
10 Proven Health Benefits of Eating Garlic

10. Inhibits cancer To start with, cancer is a genetic disease containing super uncontrolled cell division. Garlic contains a lot of chemical components that are known… Denis Courtney - January 25, 2017

Garlic is known for its curative value and there are bunches of medical advantages of garlic. From the olden days, the curative value of garlic has been valued. Sanskrit records guarantee that garlic cures were utilized 5,000 years back. Thus, Chinese medication has given much acknowledgment for the use of garlic for more than 3,000 years. Indeed, even the Greeks and Romans have been utilizing it from times immemorial. It might have been uncommon in English cooking, yet shapes a portion of Mediterranean Europe menu. Developers of pyramids devoured garlic for expanded physical quality and perseverance. The Spanish utilized it as an additive.

Garlic is a bulbous plant sharing the same family as the onion. The sulfur-based compound allicin gives its awesome taste, the taste tremendously got from the devastating, biting and cutting of cloves. This compound gives the therapeutic estimation of garlic.

Garlic is comprised of different mixes and in addition hostile to oxidants, which incorporate organosulphur, which comprises antimicrobial and pharmacological activities. Garlic is a plant that serves as a pharmaceutical also.

The taste may not be all that great, yet garlic can prove to be that much-needed food you really needed. This is conceivable as it has numerous medical advantages. Indeed, even individuals who are excellence cognizant and would lean toward a skin free from pimples can take garlic. The estimation of garlic can be valued on the off chance that we are knowledgeable about its medical advantages.

Scientifically, garlic is called Allium Sativum, an element of primal significance. A vegetable which includes that truly necessary flavor and upgrades the enticing remainder of the vast majority of our dishes, however, there have been open deliberations about whether to call it a spice, a herb, or a vegetable. Yes, we are discussing garlic, the ”stinking rose”, as the ancient people made reference to it. Other than being an important element in culinary purposes, garlic contains great medicinal value to the body.

Remember what our forefathers said, “nature cures, not the doctor” – Hippocrates, the father of western solution.

Have you ever thought about whether the vast majority of our diseases could be cured without taking in pieces of pills and tablets consistently? Garlic holds the way to a significant number of our well-being-related issues. Garlic contains vital sulfur mixes like alliin, allicin and diallyl. These sulfur mixes add to the sharp scent and in the meantime, make garlic an exceptional regular healer.

There are some who might oppose from using it in their everyday lives, despising its unconventional odor. Here are the 10 importance of garlic:


1. Improves Heart Health

Garlic is known to be one of the most important additives in one’s food as it not just improves one’s health but also improves one’s heart condition. Most people that use it as an additive in their foods escape from suffering from heart conditions and live healthy throughout their days, especially in their old age. As one takes garlic, it should be used daily although not in excessive amounts as it can also damage one’s joints, one is required to also do some exercises as he takes it.

Taking garlic improves one’s blood circulation in the heart and ensures that the heart lining is not damaged by making the tissues strong to Endeavour the pumping of the blood from the body to the heart through the blood vessels. Garlic also helps in slowing down the cholesterol level as it aids in the breaking down of excess fats in the body which ends up being sweat as they are excreted hence leading to one having a healthy body. The blood circulation of a person that takes foods containing garlic is far much better than that of a person that does not and the chances of him getting to suffer from heart disease are rare.

Garlic is the best additive as it gives one the morale to take the food as it is sweet and makes the food have a great aroma. In the heart, garlic plays a great role in slowing the development of arteriosclerosis which is known to effect to hardening of the arteries which leads to one being prompt to get a heart attack easily as a result of taking too much sugar and fats. Garlic also prevents one from suffering from stroke due to failure of functioning of some tissues as it ensures that the tissues are flexible and ready to absorb any sensitive factor that comes into contact with them.

For one to improve cardiovascular health and prevent the diseases that result due to heart failure one can use the following procedure take one or two crushed garlic daily in the morning, after doing that it is essential that you brush your teeth to avoid the irritating smell in your mouth. You can also take supplements of garlic and that is after consulting the doctor. Researchers have discovered that a standardized garlic powder is effective when one is required to take supplements.


2. Controls Hypertension

Researchers have shown that regular consumption of garlic also reduces one’s chances of getting to suffer from high blood pressure and other diseases especially a common disease known as systolic blood pressure which results from one failing to have enough antioxidant agents in her or his body. Garlic performs its function by acting as a vasodilator that increases the chances of one’s vessel opening wide during the pumping of the blood from the heart to the rest of the body at great pressure and enables the blood to flow smoothly throughout the entire process hence reducing the chance of one having struck or blood pressure.

It is advisable that people with blood pressure should eat raw garlic cloves daily on an empty stomach so as to enable the garlic to perform effectively and yield high results in reducing the number of times that one is affected by rising blood pressure and also reduces the need of one having to take artificial drugs that might lead to one being addicted to them or sometimes they fail to perform their function making the body suffer a great deal and might lead to an early death.

If one gets irritates by the taste of garlic, he or she can take milk after taking the garlic as it clears the traces of garlic taste on the tongue and is a natural drink without any chemical additives that might interfere with the performance of the garlic that you have consumed. Taking alcohol is not allowed during the period that one is using garlic as it worsens the conditions and kills the chances of one being able to yield results from the garlic paste that he or she has taken.

It is also advisable to take supplements if one cannot take garlic due to different reasons, these supplements should be taken strictly after seeking medical assistance from the doctors as different supplements that have been manufactured perform differently in people’s body and one’s body might not be able to withstand the effect of a certain supplement in his or her body. The procedure for making garlic paste is simple as another method is that you can add it in milk or water and drink it a few times a day, it is advisable to take the drink while it is still fresh as taking one that has lasted for more than a day might affect your body system.


3. Reduces Arthritis Pain

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in garlic help in reducing arthritis pain that results from one’s tissues not being able to withstand the friction that result from the tissues rubbing against each other. For centuries people have used garlic to escape from pain and joint inflammation asides from eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Garlic contains a compound known as sulforaphane that helps in the slowing of damage in the joint and arthritis pain. Garlic is discovered to be a member of the allium that includes onions too, they are discovered to contain a compound known as diallyl disulfide that helps in reducing the chances of one suffering from a disease known as arthritis pain, and it contains a compound that results in the reducing of the effect in the cartilage damaging enzymes.

Garlic fights inflammation and as a result, it reduces the result of one having inflammatory chronic-related disease. It is advisable not to take other chemical-related substances when using garlic like caffeine as it increases the rate of one’s joint weakening and therefore impairs the functioning of the garlic. Garlic does also contain a compound known as diallyl disulfide, this enzyme works in the body to ensure that limits the amount of cartilage-damaging enzymes.

People suffering from arthritis pain are advised to take garlic as an additive in their foods and to take it on an empty stomach mostly to ensure that the garlic performs effectively in the body. Regular exercise that does not include moving the body like running, jogging, or swimming is not advised, it is advisable to massage your joints smoothly after a few days while using garlic paste to rub around them so as to enable blood to circulate around the joints to be able to perform its functions again and to enable blood to circulate around it smoothly so that there can be reduced risk of one suffering from arthritis pain.

As usual, one is advised to take the garlic on an empty stomach as its performance might be disrupted when one takes food as it is not that strong on its own hence there is a need to consider the precaution. Taking garlic substitutes is also advised for persons that cannot withstand raw garlic, this should be done preferably after seeking doctor’s advice and being able to choose the right milligram dosage for the substitute you have been advised to take.


4. Boosts Immunity

The spice having vitamin C has greatly helped the people using it to boost their immunity, especially to the elderly and small children that the body is not strong to withstand the diseases that arise at their ages. Garlic also has minerals selenium and manganese that also helps in the boosting of the immune system. One does not have to worry about the need to take other artificial sources that contain them. When one has difficulties with the body’s absorption of minerals, the best solution is to take garlic as an additive in the food or to take it raw on its own.

Garlic has been able to strengthen the bodies’ defense; this is probably why most factories that produce food additives, beauty products and also medicinal drugs use it as one of the ingredients. For the mothers, they can use garlic when their infants are suffering from stuffy nose or cold or they are having chest problems, they simply make a concoction that has garlic as its main additive with milk and makes the infant drink it. This will help the baby’s nose be cleared and the chest will also be cleared from being congested therefore it will lead to the baby’s breathing problem disappearing without having to undergo a tiresome medical procedure.

It also has an antioxidant property that helps in reducing excess fats and sugars that might lead to one suffering from diabetes or obesity. This is done through the process of breaking down excess fats into glycogen that is used in the body and the rest is excreted, It is also advisable to do some exercises to make the body function properly and be able to pave way for a great immune system in the body.

Consumption of pure garlic has helped the body gain access to its antimicrobial property which helps in the fighting of unwanted microbes in the body and prevents one from suffering from fungal diseases like yeast infections. It strengthens the body’s ability to defend itself against any other unwanted diseases by improving its immune system; those people that care about their welfare should always consider the use of garlic for their immune system. Vitamin B6 that is present in the garlic is enough to help one from excessive bleeding as a result of lack of adequate platelets in the body as it helps in the production of the platelets in the required amount.


5. Treats Cough and Cold

Researchers have proved that garlic is a great antibiotic as it has antibiotic and antiviral properties that make it best for treatment of cold; garlic helps the body in the production of antibiotic hormones that prevent the body from producing pores internally as a result of inhalation of consumption of allergic substances. The antibiotic property aids the body’s to function by greatly improving the immune system and preventing the pores from being formed therefore leading to one not being attacked by cough or cold in the body as it also accelerates the sweat glands to produce sweat.

Garlic has a special taste that when a person suffering from cough taking a concoction that is prepared from it stops after taking it several times due to its antioxidant property as it opens up the breathing system and enables one to breathe in fresh air from the nostrils that is worm and therefore lead to one not getting cold or cough. The only requirement that one needs to make cold and cough disappear is to simply take a spoonful of raw garlic. The use of garlic simply provides decongestant effect, meanwhile, scientists have not been able to divide the components in the garlic so as to be able to access the different benefits differently, one just needs to take the whole raw garlic and it might even benefit one from gaining access from the whole garlic.

The procedure for making it is simply crushing fresh garlic then allowing the fresh garlic to gain some air and rest before using it. You can also opt to chop it by simply grinding it with your teeth if it will not irritate you. It, therefore, knocks out the cold and flu that affect your body daily in your life improving your health.

People that suffer from stomach problems are advised not to take raw garlic on an empty stomach as it may increase their chances of suffering from acid reflux and ulcers due to its high concentration in acidic properties. You can also use clove garlic by simply chopping them and putting them in between an apple slice to improve the taste of the garlic and to avoid using it with any other chemically concentrated stuff. Another method is the use of honey to prepare the concoction, especially for the children so that they can use it without causing problems as they consume it.


6. Fights Fungal Infection

Garlic has got an anti-fungal agent that can be used to ease fungal infection that results from one having infections due to having ringworms in his or her body, children that often experience the suffering from fungal infection as a result of lack of adequate hormones that cause the fighting of the fungi are required to take garlic paste when raw so that they can benefit from its effects. The anti-fungal agent in garlic has enabled people’s body system to be able to fight diseases that result in causing wounds on the skin’s surface.

People that are affected by Candida are also advised to use garlic so that they can reduce the itchiness that comes with it. Garlic also helps in the reduction of the production of excess proteins in the body so that if a person suffering from Candida has excess proteins in the body. Researchers have also been made and there has been discovered that garlic helps in reducing athletes’ foot infection that results from the foot’s excessive sweat and staying in dumb shoes for a long period of time. Its anti-oxidant property enables those that consume it to enable their skin to breathe frequently and exhale the excess sweat making the body free from infections, one is also advised to take a warm birth when infected with fungi infection to enable the body to breathe and prevent dirt that forms around the skin surface from becoming a wound.

People that are suffering from HIV/AIDS are advised not to use garlic as it results in impairing their antibiotics from not working instead they are advised to take supplements after consulting the doctor about it. A simple method to treat an infected wound is by applying garlic gel or garlic oil on the wound as you massage the ages of the wound smoothly to make the waste in the wound be excreted. Simply do this for a few days until the wound dries up completely. When dealing with affected areas in the mouth, simply apply garlic paste around it. You should always include raw garlic in your diet so that you do not kill the main components in it. Its antioxidant property makes the body to relax after taking a shower and then applying garlic on the body so that the body can ingest the components through the skin without any side effects.


7. Combats Allergies

There are several forms of allergies that occur from one body not being able to perform due to the availability of substances like fur, dust and cold in the surrounding. Some of the allergic diseases are asthma, sneezes, cough, sore throat and some people get to suffer from their skin forming rushes. This is often a result of the body’s immune system weakening on some certain antibiotic. Researches show that some allergies go away but some stay through the living period of the person. People that suffer from allergies result from the body’s immune system being weak to fight the properties.

Garlic reduces airway inflammation that occurs due to allergic rhinitis. It is advisable that people with allergies take raw garlic frequently when they have been attacked by the allergies, for the people that have rushes throughout their body they should apply raw garlic on the skin to make the rushes disappear. It is also medically advised that one should avoid taking in food substances that trigger hormonal imbalance in their body system so that they can make the use of garlic as a prevention to work effectively always. As one takes garlic to fight his or her allergies they should keep in mind that it acts as a blood thinner so they are supposed to seek medical assistance to know if they are not supposed to take them.

Garlic supplements should also be used after seeking medical assistance from experts. Those that are stung by allergic bees are required to apply garlic paste around their infected area immediately as it is known to contain basic fluids that in turn merge with the acids from the bee sting and neutralize it. People are entitled to take control of their breath after using garlic by brushing their teeth. Researches from medical institution show that some of the side effects of using garlic are the suffering from stomach upsets. Garlic also fights infections. Supplements from garlic are advisable to be used even though they do not work effectively like natural garlic. With all that in mind, it is better to come to a conclusion every day as you choose something to fight off your allergy that garlic is the best as it is among the rare spices that boost your immune system any time you use it. This is simply because it has vitamin C among its components and calcium.


8. Cures toothache

Toothache is the constant pain that arises as a result of one having weak tooth enamel around the jaws and might result in some teeth falling off and creating holes in it. This normally occurs when the teeth come into contact with hot substances or cold substances. The pain is usually severe and one cannot wish to be injected in the jaws to ease the pain as it is more painful. People tend to suffer most when they are trying to make their body rest during the night. When one goes to seek medical attention, it is difficult to know whether the pain is coming from the upper jaw or the lower jaw. Toothaches that result from the upper jaw can make one feel nauseous; the lower jaw pain affects the teeth extending to the parts of the ear, chick bones and forehead.

Use of garlic helps in the stopping of periodontal diseases that result from bacterial infection on the teeth and hard substances that support them. When your toothache persists for more than a day, it is advisable to use garlic paste by rubbing it with your finger around the affected area or if the symptoms do not go away and the pain persists, you should seek medical attention. The use of garlic only helps you to calm the nerves around the tooth, but it is highly advisable to see the doctor.

Garlic helps one to able to succumb diseases that arise as a result of periodontal abscess which leads to causing pores around the gum. Also, diseases like sinusitis are prevented as garlic contains anti-oxidant properties. Also during teething, babies can be able to succumb the pain that arises from the process by applying garlic paste around the enamel of the baby. If one does this to his baby he reduces the chances of the baby suffering from problems of teeth filing.

As for elderly people, the tooth need to be taken off if they cannot be cured to reduce the pain and suffering around the mouth enamel. After using the paste of garlic, one should brush the teeth to avoid the traces decaying and causing the teeth to ache even more and bad breath in the mouth. The anti-bacterial and analgesic properties in garlic are the ones that greatly improve the tooth from being relieved from decay.


9. Aids digestion

Digestive problems may be solved by daily inclusion of garlic in your food. This digestion problem may be caused by poor diet, side effects of some medicines and diet changes. Some of these digestion problems include ulcers, reflux and indigestion. Garlic helps in the normal functioning of both the small and the large intestines for the purpose of good digestion. This use of garlic was discovered over three thousand years ago. Garlic is known to be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-parasitic. This quality gives it the ability to tackle diarrhea, dysentery and even colitis. Raw garlic contains alliin which when chopped; minced or crushed joins alliinase to form allicin which gives the garlic its healing property. The garlic compound begins to work immediately after garlic enters the stomach as it dissolves almost immediately. It is then absorbed in the small intestines where it dissolves further. Garlic should be taken raw but if you are unable to take it raw then boil it a little because its healing power is reduced by heat. Garlic should be consumed in small amounts for large amounts of garlic intake may lead to severe stomach upsets. The best way of using garlic for digestion purposes is by adding it to your food during cooking.

For better results, garlic may also be used as spread on garlic avocado spread where the avocado is mashed with garlic cubes. Garlic for digestion may also be steeped in olive oil which can be used on foods as spreads, or dressing or can be added in other dishes. You can also go for garlic chaser, whereby, you put some garlic powder in your drink. Garlic protects the liver from harm as much as it triggers the liver to remove toxins from the body. Garlic is important as it triggers the mucous membrane of the uterus to prods mucus. This forms a stomach lining that prevents the gastric juices which have higher pH from corroding the stomach lining hence causing stomach upset and indigestion. Garlic has a natural sulfur component that confers not only a pungent smell and taste but also antioxidants that aid in digestion. Hence garlic is known to solve most digestive problems. Garlic also aids in dealing with intestinal gases due to its exemplary properties.


10. Inhibits cancer

To start with, cancer is a genetic disease containing super uncontrolled cell division. Garlic contains a lot of chemical components that are known and have been researched to protect against a lot of diseases including cancer, breast cancer and stomach cancer according to scientific findings can be prevented by garlic. Perhaps the health benefit of garlic can be traced back to photochemical which, during the extraction process are produced. This photochemical includes; ally cysteine and N-Alfa-fructose arginine. Gallic cultivated with selenium fertilizes natural garlic mostly prevents human cells from cancer development and spreading. Garlic in prevention and reduction of cancer cells is better option because unlike chemo which targets cancer tumor cells garlic targets the cancer stem cell.

Diallyl trisulfide commonly known by its abbreviation DATS is a byproduct of garlic that is metabolic and has been proven to inhibit the growth of the cells resulting from breast cancer in vitro and in vivo. ‘To control cancer, genes which promote cancer cell division must be completely done away with.

Allicin which is a product of garlic has been proven to contain growth-inhibitory properties for cancer cell. The allicin will fight the cancer cells that are present and inhibit others from growing or multiplying. Thus the presence of allicin in fresh garlic takes part in the altered morphology of cancer cells and growth reduction of the cancer cells.

The regular intake of Allium vegetables, garlic being in of them also helps in the control of cancer cells in the body. Some types of cancer that can be relieved by allium vegetables include the following; endometrial cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer, hepatic cancer and cancer of the pancreas.

In the treatment of skin, it has been found, through scientific research that the molecular mechanism of garlic which is derived from a component ally sulfides aids in the inhibition of the progression of skin cancer. Allyl induces endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria-mediated apoptosis including the capsize-dependent. Garlic especially deals with cancer of the lungs and cancer of the digestive system. For those with cancer history in their families, garlic is the best preventive medicine.

Other than the above-named importance, garlic has its own side effects. This is; bloating, stomach upset, bad breath, gas and digestion problems are some of the problems related with garlic. So when using garlic one should be very careful while using garlic. People on blood thinning medication should avoid using garlic because it may temper the functioning of the medication. People with HIV too should avoid using garlic for it may block the Human Immunodeficiency Virus drugs


Top 10 Home Remedies For Stuffy Nose

Stuffy nose is also known as nasal congestion is the increased removal of mucus and other nasal secretions. A stuffy nose may be pretty irritating for… Denis Courtney - January 24, 2017

Stuffy nose is also known as nasal congestion is the increased removal of mucus and other nasal secretions. A stuffy nose may be pretty irritating for people experiencing it. A stuffy nose may affect anybody of any age who is exposed to the factors that cause it as shown below.


Stuffy nose has various causes, these causes are; nasal polyps thus benign tumors in the nasal cavity, allergies, deviated septum, chemical exposure and environmental irritants. Long-time sinus infection may also be another legitimate cause of stuffy nose or nasal congestion. Nasal polyps are noncancerous growth in the nasal passages. This is normal tea drop-shaped growth. They are painless and they may lead to loss of sense of smell. Nasal polyps usually appear in the lining of the nose and frequently develop from the nasal sinuses. The symptoms of nasal polyps include trouble breathing through the nose, loss of the sense of test and more of the sense of smell not forgetting a runny nose. Deviated septum is a physical disorder of the nose. This is where the septum of the nose is swiftly shifted from its midline. it may be caused by chronic sinusitis.

The symptoms of this deviated septum are nasal congestion, frequent sinus infection and noisy breathing. These patients with deviated septum may also undergo frequent nose bleedings. Chemical exposure may be a result of irritating dust particles. It can affect any individual of any age or sex. Stuffy nose or nasal congestion may be caused by industrial gases and fumes, ammonia exposure and the smoke of tobacco whether active or passive.
Nasal congestions affect the sense of smell as it reduces it. The nose is a vital organ that processes and traps the air that passes through it on its way to the lung trapping dirty particles that go straight into the lungs, it should be taken care of often.

The nose filters the air we breathe and leaves it almost one hundred percent clear. So with the presence of nasal congestion in the nose, the nose may not be able to save its function which may lead to the effect on the lungs, a vital delicate and important organ of the body. The effect on any part of the lung may lead to the absorption of dirt particles into the bloodstream which may lead to a worsening situation or rather disease.

A stuffy nose may be difficult to prevent and so one has to stay away from the factors that cause it that have been indicated above. But if stuffy noses catch up with you there are some natural remedies one can resolve. One may use apple cider vinegar, which may resolve to steam inhalation, nasal irrigating as explained below, warm compress, cayenne pepper and garlic.

The following are the recommended home remedies for a stuffy nose:

1. Apple cider vinegar


Apple cider vinegar contains several organic properties that may heal sinus infections. Some of the natural proteins are; vitamin B1, B2, and E, potassium calcium and magnesium which helps to reduce allergy symptoms and clear sinus cavities. Apple cider vinegar should be taken orally, apple cider vinegar has high pH levels that when taken orally, it breaks up mucus and gets rid of sinus infections as it clears the airways. Apple cider vinegar also rinses the sinuses and dilutes the bacteria.

Apple cider vinegar also prevents the release and production of histamines as it acts as a natural antihistamine. Apple cider vinegar also relieves sinus pains as it has both basic and alkaline properties. Apple cider vinegar is also immune as it has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties.

There are many forms where apple cider vinegar may be applied so as to get satisfactory results. This includes apple cider vinegar direct consumption, where, you take one spoon of apple cider vinegar three times a day. This will cure the infection and prevent it from coming again. Breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women should avoid taking direct apple cider vinegar for it may harm the baby.

Apple cider vinegar nasal rinse. This method rinses the nasal sinus cavity and gives you relief almost immediately. For one to make this apple vinegar rinse, you need two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one cup of warm water. The ingredients are then mixed thoroughly. Then take one tablespoon on your palm and press one nostril with your figure, sniff the apple cider Vinegar in one go and then tilt your head to let it run down your nose. For the rinse always use raw apple cider vinegar that is unpasteurized.

One can also opt for apple cider vinegar spray. This thins the mucus and gives you instant relief too. To make the apple cider spray you will need five to six drops of apple cider vinegar, distilled water, and an empty nasal sprayer. Mix the water with the drops of apple cider vinegar, pour the mixture into the sprayer then sniff it. Use it almost three times a day. Apple cider vinegar and honey drink where you have to add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of honey and water to make the drink.

Apple cider vinegar has been in use by many people and its results have been the best for instant relief not only on stuffy nose but even for other medical issues.


2. Steam inhalation

Steam inhalation may be defined as a method of letting moist warm air into the lungs through the nose for therapeutic purposes. The nasal passages are moistened and softened by the steam thus clearing the blocked or congested nose. Steam inhalation is known to be highly effective in instantly relieving a stuffy or congested nose whether infused with herbs or plain steam. Working as a natural expectorant, steam inhalation works to clear this nasal cavity. There are three ways in which one may use steam as a stuffy nose remedy. For once, one can use a humidifier in their bedroom. Also, moisture from a hot shower with the door closed in the bathroom is also another remedy.

Inhaling the steam directly is another method where you can use steam to clear a stuffy nose. To prepare steam for inhalation you first have to boil water until hot in a small pan, peppermint or eucalyptus essential oil is then added to the water. This is optional. You may or may not use it. Cover your head with a towel holding it just above the head this is to avoid the steam from escaping and then lean over the pan with the water producing the steam. Breathe in and out slowly and inhale the steam. This should be done two to four times a day. If at any time during the steaming process you experience discomfort or a burning sensation, immediately, take off the towel and release the steam unless you feel relieved do not inhale the steam, on the persistence of the irritation, discontinue the treatment.

Pregnant women are not advised to use this method for it may affect the fetus in the womb. Children under the age of twelve years too should not use this method to radiate nasal congestion for it might affect them. People with central nervous system disorders, blood pressure, and heart conditions too should not use this method because it may be dangerous for their health.

Steam may also be used with essential oils to clear a stuffy nose. This is basil, eucalyptus, and pine. Steam may have its side effects for it may leave one with severe burns. This is especially in children. Here the usual occurrence is usually the overturning of the bowls leaving behind big scars that may be permanent the steam may also be harmful to the lungs. This is as the scientists have proven. Much as steam may serve as a remedy for a stuffy nose the user must be very careful when using it so as to avoid injuries and burns.


3. Nasal irrigation

Nasal irrigation is also known as nasal douche or nasal lavage. This is a homeopathic and yogic-based ancient technique. Nasal irrigation is a culture where the normal crudity is flushed. This is normally used to provide relief when it comes to allergies, colds and stuffy nose. This is a hygiene practice where excess mucus and nasal discharge are flushed off the nose. Nasal irrigation is done to clean the whole nasal cavity although the same methods used are not efficient enough to play the fiction to satisfaction. Nasal irrigation can be done using various rinsing devices.

These rinsing devices are a squeeze bottle, a battery-operated pulsed water device a net pot and a bulb syringe. one can use a saline solution which is equal to salt solution. Most people don’t use this method, the nasal irrigation method of dealing with a stuffy nose. Nasal irrigation thins out the mucus and helps break up the congestion in your nose. nasal irrigation also helps with inflammation where bacteria allergies and viruses which may cause allergy is removed.

Before using nasal irrigation one should ensure that his or her hands are washed with soap, cleaned and rinsed before holding the treated water to be used for irrigation. Cleaning and treatment of nasal irrigation devices should be mandatory. Before use, one should follow the manufactures instruction on the device before use.

Topical antibiotics and steroids is an examples of medication combined with saline irrigation. This is made to improve delivery into that nose. For safe and effective nasal irrigation hygiene is a major factor. One should ensure that the water source and the irrigation device used are both clean and that they cannot cause a more serious complication. The water used should be thoroughly sterilized and boiled or distilled because the water source may be contaminated. This is just for the effective use of irrigation.

Although nasal irrigation or nasal lavage as some people may refer to it is a better option in the treatment of a stuffy nose, it has its own disadvantages. This is; the water used may be infested by harmful microorganisms. This is not an exclusion to drinking water for it may not have been treated, infected or even filtered. This may lead to micro-organisms in the body that may go to the brain leading to severe brain disorder which causes inflammation and eventual destruction of the brain and its lining.

The safe type of water for nasal irrigation is boiled and cooled water and distilled or sterilized water. Tap water which is chlorinated is never safe for nasal irrigation.one has to be very careful when using this method to get rid of nasal congestion as it may lead to serious conditions.


4. Warm compress

A towel and warm water can also work the magic of getting rid of nasal congestion. This is how. A warm compress can be applied on the forehead, upper cheek or even the nose. This can help one to relieve nasal congestion by opening the nasal passages from the outside.

The congestion in the nose is reduced by the warmth in the warm compressor you are using. For better result, you can add salt to the hot water to form a salt solution and use it for the warm compress. The congestion is then cleared by the hypertonicity of the salt solution or saline formed. The compressor also provides comfort from any pain.

For one to make a compressor, one should soak a towel in a bowl of hot water. Then squeeze the excess water out of the towel. Then fold it and place it over your head, cheek or nose. Repeat this as often as it may be required. Meaning that as often as the towel may get colder. The towel should be hot in order to this the mucus in the nasal cavity. It may take a longer time or more rounds of reheating the towel you are using to compress. So you have to be patient to get the desired result.

One should also be extra careful while using the warm compressor because the water may overturn and burn causing an even long-term injury.


5. Cayenne pepper

For over nine thousand years, cayenne pepper has been used both for medication and flavoring purposes. This is according to Maryland medical Centre University, It is used for various purposes including topical and oral purposes.

It has capsaicin spices that have the capability to unclog a stuffy nose. This capsaicin normally dries up mucus in the nasal passages thereby making it easier to breathe. This decreases the puffiness feeling in the nose due to its anti-lavatory nature. A home remedy such as a steamy shower or an over-the-counter medication may be used as an alternative if recommended by a physician.

In order to prepare cayenne pepper for purposes of a stuffy nose, you need one-quarter of lemon juice and a quarter cup of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar. Mix these ingredients in a pot and allow it to simmer. While simmering, add a half teaspoon each of powdered ginger and cayenne pepper. Add two tablespoons of raw organic honey then mix thoroughly.

Another procedure you can use to make this cayenne paper is by adding one-half of cayenne pepper to a cup full of hot water and then sips it all through the day. You can also add the cayenne pepper or sprinkle it on your favorite meal.

Although using cayenne pepper may seem efficient in treating nasal congestion, it also has its own disadvantages. For instance, it may cause allergic reactions. An allergic reaction may be assumed but it may be very dangerous at some point, for instance, the cayenne reaction should be taken very seriously. A medical emergency should be considered quickly when a person experiences an allergic reaction due to the cayenne pepper. Some of the signs of this resulting from cayenne pepper include skin rashes, hives, itchy and swollen skin and finally tightness in the chest and the throat excessive consumption of cayenne pepper may cause damage to the kidney and the liver.

Breastfeeding mothers are advised not to consume cayenne pepper because it can affect some breastfeeding babies who may end up developing skin conditions after their mother’s consumption of cayenne pepper. This skin condition may end up being very serious and affecting the baby even in adulthood.

People suffering from peptic ulcers should shun using cayenne pepper because the capsaicin in the cayenne paper produces a lot of acids in the stomach which are very dangerous to the stomach. For instance, People suffering from asthma or blood thinning should avoid using cayenne pepper as it causes bleeding risks.


6. Garlic

Making you save a lot of money, garlic is cheap, readily available and the easiest remedy for healing nasal congestion. Garlic has many health benefits and It is also used for the stuffy nose and many other health, beauty and culinary issues This is a cheap method whereby one does not have to need a doctor’s appointment to acquire it or have an expert knowledge to use it.

Garlic has various properties that make it good or rather perfect for relieving stuffy nose and also nasal synapse and other nasal infections. Garlic is a natural antibiotic when used raw so this compound is very essential for curing sinus infection. Regular intake reduces inflammatory symptoms.

One can use various methods of garlic preparation in order to get rid of stuffy nose. One can make garlic oil for the stuffy nose. Garlic water is another form of garlic where you can use garlic for this purpose of treatment. Here, you need two garlic cloves, water, and salt. So; you remove the skin from the garlic, cut it into small cubes and place the small cubes of garlic in water. Allow it to boil then strain the water into a glass, add a pinch of salt and stir thoroughly. Skip the garlic water to relieve your nasal congestion.

Garlic juice is another way where garlic can be consumed to relieve one from stuffy nose. This is a more efficient method because the garlic used will still be in its fresh form. This garlic juice can be prepared at home following the following recipe. You need fresh and best garlic cloves, a plastic garlic peeler, a spatula, a coffee strainer muslin cloth and an airtight glass container. When you have the whole ingredients, skin the garlic as many as possible and place them in a blender, blend them finely to make a garlic puree. Place muslin clothes over a bowl and strain the garlic into the bowl. Or use a coffee strainer to strain it into the bowl. Transfer this puree into an airtight glass container and store in a refrigerator.


You can also opt for garlic with honey. What is needed here is five garlic cloves and honey. Blend the garlic, add honey in it and mash it to make a fine paste. Take this mixture as you like preferably before meals. Another method is by using a garlic inhaler which is made by using six raw garlic cloves and water. To make it water, you place the raw garlic cloves in water and allow it to soak for ten minutes. Remove in water and crush into a fine paste. Take the garlic paste and place it close to your nose and start inhaling.

Garlic with tomato juice is another recipe for making garlic for a stuffy nose. Here you need one tablespoon of chopped garlic, tomato juice, lemon juice, hot sauce and a hot saucepan. Take the saucepan and pour tomato juice in it and boil for a few minutes. Stir it well and allow it to boil for another few minutes. Pour this hot mixture into a glass and drink it to get relief.


7. Ginger

Ginger not only helps you to get rid of a stuffy nose but also helps you to get rid of colds and flu. It contains high anti-inflammatory staff that may help reduce congested nose problems.

Ginger also gives an immune to immune system. To make this ginger drink to do away with a stuffy nose you need to grate one ginger or slice it, put the ginger in two cups of water put it on fire and let the mixture simmer. Drink the warm ginger and eat the ginger slices. This will help clear the stuffy nose almost immediately. Ginger hanging roll is a natural anti- feretory that may be used to relieve a stuffy nose. Gingerly also suppresses the production of mucus giving relief to the mucous membrane.

You can also make ginger tea which is both appealing to the mouth and medicinal. This is often made with fresh ginger. This helps relieve the stuffy nose. Ginger has been proven to be the best self-prescribed medicine. It is also cheap because ginger is easily available at marketplaces all around the world. Ginger is very safe when taken in moderate amounts.

This is as compared to over-the-counter drugs and other methods of suppressing g stuffy nose. In the remaining ginger water, soak a clean piece of cloth and rinse the water, lie on an elevated pillow and apply the ginger to the nose and forehead by rubbing it on the areas. One can also just make a paste from ginger paste and honey to be taken three times a day.

Ginger also has its effect just as any good thing as its bad side. For once, ginger is laxative but mildly. Ginger tea may cause diarrhea if taken in large amounts. Ginger may cause low blood sugar as it is known to lower sugar level. Blood thinners, for those who are on blood thinning medication ginger tea, may also affect you.


8. Peppermint

For many years, peppermint has been a staple drug in people’s drug cabinets. Peppermint, as it is to be noted is far more concentrated and intense as compared to many other organic oils. It is a plant extract that contains menthol in the entire stem leaves and roots. Peppermint also contains antiviral antisepticise, antibacterial and carminative properties. There are recommended methods where peppermint may be taken as recommended by doctors worldwide. They are peppermint tea, inhalation, nasal ointments, and other topical ointments.

For colds and stuffy nose, you can have a menthol steam bath which soothes nasal congestion. When nasal congestion brings about a headache or even any pain, peppermint may be rubbed on the forehead as it relieves all muscle pains. Peppermint can also be rubbed on the chest as it reduces causes through its vaporization. But here one should use it very sparingly. One can also make peppermint tea which not only relieves nasal congestion but also heals stomach upsets. Peppermint is also great for treating nausea.
For more effective results, peppermint is used with eucalyptus oils and pine oils. This creates a steam birth that may soothe children’s nasal cavities.

This should be used very cautiously on children as it may abuse coughing from its pungent smell. This peppermint because of its intense menthol smell should be used in small quantities and mostly should be used by adults. This may be dropped on ten tongues and inhaled for more efficacy. Also, a few drops of peppermint on your handkerchief and sneezing may be as efficient.

Unless under the guidelines of a physician, peppermint oil is prohibited for pregnant women and children for it may bring adverse side effects to them. Death may be caused as a result of the Injection of peppermint. Peppermint may also bring about body ale although these reactions are usually very rare. Peppermint also should not be applied immediately to the nasal cavity of children because it might cause difficulty in breathing. Peppermint, as we have seen, is one of the best plants or essential oil that may be used to clear a stuffy nose as first as possible.


9. Massage therapy

This is a therapy applied on the face to induce the pressure points on the face in order to clear up a stuffed nose by increasing circulation to the affected area and thinning out the mucus. Here the index figure is used to apply pressure to the acupressure points in pairs for at least ten seconds at a time for each pair. A gentle pressure should be produced by slightly rotating your figures on the acupressure points.

The most affected areas when you have nasal congestion are the most affected area. Joints near the eye socket and the bridge of the nose should be massaged thoroughly to get effective results. More pressure, though, is created when these two points are massaged simultaneously. The facial massage will also get rid of the nasal congestion and the pain that may result from a stuffy nose.

Another place to massage for a better result is the skull base. This is done by holding your head and your thumb just behind your ears. Massage gently with your thumbs rotating behind the ear and the base of the skull until you feel better. This should d be a daily routine. Another place is above the upper breast and the collarbone. Stretch your hands to touch both this area and massage gently.

The thumb and the index figure is another acupressure point. Hold the joint between the index figure and the thumb and hard-press it. This may reduce the pain and nasal irritation as a result of nasal congestion.


10. Humidifier

A humidifier is an equipment is rather an appliance used to regulate humidity in a home. As we know humidity, whether high or low may come with its effects and discomfort, we need something to regulate it hence the humidifier.

A humidifier, for instance, may bring back the humidity level when it is dry. This is very vital because the air we breathe is too dry then the nasal mucus tends to dry hence leading to clogging of mucus leading to stuffy nose.

Humidifiers are used by most families in their homes to counteract dryness in the noses and to get more moisture in the air. Most are built it the central home where the air conditioners are stationed. Excess moisture may cause allergy as a result of an increase in the number of dirt mites in the homes. Humidifiers provide more humidity and moisture in the nose hence can help nasal congestion.

More methods of dealing with stuffy nose

There are several other methods other than the above-discussed that may be used to relieve a stuffy nose. Some of these methods are as efficient as possible and when used they give instant results. Below are some of the other methods that may be used. Chicken soup. As onions, ginger, and pepper are staples in chicken soup, it becomes one of the remedies for a stuffy nose.

Turmeric also used is rich in anti-inflammatory action. With a lot of spices used in its preparation, chicken soup definitely becomes one of the remedies that can be used to deal with a stuffy nose. For anyone addicted to smoking, this is one time you should consider putting your figurate down until you can feel better. Tobacco smoke and sudden temperature changes should also be avoided at a greater cost for they may affect the victim in a negative way. These are some of the aggravations that one must avoid when having a stuffy nose when or when not undergoing treatment. This is a cheap method where buy one does not have to need a doctor’s appointment to acquire it or have the expert and knowledge to use it.

Consumption of a lot of water is also very important when you have a stuffed nose. This will keep your body hydrated and may also break the nasal congestion and keep your throat moist. Sniffing mucus back into your head is also very dangerous to your health. Try to avoid it as much as possible. Instead of sniffing the mucus back to the head; gently blow it out into a peppermint-infused handkerchief.

Warm water and other soothing warm beverages should be taken in order to soothe and relax the head when you have a stuffy nose. Also, try to relieve nasal passages when congested by using a pillow thus sleeping with your head slightly elevated. Don’t sit back at home if natural remedies don’t work for you for more than three weeks. If it exceeds this period then go to see a doctor in the hospital. Only after consulting your doctor should you use medications recommended for allergy, antihistamine, and decongestant. Using this medication without the go-ahead of a medical physician may lead to a terrible outcome, much more than the irritation brought about by a stuffy nose. When you the first hit with a cold get a rest that is lying enough to soothe and relax your body.
