
20 Signs of Gluten Intolerance

4. Mood swings We can all be prone to irritability from time to time. It is something normal and it happens to all of us. However,… Simi - October 20, 2017

Gluten is a widespread name for proteins that can be usually found in wheat products. Barley, rye, oats and other kinds of grains contain gluten too. People who eat gluten-loaded foods can feel a plethora of symptoms. These can be described as allergic reactions. They will feel intolerance within the digestive tract and that can yield many intestinal inflammations. Small intestines can suffer as well. Problems like an unpleasant feeling in the stomach can easily become long-term damage. Since, for now, you can’t be tested for gluten intolerance, there is not much that you can do. One thing that helps is doing the test to rule out celiac disease.

During normal digestion, enzymes are in charge of breaking down the long strands of protein. The amino acid that gluten contains is named peptide. It can be absorbed and transported within the body for later use. Sometimes, the body will treat peptides as foreign bodies. Because of this, it will alarm the immune system which will attack the body. This can be a big problem and creates all sorts of health problems and symptoms.

One interesting thing is that many food items can hide its presence. Therefore, that makes it difficult to see the intolerance. To find traces of this compound, you have to start reading labels. In that way, you will be fully aware of the elements that are in that item. Watch for food additives, medications, and flavorings. Having knowledge of what you put in your body is crucial for your health. We’ve created a list of symptoms that can show you that you are gluten intolerant. Let’s take a look at some of them.

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1. Constant headaches

The cause of recurring migraines after finishing your meal can be a big sign that you should not ignore. Because we avoid dealing with it, this situation has become very common. We can’t find the right source of the pain so it keeps coming back. As we all know, listening to our body is crucial. By sending signals, it alerts us when something is wrong.

The reasons for your terrible migraines can be numerous. They can be induced by a lack of nutrients, eating food that we are allergic to or chemical exposure. As soon as we find the source of them, a solution will come faster. Usually, the biggest triggers are sugary foods, alcohol, dairy products, artificial sweeteners and processed meats. If you are eating a lot of these foods, then there may be your answer.

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To solve your problem, the first step that you have to do is to find the cause. Some of the chemicals that can activate your headache are found in processed foods. Your brain will trigger a neurochemical release and your migraines will be back. Therefore, to be sure that your body has all of the meaningful nutrients, laboratory testing should be done. Be aware that everyday stuff like shampoos, products for cleaning and perfumes can contribute to migraines as well.

The American Academy of Neurology hired researchers to do the study in 2001. The results are very much expected. Consuming gluten in your diet may be the answer to headaches. The solution doesn’t have to be medicating yourself. Miracles can happen with just a few everyday changes. Try consuming more vitamins and minerals. Not only will they contribute to the migraines fading away but they will also help with your overall health.

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2. Digestive problems

Gluten can affect our stomach more than anything else in our body. It will be the first to give you a sign when something Is off. As you continue to eat your trigger foods for gastrointestinal problems, symptoms of gluten intolerance will increase. Celiac disease can often be a cause of the problem with digestion. Nevertheless, choosing a gluten-free diet can be a good start in solving this disease.

If you decide to go to your doctor, tell him about your stomach problems right away. When he hears about this chief symptom, the gluten intolerance will be “busted” faster. However, it’s important to know the following sentence: “What is food to one man may be fierce poison to others.” That is what Lucretius said, and he had a point. Every one of us is different and we know the best to listen to what our body has to say.

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A study done in 2013 that was published in Gastroenterology Hepatology revealed some interesting facts. Gastrointestinal symptoms can be created by following the consumption of wheat in some people. Those people are usually suffering from celiac disease or allergies. Some of the symptoms are bloating, cramps, constipation, gas or even heartburn.

With that being said, try to simplify your diet. Be aware of what you put inside of your body. The moment when you experience a bad feeling in your stomach again, remember what you ate. That right there may be your main issue. By removing that certain food from your diet, your digestion will be much better. Problems with your stomach will remain in the past. Day by day, healthy-eating shelves are richer with gluten-free foods and options are becoming countless.

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3. Extreme exhaustion

Fatigue is a common symptom when we talk about gluten sensitivity. It’s the most annoying feeling and its tendency to stick around can be very excruciating too. Coping with this one is very challenging. It requires strong a body and mind at the same time. Therefore, realizing that you are extremely lethargic after your meal will give you food for thought. What triggers this feeling? How can I change it?

When our body doesn’t receive the right amount of nutrients, it will feel deprived and we will suffer many consequences. Too many carbohydrates can give us energy spikes but afterwards, comes the feeling of somnolence. Hormonal imbalance due to gluten sensitivity can yield some big changes in our bodies too.

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Sleep problems like insomnia and struggling with proper brain function can have an impact on fatigue. Brain fog can make things a lot more complicated than they seem and insomnia will make you feel even more lethargic. This inconvenient mix of symptoms is hard to surpass. Try to take a step back and look at things differently. Read your favorite book or make a hot bath to relax and breathe. Some exercise can come in handy, too. Just be careful not to overdo it.

There is no magic pill that will solve your problem. However, trying some of those examples to help you the next time you ingest gluten can ease the symptoms. Also, if you decide to take some time and visit your doctor, you can ask him to make you a personalized diet. It can be beneficial and your food sensitivity will become less difficult to handle. If your favorite food contains gluten, try to find a substitute for it.

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4. Mood swings

We can all be prone to irritability from time to time. It is something normal and it happens to all of us. However, extreme anxiety and anger issues can make us feel awful. They leave us with less control over ourselves. Losing friends and constantly arguing with others can’t be pleasant either.

People with gluten intolerance have a tendency towards mood swings more often. Feelings of depression and sadness can come to them in no time. Their immune system is affected by the gluten allergy and they have a difficult time dealing with it. Including some extra fruit or vegetables and avoiding gluten-loaded foods can play a major role. This way, you will enhance the ability of your body to fight diseases.

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There can be two reasons for these emotional rollercoasters: either your body is assaulting its tissues and yielding inflammations or the gluten is obstructing the absorption of nutrients. Many nutrients play a role in this process. One of the most prominent kinds of essential nutrients is amino acids. There is one particular amino acid that affects your mood – its name is tryptophan.

With a tryptophan deficiency due to gluten intolerance, relaxation is nearly impossible. This sort of stress builds up on top of previous stress. You are basically stressing out over being stressed out. A vicious circle due to a seemingly harmless protein.

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5. Dermatological problems

We’ve already covered the inflammation-causing properties of gluten. They don’t only affect the muscles and inner tissue. One prominent target of gluten allergy-related effects is, of course, the skin. Since it’s the biggest organ in the human body, it’s prone to suffer such symptoms. It’s no rarity that people allergic to gluten suffer from multiple skin conditions at once.

This deadly concoction of conditions stems from the very nature of your body’s reaction to gluten. When ingested, gluten doesn’t dissolve and instead causes inflammations of skin layers. When it latches onto the top skin layer, it can cause rashes, itching, blisters and severe redness. This is because the epidermis cells get damaged beyond repair. Your body doesn’t have the resources to produce new ones and your skin starts literally falling apart.

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Because gluten ravages your body entirely, it may also cause a vitamin A deficiency. This crucial micronutrient affects the quality of your hair and skin. A lack of it manifests itself through acne, psoriasis and several forms of eczema.

If you’re looking to improve your outer appearance, try removing gluten-based products from your diet. Even though you weren’t aware of it, they very well are the obstacle between you and the healthy skin you’ve always wanted. Of course, before making any dietary alterations, be sure to consult a doctor.

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6. Muscle pain due to fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is one of the most misunderstood conditions out there. This type of malady often leaves patients scared and unable to comprehend their current state. Fibromyalgia is the collective name for all types of muscle fiber-related chronic pain. It’s somewhat difficult to pinpoint, as it affects both muscle and connective tissue. Due to the prevalence of connective tissue, you may or may not feel pain in your bones too.

One recently discovered cause of fibromyalgia just maybe gluten intolerance. By ingesting gluten, you expose your body to what it deems an unknown substance. Therefore, it will send the full force of the immune system to attack it. This causes inflammation, which can affect nerves. Fibromyalgia is also said to be a change in the nervous system. Somehow, the synapses survive a shock and send messed-up signals to the brain. This creates confusion and disarray.

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During one prominent study, it was discovered that a non-celiac form of gluten sensitivity can be a cause of fibromyalgia. As we’ve said, the body treats gluten like an unknown substance and get ready to assault it. If you were to somehow cut down on gluten consumption, you will feel much better. Your muscles and joints won’t be under constant inflammation anymore. This will lead to improvement and an all-around better life for you.

If you have fibromyalgia, you may want to try eliminating gluten-based products. Gluten allergies can develop during the course of your life, for no apparent reason. By taking the necessary steps to combat this condition, you will ensure better muscle and connective tissue health. Negligence leads to further injuries.

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7. Dental problems

Our mouth is perhaps the hotspot for all kinds of occurrences in our bodies. We ingest food using it and make sure that our body is well fed and fueled up. Our teeth are at the gates of our body, which makes them sustainable in all kinds of conditions. When we’re having dental issues, we often tend to think cavities and similar problems are at large. However, there is one internal factor that may be causing all that.

Gluten sensitivity is still misunderstood after all these years. One part of our body that it affects is our teeth and dental health in general. If the body is intolerant to gluten, it will affect the state of your enamel. What is enamel, anyway? Enamel is one of four major tissues that form the body of your tooth. It’s the only visible one, too. Its role is to protect the body from acidic attacks and decay. Several proteins are responsible for its production. Now, we’ve arrived at the heart of the problem.

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If you suffer from gluten sensitivity, two proteins will be affected by it. Enamelin and amelogenin are a pair of proteins that have the responsibility of creating and regenerating enamel tissue. If you’re suffering from a gluten allergy, the production of enamelin and amelogenin will be severely hindered. This will lead to discolorations and problems within the enamel tissue. Because of this, it may become weaker and more sustainable to breakage.

Moreover, gluten sensitivity causes nutrient deficiencies to take place within your body. One such deficiency is hindered enamel health. By cutting out gluten, you will have healthy teeth again.

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8. A clouded mind

A gluten deficiency can be your greatest nemesis. Such a statement is valid because it doesn’t only attack your physical health. Your mental health will be affected by your intolerance to gluten. This condition is otherwise known as “mental fogginess”. It is characterized by a severe lack of focus and trouble staying concentrated. It’s a hazardous condition to have, as it can affect your day-to-day life.

What many people don’t know is that this cloudiness can indeed be caused by an intolerance to gluten. This condition can hinder the normal functionality of your brain and cause it to become less efficient in every way. Such a thing happens due to several mineral deficiencies within the human body. The most notable lacking minerals are vitamin D, iron, and folate. Because your gluten intolerance interferes with these minerals, you will be cognitively impaired.

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Of course, any type of cognitive problem requires an immediate visit to a doctor. The brain is still a big unknown to the medical community. Therefore, it’s best to act preemptively. You will be sent to a neurosurgeon for some tests. As we’ve said before, there is no test for gluten intolerance yet. Hence, it will be best to “test” your condition by removing any gluten products whatsoever.

Such a change may be a revolutionary step towards reaching ideal health. There are also many prominent nutritionists available for dietary consultations. If you’re having a hard time reforming your diet without gluten-based products, seek advice. You can experiment any way you like, as there are a million options out there. If you still notice symptoms of cloudiness, then maybe you haven’t been thorough enough.

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9. A sudden appearance of autoimmune diseases

When your body experiences gluten sensitivity, you tend to suffer from many nasty symptoms. Those that we’ve covered before were somewhat mild in comparison to this one. To repeat a previous fact, it’s important to know how the body treats gluten in case of intolerance. It immediately deems it a foreign body and tends to overreact to its presence. Instead of ignoring it like other nutrients, it sends an alarm to the immune system.

This creates conditions that we know of as autoimmune diseases. They are caused by the body attacking its own cells in a desperate attempt to preserve health and eradicate any presumed threat. Therefore, it’s of the utmost importance that you scan all possible factors that may lead to them. A good way to start is by conducting a little experiment. It should consist of gradually removing gluten from your diet.

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As you slowly remove such products, may or may not see your health improving. Now, there are many types of autoimmune diseases, 80 of them to be exact. Ones like lupus and multiple sclerosis aren’t surely caused by gluten. However, a person that already has MS or diabetes can see their symptoms get worse due to their gluten intolerance. Therefore, it’s best to play it safe and observe the signs that your body is sending.

Of course, it suffices to say that autoimmune diseases require an urgent visit to a medical expert. During your conversation, you should surely mention that you suspect a gluten allergy. You will then get tested for other parameters and subsequently sent to the nutritionist. There, you can safely cross all options off the list. A simple change in your diet can turn your whole life around in a matter of days.

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10. Frequent miscarriages and an inability to conceive

Everything about child conception and being pregnant is about hormones. They simply rule our organism and dictate the right functioning of everything. Usually, they are well-governed and need no assistance to be proficient. However, there are several disorders that may severely disturb the balance of our hormonal system. One such disorder is not really a disorder, but an intolerance to gluten.

There are documented cases where women simply cannot conceive a child, no matter what. Their ovaries are healthy and they don’t eat fast food nor abuse various substances. When tested, their husbands also had everything fine, including their sperm count. Doctors were simply stunned by the development of the situation. Many such cases didn’t involve only infertility, but miscarriages too.

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One time, a woman went to a nutritionist as her last resort. He suggested that there may be a possibility of gluten intolerance. She laughed it off and tried removing bread and all wheat products from her diet. This instance proved to be the deciding factor in transforming her life. Several studies followed, describing the effect of gluten on human hormones. The results were astonishing and many people found a solution.

Sometimes, if you’ve done all the necessary tests and there is no improvement, try removing gluten. A simple change in your diet may mean much more than you initially thought. Such an occurrence may very well prove to be the change you needed. Consulting with your gynecologist and nutritionist could turn your baby-related plans upside down. It’s important to state that no dietary changes should be made without professional advice. You wouldn’t want to mess up your health even further.

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11. Unexplained Weight Gain

One of the many side effects of celiac disease is unexplained weight gain. The gaining of weight might not be a direct result of gluten intolerance, but rather a side effect of a malfunctioning gut. Apart from the digestive system causing problems, the body also doesn’t take in all the nutrients found in the ingested food and before you know it, things spiral out of control.

People who are gluten intolerant poison their bodies without actually knowing it. As they consume gluten-rich foods, the inner lining of the small intestine starts to become inflamed. When the small intestine is inflamed, tiny fissures appear and bacteria and other food molecules escape into the bloodstream. These foreign molecules are seen as foreign substances in the bloodstream and the white blood cells start to attack the molecules, causing more inflammation.

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The biggest problem with gluten intolerance is that people are unaware that they have it and poison their bodies on a daily basis. The symptoms that only manifest 72 hours after ingestion also don’t help in the detection process. Thus, with time, the damage to the intestines is done repeatedly and inflammation spreads through the body. This makes for the perfect environment to pick up weight.

The easiest way to determine if it is gluten that is the cause of weight gain is by the process of illumination. If you gradually decrease or cut the gluten out of your diet, you detox your body of gluten. If your body weight starts to drop, chances are you are gluten intolerant. To be sure, however, you need to reintroduce the gluten-rich foods, one at a time. When you do this, you will be able to see if you gain weight again.

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12. Depression and Anxiety

It really is hard to think that food can influence your state of mind. There are certain foods that seem to lift a person’s spirits and others that seem to bring a person down. It just so happens that gluten can be a depression-inducing food, even though it might just be a secondary side effect.

Only one percent of people in the US have celiac disease, the most extreme form of gluten intolerance. There are a number of other people who live with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and these people can experience digestive problems that are related to depression and anxiety. Gluten is also a major allergen that can cause unwanted brain reactions.

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A study was done in 2014 where 22 people with non-celiac gluten sensitivity were given a gluten-free diet for three days. After three days, the gluten was worked out. They then received either a gluten-rich, whey rich or a placebo diet to follow for a further three days. The researchers assessed the candidates after the three-day period and calculated their depression scores. The candidates who received the gluten diet showed much higher depression scores than the candidates who had either the placebo or the whey diets. This strong correlation pointed towards how gluten could actually make you feel depressed.

Another study published in 2007 also showed that people with celiac disease were 80% more likely to suffer from depression than those who were gluten tolerant. The study was performed on 1400 candidates. Furthermore, a Swedish study that was done in 2011, showed that people who had celiac disease also had a higher risk of committing suicide. Although the correlation between gluten and depression might not be a direct correlation, the effects are still quite alarming. If you suffer from depression, you might want to consider cutting down on the gluten.

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13. Leg and arm numbness

One of the more surprising symptoms of gluten intolerance is peripheral neuropathy. This condition can manifest itself in a number of different ways, including numbness, tingling, burning and in some cases pain in the arms, legs, and feet. The condition is very common, but most doctors would not jump to gluten as the culprit to induce neuropathy.

The sensations associated with peripheral neuropathy are usually rooted in some form of nerve damage in the hands and feet. These symptoms generally start in your hands and feet due to the fact that neuropathy starts in the longer nerves. The sensation usually travels from the furthest point and works itself inward towards the body, hence the sensation traveling up your limbs. The number of nerves that are affected also differs from a single nerve to multiple nerves.

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When you are gluten intolerant, your body sometimes starts to produce anti-gluten antibodies. When these antibodies attack the gluten, it occasionally also causes nerve damage. A study was done where 215 patients were screened for axonal neuropathy and the results showed that none of the patients had any medical reason for the neuropathy.

However, when these candidates were tested to see if they were gluten intolerant, the study showed that 34% had high amounts of anti-gluten antibodies. Surprisingly enough, however, 80% of all the candidates showed that they had the celiac disease gene. A clear indication that there had to be a connection between neuropathy and gluten intolerance. According to the University of Chicago, it is actually quite common to show signs of neuropathy and not show any of the other gastrointestinal signs of gluten intolerance. Physicians recommend that you follow a gluten-free diet to alleviate and even remove any signs of neuropathy.

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14. Iron deficiency anemia

Anemia is a rather common condition that results from the decrease in size and number of the red bool cells, or the red pigment in the cells. Red blood cells are responsible for the transport of oxygen throughout the body, which means if you have a deficiency, you cannot transport enough oxygen to all the different parts of your body. The result is chronic fatigue due to the fact that oxygen is vital in changing the food we eat into energy.

Iron deficiency anemia goes hand-in-hand with anemia. Iron is a vital component of hemoglobin (the red pigment) to enable the transport of oxygen. The symptoms that accompany iron deficiency anemia are fatigue, irritability, headaches, brittle nails and a decreased appetite.

So what does gluten have to do with it?

As mentioned before, celiac disease can cause damage to the small intestine and restrict the absorption of iron. During the early stages of the disease, the upper two parts of the small intestine can get damaged. This is exactly where iron is mostly absorbed. When you receive iron deficiency treatment and don’t react positively to the treatment, the chances are that you have celiac disease.

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If you have been suffering from chronic anemia and medication has not alleviated the issue, it is recommended that you have yourself tested for celiac disease by your physician. The same can be said if you have been taking iron supplements and have not seen any improvements in your iron count.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, however. Once you have been diagnosed with celiac disease and you start with a gluten-free diet, you will notice a change in your energy levels seeing that your intestine begins to heal and absorbs more iron. However, this is not a sprint quick fix. You need to give the diet between 2-8 months to correct the imbalances that occurred.

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15. Canker sores

Canker sores are little lesions or sores that form around the gums, the inside of the cheeks and underneath the tongue. A person typically has one to six canker sores at a time and they usually last about 10 days. These pesky little sores are quite common and can be triggered by a number of things. They typically start to form between the ages of 10 and 20 and tend to resolve or fade away during a person’s 30s. These tiny ulcers can be quite painful and irritating, seeing that they are extremely sensitive and make eating a chore rather than a pleasure.

When these sores occur repeatedly, the condition is known as Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis, or RAS. Doctors wanted to find out if there was a correlation between gluten and RAS and found 247 patients who were screened with the IgA antibody test, IgA and IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase. Seven random patients that tested positive for at least one of the sets were then sent for further biopsies and the results showed that they had gluten-sensitive enteropathy.

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These seven patients did not respond to the normal canker sore medication and were, therefore, put on a glutted-free diet for six months. During that time, four out of the seven patients showed a remarkable reduction in canker sores. The researchers concluded that when a person is diagnosed with RAS, he should consult a physician and test for celiac disease.

Although canker sores only occur once or twice a year, they can become quite an inconvenience and it is worth going on a gluten-free diet a go if you are the stubborn type and don’t want to go to a physician. The worst thing that can happen is that you miss out on your favorite pastry for a while.

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16. Low Immunity

When your immune system is depressed, you seem to be sick all the time. At the slightest exposure to a germ, you’re the first one to get sick. A cold that won’t go away is a sign that your immune system isn’t happy. A functional immune system is essential to fight off the bacteria, viruses, and germs we come into contact with daily. Your immune system should fight these attackers off without you even knowing about it.

A depressed immune system is a few soldiers short of the army you need to ward off infection. If you’re gluten intolerant, your immunoglobin A (IgA) levels may be affected. These antibodies attack invaders that seek to infect the mucous membranes which line the airways, mouth, and digestive tract. A deficiency makes you prone to ear infections, sinus infections, colds, flu, ear infections, and pneumonia. It is the most common immunodeficiency disorder among Caucasians, with an incidence of about 1 in every 600.

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As long as you’re feeding your body gluten, your IgA levels won’t improve. The IgA in your body seems to want to fight off the gluten you’re eating. Your immune system perceives gluten to be a foreign body that must be repelled, just like a germ. IgA levels are depleted from this constant fight against gluten, leaving them unable to respond adequately to real threats.

That means one sneeze from a nearby commuter on the train will result in a visit to the doctor’s office for an infection that could be avoided. If you’re worried that your immune system is struggling to cope with the invaders around it, see your doctor. You can ask to be tested for gluten intolerance. A change in diet could see your IgA levels return to normal.

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17. ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that’s becoming more prevalent. It’s possible that the rise in reported cases is due to the far more accurate diagnosis. 30 years ago, a child displaying symptoms would have been dismissed as badly behaved. The parents would be sent away with a flea in their ear about their failure to instill discipline in their child.

Today, people know a lot more about ADHD. It is more frequently diagnosed. It has initially been treated using medications. There are still children and adults who take medication for ADHD today. Some complain that the medicine makes them feel sluggish. They say the drugs make them struggle to feel any emotion at all.

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Over the years, a new school of thought has emerged. One of its proponents is Dr. Ron Hoggan, Ed.D who wrote the book ‘Cereal Killers.’ He cites several studies that link the symptoms of ADHD to gluten intolerance. Instead of placing children on medication unnecessarily, he advocates first trying a gluten-free diet. He says, “The concept of drugging a child to facilitate learning is upsetting to me, especially when there is cause to suspect that, on the gluten-free diet, she may improve without intervention.

Recent studies suggest that up to 70-80% of patients diagnosed with ADHD have gluten sensitivity, intolerance, or allergy. This is because gluten interacts with the frontal and pre-frontal lobe of the brain. This part of the brain controls aspects such as the ability to plan and our short-term memories. These so-called ‘executive’ functions are impaired in a person with ADHD. That makes it logical to cut gluten out of the diet so that you can improve the ‘executive’ functioning of the brain.

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18. Hormone imbalance

In women, a hormone imbalance manifests itself with several symptoms. They include irregular periods, sudden weight gain or loss, listlessness, changes in sleeping patterns, and hot flashes. It can be extremely uncomfortable and have an impact on your quality of life. These are the same symptoms that appear during menopause when a woman’s body goes through a hormonal change.

Doctors are finding links between female hormones estrogen and progesterone and gluten. There seems to be a connection between consuming gluten and unstable hormones, according to the research. It is particularly prevalent during the perimenopausal stage. The reproductive system is changing. Hormones are being produced at much lower levels. There may be a sudden burst of activity, and more hormones are produced. All in all, it’s a time of fluctuation and change in the body. The stress and fatigue brought on by perimenopause can lead to overeating, irritability and weight gain.

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For a woman experiencing perimenopause with gluten intolerance, things are going to be more complicated. A gluten sensitivity indicates an adrenal hormone imbalance. The most important hormone secreted the cortisol. This is a hormone that is released when the body is feeling stress. With gluten intolerance, your body is secreting more cortisol. The adrenal glands become fatigued from continually producing and secreting cortisol.

Doctors recommend that women eliminate gluten from their diet as soon as menopause commences as a measure to control the fluctuation of the hormones in their bodies. If women start to experience these types of symptoms, they need to consult a doctor. They may not be entering menopause at all. The symptoms may be the simple result of gluten intolerance. This is very likely if the symptoms manifest in a woman well before she’s due to enter menopause.

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19. Vertigo

When people hear vertigo, they assume it means feeling dizzy and light-headed. In fact, it’s so much more than that. The dizziness you feel when you have vertigo comes from a dysfunctional inner ear balance system. A person experiencing an episode of vertigo will feel either as if the room is spinning or as if they are spinning. You don’t have to be standing to have an episode of vertigo. It can happen when you’re sitting down as well.

A vertigo spell can be brought on by an external factor such as a rocking motion which causes motion sickness. Or vertigo can be caused by an actual problem in the inner ear. Meniere’s Disease is a condition that causes severe, frequent cases of vertigo. Although there is not as much research on the matter as experts would like to see, some say that there is a link between Meniere’s Disease and gluten. Meniere’s Disease has no known treatment. Its sufferers experience chronic bouts of dizziness, some pressure in the ears, nausea, vomiting, and even migraines. They find themselves unable to stand or walk when a vertigo episode occurs. They lose their balance entirely and often fall.

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A small study conducted in 2012 showed that over half of the 58 subjects showed low-level to high-level gluten sensitivity. There is vast anecdotal evidence to suggest that sufferers have seen a radical improvement in their condition when they cut gluten out of their diet. They even report that they experienced relapses as soon as they ‘fell off the wagon’ from their gluten-free diet. As it stands, the connection between gluten and vertigo is suggestive and more tentative than conclusive. But it bears further investigation. If you experience spells of vertigo, it would be a good idea to ask your doctor if you can have your gluten sensitivity checked.

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20. Excessive hair loss

Alopecia areata is autoimmune hair loss. It affects both men and women. The condition is characterized by balding patches in circular shapes across the scalp. Other autoimmune hair loss conditions cause complete baldness. They can even result in the loss of all body hair. There is anecdotal evidence of a link between gluten intolerance and autoimmune alopecia. Patients have reported a vast improvement as soon as they cut gluten out of their diets. As soon as they start consuming gluten again, the autoimmune alopecia reappears.

Autoimmune alopecia is caused by a set of antibodies called gliadin antibodies. When you have a gluten intolerance, these antibodies kick into high gear, wanting to protect your body from this ‘foreign’ substance. Going above and beyond the call of duty, the antibodies go after other parts of the body, including the hair and hair follicles. In addition to autoimmune alopecia, gluten intolerance may cause your hair to become malnourished. The result will be excessive hair shedding. The reason for this goes right back to the digestive system.

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Our hair relies on vitamins and minerals to maintain its health and vitality. When you have a gluten intolerance, your digestive system struggles to absorb these essential compounds from the food you eat. In essence, a gluten intolerance ‘starves’ your hair of the nutrients it needs to survive.

Your hair needs regular doses of protein, iron, calcium, selenium, and Vitamins B and C to maintain the health of the hair follicles and strands. Gluten intolerance also causes inflammation in the scalp. This can cause damage and ultimately necrosis (death) of the part of the hair shaft that is attached to the scalp.
