
10 Anti-Allergy Superfoods To Say “Bye-Bye” To Allergies

8. Ginger Ginger is yet another strong flavorant that holds many benefits. This tiny little root plant is absolutely loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Only… Simi - November 19, 2017

Most of us have them, we definitely never asked for them, even when we lead healthy lifestyles they still seem to find a way to pester us. Yup, you guessed it, allergies.

But what are allergies? What causes them, and why doesn’t everybody have the same allergic reactions? The answer is rather personal in a sense, yet it isn’t something that we have much control over. Allergies are in a way, hostile reactions of your body’s immune system to normal or non-poisonous substances that do not necessarily affect other people in the same way.

To put it another way, most of us are fussy about the food that we eat. There is almost always something that we don’t like, be it because of texture, taste or just the thought of the food’s origin. Yet, this fussiness is a personal choice. Allergies are much the same, except we are not the ones who choose what to be fussy about, our immune systems are. These biological internal mechanisms have a predisposition as to what they like and dislike and we don’t have much say in the matter, we just have to live with it, or do we?

It seems rather unfair that we are the victims of our own body’s fussy tendencies. More than that, allergies aren’t just associated with food. The most common allergies include seasonal allergies, animal allergies, latex allergies, food allergies and drug allergies. So how do we combat these unfair and uncalled for reactions of our bodies?

There are a number of different ways to combat allergies, but I can think of no better way than to conquer the unwanted irritation with something that we can enjoy in the process. Let us then look at 10 superfoods that help combat and alleviate allergies.


1. Apples

We all know the time-old saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. As time goes by and research is improved, this saying carries more weight than you might think. Studies done all over the world have revealed that apples have the power to prevent or minimize the risk of strokes and reduce bad cholesterol levels. In another study, it was found that the participants who ate an apple a day, consumed fewer prescription drugs.

Recently, the apple’s repertoire of home medicinal or functional dietary uses increased even further. It was found that people who regularly consumed apples had greater resistance to allergies and were less likely to have asthma. This is because apples contain a little chemical called quercetin which has anti-inflammatory properties. The skin of an apple in particular is packed with antioxidants which reduce cellular damage rates.

Another study found that the children of pregnant woman who ate apples on a regular basis reduced were less likely to develop asthma. The researchers observed and compared the diet and eating habits of women who included regular apple consumption to women who did not eat apples regularly. The study found that the children of the moms who did not eat apples regularly, were more likely to develop diagnosed asthma.

This translates into very good news for people who have respiratory allergies that range from severe asthma to mild coughing or respiratory infections. There seems to be a direct correlation between the health of your respiratory system and the amount of apples you consume. If you are prone to respiratory allergic reactions, including apples in your daily diet is definitely worth a shot.


2. Turmeric

As the saying goes, dynamite comes in small packages. This is no different for this little herbaceous plant. Turmeric is part of the ginger family and adds some amazing flavor to food. Apart from being tasty, it is also very rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that help fight off allergies.

The magic ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin which basically blocks mast cells from releasing histamine. Normally, mast cells are rather important as they play a key role in the healing of wounds and defending against pathogens. However, these cells also have a dark side and when provoked, they cause all kinds of allergic mayhem in our bodies. When they are too easily activated or overproduced by the body, they become responsible for a fair number of allergic reactions, but mostly respiratory and skin allergies.

If spring is a season you dread because of the hay fever, itchy eyes, runny nose and constant sneezing, you might be a victim of overstimulated mast cells. The over-release of their histamines cause increased mucous production and causes you to feel like a wilted flower. The only thing left to do is to fight back and block those mast cells from spoiling your day.

Turmeric is not like an apple, however. Unfortunately, it requires some preparation to incorporate into your daily allergy diet. There are a number of different ways to use the plant. By far the easiest recipe is just mixing a teaspoon of turmeric with a glass of milk, but it is also probably the least appetizing. To really treat yourself, you need to brush up on your eastern cuisine, seeing that turmeric is the main ingredient in many eastern dishes.


3. Garlic

Legend has it that this famous little plant has the power to kill a vampire. It most certainly has the power to repel people if you were the only one who consumed some of it. However, garlic is truly an amazing little plant and apart from being a popular flavoring ingredient in many dishes, it has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries.

So what makes this onion-like plant so special? Garlic contains a sulfur compound called, allicin, which is responsible for giving it, its amazing flavor. Garlic is also rich in antioxidants and other vitamins which makes it a good immune-boosting supplement as well. There, is however a catch. Garlic is amazingly healthy for you, but not crushed, or put through a blender. Not does it enjoy being boiled in your favorite stew, or roasted in the oven.

Allicin is a very sensitive compound and breaks up very easily. Most of it is destroyed as you dice up the garlic clove to be added to your food. This is why you need to have a steady and regular intake of garlic if you are to utilize its healing powers. However, if you are a bit more hardcore and in serious need of a healthy dose of Allicin, then you can always opt for the raw, unprocessed and crushed option. When eating garlic raw, most of the allicin is preserved, but so is the odor.

Scientists and entrepreneurial enthusiasts have been working on an alternative though. A number of them have claimed that they have found a way to dry out the garlic, thus eliminating the smell, but preserving the concentration of the allicin. The only question that really remains is how far you are willing to go to alleviate your allergy.


4. Lemons

We are all very aware of the fact that lemons contain a large amount of vitamin C and antioxidants. They are excellent immune-boosting superfoods that can give you the edge during the cold and flu season. However, they can also give you an edge over your allergies. The other great advantage of lemons is that it is really difficult to eat too much of it, which means that you won’t easily over-ingest the good stuff and make it counter-productive.

Lemons act as an antitoxin which basically keeps your body alkaline. This helps your body maintain a healthy immune balance. By including lemons in your daily diet, you provide your body with a means to detoxify itself and get rid of impurities. This translates to you feeling much healthier, energetic and vibrant.

Lemons are probably one of the easiest foods to incorporate into your daily diet due to its versatility. Many people struggle to drink the daily recommended amount of water just because we are so used to artificial and sweet flavored drinks. Freshly squeezed lemon juice or a couple of lemon slices in a water pitcher gives it a refreshing taste and will encourage anybody to drink a bit more water. Another way to include it in your diet is to create a dressing for your food. All you need is the juice of two lemons and some olive oil. Mix the two together and you have a dressing that will rival that of many a restaurant.

Lemon juice can also be applied to irritated skin. Its bleaching properties enable it to heal itchy skin and bring relief to other skin irritations brought on by allergic reactions.


5. Salmon

Anybody who is acquainted with sushi will know about this cold water fish. Salmon is extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids and is very high in protein and vitamin D. The fatty acids make salmon effective in fighting inflammation and consequently alleviate your allergies. A further benefit of salmon is that it increases a person’s lung function and decreases the severity of symptoms associated with the respiratory system.

So how much salmon is enough? A number of dieticians maintain that eating at least two portions of salmon (roughly 200 grams) a week is enough to meet the dietary needs of your body. These fatty acids that salmon is so rich in are extremely important for your body, seeing that it cannot produce it on its own. That is why omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential oils.

The benefits of salmon don’t stop there, however. The antioxidants that it contains help a person’s skin rejuvenate. Astaxanthin is the responsible antioxidant that prevents your skin from being damaged. A study was done where 44 people with sun-damaged skin were given 2mg of astaxanthin a week for a 12-week period. The results of the study showed that the participants’ skin improved in elasticity and hydration, making their skin look younger and healthier.

Salmon is very versatile and can be enjoyed in a number of different ways. Whether you are one for the raw things in life or enjoy your meals cooked, salmon can definitely be incorporated into your diet. Depending on where you live, salmon can be a bit on the pricey side. So if you are a bit strapped for cash, you can always opt for a cheaper substitute in the form of herring, trout or sardines.


6. Green tea

Green tea is one of those teas that you either love or cannot begin to think how anybody can stomach it. Apart from people’s resistance to trying this bitter-tasting elixir, it still deserves a solid place in our list of superfoods. If you suffer from allergies, you might want to do away with your aversion to include this tea in your diet, seeing that it is a major immune booster and a preventative substance for allergic reactions.

Many studies have proven green tea’s superior health benefits, but a study done in 2002 pointed to a compound that blocks key cell receptors that are involved in a person’s allergic responses. Like most foods that combat allergies, green tea is rich in antioxidants and antihistamine, as well as anti-inflammatory properties.

If you are one of the unlucky few who cannot stand green tea, there is hope. You can give your green tea a super boost by adding some lemon juice or honey. This not only improves the flavor but also adds other immune-boosting qualities and allergy-fighting properties.

Green tea is extremely versatile in terms of its medicinal uses. If you don’t struggle with allergies, it might still be something to consider in your daily diet. Green tea has been known to improve heart and mental health and increase brain function. It is also said to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. In 2007 a study showed that green tea limited the rate of skin cell production associated with dry, red and flaky skin and reduced the inflammation of skin irritation.


7. Sweet potatoes

This tuber packs quite a punch when one considers how inexpensive, versatile and tasty it is. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of Vitamins A, C and B6. This is excellent news for the allergy-prone individual, seeing that it helps to heal inflammation in the body and also boosts the immune system. This means that the body produces less histamines that cause allergies.

If you have skin allergies, or if you want to give your skin a facelift, then you need to look no further for a natural remedy. Sweet potatoes help with the healing of wounds and also produce collagen which helps the skin maintain elasticity. There are also signs that sweet potatoes might be linked to fighting off toxins that cause cancer.

Sweet potatoes are also a great source of mineral iron which our bodies need to stay energized. The iron, however, also helps in the production of red and white blood cells and helps the body metabolize protein. The magnesium in sweet potatoes acts as an anti-stress agent, seeing that it improves blood circulation and also improves heart, muscle and nerve function. This naturally reduces stress and helps the body relax.

Sweet potatoes can be eaten as a staple and won’t break the bank. As mentioned they are inexpensive and the amount of dishes that you can concoct with it is basically limited to your imagination. You can enjoy them as a snack in the form of crisps, or mash them up to top your cottage pie/ Wrap them up in foil and bake them either in the oven or the BBQ and enjoy with some honey. The choice is yours.


8. Ginger

Ginger is yet another strong flavorant that holds many benefits. This tiny little root plant is absolutely loaded with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Only consuming a small amount of the root inflammation can be reduced better than some anti-inflammatory medication. Those of us who suffer from asthma need to pay special heed to its medicinal properties.

Ginger has been reported to inhibit airway contraction. When the lungs are dry, it becomes very difficult to breathe. This is where ginger comes in pretty handy, seeing that it stimulates mucus production and alleviates asthma symptoms. The active ingredient in ginger, gingerol, may also help in fighting respiratory infection caused by the RSV virus.

For pregnant ladies who suffer from morning sickness or nausea in general, ginger rank right up there with other nausea-alleviating medicines. With only a few grams of ginger (1 – 1.5 grams to be exact), a number of studies showed that morning sickness was greatly reduced in the women who suffered from morning sickness.

Ginger can be used or ingested in a number of different ways. The most popular ways by far are using it as a tea extract and enjoying a pickled version with your favorite sushi. The best way to extract most of the root’s beneficial properties is by using a masticating juicer. These machines squeeze every last drop of nutritious value out of the ingredient that it processes. Be sure to add only a small amount of ginger to your next juice as it is a very dominating flavorant and can easily overpower any other taste in your juice.


9. Collard greens

These leafy greens share a family with broccoli and cabbage and are the source of many childhoods fits about food. These greens tend to be a bit on the bitter side. No wonder kids have an aversion to it. However, as one grows older, one starts to realize what is truly important in life and one also realizes that taking care of one’s body becomes extremely important.

Collard greens contain carotenoids which is yet another source of food to combat allergies. They also boost the immune system due to its richness in vitamin C. However, unlike garlic, to extract the healing properties of collard greens, you only need to consume them, no rules on how you need to ingest the food type. Not all collard greens were created equal. If you want to pursue the magical benefits of collard greens, you need to ensure that you choose the darker-colored ones.

Like with all of the above-mentioned superfoods, collard greens do not only boost the immune system. It has many different medicinal uses. Collard greens have been reported to combat cancer, improve sleeping patterns and rejuvenate skin.

The vitamin A in these leafy greens has been known to maintain a person’s skin and there have also been reports of it being helpful in moisturizing the user’s hair. Boiling only one cup of collard greens provides roughly half of the daily dietary intake of vitamin A.


10. Flaxseeds

Our last contender of the superfoods is flaxseed. These seeds are cultivated in the cooler parts around the globe. These tiny miracle workers are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and selenium and they also help prevent allergic reactions. The fatty acids work as an anti-inflammatory substance and alleviate allergies by reducing inflammation, while the selenium acts as a sort of regulatory substance that manages the immune system.

In terms of its medicinal use, flaxseed has only recently gained popularity for its healing powers and scientists believe that it can help combat heart disease, diabetes and even breast cancer. However, it has been cultivated for a number of centuries and a certain King Charlemagne went so far as to order his subjects to consume the seed.

Recent studies have shown that flaxseed may be a big natural contender in the fight against cancer. Not only has it been shown to fight breast cancer, but also the silent killer, prostate cancer and colon cancer. The omega-3 fatty acid component of the plant restricts tumor growth. Omega-3 has also shown some positive signs in fighting cardiovascular disease. It seems to effectively reduce blood pressure and keeps the arteries in tip-top shape.

Truly deserving of its spot on the list of superfoods, flaxseed is relatively easy to incorporate into one’s diet. You can opt to just have a spoonful each day and eat it raw, or you can add it to your favorite bread recipe or any of your baked recipes.

Also Read: These Natural Remedies and Tips Provide Instant Relief for Allergies.
