
10 Amazing Home Remedies for High Blood Cholesterol

Many food advertisements, especially those advertising cooking oil, are usually keen on making sure their product has no cholesterol. But, is the presence of cholesterol in… Denis Courtney - September 26, 2016

Many food advertisements, especially those advertising cooking oil, are usually keen on making sure their product has no cholesterol. But, is the presence of cholesterol in our bodies all that bad, as experts seem to make us want to believe? Studies have shown that a healthy amount of cholesterol has immense benefits to our system. Although your body can produce its own cholesterol, you can also supplement it with the food that you eat.

Cholesterol is said to be a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in all your body cells. This fat-like substance is essential for most bodily functions and works best if you combine it with other essential minerals, such as sulfur and vitamin D, as they are interrelated. When you combine them, these minerals work together to prevent cardiovascular disease. Another important thing to note is that your body needs cholesterol to make hormones, as well as some digestive juices.

Cholesterol travels through your bloodstream. The presence of bad cholesterol in the form of low-density lipoproteins is dangerous for your health. In fact, they will make your arteries harden, making blood circulation to vital body organs difficult. It is important for you to ensure you have increased levels of good cholesterol or high-density lipoproteins. They are necessary for ensuring excess cholesterol travels to the liver where it is eliminated.

Having high blood cholesterol can be fatal, because it will increase your chances of getting coronary heart disease.

Home Remedies for Treating High Cholesterol

You should opt for a medical opinion to help you lower cholesterol levels in your body. Talk to your doctor and try some easy options guaranteed not to bite hard into your budget. These are healthy, natural tips that are efficient. They could even ones guide you into regaining that healthy body you once had. These remedies include the following:

1. Say Yes to Exercise



The importance of exercise cannot be emphasized enough. It is the number one solution to help you shape up. It makes it easier to tackle everyday tasks efficiently and with ease. Exercise can involve hitting the treadmill or simply exerting yourself in a variety of physical tasks that involve movement, which will enable you to enjoy good health.

The best part about activity is that is it free. This does not mean that moving more will immediately and magically work on your cholesterol and body weight. Just like everything in life, it will take time and continued hard work for it to be effective.

According to health experts, exercise is one of the best natural remedies for you. It is good for promoting proper blood circulation and burning excess calories and cholesterol, as well as helping to strengthen your bones and muscles. Exercise can lower bad cholesterol or triglycerides, while at the same time raising the good cholesterol or high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

Although effective, this does not mean that exercise alone can help you lower your high cholesterol. This is because you must combine it with dietary changes, as well as watching your weight.

Finding out you have high cholesterol levels should be your wake-up call to get out of your comfort zone and start working hard towards achieving your ideal weight. Being overweight translates to developing high cholesterol in your system. You can simply start gradually with a walk around the neighborhood, riding a bicycle, or swimming.

Once it is comfortable to walk, bike or swim, you can graduate to walking faster and even running until your body gets used to the hard physical work. Just ensure that you pick a task you enjoy the most. Picking a boring exercise routine will surely wear you out. You will eventually find yourself abandoning it as soon as you just started it.

Being outdoors will also work to your advantage, because the exposure will help your body absorb enough vitamin D from the sun. Just be careful not to expose yourself to the midday sun, which has dangerous cancer-causing UV rays. Limit your time in the sun to early mornings or late afternoons, just to be safe. If you must go out in the middle of the day, apply sunscreen liberally.



2. Drink Fresh Orange Juice

As the saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and the same goes for eating an orange or two per day. Oranges could help lower the cholesterol levels in your system. Research suggests orange juice is one of the best natural remedies for better overall health. Oranges are rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and folate. Adding oranges or orange juice to your daily diet could significantly help in the reduction of high cholesterol levels.

One particular study showed that sipping approximately 25 ounces of orange juice a day benefits those people suffering from high cholesterol. This is because the minerals present help in the reduction of the bad cholesterol while raising the good kind. In addition, orange juice is said to work best if you combine it with fortified sterols, which will significantly work on ensuring that you enjoy optimum good health, which comes with reduced cholesterol.

On the other hand, the vitamin C present in orange juice is essential for your body. This is because vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can help in reducing cases of inflammation. Other great sources of this mineral include:

  • Kiwi
  • Lemons, limes and grapefruit
  • Pineapple
  • Papaya
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Sweet bell peppers
  • Cruciferous vegetables including cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and kale

In addition, orange juice is said to also help your digestive health, as well as keep chances of acquiring cancer at bay. You can complement your orange juice intake with vegetables as they are rich in fiber. Fiber is beneficial for your body because it can enhance proper digestion, and reduce cases of bloating and constipation. Better digestion will also mean the fat from foods will be properly digested, exorcising the bad cholesterol from your body.

You can also take vitamin C supplements, which come in a variety of forms, including rose hips and cranberry. Because vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, your body flushes the excess away. This means you must restore it each day by eating foods or taking supplements rich in vitamin C.



3. Try Some Coconut Oil

Apart from the amazing things coconut oil can do for your skin, it can also work miracles on your cholesterol levels. Although coconut oil is considered a saturated fat, experts suggest the oil is still beneficial for your health because it contains lauric acid. Lauric acid help in the reduction of lower density lipoproteins (LDL), or bad cholesterol, while raising high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or good cholesterol.

All you have to do is to add moderate amounts of organic coconut oil to your diet on a daily basis. For better results, you can also take at least two teaspoons of the oil on its own. As a precaution, keep away from the refined or processed coconut oil you see in the grocery story, as it will add no value to your health. Aside from its ability to reduce the bad cholesterol levels in your system, coconut oil may also help you reach your desired weight, as well.

Many people may find the relationship between the consumption of coconut oil and chances of lowering their cholesterol a bit confusing. This is because according to research, subjects reported instead of their cholesterol levels going down, they found that they went up instead and were alarmed. Experts were quick to come to their rescue and explain that although coconut oil is one of the saturated fats, its presence in their bloodstream did not mean the end of the world for them.

The scientists explained the rise in their total cholesterol levels was because of the increased levels of the high-density lipoproteins, or good cholesterol. The LDL to HDL cholesterol ratio was balanced, therefore reducing the subject’s chances of developing cardiovascular disease.

Interestingly enough, experts have found that vegetable oil, which is often advertised as heart-friendly, is not so friendly, after all. This is because unlike coconut oil, which raises the good cholesterol, vegetable oil is said to increase the cholesterol ratio as it promotes LDL, which is dangerous to your heart.



4. Consume More Garlic

Some people do not like the taste and smell that comes from garlic in their food. Eating garlic can promote better health for your body for a number of reasons. People have used garlic for centuries as a cooking ingredient. According to medical studies, it is an effective remedy, especially when it comes to heart conditions that happen as a result of high and bad blood cholesterol.

You can eat garlic in its raw form or cooked in a variety of recipes. Garlic is also available as a supplement, tablet or capsule. Medical research has shown garlic is beneficial for people who have high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol. It may also slow down the progress of atherosclerosis.

The research findings showed that taking garlic supplements for one to three consecutive months can do wonders in terms of lowering your blood cholesterol levels, as well as lowering the chances of blood clots, which can be catastrophic to your health. On the other hand, the same study suggested that taking garlic has no long-term effects, meaning that you should take it on a regular, continuous basis.

Garlic is also good for your health in other ways, aside from its ability to help reduce your cholesterol levels and achieve normal blood pressure. This is because garlic is an effective antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal substance. It can significantly improve your liver functions because it contains a chemical known as allicin.

Although most people eat garlic cooked, fresh garlic packs more of a health punch when you eat it in its raw form. You should look for many more ways to prepare and eat garlic in its raw form, such as putting it in your salads and salad dressings, for example. If you simply cannot eat it raw, opt for garlic oil supplements to help you utilize its natural essence and the nutrients that it brings.



5. Take Red Yeast Rice Supplements

Red yeast rice in supplement form is thought to be one of the best home remedies to help stabilize your cholesterol levels. This is because research has found this type of rice contains monacolin compounds, which are essential for inhibiting cholesterol synthesis. This means red yeast rice will lower your cholesterol levels by limiting your body’s production of it.

This type of rice is essentially prepared by fermenting it in red yeast, which is also referred to as monascus purpureus. This type of rice has been widely used for many years in China for medical purposes. You can find red yeast rice in the form of tablets and capsules widely sold in grocery and department stores, as well as in health food stores and pharmacies.

If you are one of the many people who suffer from high cholesterol, the right dose will range from 1,200 to 2,400 milligrams (mg) of the supplement at least twice a day. To determine the best dose for it to effectively work, ask your doctor for advice.

Research has shown that red yeast rice supplements have a significant impact on your health by lowering the bad type of cholesterol (LDL). You should be cautious about the intake of red yeast rice, though, because the proper dosage and side effects are not yet all that clear. Another reason is that red yeast rice products may contain lovastatin, which is an active cholesterol-lowering substance, but can produce allergic reactions in some people.

Red yeast rice supplements may also contain a host of other chemicals, which may cause you side effects. As a precaution, you should consult your physician on the proper dosage for your specific needs. Doctors warn against taking this supplement, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or if you are suffering from a liver problem, because the consequences could be fatal.

Plant-based and animal sources of Omega-3 acids


6. Eat Lots of Omega 3-Rich Fish

Fish is known to be one of the best sources of essential omega-3 fatty acids. The best type of fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids includes salmon, tuna, lake trout, herring and sardines. You can also opt for readily available fish oil supplements, which you can find in food and department stores, as well as drugstores worldwide.

According to the experts, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish will significantly help in lowering your blood cholesterol. These types of fatty acids reduce your chances of dying from heart-related diseases, which is greatly attributed to presence of the bad cholesterol. Other studies have also found that the nutrients accrued from the consumption of fish, together with a combination of fatty acids were effective in protecting the heart against sudden attacks. Fish oil also reduces your blood’s chances of clotting, as well as inflammation.

If you are suffering from high cholesterol, you should consume a serving of fatty fish at least once or twice a week to help protect you against the chances of developing a heart-related illness. You can easily rectify with the consumption of healthy fish.

If you do not like fish, you can consider taking omega-3 fish oil supplements. Look for other sources, too. Fish is not the only source of omega-3 fatty acids. Eat more walnuts and soybeans. Use canola oil for salad dressings and cooking, too. Canola oil has a high heat tolerance, so you can use it for all methods of cooking, from frying to baking.

Despite the presence of other omega-3 alternatives, experts are still advising you to go for fish, if you can. Nothing can beat their value in terms of helping you lower the type of bad cholesterol while raising the good type. If you are a vegetarian, the best source of omega 3 for you would be ground flaxseed. You can simply add it to your morning cereal at breakfast. Just add at least two tablespoons of flaxseed to your meals to get the omega 3s your body needs.



7. Cut Out the Trans Fats

Medical experts are constantly warning us against eating processed junk food frequently. This kind of food is often full of calories, chemicals, fat, salt and sugar, and just as the name suggests, it adds no value to your health. Fast foods and processed foods can ruin your health. The trans fats present in such foods is bad for you. It will increase your chances of contracting disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, coronary disease and high blood pressure, as well as liver disorders.

In addition, the consumption of trans-fats will increase the low-density lipoproteins, which can be fatal for your heart. Some foods may seem healthy, but they aren’t, like margarine, which has trans fats. Eating baked goods like pie, cake, cookies and doughnuts can bring you the bad fats that will raise your cholesterol levels.

Be sure to carefully check all the labels in the supermarket and go for fresh, organic foods to keep away from those trans fats. Be aware of the foods that are listed as containing partially hydrogenated oils, as that translates to trans-fats.

You can alternatively go for plant sterols and stanols instead of margarine to ensure you maintain a healthy heart or else you could risk acquiring cardiovascular disease. This is because these natural plant molecules can significantly cut down the bad cholesterols by up to 15 percent. This is because they prevent your small intestines from absorbing bad cholesterol. They also increase your body’s chances of absorbing healthy cholesterol or high-density lipoproteins.

The easiest way to avoid the bad type of fat is to avoid processed or fast food. They may be convenient and delicious, but they will do you more harm than good. When shopping, look for fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products. By eating fresh, healthy foods, you can have a positive impact on your overall health and cholesterol levels.



8. Go for Whole Nuts

As you probably know, most nuts, including walnuts are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Eating nuts can be a part of a healthy diet, as they are said to be rich in magnesium and can reduce cases of inflammation in your body, while at the same time, they can improve your overall well-being.

Experts have attributed eating nuts to reducing high cholesterol in the blood because they are rich in fiber, as well as plant sterols. These nuts include almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans and peanuts, as well as other nuts and seeds, like pumpkin seeds, which are believed to bring an immense impact on your blood cholesterol.

Be sure to eat a handful or two of nuts at least three times per week to help you fight off bad cholesterol by providing you with fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is important to find out if you are allergic to any of these nuts, because it can be dangerous to your health otherwise. In addition, ensure that you increase your consumption of whole grains, too, by eating whole grain bread, brown rice, whole wheat pasta and whole wheat flour.

If you have never eaten nuts before, as a precaution, you should visit your doctor for advice, especially if food allergies run in your family. Before eating nuts, you need to ascertain if you could have an allergic reaction. Start with a small amount, because nuts can cause a serious allergic reaction that could even be fatal for some people.

If you find that you are not allergic, then chomp away on these nutty heavenly treats, and you may never go back again. Just remember to not overdo it, because nuts are calorie-dense and can lead to weight gain, which is dangerous to you and your health. Limit your consumption to one or two handfuls a day.



9. Cook with Onions

Who knew that onions could be one of the best ways to lower your blood cholesterol levels? Studies on onions over time have shown that onions are effective as an anti-cholesterol agent, especially the bad type, which is the LDL or low-density lipoprotein.

People have been using onions as a staple cooking ingredient, as well as for making salads and sandwiches, not knowing they are the answer to preventing heart-related diseases. Onions are not only strong in flavor, but they are also high in polyphonic compounds, commonly known as flavonoids. These flavonoids have anti-inflammatory abilities and are effective antioxidants. They are also said to have anti-cancerous and anti-proliferative abilities, which can prevent unwanted cell growth.

In one study, the findings showed the flavonoids present in onions significantly reduced low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol in obese people; therefore, reducing their chances of suffering from cardiovascular disease. The study also attributed this ability to the presence of a flavonoid known as quercetin, which is present in onions, as well as other fruits and vegetables. Despite the fact that the bad or LDL cholesterols were lowered, the high density, beneficial lipoproteins were not affected.

In addition to lowering the bad cholesterol, studies have also shown that onions help make the blood cells less sticky and prone to developing clots immediately following a meal high in fat. This is according to a study conducted in India where the participants ate two ounces of grilled onions with a meal containing 90 percent fat. The results showed no increase in cholesterol, as well as no sticky platelet clumps in the blood.

Studies on cooked onions have shown there is no major impact due to the cooking heat. The explanation is that the nutrients and the flavonoids are simply transferred to the cooking liquid from the onions, which usually ends up being added to soups, stews and meats. Even so, onions bring more nutrients when you eat them raw. Some people prefer to extract its juice and mix it with honey, and then take a tablespoon at least once or twice daily.



10. Sip Coriander Seed Tea

Coriander has been utilized in most homesteads for centuries. Most people use it as a spice in many recipes and dishes, but did you know it is another powerful natural home remedy to help counter cases of high blood cholesterol? In addition, coriander leaves provide great flavor when used in most meals.

Studies conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of coriander tea showed that the LDL (bad) cholesterol was significantly reduced, while the HDL (good) cholesterol was increased.

You can best utilize coriander seed tea by adding at least two teaspoons of powdered coriander to a cup of boiling water. Next, strain the liquid to help get rid of coriander powder that has not dissolved. Add some milk or honey to the cup to improve its taste.

Another plus that comes with this drink is that coriander seeds contain hypoglycemic properties, which will help in the prevention of high blood sugar. In addition to that, eating coriander in your daily diet or drinking coriander tea each day could:

  • Reduce your blood pressure: This is because it has a diuretic effect, therefore helping you get rid of excess water weight.
  • Improve your digestion: Coriander modulates gut activity and eases digestive discomforts.
  • Prevent disease: Other findings suggest that coriander seed may prevent neurological inflammation and diseases.
  • Help women feel better: It supports healthy menstrual function in women.
  • Fight off certain sicknesses: Coriander can relieve urinary tract infections and fight food poisoning.
  • Balance your body’s cholesterol levels: It can raise the good type of LDL, and lower the bad type, or HDL, of cholesterol levels.

If you don’t have coriander seed powder, simply use coriander seeds. You can prepare them for tea by drying them in the sun or roasting them in the oven at a low temperature. Once dry, all you have to do is grind them into fine powder, and you are ready to use them for tea or for recipes.

These remedies are just a few of the various treatments available to you. If you adhere to them, together with living a healthy lifestyle and making some smart dietary changes, you could enjoy a healthy life free from high cholesterol and heart disease. Making changes like watching what you eat, as well as engaging in physical exercise will surely lower your cholesterol levels. Being aware, like having your doctor check your cholesterol levels regularly is also your ticket to living a long and healthy life.
