
30 Natural Remedies for Allergy Relief

Minimalist décor Allergens lurk all over our homes. One of the places they are most prevalent is in your carpets. As lovely as carpets are, they… Simi - May 4, 2019

An allergy is described as the body’s immune response to a substance to which it is hypersensitive. The response to the presence of that substance is called an allergic reaction. The compound you’re allergic to is generally harmless; it’s just your body that is overly sensitive to it. That’s why one person’s body doesn’t react at all to freshly mown grass whereas another person’s body does. Everyday things people are allergic to include pollen, bee stings, medicines, dust mites, pet hair, eggs, seafood, and nuts. Some people have other rarer allergies. If you experience an allergic reaction, it’s imperative you find out what caused it. You need to avoid exposure to this substance as far as possible.

Allergic reactions vary in their nature. Some people experience common cold-like symptoms like sneezing, a runny nose, and coughing. Skin irritations like rashes and hives are routine responses. There are reactions that are far more severe and can cause shortness of breath or the swelling shut of the airway, known as anaphylaxis. If you suffer from an allergy that produces a life-threatening reaction, it’s advisable to wear a MedicAlert bracelet or necklace. Then medical professionals will know what caused it and how to treat it. Your information is loaded onto a database and is easily accessible. You might need to carry medicine for an allergic reaction such as an EpiPen. Here are some home remedies for some allergic reactions that will avoid a trip to the doctor.


The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin gives turmeric its unique yellow-brown color. Research is indicative of the fact that curcumin is an effective antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant. Its anti-inflammatory effects are most significant in fighting allergic reactions that include blocked sinuses and a runny nose. Turmeric is used in curry meals. That’s why after eating some curry, a sore throat may be eased, and a blocked nose feels better. Curcumin is also known to strengthen the immune system. An allergic reaction is an immune reaction that depletes your immune system. Replenishing your immune system is essential if you suffer frequent allergic reactions.

Animal research has shown the effectiveness of using turmeric in the treatment of allergic reactions like hay fever and rhinitis symptoms. Human studies conducted in 2016 indicated an approximately 70% decrease in symptoms among the subjects. For those who aren’t fans of curry or spicy foods in general, there’s good news. You can buy turmeric supplements at a pharmacy. Frequent doses of turmeric can help keep the symptoms of allergic responses at bay. Turmeric has many other health benefits including being good for your heart, helping to prevent cancer, and possibly treating Alzheimer’s disease.


Quercetin is a flavonol. Flavanols are antioxidants. The compound is found in fruits and vegetables like many other antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the incidences of oxidation in the cells. Known as oxidative stress, this process damages cells which makes them susceptible to infection. Quercetin is used to treat allergic rhinitis. This condition is usually characterized by a sore throat, runny or blocked nose, and postnasal drip. Quercetin works to alleviate these symptoms in two ways. First, quercetin stimulates the immune system. A functional immune system can better respond to the trigger provided by the allergen. Second, quercetin is an effective anti-inflammatory. It reduces the inflammation and swelling in the throat, nasal passages, and sinuses.

Some research into using quercetin to treat allergic rhinitis shows that it is effective. The results concluded that taking quercetin minimizes hay fever as well as an itchy nose. The alleviation of the symptoms helps sufferers to bounce back from an attack faster. It’s hard to get enough quercetin into your body through your daily diet. Allergy sufferers should use a quercetin supplement in addition to eating quercetin-rich foods. These include kale, berries, cilantro, sweet potatoes, and black tea. Even a glass of red wine is a good source of quercetin.


Spirulina is an algae substance. It is blue-green and regarded as one of the best dietary supplements around. Spirulina is rich in protein and vitamins. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and is a known immune system booster. Many people use spirulina in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is the result of an allergic reaction to substances like pet hair, dust, and pollen. Part of an allergic response is a rise in histamines in the body. They are released when the immune system is triggered by exposure to the allergen. Histamines are chemical compounds that cause the symptoms of the allergic reaction. Antihistamines can alleviate discomfort. Spirulina is a natural antihistamine.

Spirulina reduces the inflammation of the throat and nasal passages allergic rhinitis causes. As an antihistamine, it reduces the histamine levels which provides relief from sneezing and coughing. A lot more research on spirulina is needed. However, preliminary studies indicate that it is an effective treatment for allergic rhinitis. Spirulina is sold as a supplement at pharmacies. Supplements should be kept out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources as they reduce their effectiveness. Store spirulina in dry places as moisture is detrimental to its integrity.

Stinging nettle

The stinging nettle plant is found in Europe, Africa, and North America. The nettles have been used as an herbal remedy for various conditions for a couple of thousand years. The name stinging nettle is used for this plant as running the hairy nettles across the skin results in stinging sensation. The leaves and stems contain chemicals such as acetylcholine, histamine, and serotonin. These chemicals can cause skin irritation.

Stinging nettle is a potent anti-inflammatory. It also has antioxidant and analgesic properties which strengthen the immune system and provide pain relief. Stinging nettle has proven useful in the treatment of hay fever. It is regarded as an effective treatment for the itchy eyes, runny nose, and sneezing that an allergic rhinitis attack presents. More research into how and why it is a useful treatment for allergies needs to be undertaken. The most common way of using stinging nettle is brewing it as tea. The leaves can also be cooked much like one would cook spinach. The leaves and stem of the stinging nettle are the parts that are effective in allergy relief. The roots are used in the treatment of other conditions such as urinary problems.


The changing of the seasons is something a lot of allergy sufferers dread. It’s a time when they are most susceptible to attacks of conditions like allergic rhinitis. A proactive approach is best so that you prevent problems before they start. You might not be able to stop your allergy, but you can lessen a reaction or stop it in its tracks if you are prepared. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties which reduce the swelling of the nose, throat, and sinuses related to allergic rhinitis. Garlic also enhances the immune system to keep it functioning so it can ward off attacks from germs and bacteria as well as the allergen.

Garlic contains high doses of Vitamin C which is long-known to boost the immune system. One of garlic’s most effective allergy-fighting compounds is quercetin which reduces the number of histamines in the body. There are several ways to use garlic in the treatment of allergies. Adding it to the meals you cook is the first. You can also use garlic flakes or powder as a substitute for salt. A lot of people don’t like the taste of garlic. They can use garlic tablets as an alternative to fresh or dried garlic.


It might not seem like much of a remedy, but water is highly effective. One of the side effects of an allergic attack is dehydration. Becoming dehydrated only worsens matters. A lack of water can increase the levels of histamines in the body. The histamines drive the allergic reaction, intensifying it. Water is regarded as an essential part of surviving an allergic reaction. Many of the treatments for allergic rhinitis are decongestants. These medicines dry the system out to stop your nose and eyes from running. The drying out process decongestants triggers also removes fluids like water from the body. Replenishing them is essential.

A lack of water also means a lack of essential electrolytes like sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Regular tap water contains electrolytes. Store-bought electrolyte water and beverages may contain sugar which is only necessary during periods of high activity and exercise. Making a sugar-free version is better for maintaining hydration during illness. You can make electrolyte water when taking decongestants to make sure you’re replacing them. Here’s a quick recipe to use:

  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • ¼ cup lime juice
  • 1 ½ cups coconut water (unsweetened)
  • 2 cups of water


Saline irrigation of the nasal passages brings with it relief from the blocked nose that an allergic reaction may cause. Most prescribed or over-the-counter nasal sprays contain decongestants, steroids, or antihistamines which become dangerous if used over a protracted time. These nasal sprays can damage the nasal passages. It’s advised that patients establish how long the nasal spray should be used. Some are only to be used for a week at a time and others for several months. There is a tendency among patients who struggle with nasal congestion to overuse nasal sprays. Some have even reported that their bodies become dependent on the spray.

One type of spray you cannot overuse is saline nasal spray. It is drug-free and safe for people regardless of their age. The purpose of saline nasal irrigation is to thin out and dislodge mucus in the nose. Saline nasals sprays contain small quantities of salt combined with sterilized water. Best of all, you can make saline nasal spray at home. Mix three teaspoons of non-iodized salt and a teaspoon of baking soda. Put a teaspoon of this mixture into 8oz. of boiled and cooled water. Use a squirt bottle to administer the spray.

HEPA filters

HEPA is an abbreviation for high-efficiency particulate air. A HEPA filter is a mechanical air filter. It pushes air through a fine mesh. Harmful particles like pollen, pet hair, and dust mites are trapped in the mesh and prevented from getting into the air around the allergy sufferer. Most air purifiers contain a HEPA filter. An air purifier is portable, allowing the allergy sufferer to take it with them from room to room. The size of the air purifier and HEPA filter depends on the size of the room.

A small purifier won’t be able to trap all the particles in a big area. To guide the customer, they are advised to choose an air purifier for the room where they spend the most time. They should also consider which rooms contain the most particulates. For example, if pet hair is the problem, pets should not be allowed in the bedroom. Placing the air purifier in the rooms in which pets are allowed would be the obvious choice. A HEPA filter is not going to offer 100% results in clearing the air of allergens. It only cleans the air around it, not the rugs or furniture. These are common places where allergens lurk.


Bromelain is a natural antihistamine which makes it an essential part of treating an allergic reaction. High concentrations of this enzyme are found in pineapples. It is present in the juice and core of the fruit. Bromelain is effective in treating swelling as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is especially useful in reducing the swelling in the nose and throat which are characteristic of allergic rhinitis. Animal studies indicate that bromelain reduces one’s sensitivity to allergens as well as episodes of airway conditions such as allergic rhinitis. It can also help in the treatment of asthma. Bromelain also has analgesic properties which ease the discomfort allergic rhinitis causes.

It’s possible the allergy sufferers’ allergen is pineapple in which case bromelain should be avoided. For those who can use it, bromelain is available as a supplement in pharmacies. However, should they experience diarrhea and other stomach discomforts, they are advised to discontinue the use of bromelain immediately. The efficacy of bromelain is thought to be that it can stabilize the whole immune system. In doing so, bromelain is treating the cause of the allergic reaction which is an oversensitive immune system. Bromelain may, therefore, help to reduce the incidences of allergic reactions.


Acupuncture is a part of traditional Chinese medicine and has been used there for centuries. It is considered useful for the relief of certain chronic diseases and the pain they cause. A fear of needles will make acupuncture a less attractive alternative. That’s because acupuncture involves the insertion of needles into the skin at specific points. The treatment is thought to work because the needles restore the balance of the vital flow of blood. While most people may think that acupuncture is only good for alleviating pain and discomfort, that’s not all it can do. Acupuncture has a positive effect on the nervous and immune systems.

Acupuncture triggers the release and spread of substances that act on the body’s histamine, inflammatory, and immune responses. Several professionals have cited the success of acupuncture in the treatment of rhinitis. However, more work is needed in terms of research into the link between acupuncture and relief from allergic reactions. It seems that acupuncture cannot be used in isolation for the treatment of allergies. One study used a combination of acupuncture and antihistamines to treat allergies. Acupuncture is regarded as a safe treatment, and chronic allergy sufferers have nothing to lose by trying it.


Probiotics are microorganisms. Their function is to help the body maintain optimal levels of gut bacteria. But this is not the only thing they do. Probiotics are powerful immune boosters. They help to strengthen the body’s immune response. An allergic reaction is the body’s immune system trying to fight off an entirely benign substance. This substance is the allergen. Doing so depletes the immune system. When faced with bacteria, viruses, and other germs, the immune system is unable to operate at full capacity and fight them off. Working on keeping your immune system healthy has two benefits. First, your body can fight off opportunistic infections. Second, it’s possible with a healthy immune system to alter the response to the presence of allergens.

Living in a sterile environment makes you more prone to allergies. No exposure to bacteria is harmful to your health. There are good bacteria and bad bacteria. Zero bacterial exposure means that the body isn’t receiving the good bacteria it needs to maintain gut health. Not being exposed to any bacteria suppresses the immune response to harmless substances like pollen and pet hair. Probiotics are found in foods like yogurt. You can also buy probiotics in capsule form from your pharmacy.


Honey isn’t only one of nature’s tastiest sweeteners. This golden liquid has many medicinal benefits. Top-quality honey contains a lot of antioxidants which boost the immune system. It helps to heal wounds and burns. It also has benefits for skin and hair. Using honey can lower blood pressure and cholesterol as well as reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Honey is frequently used in cough syrups for children. It soothes an upper respiratory tract infection and the coughing the postnasal drip causes. Constant coughing interferes with sleep quality. A soothing honey drink can make sure everyone gets a good night’s sleep.

Allergic rhinitis mimics the symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection. It stands to reason that it can also ease the cough and throat clearing that a postnasal drip cause. Studies about the effects of honey on allergies are conflicting and unclear. There’s some reason to believe that the antioxidants help the immune system. As to whether they are specifically useful for allergic reactions, more information should be gathered. Many people swear by honey for their allergies. Skeptics say that’s because they want to believe that it works. Either way, honey is far healthier than any other sweetener and should be included in your diet.

Air conditioners

Most offices and many homes are equipped with air conditioners. For the allergy sufferer, an air conditioner can either be their best friend or their worst enemy. A lot of people genuinely feel that they’re allergic to the air conditioner. As soon as it’s switched on, they start coughing and sneezing, and their noses block up. You’ll be pleased to know that it’s not the air conditioner itself, it’s how the unit is maintained.

Air conditioners have filters that prevent pollen, dust mites, and pet hair from entering the room. The filters need to be cleaned and replaced regularly. An air conditioner cannot remove what is already in the air. If the person in the cubicle next to you comes in with pet dander on their person, the air conditioner won’t get rid of it. It might spread into your cubicle. Mold, mildew, and bacteria gather in an air conditioning unit if it isn’t maintained. That’s why it’s crucial to maintain your air conditioner at specified intervals. A well-looked-after air conditioner can prevent allergens from entering your airspace. It is also effective at drying out the moisture in the air which allows bacteria to breed.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. It is a potent antioxidant which powers the immune system. That’s why you were taught at school that Vitamin C prevents you from getting sick with colds and flu. Vitamin C is effective in combatting seasonal allergies. These allergic reactions occur in response to the presence of substances like pollen. The immune system overreacts when it’s exposed to such compounds and tries to fight them off. The result is allergic rhinitis which consists of coughing, sneezing, itchy eyes, and a runny or blocked nose.

Ascorbic acid is a natural antihistamine. Elevated histamine levels cause the symptoms of allergic rhinitis which is why an antihistamine is needed. Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant. It reduces the risk of damage to the cells, fights infection, and reduces the level of an allergic reaction. The body does not produce its own Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid comes from a healthy diet. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits are full of Vitamin C. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and contain high levels of Vitamin C, as do leafy green vegetables such as spinach and cabbage. Vitamin C supplements are easy to buy at your local pharmacy.

Peppermint oil

Essential oils should never be estimated in the fight against allergic reactions. They can treat the symptoms and boost the immune system. One of them is peppermint oil. Essential oils act as anti-inflammatories. They also function as detoxifiers, fighting off parasites, bacteria, and infections. Peppermint oil is used especially for its ability to clear blocked nasal passages and sinuses. It also provides relief from a scratchy throat. Peppermint oil acts as an expectorant, helping the body to expel phlegm and mucus.

Peppermint oil is one of the few essential oils that is fit for oral consumption. It is frequently added to candy and chewing gum. A lot of people’s preferred method of use of peppermint oil is in beverage form. One drop of peppermint essential oil added to a cup of warm water and combined with a spoonful of honey is very effective. This drink works for colds and flu as well as allergic rhinitis. Another way to use peppermint oil is to add a few drops to boiling water and inhale the steam. It clears up a blocked nose almost immediately. You can also mix it with a carrier oil like olive oil and rub it over your throat and chest.

Frankincense essential oil

Frankincense oil is another essential oil that can be used to combat allergic reactions. It is also known as olibanum and is often used as part of aromatherapy treatment. It comes from trees in the Boswellia family which are native to both Somalia, India, and Pakistan. Frankincense has links with many religions. One of the three wise men brought frankincense as a gift after the birth of Jesus according to the Bible. Frankincense oil has a unique aroma combining woody pine and lemon scents.

Frankincense oil reduces inflammation in the body by stalling the inflammatory process. This essential oil is very effective as an anti-inflammatory in the nasal passages which provides relief for allergic rhinitis. Frankincense is also able to give the user some relief from constant coughing. A drop of frankincense oil on a cloth can be used for inhaling or used in boiling water to inhale the steam. Alternatively, add a drop or two to a carrier oil and massage it into areas that are inflamed and painful, such as over the sinuses. It is also known as an immune enhancer that can destroy bacteria and viruses. It boosts the immune system to replenish it after an allergic reaction.


One of the easiest ways to prevent an allergic reaction is to wash yourself and the things you touch regularly. It’s possible to experience exposure to allergens wherever you go. If you don’t wash them off, you’ll keep carrying them around. A day outside in the spring sunshine after a long winter is most enjoyable. Bear in mind that you’re pollen home with you on your clothes, your skin, and in your hair. The best thing to do is to have a shower and wash your hair. Put the clothes you were wearing in the laundry basket. If you decide to go and sit on the couch first, you’ll leave traces of pollen behind that will come back to haunt you later.

While it’s not possible to eliminate allergens with frequent washing, you’ll reduce their presence in your home. This will lessen your chance of an allergic reaction. Linen and towels should also be washed often. Those who have a dust mite allergy are most affected by linen and towels overdue for a wash. Dust mites feed off dead skin cells. Your towels and bedclothes are the places where you’ll shed the most skin. They are the most likely place dust mites will congregate.

Clean air

Polluted air is hazardous for all people. However, for people with allergies, it poses an additional risk. The toxins in the air can trigger your allergic reactions or exacerbate them. Very few people in the world are fortunate enough to live in places where there is zero pollution in the air. The impact of human activity on the planet means that pollution is all around us. It travels long distances in the air. Most of the time, it’s invisible to the naked eye. That means you’re breathing it in without even knowing it.

In some cities, air pollution is so harmful that it becomes smoggy. Beijing and New Delhi often have huge much-publicized problems with smog. Many people become ill when the smog is bad. These are not the only cities that experience high smog levels. Cairo, Moscow, Mexico City, and Dhaka are other examples. Smog is full of dangerous toxic particles that cause many different illnesses including allergies. Allergy sufferers should minimize their contact with polluted air. While you cannot live in a plastic bubble for the rest of your life, you can take precautions. Wear a surgical mask when pollution conditions are adverse. It won’t give you 100% protection, but it will reduce your exposure.

Peppermint tea

Peppermint is a mix of watermint and spearmint. Peppermint has been used as an herbal treatment for hundreds of years. The leaves of the peppermint plant contain more than one essential oil. Among the oils in peppermint are menthol, limonene, and menthone. Menthol is responsible for the minty taste we associate with peppermint. Peppermint tea can alleviate the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. A blocked nose, sore throat, and itchy eyes all benefit from a cup of peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is a decongestant which opens up blocked nasal passages and sinuses. As an anti-inflammatory, peppermint tea can relieve swelling and irritation to the throat and nose during an allergic reaction.

Peppermint has antibacterial and antiviral properties, making it useful in preventing infections. The mucus from allergic rhinitis is infected easily. The immune system struggles to cope with allergic reactions and is susceptible to infection by bacteria and viruses. It needs a boost to prevent infections which peppermint tea provides. In addition to its delicious taste, simply inhaling the steam from a cup of peppermint tea already makes you feel better. The tea is best enjoyed as is, although some people add a drop or two of honey to sweeten it.


Never underestimate the power of condensed water. Steam is the result of the conversion of water from its liquid state to a gas state. The use of steam for medicinal purposes has been around for hundreds of years. Inhaling water vapor has several benefits for the body. One of them is in the treatment of mucus buildup such as occurs during an episode of allergic rhinitis. Steam loosens the mucus and soothes inflamed nasal passages. Steam therapy won’t solve the problem of the allergy, but it will bring instant relief from the symptoms. These include pain from headaches and throat irritation. Steam also relieves coughs and congested airways.

Steam is very dangerous and can burn the skin severely. Exercise caution when working with steam. Place boiling water in a bowl. Cover your head from the back with a towel. Lower your head toward the bowl. Stay about 10 inches away from the hot water. Inhale the steam through your nose. Aim for deep, slow inhalations. Steam therapy should take 2-5 minutes. Ten minutes is the accepted maximum. Instead of one extended period of steam inhalation, repeat the practice for shorter periods two or three times a day.

Pet hygiene

Pets have a way of creeping into our hearts and becoming members of the family. However, their dander may prove to be an allergen. By the time you figure it out, Fido is already your fur baby, and there’s no way you can part with him. But you do need to do something to limit how sick your pets make you. Pet fur and feathers aren’t the actual cause of allergic reactions. Pets leave dander behind wherever they go. Dander is minute skin particles shed by furry and feathery friends. Some pets shed more dander than others. Bear in mind that dander in the fur and feathers are not the only allergens present in pets. Their saliva and urine can also cause allergic reactions.

Keep your pets clean by bathing them frequently. Keep their living quarters clean. Cages for birds and rodents and rabbit hutches need to be cleaned regularly. Wash your cat or dog’s bedding when you bathe them. Clean the surfaces your pets are allowed on such as the couch or your bed. If you have a pet allergy, it’s best not to permit pets on your furniture as this increases your exposure to an allergic reaction.

Minimalist décor

Allergens lurk all over our homes. One of the places they are most prevalent is in your carpets. As lovely as carpets are, they are a breeding ground for allergens. Dead skin cells from our bodies fall between the carpet fibers, attracting dust mites. Pollens fall from our clothes and shoes deep into a carpet. Vigorous sweeping and vacuuming may remove some of them, but many will linger behind. The best and easiest solution is to remove carpets from your home environment. Wooden or tiled floors are easier to rid of the allergens that make you sick. Mopping is far more effective at removing allergens than sweeping or vacuuming.

Having loose rugs is a solution if you feel you cannot go without carpets at all. They are much easier to keep clean as they can be taken outside to have the dust mites and pollen beaten out of them. If you can’t do without carpets, then they need regular steam cleaning. This is the best way to rid carpets of allergens. It’s time-consuming, and the costs pile up if you hire someone to do it. Save that money and the money you pay for endless doctor’s visits by keeping your home carpet-free.


Wasabi is an integral part of Japanese cuisine. This green condiment is fiery hot and served with many Japanese foods such as sushi. The wasabi plant is commonly known as the Japanese horseradish. It is so powerful that a smattering will clear your sinuses up in seconds. Wasabi is different from the capsaicin in chili peppers. Capsaicin causes a burning sensation on the tongue. Wasabi releases vapor into the nasal passages. The burning is a short-lived sensation and soon wears off. Wasabi contains allyl isothiocyanates. These compounds help get mucus in the body flowing.

Allergic rhinitis causes an overflow of mucus in the body. There is mucus in the throat which forms a postnasal drip. There is also mucus in the nasal passages. Expelling the mucus from the body helps you to overcome an allergy attack. Wasabi has antibacterial properties to ward off the potential infection allergic rhinitis can cause. As an anti-inflammatory, wasabi can ease the swelling of the nasal cavities and sinuses. You needn’t like the taste of wasabi to make the most of its allergy-relieving properties. Most pharmacies sell capsules containing freeze-dried wasabi extract. Studies into why and how wasabi can help to reduce the symptoms of allergies are ongoing.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has so many health benefits; it should come as no surprise that it might also help with allergies. Apple cider vinegar has been around for a long time, and many allergy sufferers swear by it. This powerful product is made by putting crushed apples and yeast together. This process ferments the apples and produces alcohol. Next, bacteria are added to the alcohol, and it further ferments. The alcohol is converted into acetic acid, which is the active ingredient of apple cider vinegar. One of the reasons apple cider vinegar could help with allergic reactions is that it has anti-inflammatory properties. Apple cider vinegar contains antioxidants which are necessary for immune system functionality.

Apple cider vinegar is believed to help curb the effects of seasonal allergies. It contains healthy bacteria which promote the strength of the immune system. It also ensures healthy lymphatic drainage which can help with mucus management. Drinking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in a glass of water around season changes can keep allergic reactions at bay. If you’re not a fan of the acidic taste of apple cider vinegar, you can get it in capsule form from your local pharmacy or health store.

Red onion water

All onions are rich in quercetin which is a powerful natural antihistamine. Quercetin is a flavonoid that neutralizes free radicals because it contains high levels of antioxidants. Free radicals damage healthy cells and cause illness. Quercetin affects the production of histamines in the body in response to exposure to an allergen. Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory, and it helps to reduce the swelling caused by a bout of allergic rhinitis.

Red onions contain high concentrations of quercetin. Instead of eating them as they are, many people prefer to soak them in water which they then drink. To make a red onion drink, you need one red onion, four cups of water, and a little honey to taste. Add thin slices of red onion to the water. Give it about 12 hours to soak. Drink a glass of this mixture twice a day. When you pour a glass of red onion water, add a little honey as a natural sweetener. Red onion water provides decongestant relief. It opens up your airways and nasal passages, allowing you to breathe more easily. Vitamin C levels in red onions are substantial. Ascorbic acid boosts the immune system and reduces the body’s response to the presence of an allergen.


Eucalyptus oil is an essential oil that is effective in combatting the effects of an allergic reaction. The inhalation of essential oils is called aromatherapy. Your sense of smell is stimulated, and the inhaled essential oils enter the body and begin to heal it. It is also possible to apply oils to your skin. You might choose to put a few drops of essential oils into your bath water. Alternatively, a few drops mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil can be massaged into your skin. You should never apply undiluted essential oils to your skin.

Eucalyptus oil is very soothing if you are experiencing the congestion that allergic rhinitis causes. It is an anti-inflammatory which opens up your airways, brings down swelling, and reduces the discomfort it causes. Eucalyptus oil is perfect for inhaling. You can add a drop or two to boiling water and inhale the steam. Add a drop or two of eucalyptus oil to some water in a spray bottle. Diffusing the oil into the air is an effective way of getting it into your system. Rubbing eucalyptus oil diluted in a carrier oil into the skin around your throat and chest provides relief for congestion.

Olive leaf extract

The Mediterranean diet is world-renowned for its health benefits. It has been positively linked to general health, well-being, and longevity. Olives are an essential part of the Mediterranean diet. Not only are the olives themselves good for you, but the leaves also have many health properties. The compound in olive oil that makes it so healthy is oleuropein. It is also responsible for the distinctive flavor of olives. Olive leaves contain more oleuropein than olive oil does. Oleuropein is a plant compound that fits into the polyphenols’ categories. Polyphenols are powerful antioxidants. They can detect and destroy free radicals.

Free radicals are dangerous compounds that attack the muscle and tissue cells, damaging them in the process. Olive leaf extract is antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial. This means that olive leaf extract can help the body resist infection which could happen during an allergic rhinitis attack. It is also rich in antioxidants. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Gargling with olive leaf tea is known to ease a sore throat. Olive leaf extract comes in capsule and liquid forms. Many think the liquid is more effective, but the capsules have a more regulated dosage. For the full benefit, capsules should contain 18-25% oleuropein.

Sea salt

Sea salt is an effective homeopathic remedy for allergies. Salt and water are individually effective in the treatment of allergic reactions. Together they create an allergy-busting powerhouse. Salt comes from one of two sources. It is mined from salt deposits on earth. Alternatively, it comes from evaporated seawater. Sea salt is an immune booster. It feeds the adrenal glands which allow the body to recover quickly and prevent illness. The minerals in sea salt are linked to the elimination of increased mucus levels and the easing of nasal passage congestion. Sea salt has alkalizing properties. Higher alkaline levels reduce inflammation in the nose and throat.

When selecting the best sea salt to use in the treatment of allergies, unprocessed and unrefined sea salt is the most effective. Processed, refined sea salt is subject to the loss of many of its essential nutrients. Chemicals are used in the process as well which could cause more irritation to the allergy sufferer. The best way to ingest sea salt for the treatment of allergies is to drink it. Mix half a teaspoon of sea salt with ten glasses of water. Allow the salt to dissolve fully. Drink the solution slowly during the day.


Butterbur comes from a shrub that grows in North America, Asia, and Europe. The name butterbur came about because the large leaves of the plant were used to wrap butter to prevent it from going rancid. There is currently a lot of research into the properties of butterbur and why it can help to alleviate allergies. It seems that butterbur is useful in the treatment of nasal allergies such as allergic rhinitis and hay fever. In one study, taking butterbur reduced the number of histamines in the body. Higher levels of histamines cause the symptoms of an allergic reaction and prolong it.

Butterbur is a leukotriene inhibitor. When your body is exposed to an allergen, it releases leukotriene. This substance is inflammatory and causes swelling and pain. By blocking the release of leukotriene, butterbur prevents an allergic reaction or makes it far less severe. Butterbur capsules can be useful in the fight against allergies. Unlike many other natural remedies, processed butterbur is better than unprocessed butterbur. Unprocessed butterbur contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which could cause liver damage. Check that a butterbur product is labeled PA-free. Follow the recommended dose for no longer than 12-16 weeks. The effects of long-term use are not yet apparent.

Measures against mold

Mold is a common allergen. Mold is a type of fungus that can grow anywhere. When mold is touched or dislodged, it releases spores into the air. The inhalation of these spores can cause allergic reactions. The symptoms of a mold allergy are similar to other allergic reactions. Signs include sneezing, itching skin and eyes, congestion, and a runny nose. Your skin will also become very dry and scaly. Outdoor mold cannot be avoided. Allergic reactions to outdoor mold tend to be seasonal. The best you can do is be careful about how much time you spend outside when mold counts are high. A dust mask is helpful when doing garden work which might dislodge mold spores.

Indoor mold causes year-round allergic responses. In serious cases, a mold allergy can lead to allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis which has symptoms much like asthma. Mold thrives in moist conditions. A careful inspection of your home can identify areas where mold forms. Mold growth is discouraged if you reduce the indoor humidity of your home. Use an exhaust fan or open a window every time you are introducing moisture into the air. This includes bathing, showering, and washing dishes. You should clean areas where mold is evident aggressively.

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