
The Real Health Benefits of Regular Exercise

1. You will feel better about yourself if you create a basic workout routine. Exercise benefits the mind, body, and soul, and those who engage in… Trista Smith - January 13, 2021

Many seek out the fountain of youth to look and feel better. People long for a magic pill, fad diet, or some kind of secret concoction to lose weight. You don’t need any of that for an improved quality of life. Studies show that a regular exercise routine can have a wealth of advantages for your physical well-being and other aspects of your life. Different workout routines reap different health benefits. You should determine what you are looking for in a daily exercise routine. Nevertheless, a regular, basic routine can deliver excellent health benefits to your mind, body, and soul. If you are looking for a way to feel and look better, then keep reading. There is no time like right now to start reaping the benefits of a healthier lifestyle. Check out the health benefits of regular exercise.

A regular exercise routine can improve mood and decrease depressive thoughts. Shutterstock


21. Exercising can help you smile more than you ever have before!

Happiness is something that all human beings want to achieve. That pursuit can take years or even a lifetime to accomplish fully. Exercise can not only make you feel better physically; it can also help you mentally. One study asked 26 men and women who exercised regularly how they felt after stopping for two weeks. Those who had an interruption reported feeling worse than they did before. A daily routine will improve your mood. That way, you can start to enjoy old favorites and new hobbies. How is that possible? Exercise changes parts in the brain that regulate how a person feels stress and anxiety.

Each exercise routine you finish is a step toward a healthier lifestyle. Shutterstock


Regular exercise also produces more endorphins that help produce positive feelings and reduce pain perceptions. It can be amazing to see what an exercise routine could do. Putting in a bit of effort can be one of the easiest ways to get back to feeling like a happier person again. Even small amounts of exercise of 10 minutes at a time several times a day can exude feelings of joy and accomplishment, so there is no excuse for not having time for an exercise regime. You will start to feel like you again. That is a good thing, so get started with your daily workout today.

Several mental health conditions could benefit from physical workouts. Shutterstock


20. Say goodbye to negative thoughts and draining attitudes thanks to a regular exercise routine.

Exercise can make you happy, and it can also help you deal with any negative thoughts you may have. Mental illness is one of those conditions that affect thousands of people every year. A regular exercise routine can help relieve negative thoughts associated with several mental health conditions. Like depression, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder, most types of mental illness have some form of unwanted thoughts. It can vary from worry about leaving an appliance on, concern over what might happen, or feelings of self-hatred or loathing.

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Many who are afflicted with these conditions may feel constricted or stuck in these thought processes. Exercise provides the opportunity to focus on exact body movements instead of these intrusive thoughts. How difficult the workout depends on the routine, but scientists have found a correlation between interrupting these thoughts and regular exercise. Working out also increases brain sensitivity to the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which are responsible for relieving depressed feelings. If you suffer from a mental health illness, talk to your doctor about how exercise may help you with your symptoms.

Focusing more on your physical health can have positive results, including weight loss. Shutterstock


19. Get rid of unwanted weight by doing a basic workout routine.

When a person is considered overweight or obese, they may be at risk of contracting severe health issues, such as heart disease or diabetes. The best way to combat obesity is to reduce weight to a healthy amount. If weight loss is one of your personal goals, a proper exercise routine is a key to obtaining the results you want. The relationship between exercise and energy expenditure is understanding how important physical well-being plays in weight reduction. The human body uses energy in three ways: digesting food, exercising, and maintaining ordinary body functions like your heartbeat and breathing.

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A diet may reduce calorie intake, but it also lowers your metabolic rate, which may delay weight loss. However, regular exercise increases the metabolic rate and causes you to burn more calories. That helps you lose weight and a more calculated and steady-paced plan results in long-term results. Crash diets may lose weight quickly, but you can easily put it back on. Studies have also shown that if you combine aerobic exercise with resistance training, you will have maximized fat loss and muscle mass maintenance. Both of those are critical components to maintaining your weight loss.

Exercise can play an essential role in building and maintaining your skeletal system. Shutterstock


18. Your bones will benefit from regular exercise, especially as you age.

Adding physical activity can go a long way in strengthening your bones and muscles. Exercise helps release hormones that promote your muscles’ ability to absorb amino acids. These are vital in their growth and their breakdown reduction. As people grow older, they tend to lose muscle mass and function, leading to a greater chance of serious injuries and permanent disabilities. By practicing a regular exercise routine, you build a stronger system that can ward off those problems as you age.

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Exercise also builds bone density in your youth, which helps prevent osteoporosis when you get older. One thing to consider in what activity to choose: high-impact exercises like gymnastics and running or odd-impact sports like soccer and basketball promote a higher bone density than non-impact sports like swimming and cycling. Whatever you choose, you can be sure that your bones and muscles will thank you because what you do today can greatly impact how you feel in the years to come.

Physical activity can be a real energy booster. Shutterstock


17. Enjoy a boost in energy levels after you add a regular workout to your daily schedule.

Many people simply don’t have enough time to fit exercise into their daily schedules. Why? They don’t have the energy. However, logging in a session can reap its own benefits in the end. In fact, a walk can do more for you feeling tired than a nap ever could! Continuous exercise can increase an individual’s energy levels significantly. Research has found that six weeks of regular exercise produced lower fatigue rates in 36 healthy people who had previously reported experiencing persistent fatigue. Those who deal with chronic fatigue and other serious illnesses can significantly benefit from a routine.

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Some studies show results proving that exercise may be more effective at combating CFS than any other treatment, including passive therapies like relaxation and stretching. People with other progressive illnesses, such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and multiple sclerosis, have also experienced rises in energy levels. Exercise also delivers oxygen and nutrients to tissues, improving the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that people of all walks of life have benefitted from adding physical activity to their lives. When your heart and lung health improves, you are more energetic to tackle the day. So liven up your schedule with a routine of a go-getter.

Increased physical activity can help those with chronic diseases. Shutterstock


16. Lower your risk of chronic diseases and even cancer.

Pumping iron can prove to be a life-saving activity by reducing the chance of developing a chronic disease. When you participate in regular exercise, your body shows improved insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular fitness, and body composition. It also decreases blood pressure and blood fat levels throughout the body. When you stop exercising, your sediment lifestyle can lead to significant increases in belly fat, leading to the development of type 2 diabetes or heart disease. These conditions, when left untreated, could lead to serious complications, including early death. Daily physical activity is vital in maintaining a healthy weight and keeping these life-changing conditions at bay.

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If you have a chronic condition, regular exercise may help you manage symptoms and uplift your overall health. Aerobic exercise improves heart health and provides endurance training. It can also help you lose weight, which is a significant risk factor in these illnesses. Studies have also stated that physical activity may lower cancer risks in certain kinds of cancer. The research found that exercise could decrease the risk of cancers. Furthermore, it included cancer in the esophagus, liver, stomach, and kidney. You can add myeloid leukemia to that list, too. Exercise can increase the immune system, which is essential in fighting off sickness.

Skin can be significantly affected by other aspects of your health. Shutterstock


15. Walk away from the mirror and start working out to enhance your skin.

What you show on the outside can speak volumes about what is going on on the inside. You may not realize it, but your skin appearance can be a clear indicator of your overall health. Oxidative stress can wreak havoc on your skin. This kind of stress occurs when the body’s antioxidant defenses cannot completely fix the damage that free radicals are causing to the cell. The result is damage to the internal structures, which deteriorates the skin.

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Suppose you incorporate an intense and exhaustive workout into your routine. In that case, you will be able to increase your body’s production of these helpful and natural antioxidants and offer up better production for your skin cells. By getting your heart rate up and improving circulation, you can also deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin better to keep it healthy. That will also promote collagen production and promote new skin cells from forming, keeping a natural glowing long after your workout’s sweat has perspired. Working up a sweat can have the same benefits as a mini-facial because when the pores dilate, they can push out the excess dirt and oil trapped inside. As long as you wash your face after your workout, your skin may be more radiant and smoother than ever.

Exercise helps promote better memory. Shutterstock


14. Sharpen your brain and mental focus thanks to a regular exercise routine.

Increase your thinking power by working out may not seem like a real correlation. But it is. Believe it or not, your brain benefits from exercise. A routine with vigorous exercise can improve your brain function, along with protecting memory and thinking skills. Increased heart rate promotes the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain. It also stimulates the production of hormones that are responsible for the growth of brain cells. Studies have also shown that exercise can prevent chronic disease, promoting benefits for your brain, which is affected by these diseases.

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The physical routine can be vital in older adults because aging causes significant changes in the brain. Exercise may cause the hippocampus to grow. That is the part of the brain that is vital for memory and learning. A bigger hippocampus can be critical in increasing mental function in older adults, leading to a greater quality of life. Research has also shown that exercise can reduce brain changes that cause Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia. Exercise can also aid in the production of hormones that promote the growth of brain cells. Putting a physical plan together is a smart move.

An exercise routine can help you get more rest and relaxation. Shutterstock


13. Enjoy a better night’s sleep after exercising during the day.

The human body is not a machine; it needs a solid night’s sleep to function correctly. Regular physical activity can help you get back the sleep that evades you. If you are struggling to snooze at night, you can re-energize your energy depletion because exercise can stimulate recuperative processes while you doze. The increase in body temperature that naturally occurs during physical activity improves sleep quality because you can drop the temperature during sleep. One study found that 150 minutes of moderate or vigorous activity each week provides up to 65 percent improvement in sleep quality.

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Another study revealed that 16 weeks of increased exercise helped people with insomnia sleep longer and more deeply than those in the control group. Those study participants felt more energized throughout the day. Those who suffer from sleep disorders can also benefit from more physical activity. The type of exercise is flexible with the kind of exercise you like to do. Aerobic exercise alone or aerobic exercise with resistance training can both help your quality of sleep. You should not work out late at night because that can disrupt your body’s natural cycle. You will not need to count sleep if you can get the necessary Z’s.

Your workout routine can help you manage chronic pain. Shutterstock


12. You won’t notice those little aches and pains anymore.

Pain is something that everyone feels at one time or another, but those living with chronic ailments can attest to how difficult it is to live when you feel constant agony. In the past, the treatment plan for dealing with chronic pain was rest and inactivity. Nevertheless, recent studies have proved that a regime of routine exercise is better at relieving those persistent aches. Exercise can help control pain associated with a variety of health conditions, including chronic low back pain, fibromyalgia, chronic soft tissue shoulder disorder, and others.

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Physical activity also allows you to raise your pain tolerance and decrease pain perception; the more you participate in your newfound schedule. Research has shown that strenuous exercise briefly can dull pain. That is because muscles begin to ache during a prolonged workout. The body then releases natural opiates, known as endorphins and other substances, to dampen the temporary discomfort. Talk with your doctor about other alternatives to ease your chronic pain and how a possible sleep study could get to the reason for the pain.

Regular exercise can boost your sex drive and a better experience in the bedroom. Shutterstock


11. Spice things up in the bedroom simply by working out during the day.

A revved-up sex life is something that appeals to most people. Once you have engaged in a regular exercise routine, you should see some improvement in your sex life. Cardio is good for the heart. Exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation, tones muscles, and enhances flexibility. All of these qualities can result in improved bedroom performance. Experts agree that both sexes can find more pleasurable intimate moments.

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It appears that both men and women can benefit from more physical activity in their schedules. One study tested a group of women in their 40s. They had to answer a personal question: whether they had experienced orgasms more frequently when they implemented more strenuous exercise activities into their lifestyles. Another study stated that men reported reduced erectile dysfunction symptoms after a six-minute walk around the house. Because exercise boosts energy and increases confidence, it is no surprise that the same high performance can translate into your sexual desire and function.

Exercise promotes a heart-healthy lifestyle. Shutterstock


10. Improve your heart health with everyday exercises.

There are certain signs that people need to look for in monitoring their overall health. The heart is one of those organs at the top of the list. Your heart is something that you will need to make sure you are taking care of it. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, but one of the top prevention tips is incorporating more exercise into your schedule. Exercise can improve overall cardiovascular health by restoring the heart’s natural rhythm.

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A healthier heart can put up a better defense to reduce harmful heart palpitations. Better heart performance also reduces stress and anxiety. One study found no difference between people who took medicine for heart disease and pre-diabetes prevention than those who exercised every day. Exercise can help those who had a stroke. How? It will lead to a more active and healthy lifestyle. If you have any questions about what kind of exercise to use in your workout routine, talk with your doctor to get healthy heart tips to help you live a more prosperous and fuller life with exercise.

Your heart will beat better thanks to lowered blood sugar levels. Shutterstock


9. Reduce your blood sugar levels after you start working out regularly.

Keeping tabs on your health means maintaining manageable levels. A regular exercise routine can also benefit your circulation through your blood sugar level. During moderate exercise like walking, your heart beats faster, and you breathe a little more challenging. You also use glucose in your muscles, which releases sugar into your bloodstream. Over time, this exercise regime will lead to lower blood sugar levels and make the insulin in your body work more efficiently. Working out draws on the reserved sugar in the muscles and liver.

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As your body works to rebuild these stores, it takes sugar from your blood. The more strenuous the exercise, the longer the blood sugar is affected. Studies have shown that you can achieve low blood sugar, even four to eight hours after your exercise routine. Maintaining balanced blood sugar levels is critical to keep from developing long-term health problems, like type 2 diabetes. Once you have discovered that you need to monitor your blood sugar levels, you can be sure that they do not dip too low and cause more harmful effects on your health in the future.

Healthy exercise can help elongate your life. Shutterstock


8. Try to extend your life expectancy with a regular workout routine.

No one is immortal, but it stands to reason that everyone is hoping to live as long of a life as possible. Committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle is mostly about getting back more time in your life. If you want to see the health benefits of regular exercise, a little bit can go a long way to helping you live longer. Regular moderate activities like brisk walking can increase life expectancy by at least several years.

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Studies have shown that 150 minutes of exercise or more each week can add about seven years in life expectancy over those who do not participate in regular moderate exercise. These same findings were also valid for those who were considered overweight or obese. Their results also proved about seven years in additional lifespan amounts. Any exercise they added to their schedule could help them live longer. That proves that it does not matter when you get started. There is no better time than the present to make a change that could end up not only saving your life but making sure that you are around long enough to enjoy it.

Exercise can help you kick those bad habits, like smoking, by lessening the cravings. Shutterstock


7. Finally quit smoking!

Smoking is a harmful, expensive, and addictive habit that can be hard to quit. However, you probably already know this, and still, find it hard to quit. Whenever people try to stop, they experience severe withdrawal symptoms. In turn, people end up going back to the habit. However, committing yourself to a healthy lifestyle could make the transition easier. Again, something you probably realize, but how can you really implement these actions into your everyday life?

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Create a slow and simple workout routine that you can complete every single day. Exercise can help reduce nicotine withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings. Experts suggest that you can subside the craving for up to 50 minutes after the workout session. Physical activity can also help you cope with stress and have more energy, helping you kick the nasty habit. If you want to quit smoking and have good results, consider a workout regime to get over the habit.

Your workout story can inspire others to follow suit. Shutterstock


6. Inspire other people to live their best lives, too.

Everyone has a journey that they are taking. Those who have one worth sharing should get up and tell it. Committing to a workout regime can be just the beginning. Your story can inspire others to do the same. In today’s world, you can chronicle your story on social media to keep in touch with friends and followers who are eager to see where your journey takes you next. Social media is a great place to start a dialogue, share tips, and find other like-minded people to share information.

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You can also move your blog off social media platforms and start your own website. You can find your audience by branding yourself and creating messages relatable to visitors to your site. The possibilities are endless in how your story can reach others and help them make their lifestyle changes to better fitness. The positive energy you are promoting may be just the story that someone needs to begin a whole new chapter in their lives.

Working out allows you to meet other people. Shutterstock


5. Expand your social circle, if you want.

Friends and acquaintances are part of life. Just because you want to forge on with a new healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to do it alone. While there is one option to exercise in the comfort of your own home, you can also use this as an opportunity to increase your social interaction. You can join a gym or attend a fitness class to meet other people working on their fitness goals. Human beings are social creatures. You can bring a friend to help support each other. If you do not know anyone who wants to go with you, you can still get social interaction.

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Just being around other people can also help boost your mood. Many gyms have fitness trainers who can help you obtain your goals. What you would like to do depends entirely on what makes you feel comfortable. Making your workouts more social will also increase the likelihood that you will stick with your physical program and continue to reap the health benefits. You and your friend can keep each other accountable in finishing your workout sessions and sticking to your quest for a better quality of life.

Exercising can help you handle the daily stresses of life. Shutterstock


4. Manage your everyday stress with a simple workout.

Life can sometimes throw us lemons, but how you can rise above the obstacles can be an essential key to your overall health. Stress can be a hard thing to handle, and how to tackle the problems that may come up can be difficult. Everyone has stressors, and there are times when life can get overwhelming, especially for those who have a mental illness. Exercise can do a lot to improve a person’s response to stress.

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Because physical activity releases endorphins, your mood can improve. However, this is not the only chemical that exercise emits. Norepinephrine is a stress-moderating chemical, and low levels could lead to depression. Moderate exercise can improve a body’s overall levels of this vital chemical. If you can continue with your workout regime, your maintained levels can keep you focused on handling everything that life throws your way.

When you feel better about yourself, you can feel like you can accomplish anything. Shutterstock


3. Boost your self-esteem thanks to an everyday exercise routine.

The benefits of exercise are not just skin deep; they can reach whole new levels in how you view yourself and the world around you. Research has continuously proved that exercise can provide both short and long-term benefits to mood and place people in a more positive state. Exercise is a practice that helps boost appearance and confidence. You can keep a log of your activity and use a fitness tracker to help you stay motivated. It can help you boost your self-esteem as you work toward achieving your goals.

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Start with small goals and then work toward bigger ones. All of the boosts to your self-image, self-esteem, and self-confidence can help manage stress and mental health issues. You will get a sense of accomplishment while you start to feel better about how you look and present yourself. The better you feel about yourself, the more likely you will take that positive energy into other aspects of your life.

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2. Set goals and commit to the best version of your future self.

The changes you feel may not be immediate, but you will begin to see and even feel results in a relatively short time. Any significant weight loss results and noticeable muscle gains take approximately eight weeks to see, but you will be able to feel benefits in your mind and body in a couple of weeks. When you exercise regularly, you will feel more alert and energized. That is because you are increasing the overall flow of blood and oxygen to your brain.

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It can be hard to get started, but a few small changes here and there can be just the thing that you need to get moving toward a better future. Walking down the hall in your office instead of sending an email, parking further from the door at the grocery store, and taking the stairs instead of an elevator are all ways to get extra steps (and exercise) in your daily routine.

Increasing your physical activity levels can have a host of health benefits. Shutterstock


1. You will feel better about yourself if you create a basic workout routine.

Exercise benefits the mind, body, and soul, and those who engage in the recommended physical activity see several advantages in their overall health. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that most healthy adults participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activities. That may also include a combination of both kinds of exercise. You should spread the exercise routines throughout the week. Some examples include running, walking and swimming.

Image Credit Torwaiphoto


Experts also say that even small amounts of physical activity can add up to valuable health benefits, and accumulated amounts throughout the day can add up to the same results as routines that are done all at once. You can also add strength training exercises to ensure that all major muscle groups receive the right amount of helpful attention. You should do this type of training at least two times a week. Some examples include lifting free weights, using weight machines, and bodyweight training. You should make sure you are spreading out your activities throughout the week to help your body heal. Check with your doctor before you begin any fitness program to ensure that you meet all of your health needs.


Health Line – The Top 10 Benefits of Regular Exercise

Health Benefit Blog – 20 Health Benefits of Exercise

Health Prep – How Daily Exercise Can Better Your Mental Health


What Health Class Didn’t Teach About Hydration

Water is essential for keeping your body functioning properly and feeling healthy. Nearly all of your body’s major systems depend on water to function and survive.… Rina - January 7, 2021

Water is essential for keeping your body functioning properly and feeling healthy. Nearly all of your body’s major systems depend on water to function and survive. About two-thirds of the human body is comprised of water, so dehydration affects most of the body’s functions. Drinking water also helps maintain a healthy heart rate and blood pressure. You need adequate fluid to produce lymph, an important bodily fluid, and a component of the immune system. Additionally, water helps maintain organ health and allows the blood to maintain the consistency it requires to flow freely and transport oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body.


Clean water is essential not only to remain safe from disease but also to maintain good health. So, the first question we should ask is – how much water do you need? The Mayo Clinic recommends a minimum daily intake of 11.5 cups for women and 15.5 cups for men, of water per day for optimal health. Drinking water helps to maintain the balance of body fluids. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. By drinking enough water, you are helping your body to function better and improving your overall health. What about quality? Is all water the same? Can we experience better health and vitality from the quality of our water? Could our water potentially help us to absorb more vital nutrients?


1. What is the best drinking water?

Water is known to be the best and the most natural hydrating liquid. It promotes cardiovascular health, keeps muscles and joints working, and helps cleanse toxins from your body. Staying hydrated also helps balance your blood sugar, helps relieve headaches, and promotes healthy skin. This question can be answered in two parts. First of all, the water we drink must be clean and pure so it can clear toxins from your body. Most tap water, though it might be clear in color is not as clean as we would like it to be.

Are you getting enough H2O from your water? Tap water has many known toxins. There are at least 90 contaminants that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) recognizes and sets standards for. Not to mention disinfectants like chlorine, bromate, and chlorite. Would you want to put this in your body? Water is a fundamental human need. Each person requires at least 20 to 50 liters of clean, safe water a day for drinking, cooking, and simply keeping themselves clean. Polluted water isn’t just dirty—it’s deadly. Some 1.8 million people die every year of diarrheal diseases like cholera from polluted water.


2. Clean water and purification.

Water purification is the removal of contaminants from raw water to produce drinking water that is pure enough for human consumption or for industrial use. Simple procedures such as boiling or the use of a household charcoal filter are not sufficient for treating water from an unknown source. There are very good water purification systems that help to remove most, if not all, of the pollutants in your water. Now we come to the second part of the answer to the question, “What is the best drinking water?”

It should be alkaline and an antioxidant in nature, as well as rich in available hydrogen. It may be shocking but you can actually have pure clean spring water and you can still be drinking oxidized, dead water. The best water to drink is running water from a spring. Drink it fresh before it is bottled or from a fresh glacier. Fresh glacier water is alkaline and antioxidant. However, once it is stored long enough in bottles, it loses its wonderful properties.

The Asian scientist team has researched water quality assurance in the laboratory. Shutterstock.


3. What is hydrogen-poor water?

Several years ago, a scientist from Japan by the name of Dr. Hidemitsu Hayashi, MD discovered the answer. “I am convinced that the best water to drink is hydrogen-rich water. According to my concept, water can be classified into two kinds: hydrogen-poor, and hydrogen-rich water.” “Natural water or 99.9 % of water found on the earth can be defined to be hydrogen-poor water because of the hydrogen bond energy connecting hydrogen with oxygen to make H2O.”

“It is a logic of mine that natural hydrogen-poor water, can’t be enough to reduce or scavenge active oxygen species. This has compelled us to develop a procedure with which we can fight against sickness being brought as the result of oxidative damage by active oxygen. We could easily be free from sickness when we depend on hydrogen-rich water, which can be enough to scavenge active oxygen species.” Says Dr. Hayashi.

3d illustration with a water molecule. Abstract molecule microbiology or science background. Shutterstock.


4. The benefits of hydrogen-rich water.

In his fifteen-year research study at the Water Institute of Japan, Dr. Hayashi found that hydrogen-rich water shows dramatic improvements in:

  • blood sugar stability
  • glucose tolerance in diabetics
  • blood circulation
  • uric acid levels in gout
  • liver function and hepatic disease,
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • hepatitis
  • gastric ulcers and prevention of recurrences
  • improves cholesterol levels and heart function.

It has also shown promising effects on hypersensitive disorders like dermatitis, asthma, and urticaria. Autoimmune disorders like rheumatism, collagen disease. In the past decade, it has been shown that molecular hydrogen (H2) selectively eliminates highly reactive hydroxyl radical in cultured cells and living organisms. H2 targets hydroxyl radicals, but not super oxide, peroxide, or nitric oxide, which are important molecules for organisms. Recently, it was demonstrated that consumption of water with a high concentration of molecular hydrogen (4-5 ppm in the water) significantly improves the disease activity and reduces the oxidative stress in RA. This could also be true of other autoimmune diseases.

Alkaline Purifier steel filter stick in glass for ionized, energized and structured water with negative potential for health care. . Shutterstock.


5. Magnesium water stick

Hydrogen is the greatest antioxidant known to man. A hydrogen-producing water stick that is made of a 99.9% magnesium stone is the solution to constant alkaline and antioxidant-rich water. This is because magnesium oxide reacts with H2O and produces reduced water that is six times more hydrating than tap or bottled water. This reaction causes the alkaline pH balance to rise a full point to a point and a half.

The reaction produces dissolved hydrogen that can be measured in parts per million. As long as the stick is kept in your water bottle, hydrogen continues to form. Of course, the cap on the bottle must be sealed so hydrogen cannot escape. Antioxidant-water is the most effective form of antioxidant for the body because of its low molecular weight. It is utilized throughout the body, better than vitamin C. No other water has this ability. This is just like the fresh glacier water the people of Hunza drink, which helps them live to be 120 years of age.

Colorful autumn view of Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Shutterstock.


6. Antioxidant-rich glacier water

The Hunza valley in the Himalayan mountains has long been known for its high number of centenarians and their good health. As legend has it, the natives of Hunza live to be 120, even 130 years old. They are known to spend most of their time farming goats and harvesting apricots. The water of Hunza, with its unique blue-green color, contains silicate minerals that originate from the nearby glaciers and this is thought to attribute to the longevity of its residents. A comparative analysis of longevity, in the lifestyles of mountainous regions around the world proved this was the case – plus there are benefits to the fresh high-altitude air.

The qualities they all share are a modest diet containing an abundance of seasonal fruit and vegetables and low quantities of red meat. Their daily schedule follows the circadian rhythm, with high physical activity, a stress-free lifestyle, and an unpolluted environment. What makes the Hunza valley different? The water is rich with minerals and abundant in antioxidants. People who drink hydrogen-rich water have plenty of energy because hydrogen is also a great energizer. They also have a positive attitude as getting enough hydrogen is known to be a mood booster and to improve autonomic nerve function and cognitive functioning.

The brain is filled with water.3D illustration. Shutterstock.


8. The benefits of water and brain function.

Cognition is involved in everything we do and includes many components that are all interconnected. It includes two main dimensions: mood, assessed through self-rated scales and questionnaires, and cognitive function measured with objective performance tests. In a study conducted by Pross Et Al in 2014, after only three days of intervention results showed increased thirst and decreased contentedness.

They also showed calmness and positive emotions in high drinking subjects who decreased their water intake. In the low drinking group, increasing water intake resulted in a decrease in thirst and confusion. Immediate effects of water intake were repeatedly found on the state of arousal, improving perceptions of vigor, as well as performance on tasks requiring attention and alertness. There is considerable evidence that dehydration can negatively impact cognitive abilities. Improved access to drinking water in schools may improve children’s ability to learn by improving attention, concentration, and short-term memory.

Human kidney cross-section on scientific background. 3d illustration. Shutterstock.


9. Hydration for optimal kidney function

Drinking enough water each day is an important part of your health. After all, about 60-70% of your body weight is made up of water, and every part of your body needs it to function properly. Water is also very important for good kidney health. Water is a healthier choice for your kidney health than high-calorie sugary drinks. The risk of kidney stones and urinary tract infections is significantly reduced through hydration. Water helps the kidneys to remove waste from your blood in the form of urine.

Water also helps keep your blood vessels open so that blood can travel freely to your kidneys, and deliver essential nutrients to them. Dehydration can have a harsh effect on your kidneys. If you become dehydrated, then it is more difficult for this delivery system to work. Severe dehydration can lead to kidney damage, so it is important to drink enough when you work or exercise very hard – especially in warm and humid weather. It is suggested that hydrogen-rich water is useful not only for kidney injury but also for diseases of various organs. Hydrogen-rich water can be produced with relatively little effort. It is believed to be useful and is worth investigating further.

Heart from water splash with bubbles isolated on white. Shutterstock.


10. Water intake is important for a healthy heart

Water makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly. Water gets rid of waste through urination, perspiration and bowel movements. Water keeps your temperature normal and lubricates and cushions your joints. Water is also critical for your heart health. Your heart is constantly working; pumping about 2,000 gallons of blood a day.

By staying hydrated – by drinking more water than you are losing, you are helping your heart do its job. Dehydration can have a negative effect on your organs and bodily functions. This includes your heart and cardio system. When you are dehydrated, your blood volume (or the amount of blood circulating through your body) decreases. To compensate, your heart beats faster, increasing your heart rate and your blood pressure.

Running footwear close up. Gym indoor workout and fitness healthy concept. Male athlete tying sport shoelaces before training. Shutterstock


11. How much water do you need for your workout?

Whether you’re a power walker, a casual gym-goer or a marathoner, engaging in exercise means hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Anyone who engages in 20 minutes of vigorous exercise on a weekly basis, needs more than just the basic amount of 8 cups per day since we sweat when we exercise. That means that we lose 15% of our hydration with each workout to make up for the loss.

We need to drink water for every pound that we weigh. This also means more water before, during, and after exercise. The general guidelines are to drink 17 to 20 ounces of water two to three hours before exercising. Another eight ounces during your warm-up or 20 to 30 minutes before exercising. 7 to 10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes during exercise, and eight ounces of water within 30 minutes after exercising.

Single runner, running in the rain and making a splash in a puddle. Shutterstock.


12. Hydration for running

Replacing fluid after a run is just as important as any other form of exercise – maybe more so! For every kilogram of bodyweight you lose, you need to drink one-and-a-half liters of fluid. Try to drink around 500ml in the first 30 minutes after your run and keep gulping every 5 to 10 minutes until you have reached your target. Don’t over-drink! Avoiding dehydration is key when running but it’s also important to avoid drinking too much.

“The reason why athletes drink too much is almost certainly due to hysteria attached to the supposed dangers that dehydration poses to athletes and to the belief that fatigue is caused by dehydration so that replacing more fluid than is lost will ensure optimum performance. I find no scientific support for either belief.” Says Professor Tim Noakes of the University of Cape Town, who is worried that runners are following out of date hydration plans. Runners who are running faster than 8-minute miles should drink 6 to 8 ounces every 20 minutes.

The concept of thirst, dehydration, and lack of water. A cup of water on cracked dry ground. Shutterstock.


13. What does dehydration look like?

Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body doesn’t have enough water and other fluids to carry out its normal functions. If you don’t replace lost fluids, you will get dehydrated. Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining body temperature. Your body loses water through sweat during physical activity and in hot environments. Your sweat keeps your body cool, but your body temperature will rise if you don’t replenish the water you lose.

If you’re sweating more than usual, make sure you drink plenty of water to avoid getting dehydrated. Dehydration is graded by degree according to signs and symptoms that reflect the amount of fluid loss. In the very early stages of dehydration, there are no signs or symptoms. Early features are difficult to detect but include dryness of mouth and thirst. As dehydration increases, the signs and symptoms include restless or irritable behavior, decreased skin turgor, dry mucous membranes, sunken eyes. Followed by extreme thirst, less frequent urination, dark-colored urine, fatigue, dizziness, confusion.

a female hand of an elderly woman with loose tissue, dehydrated skin. Shutterstock.


14. Dehydrations is a major cause of premature aging

When dehydrated, your skin loses its ability to hold onto moisture and bounce back, causing it to look sallow, dull and old. This can happen due to alcohol intake, dry weather conditions, smoking, and sun damage, amongst other factors. A few solutions could be: turn down the temperature in your home or while showering. Showering in hot water may be incredibly soothing at the end of a long day, but remember that high temperatures will only dehydrate your skin. Invest in a humidifier, which would add moisture back into the air and protect your skin from drying out. Also try to limit your salt intake. Foods that are high in sodium will naturally end up drawing water from your body, which will lead to dehydration.

Eat foods that naturally have a lot of water in them. These include fresh fruits and vegetables, such as berries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce. Hydrating face masks contain high levels of active ingredients and remain on the skin for quite a while – which keeps any moisture locked in, preventing it from evaporating. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital to your body for producing your skin’s natural oils, as well as regulating this production. These oils help to keep your skin hydrated, so try to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids by eating foods such as oily fish and walnuts. Don’t forget to cleanse and exfoliate with gentle non-abrasive products.

beauty, nature, travel and ecology concept – portrait of woman profile with seawater with double exposure effect. Shutterstock.


15. Amazing skin benefits

Your skin is thirsty so ditch the coca-cola and coffee and give your skin what it wants: water! Having well-hydrated skin will prevent acne, wrinkles, skin allergies… the list goes on and on. The best way to rid your self of blackheads is through hydration. A big benefit of drinking water is its ability to flush your system of toxins. This cleanse keeps your skin clean, pushing out bacteria and reducing the risk of acne and other skin problems. If your skin is oily, then your pores will clog up, eventually leading to acne breakouts.

Drinking enough water can help you combat a variety of skin issues including psoriasis and eczema. It does this by helping your digestive system flush out toxins from the body. This, in turn, will improve your complexion for healthy and glowing skin. Believe it or not, drinking plenty of water is great for your skin. Water is considered as the wonder moisturizer which also reduces the appearances of fine lines on the skin, and in addition, helps one to look younger and slimmer too. Not drinking enough pure water makes your skin puffy and can even lead to bloating.

Remedy for hair growth. a bald man poured from a watering can. Pop art retro vector illustration. Shutterstock.


16. Drinking water improves your hair

Want beautiful, soft, luxurious hair? Water might be the answer. Not only is washing your hair in quality water important, but drinking enough can play a major role in your body’s ability to grow and rebuild hair follicles. Signs of dehydration can be seen in your hair. If you notice your scalp is dry, your hair is brittle, or very oily it might be an indication that you need more water. It is well known that a natural buildup of hydrogen oxide in our hair follicles causes hair to grey. This buildup can potentially be delayed by constantly being flushed out of the system through proper hydration.

It is important to drink enough water to feed vital organs as well as other parts of the body such as hair follicles. Roots soak up water from the body to hydrate hair, which then boosts growth. If the body doesn’t have enough water to reach the scalp, your hair can become dry, brittle, and potentially stop growing. To help solve dry scalp flaking, you need to make sure you’re drinking enough water. Eight glasses a day is the recommended amount – once you’ve hit your goal for long enough, you may find that your scalp will recover, helping your hair to become healthier. Just remember to compensate for any exercise you’re getting.

Double exposure portrait of the macro eye combined with a photograph of water. Be creative! Shutterstock.


17. Eye health and water pollution

Common eye problem caused by dehydration is eye strain. Our eyes are surrounded by fluid, which protects them by washing away debris and dust every time you blink. Staying well-hydrated is very important to maintain a healthy balance of fluid in the eye. Dry eye occurs when there are insufficient tears to nourish the eye, and tears are necessary for providing clear vision. Tears wash away foreign matter in the eye and help reduce the risk of eye infections. Symptoms of dry eyes include irritation, excess watering, blurred vision and feeling foreign matter in the eye. As a symptom of dehydration, the best treatment for dry eye is rehydrating by drinking plenty of water. Eye drops are only a blanket solution unless otherwise prescribed.

If caused by dehydration, drinking plenty of water will help flush out salt in the body and properly hydrate your eyes to help reduce eye strain. Resting the eye by blinking or shutting the eye will also help alleviate eye strain. You can prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Doctors sometimes recommend nutritional supplements as part of a holistic dry eye treatment plan. Also, simply drinking more water might help relieve dry eye symptoms. Mild dehydration often makes dry eye problems worse.

Smiling cute girl holding a glass of water at home. Shutterstock.


18. Depression, anxiety, and mood

Recent studies have shown that proper hydration affects your mood and overall mental health. Researchers have found a link between depression, anxiety, and mood to dehydration because 85% of brain tissue is water. Dehydration causes energy generation in the brain to decrease. So, lack of water can be the culprit in any of these disorders really. However, as in many other medical areas, contaminated water can also cause health problems.

It is known that lead in water can cause damage to nervous systems, with depression being one of the most common results of lead-filled water. A reverse osmosis filter is one of the best ways to ensure that you are drinking safe water. Dehydration is known to contribute to stress. Fatigue, anger, negative mood, and cognitive problems all increase when you’re dehydrated. Stay ahead of stress and sip water throughout the day. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink some every half hour or hour during the day.

Kitchen preparation scene containing ingredients for a honey, lemon and ginger drink – a herbal home remedy for colds. Shutterstock.


19. Drinking enough for colds and flu

When you are feeling under the weather, make sure you stay hydrated. Cold and flu symptoms like runny noses and sweating which often accompanies fever, increase the amount of water your body loses. For more on this topic visit Tips for Staying Safe and Healthy in the Cold Winter Months. Water is the best fluid to drink when you have a cold or flu as it helps lubricate the mucous membranes of the throat. Hot drinks are also a good choice as the hot steam they produce can relieve congestion.

Fluid loss is caused by different symptoms of the common cold and flu. If you are running a fever at all, that can draw water and electrolytes out of your body as sweat. Also, you may be breathing faster, which leads to more moisture release. Drinking cold water lowers the body temperature and takes a fever down. Staying hydrated at any time is important, but when the body is in distress, using the cold water helps tremendously. Adding a squeeze of lemon and a little bit of sea salt during a fever can replace electrolytes that may have been lost.

Aquarium corals reef. Shutterstock.


20. How an aquarium can benefit your home

Have you ever noticed a calm or relaxed feeling when you’re around an aquarium? Having water in your house, in a visible location can be calming. Water features and aquariums reduces stress, as you watch fish make their slow and rapid movements in the water, you immediately experience a relaxing effect, which helps to soothe the mind. Some studies also show it reduces pain. Many people have reported a relief in pain after looking at the aquarium just for a few minutes.

Aquariums provide more restful sleep. A fish tank can induce a relaxing effect on the entire body. It may even reduce high blood pressure. According to studies from the University of Exeter’s European Centre for Environment and Human Health indicate that the presence of a fish tank in the house can minimize blood pressure. More benefits would be Increases your productivity. People in offices with aquariums have increased productivity compared to those that don’t. And lastly, it helps Alzheimer’s patients. Studies indicate that people suffering from Alzheimer’s will eat more and require fewer supplements if they spend a considerable amount around an aquarium.

Swimming bottle of water in the water on sky background. Shutterstock.


21. Do you need to drink when you swim?

Yes of course! While swimming, you should drink an additional 16 ounces of fluids two hours before a swim so you go into the pool well hydrated. Because, while you’re in the water, usually you do not notice that you’re sweating. As your body sweats when you swim, you need to replace that water. One of the most commonly asked questions is ‘do you sweat when you are swimming?’ The quick answer is yes, but that’s not quite all there is to it. Because you are in the water your body is cooled more rapidly so you probably aren’t aware that you are sweating most of the time.

To rehydrate properly afterward you should drink about 8 ounces every 20 minutes unless you’re in the pool for less than half an hour. Maybe you would think that by putting water on your skin you would improve moisture, however topical hydration is not as helpful as you would assume. Water that comes into contact with the skin quickly evaporates and takes away many of the skin’s natural oils.

Doctor advises. A medical worker holds a drink water sign, healthy lifestyle concept. Shutterstock.


22. Practical advice

To prevent dehydration and to make sure your body has the fluids that it needs, get in the habit of drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. A glass of water with each meal and a few more glasses of water throughout the day are really key to establishing this healthy habit. However, If you have digestive issues, make sure to drink before you eat and not during meals because water dilutes your digestive enzymes. Drink proactively, especially before, during and after exercise, on long airplane flights and in hot weather.

Did you know: Caffeinated beverages and sugary sodas are dehydrating? Caffeine will stimulate your kidneys to excrete water, and sugary soda will pull water from your surrounding tissue to dilute the concentrated sugar in soda, thereby reducing your hydration. Instead of reaching for that cup of coffee or glass of juice as soon as you wake up in the morning, quench your thirst with a glass of water instead.

Earth in drop shape from on two hands. Shutterstock.


23. The foundation of health and wellbeing

You can’t survive more than a few days without water. When we don’t drink enough it affects our entire system and causes fatigue and disease. Pure water has no sugar, fat, cholesterol or calories, and if it’s good water, it has nothing else bad, unhealthy, or fattening. Water delivers nutrients to cells, while it also helps the body eliminate waste products from the cells. Water moistens joints and acts as shock absorbers inside the eyes and spinal cord.

Drinking water and remaining hydrated helps the body maintain a constant temperature by acting as a thermostat. When a person is too hot, whether from being in a hot environment or from intense physical activity, the body sweats. When sweat evaporates, it lowers the body temperature and restores balance. For weight loss, consider drinking water when you are hungry. This reduces appetite, which is why almost every diet book recommends it. Most importantly, drinking enough promotes good health.

Attabad lake. Shutterstock.


24. There you have it.

Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. The functions of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients, and maintenance of body temperature. Drinking water benefits digestion, metabolism, toxin elimination, and other functions. Water also promotes weight loss.

If you don’t live right outside of a glacier… and you are looking for the best drinking water, then look for filtered water with a hydrogen-producing stick that keeps the water alkaline and antioxidant in nature. It has similar effects to fresh glacier water. This will give you lasting vitality, keeping you young and healthy for years to come.


Where did we find this stuff? Here are our sources:

Benefits of alkaline ionized water by Dr. Hayashi

Brosura Hunza research

NCBI Articles, water research

Researchgate – Hydrogen-rich water for improvements of mood anxiety and autonomic nerve function in daily life

Hydration for health

Effects of hydrogen-rich water in of polycystic kidney disease

