
Understanding a Hangover and the Natural Remedies That Can Help 

Hangovers cause gastrointestinal effects and dehydration Alcohol increases the production of acid in the digestive system and even irritates its digestive membranes. It can also slow… Trista Smith - January 26, 2020

We have all done it; that is, thought to ourselves: Had I been a bit more careful about those drinks last night, I could have avoided this sickness. After all, you said the same thing the last time you had too much alcohol. Well, probably the day before, you’ve had your share of fun and enjoyment. You enjoyed wholeheartedly with your family and close peeps — and had a fantastic time sipping your glass of alcohol.

Fast forward to the next morning! You wake up with disappearing bliss and fun of the previous night. The morning sun penetrates your mind, leaving you with a brain-splitting regret, and all that you think of is, ‘if I were a bit more careful about drinking last night, this wouldn’t have happened.’ Keep reading to learn what is happening to your body when you have a hangover. Also, natural ways to cure a hangover.

Hangovers are the worst thing to wake up to the next morning. Shutterstock


There is a science behind a hangover

You wake up with a hangover – the medical condition that comes due from last night’s bill, leaving you buried with discomforting pain. However, that’s not enough. Light sensitivity, headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea – all get combined to make you feel all the more lifeless! Nevertheless, what has made you suffer from the intolerance of waking up with a hangover the day after? Is it because of dehydration? What about mixing your alcohol? Or is the illness entirely because your level of alcohol consumption had been a bit too high? It is time to learn the truth about hangovers and how to cure them.

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Hangover, or medically speaking, veisalgia, is a condition set in some hours after you stop drinking. That is because the BAC or blood alcohol level falls. It peaks when the BAC level reaches zero. It’s something like a mini withdrawal, according to what researchers indicate. The symptoms of a hangover can last the full next day, and these are similar to the signs that most alcoholics often experience when they stop consuming alcohol.

There’s more happening in your body during a hangover than you realize. Shutterstock.


Read on to find out the cause of hangovers

Ordering another pint or mixing your alcohol isn’t something to take pride in. While it might boost your confidence in being a learned boozer, it can even end up you in bed, crying in discomfort besides other health conditions. Moreover, no matter how rejoicing the party had been, its aftermath did trouble you with mouth getting dried, pounding headache, and even queasy stomach. Little did you feel like you’re still living on this earth! And whether or not you remember what happened last night, how many drinks you’ve had, you have a hangover. So, what might be the cause?

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Keep reading to learn more about why you get a hangover. Did you mix your liquors from light-colored vodka to dark whiskey? That’s a big no-no in the realm of drinking. Maybe you didn’t eat enough or have some water in between alcoholic beverages? Perhaps people call you a lightweight because you get drunk after just a few swigs. Is there such a thing? If you have experienced a hangover, for whatever reason, there are some foods and drinks that can help cure the nasty side effects. However, does that mean you have to sip tea in a cold shower? Keep reading to find out the science behind hangovers and what you can do to cure them quickly.

Dark liquors are the biggest culprit in causing hangovers. Shutterstock


Drinking dark liquors or mixing alcohol can increase the chances of a hangover

So, last night’s booze might trouble you more with the throes of the hangover if it’s darker liquor. Say, for example, if you had whiskey or bourbon, things become clearer why you’ve suffered from a nightmarish hangover. The fact is, darker liquor comes with a chemical byproduct called congeners. These are the byproducts of alcohol fermentation and are found more in whiskey, bourbon, red wine, brandy, and darker beers. Congeners turn into formaldehyde, an incredibly toxic chemical when metabolized in the human body. When people say pick your poison, they mean it quite literally when it comes to dark liquors.

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If you consume one of these liquors, you might get the worst hangover the next morning. They’ve got a taste to enhance the flavor of alcohol, but these are toxins that cause a hangover. However, slugging the vodka sodas or mixing your drinks can never be your remedy. You might experience a hangover from neat alcohol too! Consuming too much of something alcoholic would leave you with a hangover the following day. So, while dark liquors are the easiest culprit to rule out if you’re prone to hangovers, even beer or clear liquors could give you a miserable morning after.

Men and women sometimes react to alcohol differently. Shutterstock.


Being a ‘lightweight’ drinker can influence how alcohol impacts your body

As far as science says, a woman is likely to come across the effects of consuming alcohol more than a man would face. Science says that men have a higher percentage of water in their bodies, which helps dilute the drink they consume. When a woman does the same, more alcohol is going to get built up into her bloodstream. Remedy: What you can do is consume a non-alcoholic drink or water between every other glass to stay hydrated. No rule says once you start consuming alcohol, you can’t drink any water, juice, or non-alcoholic beverage for the rest of the night.

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Just as with any other drug, people can also build up a tolerance to alcohol. That is why long-term alcoholics can function at blood alcohol levels that would render new drinkers unconscious or even dead. If you drink frequently or heavily, you can likely avoid a hangover much easier than someone who drinks heavily for the first time, or at least the first time in an extended period. However, this is not a reason to start binge drinking! Heavy and regular drinkers can and do still experience hangovers. Moderation and hydration are by far the most effective and safest ways to prevent a hangover.

You may be the odd one out among your friends after a night of partying. Shutterstock.


Some people don’t get hangovers

The happiest boozer on earth is the one who doesn’t wake up with a hangover. Yes, indeed, so. If the friend with whom you boozed last night has told you that he/she never finds any trouble with a hangover, believe it that he or she is the happiest boozer on earth; science says that some people don’t ever get a hangover. It might be because people respond to alcohol differently, or that person might have drunk smart. Believe that metabolism is something that has a connection to not getting a hangover at all. However, people who suffer from hangovers might because of some specific reasons.

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There is genetic evidence that some people respond to alcohol differently than others. Some people have a higher likelihood of experiencing an alcohol flush in which their skin reddens quickly upon drinking even a small amount of alcohol. Others, particularly in Asian and Indigenous communities, have a lower tolerance for alcohol and are more likely to experience adverse physical effects upon drinking. So, those who avoid hangovers may have simply won a small genetic lottery. If you notice that you flush with alcohol or experience severe symptoms when drinking, talk to your doctor to ensure you aren’t facing health risks.

Alcohol is called liquid courage for a reason. Shutterstock


What happens internally when people drink too much?

Calling hangovers a mini alcohol withdrawal is nowhere near an exaggeration. Drinking would indeed make you feel euphoric with disruption of neurotransmitters that are always a result of a high number of chemicals in the body. The brain, when adapting to this change, enjoys it. Similarly, when this change gets removed, the nightmarish aftermath of alcohol consumption makes you feel lifeless, nauseated, tired, and achy. Your small movements would give massive agony issues apart from other ones. ‘Why is my body making me pay a brutal price like this,’ you end up asking yourself. Keep reading for even more answers.

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Alcohol affects the body by entering the bloodstream, where it gains access to the brain and wreaks some chemical havoc, or fun, depending on your perspective. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, giving alcohol its slightly numbing and inhibition-reducing effects. It also is what causes the lack of motor control that causes failed sobriety checks. Food acts as a sponge for alcohol, so drinking on a full stomach is one easy way to reduce both the intoxicating effect and hangover likelihood of consuming alcohol. Alcohol also causes dehydration, so drinking water or something like Gatorade while drinking is a must.

Nausea and vomiting are the first signs of a bad hangover. Shutterstock


Hangovers cause gastrointestinal effects and dehydration

Alcohol increases the production of acid in the digestive system and even irritates its digestive membranes. It can also slow down or speed up passages of food via the gastrointestinal tract, but that, of course, depends on how much you drink! The effects are associated with vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea. Calling alcohol a diuretic is not untrue because it makes people visit the washroom often to use the bathroom. All in all, it is not hard to become dehydrated after and during the time of boozing. Dehydration happens to be one of the significant causes of dizziness, thirst, and headaches.

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Nausea caused by a hangover is not in your imagination. The irritating effect of alcohol, especially high-proof alcohol like Everclear, is well studied. Drinking can lead to nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and diarrhea. In extreme cases, a drinker may even damage the delicate membranes of the digestive tract. These symptoms can last for up to a full day after a period of binge drinking and can become chronic over time with regular drinking. The dehydration caused by diarrhea is no joke, so staying hydrated is truly vital when drinking alcohol, especially if you are prone to dehydration or dehydrating medications.

Electrolytes are what give your body energy, hence why you feel sluggish after a hangover. Shutterstock


An imbalance in electrolyte levels and hypoglycemia can contribute to a hangover

The chances are high that your body would have an imbalance in the electrolyte levels with alcohol consumption. Such an imbalance would contribute to health conditions such as weakness, headaches, and mental irritation. The consumption of alcohol can even limit sugar production in your body, thereby decreasing glucose levels. Low blood sugar or hypoglycemia would contribute to health conditions like irritability, fatigue, and dizziness. Dehydration causes many of the same symptoms and will compound low blood sugar symptoms, making for a truly unpleasant experience. Diabetes, in particular, should monitor their blood sugar carefully if drinking heavily or regularly.

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Electrolytes are vital in the body. They are minerals that carry an electrical charge and are responsible for vital functions like causing the heart muscles to contract. That is why athletes are so careful to maintain electrolyte balance when sweating during sports. A severe balance in electrolytes can cause heart problems, including arrhythmias. Throwing off your electrolyte balance can be incredibly serious, so it’s extra important to stay hydrated with water, at least, and even more ideally, an electrolyte-replacing sports drink if consuming a large amount of alcohol. If you are diabetic and prone to low blood sugar episodes, be extremely careful with alcohol consumption.

Alcohol may help you fall asleep, but it’s not a fitful night of sleep. Shutterstock.


Drinking alcohol can impair your immune system and cause you to feel tired

Boozing can impair people’s immune systems. There are hangover symptoms that are related to the temporary changes that happen in your immune system. Such symptoms include decreased appetite, nausea, concentration problems, and more that result in affecting your immune system negatively. Psychological pieces of evidence give a clear indication that regular drunkards tend to be dependable on alcohol consumption because they want to have a good night’s sleep. However, it’s just a myth! If you drink too much, the consumption will make you feel sleepy. However, it might even prevent high-quality sleep, thereby causing drowsiness the following day you wake up.

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The human immune response is a complicated mechanism that relies on stress, how well-rested you are, vitamin consumption, and more. A chemical like alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it removes water from your body and affects electrolytes and blood sugar. It is more than capable of throwing the immune system out of whack and making you more susceptible to nuisances like the common cold or even more severe illnesses like the flu. Alcohols often sick with minor illnesses and infections because the alcohol and its physical effects have lowered their immune system’s overall effectiveness.

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Drinking too much alcohol can cause vasodilation and arrhythmia

Drinking makes your blood vessels widen significantly. It is an effect better known as vasodilation. With dilated blood vessels, the chances are high that you might wake up with headaches the next day. You might also suffer from mental irritation. How happy your ‘happy hours’ of last night leave you in the following day is quite debatable. There are causes that alcohol will have in your body right after a couple of intake hours. While it has a direct impact on your heart, it might even leave you with a symptom called Holiday Heart, aka arrhythmia (or irregular beating).

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This vasodilating effect causes the “alcohol flush” in affected people, leading to the face looking red and feeling hot when drinking even small amounts. Vasodilation can also lower blood pressure, which can cause dizziness or even faint upon getting up from laying down or sitting. Combine this with alcohol’s impairment of motor function, and susceptible people are much more likely to fall, possibly injuring themselves. Vasodilation also makes bleeding more likely, which is why hitting your head when drunk can be especially dangerous and more likely to result in brain bleeds. People taking blood thinners should be extra careful when drinking.

Avoid the horrible symptoms of a hangover by exercising more caution with your drinking habits. Shutterstock.


Try to avoid a hangover by being aware of your drinking habits

A hangover is a way to remind you about the hazards of the previous night’s overindulgence. It’s the joint effort of causes like fatigue, diarrhea, nausea, dizziness, headache, dehydration, lowered blood sugar, and many more. It causes you a symptom where you tend to think about how to either fight or flight! In some cases, you can also suffer from spinning sensations too. So many causes cannot give you a clear idea of just one cure. Unsurprisingly, you might end up encountering other hangover signs like troubles in task completion, conflict with co-mates or co-workers, injuries, and even absenteeism.

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While you want to learn about the surefire method to cure a hangover, here’s presenting a whole list of cures that you can follow to prevent such complications. Some remedies are as easy as staying hydrated and drinking on a nice, full stomach. In contrast, others involve supplementing various vitamins and minerals that help mitigate alcohol consumption. An overall healthy lifestyle with physical activity and plenty of deep sleep can also help limit the impacts of the occasional night of overindulgence, but they can only do so much. Read on for more natural remedies for hangovers.

Drink more water to counter the dehydrating effects of alcohol. Shutterstock


Hydrate yourself by drinking plenty of water

While dehydration can be a natural cause of a hangover, getting hydrated becomes an instant remedy. You tend to become more urinated after consuming alcohol. That leads to dehydration, and this is the fundamental cause of symptoms of a hangover. To put things simply, the desert thirst is what wakes you up in the morning. And when you wake up during the wee hours of the next day, it’s a signal that your body requires water because you are in your hangover stage. The water amount you intake should be equal to the amount you had lost after consuming alcohol.

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Alcohol is a diuretic, meaning it expels or removes water from the body. Caffeine is another diuretic, which is why your morning coffee sends you running for the restroom not long after drinking it. Any amount of water you drink while consuming alcohol will help mitigate this effect. You can even make a rule to drink a sip of water after each sip of alcohol, which will also be helpful. Electrolyte-replacing drinks like Gatorade or other sports drinks is especially beneficial since alcohol also throws electrolytes out of balance increasing dehydration and unpleasant effects like headache and fatigue.

Ginger tea or candied ginger can reduce feelings of nausea. Shutterstock.


Try consuming ginger if you experience nausea

Nutritionists and doctors always agree that ginger is a perfect remedy for soothing your upset stomach, which is a common hangover symptom that can trouble you extremely. Not only does it aid in digestive problems, but it also eases stomach aches. Ginger is an excellent remedy for reducing vomiting symptoms for people with cancer. It deserves a special mention to be referred to as a superfood for easing hangover symptoms. Add a few drops of lemon syrup or lemon; drink the juice to get rid of hangover headaches. Ginger would be especially beneficial for drinking on an airplane or a train.

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Keep in mind that lemon tends to make you vomit in large quantities, so better be aware of it before you plan to consume it. Ginger and lemon can be found in helpful ratios in many natural nausea-easing medications, including gummies and candies. Airports and gas stations often have cheap and readily available ginger treatments for motion sickness, but these can help with hangover symptoms just as well. Ginger is also cheaply available at many grocery stores and ethnic food markets, so you could make your own candied ginger lemon chews for a truly fresh taste at a reduced cost.

Chamomile tea is a great way to soothe your nerves. Shutterstock


Drink chamomile to reduce your anxiety

A hangover is one condition where you tend to freak out mentally and concurrently feel the pain internally. The ‘hangxiety’ or better-called hangover anxiety is one taxing state that can depress your mental health. Research indicates that shy people experience it quite often after waking up with a hangover. A fantastic remedy to reduce anxiety is a cup of chamomile tea. Not only does it calm your feelings, but it also helps you soothe anxiety too. Furthermore, the double bonus is that it can even help improve your sleep. It boosts sound sleep and gives stomach relief.

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Chamomile is a very medicinally active plant, meaning it has many chemical compounds that have been identified by science as medically valuable. In addition to reducing anxiety, chamomile’s various compounds can induce sleep and cause deeper, more restorative sleep. Chamomile is also often included in digestive teas, alongside mint, since it helps to soothe the stomach’s lining and aid with digestion. These properties combined make chamomile an extremely beneficial hangover treatment for your body and mental state. Chamomile teas are widely available, but if you don’t think your stomach could tolerate a cup during a hangover, there are capsules available at many stores.

This image doesn’t reflect what “hair of the dog” truly means when it comes to a hangover. Shutterstock.


The hair of the dog method is a unique method

The hair of the dog goes hand in hand with a neat peg of whiskey that you have right next to you in the bed. Moreover, you wake up in the morning just to find it kept safe. Now that you are going through the aftereffect of the hangover, why not try a drink of your own? Yes, feel safe to use alcohol to rescue the pains created by the beverage itself. It might sound weird for the first hangover peps, but trust it! You should remember to play that smartly. It is best recommendable to try out cocktails made with drinks you had last night.

Image via Health Line


Adding tomato juice with last night’s alcohol would also replenish your body with nutritious foods. If vodka was the language you spoke last night, then maybe a Virgin Bloody Mary can be great medicine for a hangover. You can even try out michelada with some beer. However, whatever you do, the alcohol-with-alcohol-treating approach would only turn out to be great if you keep it balanced and play it smart. Make sure any alcohol you drink is resting on a full stomach and avoid the most problematic liquors like those dark alcohols, including whiskey, containing formaldehyde metabolizing components.

A cold shower will jump-start your body’s metabolism and help you feel more awake. Shutterstock


You could try to take a cold shower

If the remedies, as mentioned earlier, don’t work out, you can try out having enough sleep. Only then, a cold shower would be your savior! It would be a great idea to get freshened up with all senses working exceptionally well. Since alcohol works differently for different individuals, a shower also varies according to its temperature. Some folks prefer taking a hot shower to ease their hangover symptoms. A hot shower would likely be better for those who don’t experience the worst of alcohol’s vasodilation effects. Anyone who has ever gotten hot water on already red skin knows how unpleasant that would be!

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On the contrary, others feel a cold shower is the ultimate great idea to go for when nothing’s working for easing the hangover. However, as mentioned already, too much of something during your hangover stage can cause further damage. Make it a balanced go. Always choose either warm or cool water, not extremely cold or hot. If you are still dizzy from a night of heavy drinking, be careful when showering, especially entering and exiting the tub. If you are experiencing the “alcohol flush” from vasodilation, try a cool shower or even a cold rag on your face when you’re done showering to reduce that sensation.

Alcohol and painkillers are both depressants, so don’t take them together. Shutterstock


You should avoid taking painkillers

With a pounding head, it becomes tempting for you to reach for a quick cure. Yes, it’s understandable, but saying yes to painkillers can never be your ultimate solution. Because we consume alcohol on occasion and festive season (in a smart way, but), you cannot just end up having painkillers after every time you end up with a hangover. No, that’s not what your body deserves! Tylenol is especially dangerous as it is processed in the liver and has an LD50 (meaning the lethal dose for 50% of the population) much closer to its therapeutic dose than most over-the-counter medications.

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The more dependable you get on painkillers, the more it’ll bother you in the future. Always seek natural remedies that wouldn’t cause your body more damage. Tylenol in the medicines can cause further body damage to your liver. Ibuprofen, on the contrary, causes damage to your stomach and leaves bleeding. If you are seriously in need of one, ensure to consume a low-level pain killer. However, there are some effective alternatives to it. That being said, one natural pain reliever happens to be the balms available in the store and many herbal remedies that are widely available.

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Exercise is a healthy way to combat a hangover

Severe hangover symptoms can also bring in further challenges; thus, you feel uncomfortable standing still. Moreover, how can you just forget about the willpower that you’d have in your heart just to stand at ease after the day when you partied too hard with your friends? While standing might be painful now, it will surely help if you perform some exercises. No, it’s not a magical cure. Nevertheless, it’s a way to restore your mind and body concurrently. It will also boost your metabolism and rid your body of toxins by increasing organ function and sweating. Just be sure to stay hydrated during your workout!

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But wait! Keep in mind that working up your sweat would not help, and you’d also not feel like performing the more vigorous exercises then. So, what you can do is walk in the fresh air, maybe go to the nearby tea stall in the morning and have some black tea! A little breeze with a bit of sunshine and a little you; perhaps this might be the best cure for a hangover. Even if not vigorous, any physical activity will help stave off fatigue, and sun exposure will help bump vitamin D production. Just be careful to stay hydrated!

A strong cup of coffee isn’t going to make you feel better. Shutterstock


Skip your cup of coffee in the morning

Anything substantial (be it exercise or beverage) wouldn’t be an excellent idea when you’re in your hangover stage. By the time you wake up in the morning, you’d already been having your veins penetrating your nerve cells, causing you all the more pain. We suggest you avoid strong coffee because it worsens your headaches and also dehydrates you. So, no to that! As discussed already (in the section mentioned above), a cup of sweetened tea can help. Why not a sweetened cup of black tea? Chamomile tea would also be an excellent option, as chamomile is medically active and helps with multiple hangover elements.

Image via Perfect Daily Grind


Don’t apply milk to your tea because it will form acidity inside your stomach and bind the helpful tannins, making the tea less beneficial overall. However, if you’re a coffee person, drink a glass of caffeinated beverage that morning. Make sure it’s not too hot; otherwise, it wouldn’t counteract its dehydration side effects. While caffeine is a diuretic, skipping your expected caffeine dose will cause a caffeine withdrawal headache, making your already awful hangover terrible. Just make your coffee weak, or add a high-fat dairy cream to it to reduce its acidity and impact on your digestive system.

Never drink on an empty stomach; you’ll get drunk much faster. Shutterstock


You should try to eat some food

You might think: the last thing I’d want to have is food. However, you should not be speaking these words when you have a hangover. However, remember, alcohol’s diuretic actions make you lose vitamins, especially Vitamin C and B. The easiest way to consume vitamins is by having a glass of orange juice. While it will help you intake Vitamin C, you cannot avoid the importance of healthy food during these hours. You can also have tomatoes or strawberries. However, besides vitamins, you should also consume an amount of food, especially high-protein food that will provide long-lasting energy.

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Now, we already know that it’s horrible to taste something in the hangover stage. We aren’t asking you to have bread and butter and more — forget it! Begin with fruits because an apple might keep your hangover away until the time you drink. Fruits can be a perfect fit right now. Have one banana or an apple. Alternatively, you can even try out soups, chicken soup, and tomato soup, wow so many options. Some people swear by those street foods during this time. You can order your favorite take-out meal or make food at home if you feel like it.

Catch some extra zzz’s if you have time. Shutterstock


Your body may need some extra rest

Sound sleep can do wonders when you’re dealing with a hangover. However, it’s understandable that during this time, it becomes challenging to get a sound sleep. Maybe, you can rest for some hours. Rest is an opportunity that your body gets to recover. If you can’t get up and eat or drink, and if you are left with no other options of cure, just stay in your bed, as long as it helps. Maybe after some hours, you’d feel like sleeping. If that helps you with sound sleep, bingo — you’re about to get well soon! A nap is always an option too.

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Despite being a central nervous system depressant, alcohol can severely interfere with sleep, both in terms of getting to sleep at all and getting the deep type of sleep, we need to feel rested. While alcohol might make you feel sleepy, others can feel buzzed and have a hard time getting to sleep at all. For those who can sleep, alcohol interferes with the brain’s ability to enter deep sleep phases so that you may awaken from an eight-hour sleep still feeling tired and awful. Try to stop drinking too close to bedtime to reduce this effect of alcohol consumption.

Some people take drinking too far. Shutterstock


Be careful to watch for symptoms that require medical attention

While you can get over your hangover by following any one of the methods mentioned above, more-severe symptoms might end you with a life-threatened emergency. If nothing’s working out and memory complications arise, concentration problems, or dexterity, it’s serious. If you feel dizzy, like you’re going to faint or have heart palpitations, these are also signs of a potential medical emergency. You can call the local emergency number to get cured fast. Remember, too much consumption of alcohol can be dangerous and can even cause Alcohol Poisoning. The ones who think it’s a myth, no friend, it’s not. Here’s what it means.

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Alcohol poisoning occurs when the blood alcohol content (BAC) rises above what an individual’s body can handle. For context, the legal driving limit is under 0.08%. The alcohol content of 0.4% or higher is typically fatal. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include loss of consciousness, incoherence, and extreme loss of motor control. Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency that requires emergency treatment to prevent death. Never let a friend sleep off alcohol after losing consciousness. Not only could they choke on vomit, but they could also simply die in their sleep from the various effect of alcohol poisoning on the brain.

What started as fun social drinking can spiral into depression. Shutterstock


There comes a time when drinking alcohol is no longer fun

At times, severe and deadly alcohol poisoning is caused by a massive amount of alcohol quickly. Alcohol consumption, when at a rapid pace, can even cause breathing troubles. It also increases your heart rate and temperature of the body. Too much alcohol can also lead to a coma or even death. Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency that requires immediate action and medical treatment to avoid death. Never let someone sleep off heavy drinking after losing consciousness or showing any other signs of alcohol poisoning. They can die in their sleep from choking on vomit, respiratory paralysis, or other results of alcohol poisoning.

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To avoid such situations when your friends or family find you with symptoms like vomiting, seizures, slow or irregular breathing, pale or blue-tinged skin, hypothermia, you should stop heavy drinking. Furthermore, if you find someone in such conditions, call the emergency number and help him overcome the situation. What you can do is simply follow some tweaks and tips before you go deep into your happy hours. If you find yourself drinking more and more often, drinking alone, drinking to alleviate feelings of sadness or boredom, and finding yourself hiding your drinking from your employer or loved ones, please consider seeking professional substance abuse assistance.

Having alcohol makes it easier for some people to have fun. Shutterstock


There are some specific rules to follow before drinking alcohol

Unless you are entirely against alcohol consumption or recovering from substance abuse, you cannot say no to a peg at a party or business conference. And then there’s the fun associated with it. You meet an old friend and want to have a heart talk to that person about the once-closed chapter of your life. Together, you need one pint of alcohol. Maybe you go on a date with your partner to open up yourself about the last fight you had with him or her. Furthermore, you talk about why he stepped away from it just to make things healthy. Again, you need a few rounds of drinks.

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Alternatively, to the most extent of situations, you just want to drink and dance on the floor. You need alcohol, then too. After all, alcohol is one fine beverage that most of us love having to cherish moments and memories. It’s a happy high for lively souls, and then it’s also a sad low for depressive folks. So, how should you limit yourself from too much alcohol, just to be on the safer side? Well, here’s how you can proceed with your move to ensure you are drinking safely and in a healthy, responsible way to avoid the dangers of reckless alcohol consumption.

Make an informed choice about the kind of alcohol you’re going to be consuming. Shutterstock


Be sure to choose your drink wisely

The hangover severity that you’d have the following day entirely will depend on how much you drank the previous night. Nevertheless, the amount doesn’t have the same impact on everybody because everyone’s metabolism rate is different. While some people can handle too much, others require choosing their moreish poison more wisely. Choose the drinks carefully, and remember not to mix two liquors simultaneously since, whether true or not, it is widespread folk advice that doing so will make a hangover far more likely. Also, always remember that dark liquors like whiskey and bourbon are more likely to cause hangovers.

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Most people have likely heard rhymes or idioms regarding safe drink choices to avoid hangovers as well. “Wine before liquor, never been sicker” is a commonly heard refrain on college campuses. It promotes the idea that wine’s high sugar content and tannins will increase a hangover’s likelihood. Furthermore, dark hard liquors are also more prone to causing hangovers. If you find a specific combination of drinks that led to a terrible hangover, make a note of that combination and make sure you don’t try it again! Listen to your body and learn from it!

Stick with mixed drinks or lighter beverages to minimize having a hangover. Shutterstock


Avoiding dark liquors can minimize your likelihood of a hangover

It is recommendable to pick up your delightful peg of alcohol more intelligently. Remember, the darker your drink, the worse effects you’d be having the next day. Now, why darker drinks? As told earlier, darker drinks come with a compound known as congeners, which turns into toxic formaldehyde when it gets metabolized inside your body. When picking your alcohol, you should be smart enough. Remember that carbonated drinks speed up the absorption process. With that, it means a higher level of blood alcohol, and then comes the bad news – massive hangover issues! Whiskey and carbonation are a recipe for a hangover.

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While clear liquors like vodka and gin can still cause hangovers, they lack the formaldehyde metabolizing dark liquors’ congeners. Be sure to avoid any alcohol mixed with caffeine, as this can mask the central nervous depressant symptoms of alcohol, leading you to overdrink and take more risks, such as driving while intoxicated. The diuretic effect of caffeine will also enhance the diuretic effect of alcohol, leading to increased and faster dehydration. Alcohol mixed into coffee will have the same effect, so beware of Irish Coffees as a hair of the dog that bit you the next morning!

Don’t smoke while drinking. Shutterstock


You can prepare for a hangover

Now that you know what prevention cures to try out while in a hangover stage, you can do one thing and play it smart. Make your hangover prevention plan so that you have items ready at your rescue the next day you wake up in the morning. Keep one bottle of water ready. You should alternate alcoholic drinks and water. It will help you stay hydrated. You can also have electrolyte replacement drinks like Gatorade ready to drink when you get home and before bed. Making sure you get a good night’s sleep before going out to a party will also help you.

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Another thing of concern that hasn’t been mentioned all this while is smoking. Studies so far give a fair idea about smoking being a trigger point to heighten alcohol effects. However, whatever you plan for your side snacks, please avoid smoke. It’s the worst thing that can cause you more trouble. Smoking raises the heart rate, which, combined with the electrolyte loss of alcohol, can increase arrhythmias’ risk when drinking. Smoking is also a central nervous stimulant, like caffeine, and can mask some of the depressant effects of alcohol, leading to overdrinking and higher-risk behaviors due to feeling less drunk.

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Eat food before and after you consume alcohol

Ask any dietitian how food plays an integral role in our daily lives, and they’d come up with its true-blue benefits. Not only for daily life before having alcohol, but it’s also a necessity before having alcohol. Moreover, if experiences are anything to go by, drinking on an empty stomach is never a brilliant idea! Food is just like a sponge during the time of alcohol consumption. Acting like a sponge, it refuels your body and brilliantly absorbs alcohol, leaving only a little amount for your body to absorb it. If you take drinking in moderation and gradually enjoy your pegs, the chances are high that you won’t have a hangover the next day!

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Eating nutritious foods and high protein can help before drinking as protein is a longer-lasting energy source that will keep you full and energized longer than a carbohydrate-based meal. Having a snack like bar pretzels or nuts while drinking can help keep up with the alcohol you’re consuming and keep absorbing more alcohol. While you may regret the heartburn, having a late-night “fourth meal” after drinking can also help bind up some of the alcohol and get you sobered up, and hopefully reduce your hangover come morning. High water-content food like fruit is incredibly beneficial.

Staying hydrated counteracts the effects of a hangover. Freepik


Re-hydrate yourself to combat the effects of a hangover

Did you know that after having your share of drink, you shouldn’t forget to rehydrate yourself? Well, rehydrating right after the whole night of boozing is a great idea. Drinking loads and loads of water besides fluids like fruit juices can be a brilliant move. You shouldn’t forget to keep yourself rehydrated until the time you go off to bed. Remember that the best thing you can do is eat and drink slowly to avoid increasing your stomach acidity. The best practice is to drink water while you are partying, but if you forget, that water afterward can still help.

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Ideally, drink a fair amount of an electrolyte, replacing a sports drink after partying to help rebalance your electrolyte and increase hydration more rapidly than plain water. You can also eat water-heavy foods like fresh fruits and vegetables to get something in your stomach while also rehydrating through food. More and more electrolyte packets on the market can add to plain water without all of the sugars, dyes, and additives of sports drinks, which is a slightly more expensive but healthier option for health-conscious party-goers. Whatever you choose to drink to rehydrate, just make sure you’re drinking something without alcohol.

Alcohol gets expensive, and hangovers can damage your relationships, both professional and personal. Shutterstock


Is it worth it to get intoxicated?

Do you have to go to your workplace the next day? Perhaps you have college classes the following day. Maybe you should just pass on drinking this time around and save it for another more appropriate night. Are you even celebrating anything besides the day of the week? You might think it is all just fun and games until you get a hangover. Well, believe it or not, a hangover can cost you a lot more than a headache; in some cases, it can cost you your job, your reputation, your clean criminal record, your time and money, and so much more!

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If you find yourself drinking at inappropriate times, drinking alone, or drinking just to alleviate feelings of sadness or guilt, you may have a problem. Do you drink and have to face the consequences in your work or personal life? Besides hangovers, if you are experiencing other negative side effects of drinking, please consider seeking professional help for substance abuse. From faith-based recovery programs to medical treatments, there are many options available that make drinking alcohol physically repellant. Help is out there, and no one needs to face a drinking problem alone. Planning your drinking to reduce consequences in your life is just as important as planning to reduce hangovers since the consequences can last far longer than a day’s headache.

Drink smarter and healthier for the new year. Shutterstock


Always be sure to drink responsibly

The last thing you need to know is that there’s no magical cure for hangovers. There’s no pill (no, painkillers aren’t a safe bet) that can pop inside your stomach and leave you with a conclusion like, ‘Hurrah, my hangover is gone.’ No, it doesn’t work that way. The best guarantee that you can get from not encountering a hangover is not drinking at all! Otherwise, think twice and weigh risks accordingly. For the next time you drink, here is to wishing you health and happiness. If you choose to enjoy a night out on the town with your friends, be sure to pre-arrange to get home safely.

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In addition to ensuring you aren’t able to drink and drive, ensure that friends are also partying responsibly. Watch each other’s drinks and don’t engage in contests or other activities that may encourage yourself or others to over-consume or drink too quickly, both of which increase the risk of alcohol poisoning. Drinking is far more fun when done safely in a positive, uplifting environment that doesn’t lead to serious legal and health consequences or even tragedy for you and your friends. If you have questions about drinking responsibly or planning a party, there is ample information, only a Google search away.

Drinking fluids can help cure your hangover. That can include water as well as other nutrient-full beverages. Shutterstock


Try drinking other liquids than water to restore electrolytes

Alcohol is a diuretic, and since you may be urinating a lot, you are also losing electrolytes. You may experience dizziness, nausea, and cramping as a result. An electrolyte imbalance is one of the leading causes of feeling fatigued from a hangover. After dehydration, drinking electrolytes can help restore essential minerals, like sodium, potassium, and calcium. Electrolyte-rich drinks such as sports drinks and broth can help repair and replace lost electrolytes and get you back on the mend faster. Electrolytes are packed with calcium, magnesium, and zinc. They also help to balance the amount of water and pH levels in the body.

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If you are preparing for a night out, it might be beneficial to stock up on some Gatorade so that you can immediately start replenishing your electrolytes when you get home from a night out. Just make sure any vitamin water or sports drink you purchase doesn’t have caffeine, as some do. The diuretic effect of the added caffeine would largely negate the hydration you’re going for. Remember to include water-dense foods like fresh fruits and vegetables in your preparation and aftercare if possible. Why? Because these add to your hydration efforts while also absorbing some of the alcohol in your system!

Vitamin B helps restore your energy. Shutterstock


One cure for your hangover might be to consume vitamin B

Many hangover symptoms result from nutrient deficiencies, and vitamin B is mainly affected by alcohol use. Vitamin B is responsible for energy, brain function, and keeping the immune system and nervous system acting correctly. Vitamin B depletion can be associated with feelings of fatigue and low energy levels. After a night of drinking, your vitamin B levels are going to be depleted, and you are more likely to experience low energy and fatigue, contributing to your hangover. Try consuming some vitamin B-rich foods or taking a supplement to restore your power and get you back on your feet.

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Vitamin B is a complex of vitamins, including B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, B7 (biotin), B12, and folic acid. B12, in particular, is often available as supplements to smoothies and other healthy foods as an energy and mood booster. If you are going to supplement B vitamins, look for a B vitamin complex that includes all of them. B vitamins are water-soluble, so they are generally safe to supplement since they do not build up in cells like fat-soluble vitamins. Talk to your doctor before adding any supplements to your daily regimen.

Vitamin C is also a critical nutrient to your overall health. Shutterstock


Be mindful of your vitamin C levels when recovering from a hangover

Another vitamin that you should be aware of when recovering from a hangover is your vitamin C levels. There is a connection between alcohol use and a weakened immune system. That can hinder the body’s ability to defend itself. To avoid opening yourself up to illnesses such as colds, viruses, and potential alcohol-related issues, be sure to load up on vitamin C. You can do so by incorporating fruits and vegetables like broccoli. If you are not a fan of broccoli, try reaching for orange, red bell pepper, kiwis, or strawberries to ensure you have adequate amounts of vitamin C.

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Vitamin C is widely available in supplements and gummy and chewy forms. However, a word of caution: in high doses, Vitamin C can cause indigestion and serious diarrhea. If you are already experiencing stomach upset from a hangover, a large dose of a vitamin C supplement could be disastrous and lead to much time on the toilet. If you don’t typically take vitamin C, it might be safer to eat vitamin-rich food or take a very low dose of children’s gummy instead of a high-dose tablet. As always, talk to a doctor before adding vitamins to your diet.

Antioxidants help protect your cells against free radicals, which may play a role in heart disease, cancer, and other diseases. Shutterstock


Antioxidants can aid in curing a hangover

The alcohol a person drinks causes oxidative stress, which leads the body to produce free radicals, which are thought to increase inflammation and cause health issues. Antioxidants can assist with this. Oxidative stress has been linked to many health conditions, including heart disease and cancers. Antioxidants are compounds that help mop up these free radicals. People may benefit from eating foods that are high in antioxidants to reduce drinking alcohol’s adverse effects. Good dietary sources of antioxidants include berries, carrots, dark chocolate, and cherries. Consuming these foods with many health benefits can help to cure your hangover at a much quicker rate.

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If you know you’re going to be drinking, a hearty meal, including antioxidant-rich foods, is a significant step to take to reduce the risk of a hangover. However, if you can, eat antioxidant-rich snacks while drinking, even better! On the other hand, if you aren’t able to consume antioxidant-rich foods, there are many antioxidants blend dietary supplements available. They are best absorbed from food, but supplements are still beneficial. As always, talk to your doctor before adding any supplement to your diet. Why? Because some supplements can interact with prescription medications. An often overlooked interaction is citric acid with many ADHD and psychiatric medications.

Tea is a popular beverage that has many health benefits. Shutterstock


Drinking coffee or tea can aid in curing your hangover

One of the main effects of a hangover is profound fatigue. To combat that fatigue, try drinking some coffee or other caffeinated drinks. These beverages can act as stimulants, which may improve fatigue feelings that come with a hangover. Coffee, black tea, and green tea contain some antioxidants that may reduce alcohol consumption’s adverse effects. However, it is crucial to be cautious about drinking drinks with too much caffeine. Beverages that contain caffeine are diuretics, which can worsen the effects of dehydration in the body. Caffeine does not alter a person’s blood alcohol content, so it does not reduce the health risks of drinking alcohol.

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If you want to avoid caffeine’s diuretic effects, several herbal teas can be beneficial for treating a hangover. Chamomile is a medically active and instrumental member of the daisy family that can reduce anxiety and stress, increase the ability to get restful sleep, and soothe digestive lining tissues. Mint and lemon balm are two additional caffeine-free tea options that are calming to the nervous system, aid in digestion, and prevent digestive system irritation. Some people with pollen allergies are allergic to chamomile, so talk to your doctor before trying new herbal teas.

Korean pear juice is an old-school hangover remedy. Shutterstock


Try consuming Korean pear or Asian pear juice to cure your hangover

Korean pear juice is a home hangover remedy. Drinking seven and a half ounces can help lower your blood alcohol levels and make your hangoverless intense. However, there is a catch. For Korean pear juice to be effective, the catch is that you need to drink it before you have alcohol. If you drink it after you have drunk alcohol, it will not work. Korean pears work with your body’s chemistry to break down alcohol faster, which is why it is critical to consume them before drinking alcohol. That is also why it helps cure your hangover at a quicker rate.

Image via Los Angeles Times


Asian pears are widely available in grocery stores, especially in autumn, so try to find the whole fruit before your next party. Not only do you gain the benefits of the juice without added sugar and preservatives, but the fruit in your stomach will help absorb alcohol like any other food while providing the same, or possibly even stronger, benefits of processed juice. Whole fruits are also water-rich foods, so they help keep you hydrated while filling your stomach. The sensation of a full stomach can also help reduce or at least slow down drinking, which also helps prevent hangovers.

Carbohydrates are necessary for your body’s proper functioning. Shutterstock


Carbohydrates can help cure your hangover quicker

Alcohol lowers your blood sugar. That may help explain the dizziness and shaking some individuals get with a hangover. However, your brain needs carbs for fuel. Try grabbing a few slices of wheat toast or a few whole-grain crackers to help bring those blood sugar levels back up to standard. Besides, you will be giving yourself an energy boost too. Crackers contain fast-acting carbs that can increase your blood sugar during a hangover and improve related symptoms. When your liver is processing alcohol, it is no longer focused on regulating blood sugar, which is why low blood sugar can result from excessive drinking.

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Eating carbs increase your blood sugar and help you to feel better quickly. However, they are a shorter-lasting source of energy than complex carbohydrates or proteins. Ideally, you would want to balance a healthy amount of carbohydrates with long-lasting lean proteins before and after drinking to feel better quickly and stay full longer. A feeling of satiety or fullness before drinking can reduce consumption or at least slow down the consumption rate, which also helps prevent a hangover before it can start! Water-rich carbohydrates like fresh fruit can help rehydrate while also providing healthy, fast-acting carbohydrate energy.

Hydrotherapy is one of the most underrated alternative therapies. Shutterstock


Hot-to-cold showering can help cure your hangover

Hydrotherapy is part of alternative medicine that involves the use of water for pain relief and treatment. It is one of the most underrated therapies for hangovers. That includes alternating between hot and cold every 30 seconds while you are in the shower. Doing this can improve elimination, decrease inflammation, stimulate circulation, and helps remove waste from tissue. Hydrotherapy can be used for a wide range of ailments, including pain and fatigue from a hangover. It may also stimulate the immune system, which can help you bounce back quicker than ever. The next time you have a hangover, try taking a shower and alternating between hot and cold water.

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If you feel dizzy or at all unsteady on your feet from the effects of a hangover, showering could be dangerous, especially getting in and out of the shower when slips and falls are most likely. If this is happening to you, you could try an old folk remedy for migraines that involves putting your feet in a bucket of hot water while putting cold rags on your head. The idea is to draw blood away from the head to reduce headache pain, but it could also provide alternating hot and cold sensations without risking a slip in the shower.

Eggs are a popular breakfast choice with a lot of nutritional value. Shutterstock


If you are experiencing a hangover, try eating some eggs

When you drink alcohol, your liver, antioxidants, and enzymes break down the ethanol into a compound called acetaldehyde. When there is more acetaldehyde in the body than usual, it causes many classic hangover symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and headaches. Hangovers are not just due to dehydration. To counteract this buildup of acetaldehyde, we can turn to cysteine, one of the substances that help break down this compound’s body. Luckily, cysteine is present in eggs, which is why scrambled eggs are the perfect choice for your hangover breakfast. The essential minerals in eggs also help the body get rid of toxins that can build up drinking alcohol.

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If you want a truly supercharged treatment, try adding antioxidant-rich and water-dense foods like fresh tomatoes and fresh peppers to your scrambled egg. Alternatively, treat yourself and make a fancy omelet with healthy fresh fruit as a side dish. Blueberries, in particular, are one of the best sources of antioxidants you can eat. If you have coffee with your eggs, be sure to add some milk or cream to reduce the acidity in your stomach, as this can exacerbate any digestive upset from a hangover and cause heartburn and stomach upset. While cooking a fancy breakfast might not sound fun during a hangover, it’s an excellent treatment!

Minerals such as magnesium are critical to the proper functioning of your body. Shutterstock


Magnesium can aid in curing your hangover

Magnesium is one of our favorite minerals and is also known as a relaxation mineral. It has been shown that taking magnesium may help with both the pressure and pain associated with headaches. Additionally, consuming alcohol can deplete the much-needed magnesium in your body. Add a magnesium supplement to combat being magnesium deficient. When you get home, grab a banana before you head to bed. You could also treat yourself to a bath with two cups of Epsom salts, which contain magnesium.

Let your body relax, wash away last night’s toxins, and absorb the magnesium, which will alleviate aches and pains caused by your hangover.

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Green leafy vegetables are a fantastic natural source of magnesium, so try a spinach salad or some kale in your post-party scrambled eggs as a healthy way to get magnesium. Nuts, seeds, and whole grains also have magnesium, so a bar mix with nuts is an excellent snack while drinking. If you aren’t able to eat these foods, a magnesium supplement may be worth looking into for your overall health, especially if you suffer from chronic headaches. As with any supplement, always talk to your doctor before adding it to your daily regimen to avoid potentially serious drug interactions.

If you don’t like the taste of pickles, this option might not be your favorite. The Fresh Toast


Pickle juice is an old Polish hangover remedy

While it may sound off-putting at first, isn’t a slightly off-kilter recipe worth trying to get rid of the dreaded hangover? Plus, there’s actual science behind pickle juice that could make it a potentially effective treatment. In Poland and Russia, pickled cucumbers or cabbage juice, so pickles and sauerkraut juice, are traditional home remedies for hangovers. Most folklore calls for one cup, or eight ounces, of brine to be consumed to treat a hangover. It might be necessary to pinch one’s nose shut to get eight ounces of brine down, but read on to find out why there’s merit to the idea.

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Scientists have found that fermented, pickled foods are extremely good for us. The fermentation process involved in making both pickles and sauerkraut creates beneficial microbes that are incredibly beneficial for digestive health. Additionally, pickle juice from both cucumber pickles and sauerkraut contains sodium and potassium. Both crucial electrolytes are lost to the dehydration and diuretic effects of alcohol consumption. Drinking a cup of pickle juice could restore enough electrolytes to be as beneficial, or even more so, than drinking a processed sports drink. So, while it may sound gross, millions of Russians likely aren’t wrong, and there’s even science behind it!

You might think this soup looks too heavy for your stomach, but it will do the trick. Freepik


Did you know that Tripe soup is a Mexican remedy?

Another item on the list of questionably appetizing foods to try while already feeling nauseated, tripe soup or Menudo, in Spanish, is a trendy hangover folk remedy throughout Mexico. It is also a popular soup for any time you’re feeling fatigued or ill, much like chicken noodle soup in the United States or miso soup in Japan. The savory, spiced soup contains a handful of medically valuable ingredients in treating a hangover, so this soup could likely help make you feel a lot better. It’s worth giving a shot, especially if you can find fresh tripe!

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Menudo is traditionally made with tripe, which is the fresh stomach of a cow. The meat is stewed in garlic and onions, and other beef parts to create a rich, savory dish. The broth contains sodium, which is vital for restoring electrolytes after dehydration. Onion and garlic are rich in antioxidants and essential micronutrients that can also help treat a hangover’s dehydration and digestive effects. Menudo is also traditionally served with tortillas and bread, which are great carbohydrates to help absorb alcohol and give you a burst of energy. While it may sound odd, the rich, hearty soup also sounds healing.

Not only will this soup help make you feel better, but it is tasty, too. Delish


Try Miso soup if you have a hangover

There probably aren’t many people reading this who haven’t had a nice big bowl of canned savory chicken noodle soup when they felt under the weather, or, if they’re fortunate, a homemade batch for extra special healing. The saltiness of a good chicken noodle soup can help soothe a sore throat and, for hangovers, restore essential electrolytes that were lost to dehydration. In Japan, miso soup, made from fermented soy, is the go-to soup when you’re feeling under the weather or hungover. Not only does it have sodium, but also important greens and nutrients for effective hangover recovery.

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The fermented soy that makes miso is an incredibly healthy source of both soy protein and fermentation-based nutrients that help restore healthy gut bacteria and digestive balance, all of which are thrown into chaos by heavy drinking. The nori, or seaweed, found in miso is an incredibly nutrient-rich green that contains antioxidants and vitamins that can help remedy the effects of a hangover. Miso soup is widely available in most grocery stores and Asian markets. Even packets can simply be mixed with hot water for an instant, easy-recovery soup that tastes fantastic.

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Drink some coconut water if you drank too much alcohol

Coconut water has long been a source of delicious, healthy hydration throughout Asia and the Caribbean, really anywhere that coconuts grow. The water is collected from young, green coconuts and is sometimes served by merely sticking a straw in the fruit. While fresh young, green coconuts are somewhat challenging to find in many parts of the United States, coconut water is a rapidly growing trend. It can be found in many bottled and canned varieties in most grocery stores. With a light, pleasant coconut taste, it’s one of the more appealing hangover remedies. It sure beats pickle juice, at the very least!

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Coconuts, and coconut water, are a great source of potassium, one of the most important electrolytes that are lost due to the diuretic and dehydrating effects of heavy alcohol consumption. There is a risk of excess potassium in the blood from drinking too much coconut water, so keep that as carefully in moderation as you do your alcohol consumption. Coconut water is also a good source of carbohydrate energy which has a high sugar content. It also contains a small amount of protein for long-term energy, and the liquid volume will help keep you feeling full if consumed before partying.

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Prickly pear extract for the hangover win!

The prickly pear cactus, commonly known as nopal from the Nahuatl name for the plant, is a variety of paddle cactuses in the Opuntia family. The nopal is commonly used in Mexican and Latin American cuisine, where both the fruits and the paddles themselves are cooked. Careful preparation is essential when eaten fresh to avoid swallowing any spikes or fine hairs that protect the cactus from desert predators. The prickly pear fruit, in particular, is a source of valuable vitamins and minerals, and it is these compounds that are concentrated in prickly pear extracts that can be found in health food markets.

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Prickly pear extract in supplement form has been studied in scientific journals, and they found that it works! If you take prickly pear extract two hours before drinking, you can reduce the severity of a hangover by as much as 50. Prickly pear extract is strongly anti-inflammatory, which is likely how it reduces hangover severity. That anti-inflammatory action could also benefit numerous other conditions, making it a handy supplement to keep stocked. As with any supplement, always talk to your doctor before trying it to ensure it won’t have serious interactions with any prescription or over-the-counter medications you take.

Say goodbye to hangover symptoms thanks to this plant. Smithsonian Institution


Use ginseng as a medicinal herb

American Ginseng is one of North America’s most valuable medicinal herbs. It is so popular that laws have been enacted to stop overharvesting of the valuable and potent root. In many US states, only licensed harvesters can legally dig up and sell the roots. One of the many, many uses of this medicinally active plant’s roots is hangover prevention and treatment. Ginseng roots can occasionally be found whole at ethnic markets, but they are much easier to find in supplement form at most supermarkets and health markets. The capsules contain powdered root extract that is carefully dosed, safe, and useful.

Image via Everyday Health


Scientific studies have found that Americans, commonly known as red ginseng, actually reduce blood alcohol levels in the body. Taken about two hours before drinking, a ginseng supplement could help keep you from getting as drunk. However, that is not a reason or excuse to test it through over-consumption. Much like prickly pear extract, ginseng taken before drinking has been shown to reduce hangover severity, especially in headache intensity. As with any supplement, always talk to your doctor before trying it to ensure it won’t have severe interactions with any prescription or over-the-counter medications you take.

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Go for Phyllanthus Amarus — a tropical herb

Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled medical studies are the gold standard for testing whether a treatment is truly effective or not. It’s impressive that a standardized ethanol extract from the leaves of the tropical herb Phyllanthus amarus, sold under the brand name PHYLLPRO, was found in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to be effective at lowering blood alcohol content (BAC). Moreover, it also works at reducing the severity of a hangover. These symptoms include headache, nausea, fatigue, anxiety, tremulousness, diarrhea, and dizziness. The placebo showed that the supplement itself had a statistically significant effect. The supplement was also found to improve mood during a hangover versus the placebo.

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Phyllanthus amarus, commonly known as gale-in-the-wind, is a widespread tropical coastal herb related to the weeds’ spurge family. In addition to its benefits for hangover reduction, the plant has historically been used in folk medicine to treat liver ailments, including hepatitis and jaundice, indicating that its role in treating hangovers may center around actions in the liver. Given the documented strength of its medical actions, be sure to talk to your doctor before trying any supplement or herbal form of Phyllanthus amarus to avoid potentially serious interactions with any prescription or over-the-counter medicines you are currently taking.

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Add turmeric to your food the morning after you partied too hard

If you’ve ever eaten an Indian or Arab dish with a gorgeous earthy yellow-orange color that was too cheap to include saffron, your dish was likely spiced and colored with turmeric, a spice made from the roots of the turmeric plant. Turmeric is a popular spice in many kinds of cuisine and is celebrated as a “superfood” with known antioxidant properties and health benefits. Turmeric is widely available as whole fresh roots in many grocery stores and ethnic markets. Supplements are widely available in both chain stores and health markets as well, often marketed for their anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing qualities.

Turmeric is a spice that has been utilized for many different things. Shutterstock


What is less widely known is that turmeric has a strong effect on liver cells. Since alcohol is metabolized and subsequently does most of its damage in the liver, any medicine or supplement that helps the liver has a strong chance to help prevent or reduce the severity of hangovers. Turmeric has been found to encourage the regeneration, replacement, and repair of liver cells, which can aid in the healthy metabolizing of alcohol and reduce hangover incidence. A healthier liver can metabolize alcohol quicker and more efficiently, leading to shorter drunkenness and ideally fewer and less severe hangovers.

Taking supplements might ease the symptoms of a hangover. Freepik


Take chlorella supplements if you had too much alcohol

Chlorella is a genus of single-celled algae that grows in freshwater environments around the world. They contain a high chlorophyll level, a component also found in healthy foods like rich, leafy greens. They also contain a chemical known as the “Chlorella Growth Factor” which is currently a promising medical research subject. It is currently believed that Chlorella Growth Factor stimulates the body’s ability to repair its own tissues at the cellular level, much like turmeric’s effect on liver cells. The improvement of the regenerative ability of these cells could lead to safer and healthier alcohol metabolism.

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The Chlorella Growth Factor and other nutrients within the algae also appear to have potent antioxidant and detoxifying elements. Despite how much fun humans have with it, alcohol is at its core toxic, and our body responds accordingly. Anything that improves our body’s and liver’s ability to remove toxins safely and efficiently will make hangovers less frequent and severe. Since it is a single-celled alga, you, unfortunately, can’t pick any up at the grocery store to throw in a salad or eggs; it is only available as a supplement. As with any supplement, talk to your doctor before adding it to your daily regimen.

If you can get your hands on fennel, it can eliminate hangover symptoms. Freepik


Try some fennel and get rid of those hangover symptoms

Fennel is most frequently encountered in its seed form, used in baking and cooking as a cheaper alternative to the similarly flavored star anise’s seeds. The whole plant can sometimes be found in grocery stores, which yields a beautifully delicate licorice-flavored vegetable when cooked. Fennel seeds are also often found in Indian restaurants and Asian markets where it is sold candy-coated and eaten as a delightful post-meal palate cleanser and tooth cleaner. It turns out that not only is fennel a pleasant spice or snack, it is also effective, scientifically tested, and backed hangover treatment.

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Fennel is most useful for treating the digestive tract components of a hangover. Fennel is so popular as an after-meal treat in many Asian cultures because of its properties of aiding digestion and reducing flatulence. A cup of fennel tea during a hangover can help reduce nausea and irritation of the digestive tract. Drinking fennel tea before drinking or munching on some candied fennel while drinking can help prevent stomach upset from drinking. The fact that fennel and fennel tea has a light, pleasant licorice flavor is a major plus, at least for those who enjoy the flavor of licorice.

Add a little parsley to your plate if you have a hangover. Healthline


Sprinkle parsley to help cure the hangover blues

While most people think of parsley as a bland herb found dried in huge spice containers or occasionally served chopped fresh to make a savory dish look fancier, it is a medicinally valuable herb. Forget relegating the simple parsley to garnish status, and try adding it to your diet as a source of hangover prevention and treatment. Parsley is a popular herb for cooking in many regions of the world and is available cheaply in any supermarket. It has a mild, light flavor that is easy to incorporate into almost any savory dish, making it easy to add to your diet.

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Parsley is extremely rich in chlorophyll, much like the single-celled algae Chlorella. Chlorophyll may mean life for plants, but it’s also extremely beneficial for humans. The main component of the superfood family of rich, leafy greens chlorophyll contains antioxidants and vitamins necessary for our diet. Parsley also has an unusually high mineral content that can shore up nutritional deficiencies and aid the body in removing harmful acids and toxins. The next time you whip up some hangover scrambled eggs, try adding a handful of fresh parsley for great taste and a wide variety of vital nutrients.


The Spruceeats – 18 Amazing Dishes and Drinks to Help Cure That Hangover

Vice – What’s Happening Inside Your Body During a Soul-Crushing Hangover

Atlas Obscura – 15 Glorious Hangover ‘Cures’ From Around the World

Good Rx – How to Cure a Hangover: Remedies That Work and Don’t Work

Pukka Herbs – herbs to help naturally cure your hangover

PubMed Central – Effects of Phyllanthus amarus PHYLLPROTM leaves on hangover symptoms: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study

The List – What You Need To Know About Hangovers

Mayo Clinic – Hangovers

Mayo Clinic – Alcohol poisoning
