
These Diet Tips May Help Prevent Cancer

Nowadays, many worries about cancer is a side effect of almost anything, whether from certain foods, too much sunlight, different medications, some lotions, and soaps. However,… Trista Smith - March 13, 2021

Nowadays, many worries about cancer is a side effect of almost anything, whether from certain foods, too much sunlight, different medications, some lotions, and soaps. However, what if there was a way you could change a few things up to help prevent your chance of getting cancer later in life? It may not guarantee it, but some methods can help lower your risk of getting cancer, and isn’t that at least helpful enough? So why not at least try to help yourself out by switching to a healthier lifestyle?

That lifestyle starts with your diet. By changing your diet up, you will help reduce the risk of cancer. In this article, we give tips on helping make healthier choices in your daily life in hopes that it will help lower your risk later in life. It’s pretty simple, and why wouldn’t you want to help you and your family out by making a few easy changes in your diet? Not only will it help lower the risks of cancer, but it can also help you to become healthier in life overall, which sounds like a win-win!

The number on the scale doesn’t matter too much as what you really put into your body! Credit: Pixabay


30. Manage your weight — it is the first step to being healthier and preventing cancer.

Did you know that obesity has been linked to 13 types of cancer? That is one of many reasons you should want to avoid becoming overweight. By maintaining a healthy weight, you lessen your chances of getting cancer and not only that, but you also are making it easier for your body to work. Your heart doesn’t have to pump as hard. Your lungs don’t have to work as hard either. It’s also better for your joints. You also have a high risk of developing diabetes when you are overweight too.

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To start by avoiding cancer, you want to watch your weight and try not to become too overweight. Some people have a more challenging time with weight, especially with certain health conditions, but when you can, make a change. Your body will be thanking you, and the rest of your family will be, too. It all starts by making healthier choices at the grocery store. Avoid certain foods, and try not to eat out as much. Home-cooked meals are much better for you, and they can be made just the way you like them.

Most people carry weight around their stomach and backside. Credit: Pixabay


29. Focus on your body fat and ask yourself where is most of it.

We all know that a high weight on the scale may indicate that you have more body fat than recommended, which means you may not be at a healthy weight, putting you at a higher risk for health concerns. A higher percentage of body fat puts you at greater risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. If you have a high-fat content around your waist, it can disrupt your hormones. By doing so, it increases your chances of developing breast and uterine cancers.

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As discussed above, carrying too much extra weight can also put stress on your joints and back. This added pressure could leave you with aches and pains, causing you to become less active and gain weight more easily. That will put added stress on not only yourself but your organs as well. Luckily, you can take action to help manage your weight and reduce your body fat by changing your daily diet up to more healthy choices. Regular Light exercise will help as well. Even light cardio, such as walking around the neighborhood once a day, could help.

Skip the fast food and opt for some seriously healthy foods. It’s time to make changes to your diet. Credit: Pixabay


28. Start eating healthier to help lower your cancer risk.

By changing your diet and eating healthier, you can start to see the benefits of losing weight. By losing weight, you lower your risks of cancer. Here are a few tips that can help you start making healthier choices at the dinner tables. At mealtimes, fill half of your plate with fruits and non-starchy vegetables to get vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients you need to help protect you from diseases like cancer. Foods high in fiber will also help you feel more full, helping you not overeat or eat as frequently.

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Limit the number of vegetables you eat that are starchy, such as potatoes, corn, and green peas; they can raise your blood sugar levels and trigger fat cells’ storage. If you’re going to eat starchy vegetables, choose colorful ones like yellow corn or sweet potatoes. Avoid processed grains like cookies, chips, crackers, and breakfast cereals. They don’t have much fiber. Instead, choose things such as brown rice, quinoa, and buckwheat. Other foods that will help you stay food are lean proteins, such as beans, lentils, baked fish, and skinless chicken or turkey.

Any type of deli meat is considered processed, which women are not supposed to consume during their pregnancy whatsoever. Credit: Pixabay


27. Say goodbye to processed meats when you can.

Processed meats are convenient and are easily one of our daily staples. While it may be hard to cut out all processed meats from your diet completely, it’s a good idea to lessen the amount which you eat weekly, at least. Processed meats are considered carcinogens, and carcinogens are a substance that is capable of causing cancer in living tissue. That is something you want to avoid when you can. So now you may be wondering what makes a slice of meat fall under the category of processed meat.

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Any kind of meat that has been preserved by curing, salting, or smoking is now processed meat. Meats that have also had added chemical preservatives are now under the category of process, as well. A small list of processed meats includes ham, hot dogs, beef jerky, pepperoni, sausage, and any other deli meats, including turkey and roast beef. It is possible to have sandwiches without processed meats. Just use something other than lunch meat instead. You could use chicken fresh off the bone, same with turkey.

You might love hot dogs, turkey, or ham and cheese sandwiches, but you should find new foods to consume. Credit: Pixabay


26. Ways to avoid eating processed meat.

We can’t lie; processed meat products are probably in a lot of our daily diets. It doesn’t have to continue to be that way, though. There are steps you can take to help reduce and even eliminate them from your diet. It starts by going to the grocery store and reading the labels of what you are buying. Make sure to check the ingredient lists for words like nitrate, nitrite, salted, or cured. These words mean the meat is processed and should be avoided. Although some may be labeled “uncured,” they can still have nitrate and nitrites in them.

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It may seem simple, but you also need to be educated. It sounds confusing, but you will also want to skip nitrate-free meats. That is because although these meats may say nitrate-free, it doesn’t mean they are; they just may have fewer nitrates and nitrites. When you eat foods that are labeled nitrate-free, your stomach turns some nitrates into nitrites. Then some of these nitrites can then form cancer-causing substances in your body. So don’t let labels fool you.

If you want meat, make sure it doesn’t follow the guidelines of processed meat, to say the least. Credit: Pixabay


25. Seriously, skip processed meat in your diet.

When you are out at a restaurant, try ordering a grilled chicken or fish sandwich instead of a sandwich with deli meat. You can easily add vegetables to your omelet or scrambled egg instead of bacon, ham, or sausage. You can spice up your salad with some tofu, flaked tuna, a hard-boiled egg, or grilled chicken instead of cubed deli meat. These are not only healthier choices, but they also help to add some variety and color into your diet, as well.

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To help you become more mindful of just how much processed meat you are eating, try keeping a food log, write down what you are eating, and see what kind of changes you can make to your diet. Start carrying freshly chopped vegetables with you instead of a deli sandwich. It will be both filling and a healthier choice; you could have hummus to dip the vegetables in as well. It may be hard at first to eliminate certain foods from your diet, but once you start choosing healthier foods and reducing, even eliminating processed meats from your diet, eating healthier will become much easier.

You have probably been eating red meat in your diet for quite some time now, but you can still reshape your health by making some changes. Credit: Pixabay


24. Red meat and your diet.

Many people didn’t know that overeating red meat increases your risk of colon cancer and possibly other cancers, such as pancreatic and prostate cancer. The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends eating no more than 18 ounces of cooked red meat a week, that’s not a lot more than the size of a big steak some people order when out at a steakhouse restaurant. In case you were wondering, though, red meat is any meat from a mammal.

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It may come as a shocker to some that pork is also a red meat, even though it has been marketed as “white meat.” Other red meat includes lamb, veal, mutton, and beef. Of course, the less red meat you eat, the better. A serving size of red meat is 3 ounces, or about the size of a deck of cards for comparison. Eating it only on occasion is best, to guarantee that you aren’t eating much of it, as part of a plant-based diet.

Cut off any excess fat, and grill the meat. Credit: Pixabay


23. How to choose and prepare red meat.

Of course, when choosing your cut of meat, you want to choose a lean piece. Since red meats are usually higher in fat, particularly saturated fat, which can increase disease risk, choosing a leaner cut of meat can reduce fat and calories. As you probably already know, extra calories can lead to weight gain, which is a risk factor for cancer, as well. Make sure the cut of meat you choose isn’t loaded with fat before you start to cook it.

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If your meat has a bunch of fat on it, try cutting off any excess fat that you can before cooking it. When you are ready to start cooking your meat, use low-temperature cooking methods when you can. By cooking meat at high temperatures, such as grilling or frying it in a pan, the technique increases cancer-causing chemicals that not many people may think about. So, it is much safer to cook your meat at a lower temperature and not expose it to an open flame when possible.

Include fish and poultry into your diet instead of red meat — or skip meat altogether. Credit: Pixabay


22. Eat less red meat in your diet.

To eat the healthiest way possible and reduce your cancer risk, a plant-based diet is the way to go. You may find that red meat will get crowded out of your diet by other healthier choices as you focus more on plant-based foods. Adding more vegetables to your diet is essential. Try to focus on them as your main course, making meat the side dish for your meal. Fill two-thirds of your plate with fruits, vegetables, and grains, while the rest can be things like chicken, fish, or beef.

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You can get just as much protein from other foods as you can beef, such as beans, soy, and quinoa. For example, a half cup of beans contains as much protein as an ounce of broiled steak. You don’t always have to include meat in your meal, either. You can also replace red meat with chicken, turkey, and fish, which tend to be lower in saturated fat and cholesterol. They’re often lower in calories, which can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risks for many types of cancer.

Having an alcoholic beverage once in a while is okay, but be cautious of your limit. Credit: Pixabay


21. Experts might link cancer and alcohol.

Did you know that studies have shown that drinking even a small amount of alcohol increases your chances of developing cancer, including breast, liver, and oral cancer? Research suggests that small amounts of alcohol may protect the body against type 2 diabetes and even heart disease. There’s some evidence that even suggests that red wine may even help prevent some cancers. Sounds pretty confusing, huh? As you may already know, you don’t want to go overboard with your wine, that’s not a good idea.

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Heavy drinking damages cells and can lead to cancer, and we all know it’s not good for the liver. So, if you must drink, you should do so in moderation. The drinking recommendations for women drinking are lower than for men because they have less total body weight to dilute alcohol. So this means that the alcohol stays in a woman’s body longer than in a man’s body. The longer these more considerable amounts of alcohol remain in the body, the higher the risk is for brain and organ damage, high blood pressure, stroke, and other injuries, as well.

Overindulging in any food or drink, especially alcohol, can lead to serious health risks, including cancer. Credit: Pixabay


20. Be smart with your alcohol intake.

We already know that having a larger waistline can increase your cancer risk. There are plenty of alcoholic beverages that are high in calories and plenty that can be avoided by reading the labels before taking a sip. If your drink is mixed with soda, juice, or cream, chances are it’s loaded with empty calories. You can replace your soda with diet soda to reduce your calorie intake when having a mixed drink, or use diluted juice mixed with water instead.

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The ethanol or alcohol in wine, liquor, and beer and what researchers believe increase cancer risks. While checking the label on the bottle, check the ethanol percentage or number as well, and you will find either alcohol by volume (ABV) percentage or an alcohol proof number. Beer, wine, and liquor contain about the same amount of alcohol per serving. It’s essential to keep track of how much you drink over time and how much you drink at one time. However, avoiding alcoholic beverages altogether is best.

Eat a handful of nuts or seeds to help curve your craving and still stay healthy. Credit: Pixabay


19. Simple ways to improve your diet.

As stated above, you can help reduce your risk of health problems by eating a healthy and balanced diet. A healthy diet would include various fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes (dried beans and peas). Not only is it a good idea to add these to your plate, but your body will be thanking you for the extra nutrients. It helps add variety to your diet and reduces cancer risk, and it tastes good! What more could you ask for?

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You can get protein from a variety of different foods as well. Fish and poultry, in moderate amounts, offer the right balance of protein and other nutrients, as well as some nuts. Lean meats, low-fat and fat-free dairy products are good sources of protein too. Certain fats should also be a part of your diet. They can help lower your risk for disease, too. There are such things as “good” fats, which can help reduce your cholesterol level.

Avocado is a popular food that is considered a “good fat” for a healthy diet. Credit: Pixabay


18. There are such things as “good” fats.

Although it may sound odd to most, there are such things as good fats, believe it or not. One of those fats is called monounsaturated fats, which can be found in canola, olive, peanut, avocado, and other nut oils. It’s also found in olives, seeds, nuts, nut butter, avocados, and legumes. Another good fat that would be on the list is polyunsaturated fats. This type of fat can be found in vegetable oils like sunflower, corn, and safflower. It’s also found in soybeans, corn, legumes, nuts, seed, and some types of grains.

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A thirst good fat to add to the list would be omega-three fatty acids. These can be found in “oily” fish, such as herring, salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Omega 3 fatty acids are also found in flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, and walnuts. When these fatty acids come from fish, they are especially good for your health. As you know, you should avoid or limit your intake of “bad” fats, which include trans and saturated fats. They are found in fried food, snack foods, fast food, and baked goods. “Bad” fats can increase your cholesterol level, as well.

If it grows from the ground, a tree, or bush, you could include those foods into your diet. Credit: Pixabay


17. A plant-based substance that can reduce your risk of cancer.

You may have never heard of phytochemicals before. They are a substance that can be found in plant-based foods. Some experts even believe that they can help reduce your risk of some cancers. They can also help support heart, brain, and bone health too. Common types of phytochemicals are folic acid and vitamin C, which you may very well have heard of. Some less common types of phytochemicals are flavonoids, phytosterols, and isoflavones. There are others, which you probably never have heard of.

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You might already eat phytochemicals quite often without even knowing it. There are quite a bit of plant-based foods that phytochemicals can be found in; some include broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, peas, beans, whole grains, nuts, flaxseed, and grapefruit. If you don’t eat many of these things in your daily diet, it may be a good idea to start adding them to your meals. It’s not hard to add them in, even as a side or for flavor to the main dish. Some of these things can make for a healthy snack, too.

Spreading some avocado on your toast is a great breakfast option. Credit: Pixabay


16. Phytochemicals are important for your diet — here’s why!

While we all know that no one specific food can help prevent cancer risk, it is good to know that you can get the most protection by eating a variety of plant-based foods. The more you eat, the better chance you have against different health risks, and the healthier you may be helping yourself to be. More research needs to be done to determine just how phytochemicals exactly work, but what most researchers agree on is their benefits.

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Some potential benefits of phytochemicals include strengthening the immune system, reducing inflammation, and regulating hormones. A few other advantages they may have for you include preventing damaged cells from reproducing, which seems essential—foods with this chemical help slow cancer cell growth. Furthermore, phytochemicals aid in preventing DNA damage and helping DNA repair. It’s safe to say that phytochemicals, also known as phytonutrients, are quite essential to add to your daily diet if you don’t already include them. Eating a high number of fruits and vegetables will help guarantee that you’re getting an increased number of phytochemicals.

Eating watermelon is mostly water, but it also contains phytochemicals, which are healthy for your diet. Credit: Pixabay


15. There are different types of phytochemicals.

To get more in-depth with phytochemicals, there are various types of phytochemicals. And each one helps your body out in a different way. The first one would be carotenoids. Now you may have heard of beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene. They’re all types of carotenoids. Carotenoids inhibit cancer growth, support vision, improve immunity and promote skin health. They can be found in carrots, cooked tomatoes, broccoli, leafy greens, apricots, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, winter squash, oranges, and watermelons. There’s a variety of foods to choose from if you’re in search of these types of phytochemicals.

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Flavonoids are another type of phytochemicals, and anthocyanins, quercetin, and catechins are all types of flavonoids. They inhibit tumor growth, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation. Some flavonoids would be coffee, apples, onions, tea, soybeans, and citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. Like other phytochemicals, indoles and glucosinolates can help lower your cancer risk as well. They are known to decrease the production of cancer-related hormones and prevent tumor growth. They can be found in cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts.

Just adding green tea to your diet can help prevent certain types of cancers. Credit: Pixabay


14. Introduce a few more types of phytochemicals to your diet.

There are a few more phytochemicals to add to the list here, as well. So another would be inositol, and phytic acid is a type of inositol. Inositols prevent cell damage and can be found in bran from oats, rice, rye, wheat, and corn, as well as soybeans and buts. While mentioning where it can be found, it is essential to remember that phytochemicals aren’t just found in vegetables and fruits. They can be found in all plant-based foods.

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Like glucosinolates and indoles, isoflavones inhibit tumor growth and limit the production of cancer-related hormones. They can be typically found in soybeans and other soy products. Polyphenols are another, in which there are two types of ellagic acid and resveratrol. They can both prevent inflammation and cancer formation. They are typically found in grapes, green tea, wine, citrus fruits, apples, berries, whole grains, and peanuts. When it comes to phytochemicals, the key is to get them from whole foods, not supplements, so be sure you are eating various vegetables and fruits daily.

What are your favorite kinds of berries to eat? There are so many yummy ones to pick from! Credit: Pixabay


13. Berries aren’t just a tasty treat.

Instead of reading for a fruit snack or something else sugary and unhealthy for you, why not have some berries? Not only are they delicious, but they are quite good for you, too. Berries are an excellent source of vitamin C, and most berries also contain antioxidants. Studies also show that these antioxidants help protect the body against cell damage that could lead to skin cancer and cancers of the bladder, breast, lung, and esophagus. Not only are they good for you, but there are also many to choose from.

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Along with having many different types of berries to choose from, you also have various ways to choose from on how to eat them. You can eat them fresh, dried, or even frozen. If new, make sure you rinse or wash them off first before eating them, in any case. You can put berries in yogurt or cereal for some added flavor. Alternatively, try it even in muffins or your oatmeal for a boost in the morning. Even for a quick and healthy snack, make a low-fat strawberry smoothie.

Purple, red, and green — oh my! Grapes are great for a healthy diet. Credit: Pixabay


12. Grapes are another excellent choice.

Grapes are also a rich source of the antioxidant resveratrol, but the skin has the most antioxidants, so be sure to leave the grape intact when eating it. Studies show that resveratrol can potentially stop cancer from starting in the liver, stomach, breast, and lymphatic systems. Moreover, in case you were wondering if it mattered what grapes were better, go for the red or purple grapes. They have significantly more resveratrol than green grapes do. They also tend to be sweeter too, which is usually a crowd favorite.

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To add grapes to your daily diet, here’s some simple tips. Grab a handful as a snack as you walk out the door. Alternatively, fill up a baggy to put in your pocket and munch on throughout the day. You could add some to a salad to add a little sweetness to it. Some people like to add grapes to their favorite low-fat chicken salad recipe. On a hot day, you can freeze them and snack on them in place of a sugary popsicle. You can add them to some of your other hot dishes as well.

Did you know that eating a piece of white bread is like having a sugary snack? Go for whole grains! Credit: Pixabay


11. Try adding healthier grain products to your diet.

Although grocery store shelves may be filled with grains and grain products, it doesn’t mean that they are all great for your health. Try to change up your diet a bit by switching to whole grains. Whole grains are loaded with vitamins, fiber, minerals, and plant compounds, which may help curb your cancer risk. Why wouldn’t you not only want to try to eat healthier but also try to reduce the risk of getting cancer if you could? All it takes is a few simple changes, starting at the grocery store.

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Not only are whole grains better for you for many reasons, but the fiber found in them helps you stay full longer, helping you not to eat as frequently. Not eating as often will help you to maintain a healthy weight and help keep your cholesterol and blood sugars more stable, too. Try to include brown rice, whole wheat bread, pasta, and wild rice in your diet. Try quinoa as well, because of all the grains. It packs the most protein. Another easy way to sneak in some extra grains would be to add oatmeal to your breakfast.

Don’t skip this aisle that is chuck full of bok choy and other leafy greens that are perfect for your diet. Credit: Pixabay


10. Include “trees” to the list of foods to eat.

As a kid, your parents may have told you that your broccoli was mini trees and to pretend you were a giant eating them. Although, that might not have been a conversation in many households. However, we all know that our parents tried to get us to eat broccoli growing up and would tell us just how important it was to eat it; they were right. These mighty greens are in the cruciferous vegetable family, along with cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, bok choy, and kale. All healthy vegetables, as well.

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Studies show that broccoli and its family members have unique plant compounds that may protect our bodies from stomach cancer, as well as cancers of the mouth, larynx, pharynx, and esophagus. Because broccoli takes on the flavor of whatever spice or sauce you prepare it with, it’s easy to add it to whatever dish you make. If you don’t feel like adding it to a meal, you can have it on the side. Just add your favorite spices to steamed broccoli for a great side dish. A good afternoon snack could be some raw broccoli dipped into some fat-free ranch dressing.

No matter how you pronounce it, tomatoes are very healthy for your diet. Is it a fruit or veggie? It doesn’t really matter! Credit: Pixabay


9. You say tomato; we say tomato.

Ever wonder how a tomato gets so red, even though it starts as green? Well, the tomato gets its classic red hue from an antioxidant called lycopene. Some studies have shown that lycopene has the potential even to fight prostate cancer. The evidence is even stronger for processed tomato products, such as tomato sauce and even ketchup. That is a surprise since it has the word “processed” right in the description. So that leads us to ask this next question, how is that possible?

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As crazy as it sounds, it’s true. By processing the tomato, it ups its health-boosting power because it releases the lycopene so the body can more easily absorb it. So it is safe to say that you don’t have to just bite into a raw tomato to snack on in the hope of getting its health advantages. Adding some savory tomato sauce to a pasta dish or ketchup to a meal can have some of the same benefits, and maybe even a little bit more.

Again, if you have a difficult time eating these foods, trying drinking them instead! Credit: Pixabay


8. Try adding citrus fruits to your diet.

Do you like lemons, lime, or oranges? Then here is some good news for you! Research suggests that by adding citrus fruits to your diet, you may significantly reduce your risk of esophageal cancer. Another great thing about citrus fruits was that a greater intake of them was linked to a reduced risk of pancreatic cancer. Not only can they help prevent esophageal cancer, but they can also help lower the risk of pancreatic cancer.

Credit: Pixabay


That’s not all, either! Another review showed that if you eat at least three servings of citrus fruits a week or more, you reduce stomach cancer risk by 28%. So if you know that you are more at risk of getting these types of cancer, start eating up those citrus fruits. To make sure you are eating enough, you can try putting some lemon slices in your water or tea, dressing up your salad with lime, or trying adding grapefruit to go along with your breakfast. An orange makes for a delicious snack, as well.

You probably know carrots are healthy for a balanced diet, but do you know they have cancer-preventing powers, too? Credit: Pixabay


7. Carrots aren’t just good for the eyes — add them to your diet to help prevent cancer.

Our parents always told us to eat our vegetables, especially carrots, since they are suitable for our eyes. Furthermore, although they may not help us see in the dark, although that would be pretty amazing, there is suggestive evidence that carrots can help lower the risk of cervical cancer. So if you are a woman who is at higher risk of getting cervical cancer, it may be a good idea to start adding carrots to your daily diet if you have not done so already.

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Carrots are high in vitamin A and antioxidants and high in fiber, which can help keep you regular. Keeping regular in the bathroom can help minimize the risk of bowel cancer, as well. To make sure that you are eating enough carrots, there are plenty of ways you can sneak them into your diet. Try eating them as snacks, in a stick form dipped in hummus, or a low-fat dressing or dip. You can also add them to any dish, like broccoli. They go well as a side dish steamed with your favorite seasoning, too.

Just pack some extra gum in your pocket because the health benefits of garlic far outweigh the bad breath con. Credit: Pixabay


6. Foods might cause stinky breath, but they help to keep you healthier.

According to research done by the Cancer Council Australia, high levels of allium vegetables, vegetables such as garlic, onions, and shallots reduce stomach cancer risk. They state that garlic just might help protect us against bowel cancer, as well. That’s because not only does garlic add flavor to many of your meals and taste delicious, but it is also anti-carcinogenic. Meaning it has to do with the delaying and prevention of the development of cancer. Take that vampires – we won’t just be eating it to keep you away anymore!

Credit: Pixabay


There are plenty of ways to add more garlic into your diet, by making homemade and fresh dishes for your lunches and dinner, rather than store-bought, ready-to-eat meals. Not only is it healthier, but it also makes it easier to add things, such as garlic, into the recipe, without feeling that it’s being forced into it. Meals like oven-baked fish or chicken dishes can be made using plenty of garlic, as well as meals like stir-fries and soups.

Leafy greens are ideal for preventing cancer. Make sure you include them in your diet. Credit: Pixabay


5. Spinach is one of Popeye’s favorite foods!

There is an antioxidant called lutein that is good for your eyes. Furthermore, although research is by no means confirmed, lutein may also play a role in guarding against cancer. Spinach is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids that help remove unstable molecules called free radicals from your body before they damage it. Not only are they found in spinach, but in other dark and leafy vegetables, as well. Some studies show that they could help protect against cancer of the mouth, stomach, and esophagus.

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Talk about a nutritional powerhouse in every dark green leaf you eat; they also have folate and fiber, which researchers think might lower the risks of certain cancers too. Folate helps your body repair DNA and produce new cells and is especially important in women of childbearing age because it can even prevent neural tube defects in a developing fetus. To get the most lutein from your spinach, you will want to eat it raw or lightly cooked. Steamed, sautéed, in a salad, or soup are just a few great ways to incorporate it into your diet.

You know the old saying about eating an apple a day, right? Credit: Pixabay


4. Eat an apple a day for a healthy diet.

Most of us have probably heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, and that is relatively true, believe it or not. Not only are apples quite delicious, but they are very healthy for you, too. Apples contain polyphenols, which are compounds naturally found in plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs, and some researchers suggest that polyphenols have promising anticancer and tumor-fighting properties. Polyphenols may also help to prevent inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and infections, as well.

Credit: Pixabay


As just one example, the polyphenol phloretin inhibits a protein called glucose transporter 2, or GLUT2, which plays a role in advanced staged cell growth in specific cancer types. A study done in 2018 in the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis suggests that apple phloretin significantly inhibits breast cancer cells’ growth while not affecting normal cells. So it is safe to say that if you are at high risk of cancer or any other illness, an apple a day can help keep the doctor away. Plus, apples make a delicious and healthy snack.

Replacing food with supplements is just about as good as how it looks in this picture. Credit: Pixabay


3. Dietary supplements won’t help lower the risk of cancer.

Many of us may think that taking dietary supplements will lower the risk of cancer, on top of helping us get other nutrients we may be lacking. However, the marketing claims against cancer have not likely been proven yet, because no proof shows that multivitamins help reduce your risk of cancer. It’s also important to remember to talk with your doctor before adding supplements or herbs to your diet. You could be putting yourself at risk for new health problems when making extreme changes to your diet quickly.

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The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend that you do not take vitamin E or beta carotene to help prevent cancer. People who smoke or have a high risk for lung cancer should not take beta carotene at all. That is because it can increase the risk of lung cancer. That is why it is imperative to speak with your doctor about adding any supplements to your daily diet before doing so. So that they can make sure you are making a healthy and safe decision.

Any type of physical activity is essential for a healthy body, mind, and soul. Credit: Pixabay


2. Physical activity is super important.

While maintaining a healthy weight is very important, participating in physical activity is just as important. Physical activity on its own may even help lower your risk of colon cancer and breast cancer. On top of it helping to reduce your risk of cancer, it is also good for your body and joints to be active. You do not have to have access to the outside to do some physical activities, either. Walking in place or doing squats during a commercial break is better than sitting around on the couch and not moving around at all.

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Adults who participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefits, as well. However, it will take more than just walking around the block one time to have any effect. For substantial health benefits, try to get around 150 minutes of moderate physical activity in a week or about 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise in a week. You can also do a combination of both. Try to make a goal for yourself that includes 30 minutes of physical activity in your daily routine. Of course, if you just so happen to do more, then that is even better.

Quit smoking as soon as possible. If you need help kicking the bad habit, try different methods that are available to the public or through your doctor. Credit: Pixabay


1. Don’t use tobacco products.

We all know that smoking cigarette can lead to lung cancer, but there are, of course, other cancers that have been linked to the use of tobacco products, as well. Using any type of tobacco, whether it’s smoking or chewing, puts you on a collision course with cancer in the future. The various types of cancer that have been linked to smoking include lung, mouth, through, larynx, bladder, cervix, kidney, and pancreas. Chewing tobacco has been linked to oral cavity cancer and pancreatic cancer. As you know, though, there are obvious ways to prevent these cancers from occurring due to tobacco exposure.

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Secondhand smoke is a real thing, too, and even if you do not use any sort of tobacco product yourself, exposure to secondhand smoke may increase your risk of lung cancer, as well. It is safe to say that if you smoke, quitting is something you should take into consideration. Talk with your doctor about options on how to stop. Not only will it help your help out, but it will also help you to be able to taste things better. If you’re not eating healthy and are a cigarette smoker, it may be because the tobacco is ruining your taste buds. Do you want to learn more about immune-boosting foods you can add to your diet? It’s important to understand how diets can make you feel strong, healthy, and happy!

More Sources:

Anderson Cancer Center – 36 Foods That May Help Lower Your Cancer Risk

Eat Right – 7 Cancer Prevention Tips for Your Diet

Medical News Today – The Best Cancer-Fighting Foods

WebMD -Seven (Easy to Find) Foods That May Help Prevent Cancer
