Going to the gym feels like more than just a chore. It can feel like a form of punishment, and with the price of some memberships, it can become much too expensive for people to afford. That’s part of the reason many people forego getting their exercise in because they believe that the only way to get fit is to go to the gym. The other alternative is that people build a gym at home, and that’s even more expensive. Luckily, there are plenty of exercises that you can do to get fit that doesn’t require gym equipment. In fact, you’ll get just as fit with these exercises as you would with some hardware set up in your garage. So to save you some time, here are 50 of the top strengthening exercises that you can do at home to build up your muscle strength.

50. Leg Cross Twists
Russian twists are great for working out your abdominal in a low-impact way, and that’s because you’re sitting on the ground so that there’s less strain on your back. The leg-cross twists are a great alternative that can also help you work out your hip joints. Sit upright on the ground with your knees bent. Twist to the right and cross your right calf over your left. Twist back to starting position and uncross your legs. Twist to the left and cross your left calf over your right. Repeat for 10 to 12 reps.