Whether you are feasting on fine dining or eating in the comfort of your own home, you want to be able to enjoy your meal with no consequences. We aren’t talking about consequences such as extra calories or high sodium content or super spicy foods, either—nay. We’re talking about something that is much scarier and much less predictable than any of those things. It’s not something you expect to have to deal with, especially if you go out to a fancy restaurant or even a small Mom and Pop diner, but it can and does happen to a few. For those of you who have had it before, you know exactly what we are talking about. We’re talking about food poisoning.
Where it feels like your delicious meal is now trying to kill you and dying from the inside. Some get it worse than others, but it’s definitely not a competition. For those who have never experienced the wonderful joys of food poisoning before, consider yourselves lucky. Because you never know when it may strike, you always just hope it’s not at the place you are eating at. Remember, don’t eat food that looks or smells questionable, and just toss it out if you’re not sure when it was put into the refrigerator. It’s not worth taking a chance.

Now, that is what you call good service.
“Wearing an all-white outfit, dinner date with my future husband. I started feeling a little funny at the end of our nice dinner, so I excused myself to the bathroom. Five minutes later, I was convulsing on the floor covered in vomit and s@#%. I couldn’t even cry or scream to let anyone know I was in trouble. Yeah, Linda Blair had nothing on me that night. After what was probably ten minutes, my then-boyfriend got worried and asked a female waitress to check on me. She came in, found me on the ground, went out, and got someone to call 9-1-1. Then she came back to me with a couple of table cloths, wrapped me up, and she and several staff rushed me out the back to the EMTs who had just pulled up.
“I’d stopped at a little roadside café a couple of hours before the dinner to grab a quick snack since I’d missed lunch working on a big project earlier that day. It was the culprit since two other people ended up in the ER with the same thing that night. And that little café was the common denominator for all of us. I know it shut down after that, but I’m not sure why or what they found. And I don’t want to know. Bonus: the restaurant, the nice one, offered me free food any time I wanted it because they felt so horrible about what had happened to me. I should have taken them up on it, but honestly, I couldn’t bring myself to go back after that night. I did send a nice little bonus to the waitress, though. She totally earned that hazard pay.”

Having food poisoning with nowhere else to turn.
“I went to A&W to grab a Chubby Chicken burger. However, I only had a 15-minute break, and it was 5 minutes until the chicken would even be close to ready, so I ordered a Teen Burger instead. The next day I was at my university, and something just did NOT feel right… I knew I was going to throw up. And I put my stuff down to bend over to vomit. However, as I’m heaving, I realize my pants are filling with crap. Yes, both ways. Same time. I stopped throwing up for a minute and had to make a choice. S@#% on the ground, and vomit in the toilet. Or s@#% in the toilet, and vomit on the ground. I chose the latter. … I’m on my cell to my sister that I need help and something was seriously wrong.”
Lfslshlps continues, “She told me she was going to come to get me. While waiting, I cleaned my pants the best I could, covered the crap stain with my bag (the smell was pretty strong, so it was pointless), and met her. She brought me a change of clothes, and we disposed of the old stuff (I apologize to whoever had to empty that trash can). I went to the doctor and had to get an anti-nausea shot in my hip. I was on bed rest for two weeks (unless I was running to dual-shock my washroom), couldn’t eat anything, really. It turns out the tomato from my Teen Burger was sliced on the same part of the counter the raw burgers sit. I didn’t eat a tomato for four years, didn’t eat at A&W for seven year …”