We have all done it; that is, thought to ourselves: Had I been a bit more careful about those drinks last night, I could have avoided this sickness. After all, you said the same thing the last time you had too much alcohol. Well, probably the day before, you’ve had your share of fun and enjoyment. You enjoyed wholeheartedly with your family and close peeps — and had a fantastic time sipping your glass of alcohol.
Fast forward to the next morning! You wake up with disappearing bliss and fun of the previous night. The morning sun penetrates your mind, leaving you with a brain-splitting regret, and all that you think of is, ‘if I were a bit more careful about drinking last night, this wouldn’t have happened.’ Keep reading to learn what is happening to your body when you have a hangover. Also, natural ways to cure a hangover.

There is a science behind a hangover
You wake up with a hangover – the medical condition that comes due from last night’s bill, leaving you buried with discomforting pain. However, that’s not enough. Light sensitivity, headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea – all get combined to make you feel all the more lifeless! Nevertheless, what has made you suffer from the intolerance of waking up with a hangover the day after? Is it because of dehydration? What about mixing your alcohol? Or is the illness entirely because your level of alcohol consumption had been a bit too high? It is time to learn the truth about hangovers and how to cure them.

Hangover, or medically speaking, veisalgia, is a condition set in some hours after you stop drinking. That is because the BAC or blood alcohol level falls. It peaks when the BAC level reaches zero. It’s something like a mini withdrawal, according to what researchers indicate. The symptoms of a hangover can last the full next day, and these are similar to the signs that most alcoholics often experience when they stop consuming alcohol.