separating the oil from the water.

Tea tree oil holds anti-bacterial, anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, and has become a popular choice in alternative medicines. Tea tree oil is effective in improving yeast and fungal infections, treating acne, athlete’s foot, dandruff, preventing head lice, relieving gingivitis symptoms, and recent studies have found it can positively affect the growth of tumors.

Tea tree oil has recognized anti-inflammatory properties, which make it an effective remedy for skin problems. It’s a natural insect repellent and can relieve stings and bites, and can also be used topically on wounds to provide protection from infection-causing bacteria. It can cleanse the face and remove make up, and it makes an effective treatment for pimples and acne. However, it can dry out your skin, so it’s best to dilute first before applying.

Before using tea tree oil, it’s best to do a skin test to ensure it won’t react poorly with your skin. In some cases, tea tree oil can cause rash, redness and itching, and if it’s ingested it can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting and upset stomach. To use it effectively on scars, remove skin tags add four drops of tea tree oil to a water or toner like witch hazel or rose water, then soak a cotton ball in the solution and apply to any scarring. You can also add tea tree essential oil to a carrier oil like almond or coconut oil and massage it into the area.


10. Sandalwood

Sandalwood has been used for over 4000 years for things like incense, meditation, aromatherapy and medicinal purposes. Botanically known as Santalum album, it’s a tree native to India but cultivated in many other countries. It’s often used in Buddhism practices and has long been thought to calm the mind, enhance mental clarity, and relieve depression. It’s a common component in Ayurveda therapies and Jewish and Hindu religious ceremonies.

Sandalwood essential oil is developed in the heartwood and roots of the tree, after at least 15 years of growth, and it’s harvested during the rainy seasons when it’s richest in oil. There are generally two types of sandalwood: white and red, and both are used for various things like relieving bad breath and disinfecting wounds. It’s also a common ingredient in juice, cosmetics and soaps, and used as perfume. Sandalwood can be made into a paste and applied to the skin to relieve burns and treat sores, and in India, it’s common practice to smear it across the forehead to treat migraines and headaches.

Sandalwood provides a wide array of health benefits, which can be attributed its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, disinfectant, emollient and sedative properties. Sandalwood is a coolant, and it provides a soothing effect when applied to the skin. It can protect open wounds from infection, and can give relief from various types of inflammation that can negatively affect the body. Because it’s an emollient, it can soften the skin and is able to provide a rich amount of moisture as well as a protective film barrier across the surface.

To use sandalwood on scarring, ensure you find a good quality powder or essential oil. There are different types of sandalwood trees, and oils from other types aren’t as effective as oil from the Santalum album. Sandalwood essential oils of poorer quality have often been mixed with chemicals and inferior ingredients, and are nowhere near as effective as the real thing. To use sandalwood, simply mix equal parts of essential oil with a carrier oil and massage into the scarring. Or you can mix one teaspoon of sandalwood powder with rose water to form a paste, and apply onto the skin, leaving it on for as long as possible.

While scars may be permanent, it is possible to reduce the appearance. Following simple, daily remedies such as these can provide relief from redness, and promote the growth of healthy new skin.
