
Tips for Staying Physically and Mentally Healthy in Isolation

If this year has taught us anything, it is how to do things differently and do them alone. We’ve had to look inward and find out… Trista Smith - January 27, 2021

If this year has taught us anything, it is how to do things differently and do them alone. We’ve had to look inward and find out what makes us happy and what doesn’t. It has undoubtedly been a good time for self-reflection. Spending a lot of time on your own teaches you a lot about yourself. What have you learned? The best thing to do in isolation is to get into a routine and find normalcy in your life again. If you need some ways to make your alone time better, then keep reading about the benefits of yoga, mediation, and “me” time.

Make sure you try to keep to a regular daily routine, so you don’t end up working in bed all day long. Shutterstock.


Don’t Work From Your Bed

When you’re at home and working there, it is quite tempting to do everything in bed and our PJs. As great as this is for a few days, it can be quite harmful to you and your mood. There needs to be a separation between your work life and your home life, even though you’re doing work and home from the same place. That can be hard to do. One way to get into the routine of doing this is to get up and make your bed. It’s a task to check off first thing in the morning to get your day started.

Also, try to keep devices from the bed when you’re trying to rest. Shutterstock.


One of the best tips for you during this time is to stick to an active routine. That could mean something as simple as waking up at your usual time when you used to get up for work and starting your day with a workout. Getting dressed is also a great way to get out of the slump of being at home. Some people even wear their shoes inside (after they’ve cleaned them, of course, not to make a mess on their floors) to make it feel more like they are at work and be more productive.

Find a routine that works for you and stick to it to feel like you have been productive during your day. Shutterstock.


Routines Are Very Beneficial

Once you’ve completed your workout, you should have a nice shower and then finish your morning off with a good and healthy breakfast. A great option after exercise would be a smoothie or protein shake, or you could go with classic eggs and bacon. There are so many studies that show how effective a routine can be on our mental health. Having a good morning routine is great for starting your day off on the right track and sets you up for the day. If you get up and scroll on your phone for the whole morning, you will feel more sluggish than if you were to get some things marked off your list.

Routines provide a sense of certainty and predictability. Shutterstock


A routine helps us stay grounded and helps us achieve a lot more in the day. This type of system will boost your productivity and help you feel that life is somewhat “normal.” Set your routine according to what suits you and your needs. Remember, this is a great time to figure out what makes you the best version of yourself. Maybe your routine in the morning is slower and involves journaling, reflecting, and mediation. That is fine! If you are more productive overall with a routine like this, do whatever works best.

Taking regular breaks during your at-home workday is essential, and you can even do some stretching or exercise. Shutterstock.


Remember To Take A Break

When you are working at home, you probably find that you are stiffer than usual. This notion is because you end up taking fewer breaks since you can’t just pop to have a coffee with one of your colleagues anymore. Remember that on a regular workday, you get a 15-minute break every two or three hours. You can probably have a bit more leniency with this now that you are at home, or you could catch a shorter five-minute break every hour. Either way, set the alarm and remember to take your breaks, whatever way you want to use them.

An exercise routine can help you get more rest and relaxation. Shutterstock


Instead of going to have a coffee, take a break from your desk to stretch. You can do this first thing in the morning, during your workday, or at the end of it. Set aside time to work through a guided yoga routine. Whenever you get up to use the washroom or to get a drink, use that time you get up and add a couple of stretches. Even if you just walk around the room a couple of times, that will help loosen up your joints and muscles, and you’ll be more comfortable when you have to sit down again for a long stretch of work time.

Follow along to an online yoga class that you can do in the lounge or even outside if you have a yoga mat. Shutterstock.


Stretch Or Do Some Yoga

You don’t even need much time to do this. There are so many fantastic yoga workouts available online that last from 10 minutes to an hour. Figure out how much time you can put aside and go onto YouTube to find your stretch. You can find an easy beginner routine where you just stretch, or you can find an intermediate practice that involves much more strength training. Don’t be fooled. Yoga routines can have you dripping sweat and raising your heart rate. If you are just starting, try out a simple pattern to get used to some of the poses.

It doesn’t matter how good you are at yoga, just try it. Shutterstock.


Doing some stretching or yoga will help alleviate the feeling of stiff joints, and it will also improve your blood circulation, which is terrific for your health. Yoga helps to improve your heart health and reduces risk factors for heart disease. Yoga also is a very calm practice where you can still get a good workout in. It focuses on breathing and listening to your body while doing the stretches and poses. Yoga is a great workout to relieve anxiety and stress, so it is an ideal workout for your body and mind, and soul.

Yoga has many health benefits, and one of these includes lower blood pressure, which is great since we are all dealing with much stress this year. Shutterstock.


Lowering Your Blood Pressure

Yoga is also very useful in lowering your blood pressure, and at the moment, we could all benefit from it. If you are at home with family or friends, get them involved in your yoga time routine. Exercise isn’t just important for those working from home but for older people who have to stay at home these days. It is vital for their health that they keep moving despite having to be at home most of the time. Yoga is excellent for a morning routine to get your day started but can be practiced any time of day.

High blood pressure is affected by stress and anxiety. Shutterstock.


It can be as easy or as complicated as you want it to be, which is ideal for beginners and experts. Yoga is a practice that everyone can participate in, young and old, beginner and intermediate. Also, yoga is very focused on controlling your breath and breathing in general, lowering your stress and anxiety. It s a very well-rounded form of exercise and has many different benefits. There are hundreds of yoga routines online, and you can also find apps that will have guided practices for free. Try finding a good habit for you today!

Older adults can do short exercises throughout their day to keep up their physical activity levels that may have been affected by isolation. Shutterstock.


Go For A Walk

Experts state that from the age of 75, losing muscle mass starts to speed up considerably, and that’s why it is so important to exercise still. When you start living a sedentary lifestyle, this increases the decline. Help the older adults in your life to be active for around an hour each day. If they have a garden, they can walk around it for 10 minutes throughout the day. Being outside can also do a lot for the soul. If you can’t be out, you can still be active inside, walking around your house or going up and down the stairs several times.

Stepping out for a walk in the fresh air is excellent for your anxiety. Shutterstock.


For yourself, it’s essential to get out and walk as well. A 20-minute walk every day can drastically change your health if you aren’t working out regularly. It can also help your mental health. Exercising even for just 20 minutes a day is a great way to reduce anxiety and help manage stress. If you have a treadmill at home and you want to get an even better workout, make sure to add an incline to your walks and increase the speed a bit. You can work up the pace and incline a little bit each week.

Make use of things in your home for exercise such as your staircase – go up and down a few more times than usual. Shutterstock.


Go Up And Down The Stairs

You can even do simple things like going up on your toes ten times in a row when you are waiting for the kettle to boil. You can hold onto the counter for stability and get your body moving in some way. It may seem like something small, but it can make a big difference. Moving side to side and making side lunges is another excellent exercise to do while waiting for something in the kitchen. Shoulder rolls and neck rolls are another great way to loosen up any time of day or wake up in the morning.

Find some steps to use for exercise. Pixabay.


Take a walk up and down your stairs a few times to get the blood pumping, and if you don’t have stairs, you can march on the spot for a few minutes. Gentle lifting exercises can also prove very beneficial to people of all ages. If you are in an apartment building, you can also take the stairs in your building, even just once a day. It will get your blood pumping, and getting moving is vital for your health, especially when we are home so much now. If you just go up and down your stairs for 20 minutes every day, that could be a whole workout.

Using light weights at home can help you maintain your muscle mass, especially in your legs. Shutterstock.


Exercise Using Your Couch

You don’t need to be in the gym to do weight training, you can do it at home, and it can be just as effective. You can even do it sitting on your sofa. Get a pair of oven gloves and place them over your calves with a can in each hand compartment. You will then slowly lift your legs up and down. Maintaining leg strength is very important when we cannot leave our homes and get the exercise and movement in our legs that we generally do every day without even thinking about it.

You don’t always have to get off the couch to exercise. Pixabay.


You can also do arm workouts with the cans – doing bicep curls, arm raises, etc., which will also work out your shoulders and back. For a full guided exercise, search YouTube for activities from your couch, and you will find hundreds of videos. You won’t even need weights for some of them, but to challenge yourself a little more, you can use cans from around your household. You can break a sweat doing workouts from the couch. Then when you’re done, you can just sit back, catch your breath and turn on your current Netflix show.

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to keep in shape and keep fit when you can’t get to the gym. Shutterstock.


Focus On Body Weight Exercises

You might not be sold on the idea of weight exercises from home to keep you healthy in isolation, and that’s okay because there are other ways to work on your health while in isolation at home. What can you do instead? There are lots of exercises you can do that don’t feel like an at-home workout. Why not have a dance party in your living room? Turn up the music and get your heart rate up with some groovy tunes! If you are in an apartment building, maybe try not to jump around too much.

Body weight exercise. Shutterstock


You could also focus on bodyweight exercises. You could do simple activities such as squats and even use a stable dining chair if you need extra support. This moment could also be an excellent opportunity for you to work on your planking ability. Maybe work on your stretches and bring out your inner ballerina? How about some “Floor is Lava” game, and to get to the other mat, you need to do some jump squats? Use your imagination here because the possibilities are endless. If you focus on games and activities that only use bodyweight exercises, then you are in for a fun and productive workout.

Work towards a goal such as a beach holiday that you want to get in shape for when you travel again. Shutterstock.


Time For Some Sit-Ups

What about some sit-ups? Get those abs when you can resume a healthy life and take that beach holiday you dream about all year long. You can even do these exercises in front of the TV or in between work breaks. You could increase each day by one to five reps and keep trying to beat your previous day’s score. It’s a great way to keep yourself motivated – trying to beat yourself. If you can get friends or family in on this, you could all have a friendly competition. Maybe even a prize for the winner?



Other options for bodyweight exercises are lunges and even advancing to an incline press-up using the sofa as your aid. The only thing is that with bodyweight exercises, you will need to do a few more reps of a task than you would with actual weights. If you want to incorporate some weights, but you don’t have any, try using canned goods or lifting furniture around the house. Just be careful when doing this – you don’t want to injure yourself! If you are getting too tired when doing this, stop and take a break.

Put a timer on your phone and exercise for at least twenty minutes each day in whatever form you choose. Shutterstock.


Aim For Twenty Minutes

Try doing bodyweight exercises for around twenty minutes. If you can, the ideal amount of activity is three 20-minute rounds of movement throughout your day. This routine could include walking, cycling, yoga, and some bodyweight exercises. You can use your phone to keep track of your distance on walks and try to beat your times each day. You can also find different exercise apps to get a good routine or search for at-home workouts on YouTube. If you don’t meet the 20 minutes three times a day, that’s okay. Just try the next day again.

Remember 20 minutes. Shutterstock


There are many benefits to exercise, and they aren’t all just about keeping fit and toned. Working out will help to improve your mood and keep up your overall health. It will also help you stay focused, which is essential when you are working from home. Exercising is a great stress reliever, so if you have been experiencing more anxiety or stress recently, try incorporating exercise into your daily routine. It’s great because you can find many at-home workouts online for free, and you can start any day. If you have any concerns about exercise, talk to your doctor.

Keep the blood flow going when you are sitting at your desk by moving your legs and moving around after thirty minutes. Shutterstock.


Work On Your Circulation

When working from home, there is something fundamental to remember: your primary circulation. You need to make sure that you are getting up from your at-home office chair at least every thirty minutes. When working at the office, they probably have better office chairs for you than what you have at home, so keeping in mind your back support and the importance of getting up and stretching is crucial. You can set the alarm as a reminder to get up every 30-60 minutes, and you can follow along with a simple stretching video on YouTube or just stretch on your own.

Getting up is important for circulation. Shutterstock.


While you are sitting at your desk, there are also some circulation exercises you can do. This notion includes flexing and rotating your lower leg. Do this a few times in your seat during your 30 minutes of sitting down to get the blood flowing. You can also search for exercises to do while sitting down in a chair – this will give you more ideas of other movements you can do while working from home in your office chair. Search for these videos on YouTube to get a video tutorial that way. You can see how the movement is supposed to be done.

Remind yourself to move around every thirty minutes by setting the alarm on your phone or kitchen timer. Shutterstock.


Get Up And Stretch

When you’ve been sitting for thirty minutes, get up, and have a good stretch. Follow this idea by taking a walk around the room. Also, you can go to the kitchen for a refreshment or outside for fresh air. It’s good to have a routine for your day – but you need to remember to incorporate breaks. That’s why it’s the law to have a break period for employees after working for a certain amount of time. A good starting point would be for every half an hour, give yourself at least five minutes for a break to get up, use the washroom and get a drink. If you can give yourself a more extended break, that’s great too.

Stretching is one way to remove stress from life and bodies. Shutterstock


If you forget to do this, you can set the alarm on your phone to remind you to do this. Your body will thank you for taking the time to refresh it, and you will be ready to sit down and focus for another thirty minutes. It’s a good idea to even set the alarm for breaks so that you don’t get distracted and forget to go back to what you were supposed to be doing. It’s an easy habit to get into, so it’s best to try and keep yourself on track.

Keep in contact with your friends and call them if you have been going on a walk with them in usual circumstances. Shutterstock.


FaceTime Your Friends

You might be someone who enjoys exercising with your friends or family. This concept may be something you are unable to do at the moment, but that shouldn’t stop you from working out, and there are ways to recreate this thanks to technology. You could both watch the same videos on YouTube and get a great home workout in. Share your favorite routines with your friends and family, and encourage them to get active as well. You could also use a map app to track your walks or runs if you can go outside.

Call friends on the phone if you feel up to it, or send text messages. Shutterstock.


During that time, you would go walking with a friend, call them on FaceTime, and have a conversation while you wander around the house or the garden. You could even just march on the spot while talking to them. Apps and watches like Fitbit track your daily exercise, and you’re able to add friends to your account. You could have some friendly competition with your friends on who can get the most steps in one day, or the most calories burnt. It is a good motivator for your friends and yourself as well, and the app makes it easy to keep track.

Make sure to schedule times to talk to family and friends, so you don’t feel isolated, and maybe you can workout together. Shutterstock.


Get Creative With Your Exercises and Socialization

Just because we have to distance socially doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to socialize still. We just have to be a bit more creative and think outside the box. This idea will not only help your physical health but, most likely, your mental health as well. We can get creative by doing things “together” virtually when we can’t be together physically. When we make an effort to do things together, it gives us a feeling of being connected, which is excellent for our mental health. Encouraging each other to do exercises together virtually is an excellent motivator for everyone.

Get creative with using exercise to socialize. Shutterstock


Schedule a time with your friend or family member for a walk and talk, and you can both do it simultaneously. If you can walk in the garden, you can show them what you are seeing, so it feels like you are experiencing the walk together. Alternatively, if there is a great walking path with a view of the lake – show your friend or family member what you’re seeing! A great way to incorporate exercise and socialize, especially if you both live in different areas, could experience coast to coast views.

Communicate with people throughout the day if you live on your own so that you don’t become lonely and depressed. Shutterstock.


Don’t Feel Isolated

If you live on your own, communicating with people is essential. You can start to feel isolated if you are unable to see people, which can take a toll on your mental health, which will affect everything else in your life. If you have neighbors, you can check in on them because maybe they don’t have anyone in their lives. You can still social distance while checking in – it could go a long way for that other person, and it helps your mental wellbeing as well. Maybe you could offer to help pick anything up if you feel it’s safe to do so – like getting something from the grocery store for them.

Sometimes, when you feel overwhelmed, it can help talk through those thoughts and feelings with a loved one. Shutterstock


Also, you should include socializing in your daily routine so that you have something to look forward to. You could make a time slot during your lunch break to call someone different each day and check in on how they are doing. Not only does this help with your own routine, but it helps others. If there are people you know who don’t speak to their family, you could reach out to them as well. It doesn’t hurt to check in, and when you check in on others, others may start to check in on you as well, which is a nice feeling.

Make sure to check in on the critical people in your life as they might be feeling lonely. Shutterstock.


Put In The Extra Effort

Make an extra effort with your loved ones during this time because you never know who might be feeling lonely, and your phone call could make a big difference. Talking to others will help you to maintain cognition as well as keep your mood up. If you give them the steps over the phone, you could even have group calls and video calls with your loved ones. You could take your old routine of having Sunday dinner together and do it virtually! You can also play games virtually or just catch up and check in with them.

In a world that is encouraging social distancing, many aspects of our lives have become virtual. Shutterstock


If you have older people in your family, make sure that you are keeping in contact as they will have been isolated for a lot longer than you. Check in once a day over the phone or message them throughout the day. Not only is it something for you to look forward to and put into your routine, but it’s also something for your loved one to look forward to as well. Be patient if you are trying to teach them how to do something virtually over the phone – it may be something completely new and intimidating.

Keep your mind active, too – it is essential to exercise your brain with activities other than work. Shutterstock.


Keep Your Mind Healthy Too

Besides keeping physically active, you need to stay healthy in your mind, which means keeping mentally active. There are so many unique activities you can do – you could even binge a quiz-based program! Try and answer the questions that are being asked – it will be a lot of fun. If you live alone or don’t have friends and family who can visit, keeping your mind active is vital and will keep you happier at home. If you’re not into game shows, try to find a fascinating documentary to watch or listen to an educational podcast.

Staying mentally active is important too. Shutterstock.


Think of keeping your mind healthy the same as exercising your body. You need to exercise your brain as well because it’s a muscle. It can be a lot of fun and done in many different ways. You could take a new online course, learn a new skill, or try downloading an app like Duolingo and learning a new language! That not only exercises the mind but can also be super beneficial in your daily life. Learning a new skill or language could help you land a new or better job, or can make your everyday life easier as well.

Grab those knitting needles and work on your dexterity while creating something beautiful. Shutterstock.


Pick Up A Hobby

A great tip to have a healthy isolation period is maintaining the hobbies you used to do before it or maybe even taking up a new one. Hobbies are a great way to lift your spirit and make you feel like your life is somewhat expected. You can even block times for your hobbies as well, so that way you’re making a routine for your day. That can be beneficial to not feel like your “wasting away” your day and also have a feeling of structure. Give yourself hour blocks of time to work with throughout the day.

Dancing is a fun and creative exercise that can also have the added benefits of reducing your stress levels. Shutterstock


Knitting is an excellent activity for you to do. This activity is suitable for people with arthritis and also helps to improve your dexterity. It will help loosen your joints, and it serves as something to keep you busy as well. You can knit while listening to a podcast – get two things done at once: knitting and learning by catching up on a podcast! Many people also watch TV while knitting too, though this can take a bit more practice for beginners. Knitted items make great gifts, give us something to look forward to, and make us feel good.

Take this time to get into the kitchen and bake something that you’ve wanted to but haven’t had the time. Shutterstock.


Bake a New Recipe

If you aren’t a fan of knitting, there are loads of other activities you might enjoy doing. You could sew, crochet, or feel adventurous, try to restore and recover some furniture that could use an update. Another hobby many people find therapeutic is coloring. You can find adult coloring books that are beautiful and range from simple designs to intricate art pieces. Doing any kind of art is therapeutic and is ideal for times in isolation. If needlework isn’t in your wheelhouse, you could follow some online origami tutorials or try your hand at baking.

You can involve others in baking. Shutterstock.


Find a recipe that you have always wanted to try out and do it. The best thing is if you’re isolated on your own, you can have your cake and eat it. A great thing about baking is that there are steps to follow, which is not an artistic type that might be more satisfying and therapeutic for you. There are many simple baking that you can do that only require a few ingredients or take on a more significant challenge and go for a more complicated recipe. You get to reap the benefits of your baking afterward, too!

Anxiety is something that may have flared up during this time in isolation, and there are ways to work on this. Shutterstock.


Reflect On Your Anxiety

If you have found that you are struggling with anxiety during this period, you can do things to relieve yourself. Something that might be helpful to practice in isolation is your breathwork and meditation. Both of these will help you to work through those feelings and get you to a better headspace. These activities will help train your mind to enjoy a state of mental clarity and help you relax and have a moment of peace. This movement will then reduce your anxiety and help you cope with stress and become less stressed overall.

Take time to reflect. Shutterstock.


When you reflect on how you felt when you had high anxiety moments, you can learn the triggers you have for yourself. Maybe thinking about our country’s state for too long is a trigger, or having the news on for too long. Would just reading the information you need be better than watching an entire broadcast about it? Once you reflect and think about what was happening when these triggers affected you, you will better realize when high anxiety is coming. Then, you can either stop it from happening or lessen the anxious feelings because you’ll be more prepared.

There are lots of excellent meditation guides online, and even on YouTube that you can follow. Shutterstock.


Search For Online Meditation Guides

If you aren’t sure where to start, there are so many meditation resources available online. Yoga practice goes hand in hand with this, and a combination of the two activities could prove beneficial to you in isolation. It is a great workout and can be great for beginners and people with more experience working out. Did you know that it is about really listening to your body and focusing on your breathing? That is a primary focus for meditation. There are many free resources on YouTube as far as yoga routines, and it may take several videos before you find one you like.

Adding a meditation practice to your day can work wonders on your stress levels, even if you can only spare five or 10 minutes. Shutterstock


There are even apps you can download, such as Headspace. This app is currently the world’s biggest meditation platform. It has lots of different content for you, and you can tailor-make your mediation experience, and you will be guided through it. There are meditations for your morning and evening routine, and there are meditations for when you have those anxious feelings as well. You can download the app for android or apple devices, and it is free to download. Get started with it today and become familiar with the app so you can use it whenever you need to.

Bring awareness to your body and your mind in the process of mediation. Shutterstock.


Try Out The Headspace App

An app like Headspace will help you to understand anxiety-inducing thoughts as well as storylines. The mediation will help you learn a new perspective, and with this, your relationship with anxiety will begin to change. You can learn your triggers and what you can do to prevent or lessen the anxious thoughts and feelings. Doing these exercises now can help in the future when you are in a situation where you can’t stop and meditate. You’ll be able to deal with real-world scenarios much more effectively, reducing anxiety and stress in your day-to-day life.



Meditation helps bring awareness to our minds and bodies and provides you with techniques that you can use whenever you start to feel that awful feeling of anxiety, making its way into your mind. Taking time to practice these techniques is essential, and an app like Headspace makes it so much easier. You can use it multiple times a day if you want – and you can use it alongside other stress reducers like journaling or physical exercise. Headspace is available on both Android and Apple devices so that you can get it on your phone or tablet.

Take this time to focus on yourself and bring all your attention to your body and breathing. Shutterstock.


Focus On Your Breathing

Then you can turn your attention to the movement of your body. See how your chest, ribs, and belly are moving. Focus on your breath without feeling the need to control how fast you breathe or how intense you are breathing. You can start with a five-count breath in, hold for one second, then a five-count breath out. As long as your breathing is steady and even, you should start to feel calmer and notice how your body feels better with more oxygen going into your blood – flowing through your body from head to toe.

Take time to breathe. Shutterstock.


If you find that your mind is starting to wander or get distracted by things surrounding you, bring your attention back to your breath. Your breath is your safe space when you are meditating. It is okay if you need to count again; five seconds in, one-second pause, five seconds out. You can change this to any variation you need, but it is good to pause for a moment at the top of your inhale. Do this for two to three minutes, or however long you need. Meditation is not actual practice, so you can tailor it however you want to.

Sleep is good for you and your focus. It can help you to conquer the stress that you are facing in your life. Shutterstock.


Get A Good Night’s Sleep

If you are having a hard time, make sure you are getting a good night’s sleep. Sleep is a natural way to help your mental health. It is important to make sleep a priority in your life as it’s hard to face a new day if you are tired and stressed. Stick to your usual bedtime routine in isolation and maybe try and include some extra relaxation time for yourself to ensure that you are getting the best chance at a good night’s sleep. This opportunity would be a great time to meditate as well.



An excellent way to start getting a good night’s sleep is to establish a nighttime routine. Nighttime routines can begin with having a shower and doing your skincare routine – there are many simple nighttime skincare routines on YouTube to get you started. Nighttime is a good time to journal as well – write down how you are feeling, then follow up with mediation and reflect on what you wrote down. You can end the night in bed with some reading as well. It’s not a bad idea to set the alarm for the morning if you oversleep as well – too much sleep can be just as inadequate as too little sleep. Eating these late-night snacks and foods improves sleep quality.

Everyone’s stress levels are high at the moment, so take time away from people if you need to. Shutterstock.


Try To Avoid Conflict

If you live with other people, you can live a better life in isolation or during lockdown to do your best to avoid conflicts. Everyone is stressed out at the moment, and it could cause unnecessary fights or arguments. If you find you are getting irritated or annoyed, try to remove yourself from the situation and take some time out and relax. When you feel calmer, try to discuss any issues in a relaxed way while returning to the group or person. Keep healthy, and you’ll make it through isolation a better person!

Fighting and conflict can be the route of stress. Shutterstock.


It’s not only about keeping healthy physically, but mentally as well. Find things that help calm you down – finding a new hobby like painting, listening to calm music, gardening or going for a walk are excellent ways to destress. Once you start practicing these things, you can handle conflict better and be calmer in the situation. When you’re calm, it will help the people around you be calm as well. It’s okay to take breaks during arguments if things are getting too heated – take 10 minutes to reflect, then come back. The conversation should be easier after doing that.


The Yoga Garden – Stay Calm & Yoga On – Healthy Tips

The Daily Mail – Must-Read Tips on How to Survive Self-Isolation

GAIM – Meditation 101: Techniques, Benefits, And A Beginner’s How-To

Good Housekeeping – 12 Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy During Lockdown
