
10 Astonishing Benefits of Green Tea That You Didn’t Know About

One of the most enjoyable beverages in the world is tea. There are so many different flavors and ways of making it. Aside from an amazing… Simi - October 10, 2017

One of the most enjoyable beverages in the world is tea. There are so many different flavors and ways of making it. Aside from an amazing taste, it also has lots of health benefits for your body. Whether it’s fruit or herbal tea, it can provide you with energy almost as good as coffee.

Green tea is one of the most beneficial teas ever. Miracles can be achieved by consuming it a few times a week. It can help you with boosting your metabolism, weight loss or health in general. Green tea can do wonders for hair, skin, and nails too.

A lack of energy is something we all struggle with on a daily basis. We are constantly under a lot of pressure to stay energized, so green tea is a great option. Packed with caffeine, it will get your concentration to soar higher than ever. This marvelous tea contains a plethora of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. It helps you fight against viruses and chronic diseases. Healthy meals loaded with micro and macronutrients combined with green tea are an unmistakable plan.

Many studies have proven that it helps to prevent cancer and lowers risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Filled with vitamin C, green tea makes your immune system stronger. To make it more tasteful, you can add honey, sugar or other sweeteners. There is no better liquid refreshment you can drink every day, definitely. With that being said, let’s take a look at some of the facts about this amazing drink…


It’s good for your brain

A healthier brain is something we all aim for. We are looking for some magical herbs without knowing that the most beneficial one is right in front of us. Instead of relying on coffee to help you with your brain function, try replacing it with green tea. This ancient drink has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, in order to improve the functioning of vital organs and general health.

Green tea can boost your brainpower in so many different ways. We often use it for concentration, energy, and motivation, but it can do even more good things for us. Its potential is limitless. For starters, this tea can lower your stress levels and can increase the feeling of relaxation. Your memory will improve by regular consumption.

As we get older, the risk of Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease is higher. Although there is no cure for these diseases, you can do a lot of things to prevent them. The most crucial things to keep an eye on are your lifestyle and diet. By adding green tea to your daily routine, you are doing your body a favor. Just a few cups of this beverage and you won’t have to worry about these frequent neurological disorders.

The bioactive mixture in green tea can preserve blood vessels in the brain that are necessary for normal function. One particular compound that can make your brain even healthier is EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate). Unlike many medications, this natural herb can amass incredible achievements in visual memory and connectivity between nerve cells. Many health studies have demonstrated that you can achieve long-term betterment with green tea.


Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Diabetes is one of the most common diseases. It means that your blood sugar levels are very high. Sometimes it can come from the foods that you eat and sometimes it’s just genetics. All types of diabetes are very dangerous and you have to be very careful. If you don’t check your blood glucose levels regularly, things can get serious very fast.

The eyes, along with nerves and kidneys, can be harmed. There is a risk of strokes and cardiovascular problems, too. Pregnant women are not an exception. Now that we know what diabetes is, let’s see how we can prevent it from appearing. Green tea is a must when trying to keep your body and its hormones balanced and durable. It contains polyphenols and polysaccharides that have been shown to lower blood sugar levels. This tea helps with absorbing glucose when talking about Type 1 diabetes. It also reduces blood sugar spikes in Type 2 diabetes.

One more thing that you can do is to watch your diet. We all know the sentence “You are what you eat”, and that can’t be truer. Even though the liver is doing its job and producing glucose, sugar spikes will appear if you are eating too many bad carbs and sugary food.

Yes, a chocolate bar every now and then is fine, but not too often. If you have a sweet tooth or just crave something sweet, go for a cup of tea. In this case, it will be enjoyable and it will help you in preventing all types of diabetes. When the tea is taken with nutrient-dense foods, it will get to your bloodstream faster and it will have even more benefits.


Keeps Cholesterol in Check

Cholesterol is a necessary substance in our body. Its benefits help us with many processes. It can be found in all cells and the body absorbs it from the food. It’s used to create hormones like vitamin D. One more important thing is its ability to maintain a stable digestive system. There are two types of cholesterol: LDL or low-density lipoproteins and HDL or high-density lipoproteins. A good balance between these two is essential.

A high cholesterol level in the blood is a very ordinary thing nowadays. Because many people don’t control their blood often, they can’t know that their cholesterol levels are higher than they should be. This condition does not have any symptoms by itself and the risk of heart disease is growing day by day.

What if we can tell you that green tea can lower your cholesterol? Not only that, but it can also keep your good cholesterol (HDL) unblemished. As much as green tea can help you, you have to help yourself too. Once again the importance of a good and balanced diet reappears in our minds. Everyone is different and has different needs, but some facts remain the same for each and every one of us.

Green tea can lower LDL down to 5%, very efficiently. Once again, combined with foods that are low in saturated fats, it can do magic. Try to eat nuts, garlic, olive oil, and whole grain foods as much as possible. One more thing on this list is dark chocolate, which is tasteful and helpful all at once. Green tea is the best in keeping the arteries clean and in preventing the cause of plaque buildup.


Ensures a Healthy Mouth

Good oral health is not only important for having a nice smile. All those nasty diseases come from our teeth. Cleaning them in the morning and before bed is just one little thing that we can do for ourselves. Many kinds of bacteria will find their way to your mouth and will maintain their presence there. That way they will create cavities which damage your teeth. Besides that, they cause bad breath and numerous gum diseases.

Sugary stuff will only make things worse and your mouth will have a hard time resisting infections. The risk of tooth loss is not excluded. Avoiding sugar is very challenging concerning that it’s all around us. As a component of almost every type of food, tooth and gum decay is easy to happen.

Reading food labels and cooking your own meals are only two options. One more to add is drinking green tea. According to many studies, it brings down the possibility of losing teeth to the bare minimum. You have to be aware that green tea benefits won’t work unless you do. Changing your diet, bettering oral health in general and visiting a dentist from time to time can play a big role.

Polyphenols and catechins are two natural fluorides that green tea has. They help by killing bacteria. One more positive thing is that they can also be helpful in controlling inflammations. The antioxidants that green tea contains are full of good benefits. They stop cellular damage from appearing, along with cancerous tumors. Green tea can surpass chewing gums and mints. It demolishes the microbes and gives us an amazing breath.


Diminishes the Chance for Weight Gain

One thing that we fear the most is weight gain. As much as we like to eat tasty foods, the last thing we want is to put on extra pounds. We are all constantly searching for ways to have a balance between enjoying food and maintaining weight. It requires a different approach from trying to lose fat. There isn’t any secret hidden out there. The only thing you have to do is keep being active and have a moderate amount of food every meal.

It seems so simple but we all know the sad fact…it’s not. But the good news is that we can tell you how green tea can help you with accomplishing that mission. With almost zero calories, this is not just flavored hot water. It is rich in substances that can have many useful roles. One of them is antioxidants. They boost the metabolism and can promote fat loss by improving the effects of hormones.

The biggest effect that green tea has is on the lower stomach area. That shows us how strong this tea is actually. Polyphenol puts an effort into escalating levels of fat burning and turning food into calories. On the other hand, there are also catechins. They help create heat in the body which leads to burning calories.

The caffeine in green tea is a plus. Studies have shown that people who drank this tea right before their workouts burned 17% more calories than the people who didn’t. It advances the results of a workout and promotes more fat loss. What makes it even better is that increased fat burning lasts even during the rest periods.


Prevents you from Losing Hair Prematurely

For most women and man, hair is something very important. It requires a lot of work and commitment to keep it shiny and glorious. Therefore, we are constantly trying to find something to make it even healthier. Instead of buying conditioners, lotions or shampoos, seek a solution in something more natural.

To achieve a healthy-looking style, go ahead and try adding more green tea to your diet. It’s a gift from nature that will rejuvenate your hair. It works for all hair types. There is no problem that this amazing tea can’t fix. Whether it’s hair loss, a greasy look, or some kind of scalp damage, green tea is the right answer. In view of the fact that it is loaded with vitamin C, it will bring relief to your scalp and will protect it from the sun.

It comes from the plant named Camellia Sinensis. Green tea has more antioxidants and minerals than any other herb because it goes through minimal processing. That leaves us with more benefits for our hair. One of them is caffeine. Its existence in this tea is a significant factor that helps with growth. Also, it can activate hair follicles. Polyphenol affects hair loss and provides potential growth by stimulating cells.

Another thing that green tea involves is panthenol. If you read labels on hair products, you will find this ingredient in almost every one of them. This powerful compound is famous for its nourishing and thickening effect. Mixed with the amino acid theanine that green tea has, the results will leave you speechless. Choose only one shampoo, consume more green tea and give your hair a little break.


Slows down the Aging Process

Unavoidable aging doesn’t have to come that fast, but it is something normal and we can’t fight it. It comes slowly and unnoticeably in many cases. It can cause a lot of changes to our body and face. Our lifestyle, nutrition, and mental health can significantly slow this process down.

Your best friend on this journey can be green tea. With steamed and prepared leaves, none of the antioxidants or minerals are damaged. What makes our skin suffer wrinkles and other signs of aging are free radicals. They can demolish it if we don’t get enough oxygen. The skin will lose its elasticity and radicals can easily damage it.

Our biggest organ is the skin and, naturally, it requires a lot of work to keep it young and healthy. Protecting it from the sun following with less stress can do miracles. Green tea comes in handy in these cases. Significant British studies have shown that consuming green tea on a daily basis can make sun blemishes disappear. In addition to that, it can prevent skin cancer and many other diseases.

Polyphenols are a special kind of antioxidant that protects our skin from free radicals. They help with skin treatment and people often take advantage of it. You can find it as an ingredient in many beauty products. This beverage can detoxify your skin and keep it hydrated. Hence, spotless skin with a feeling of refreshment will become your everyday reality. Increased longevity is the inevitable effect of green tea. Besides this, countless other benefits are attributed to green tea. Such a small effort but such an amazing result in return, don’t you think?


Lowers the Possibility of Hypertension

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a condition that many people struggle with. Next, to heart disease, hypertension is one of the biggest world issues. Too much salt in your diet can cause higher blood pressure than normal. That’s another reason why you should limit your intake of processed food and focus more on natural ones.

Stress can play a big role, too. It can be an acute cause of hypertension and can lead to a stroke or a heart attack. It is curable. Just by changing some habits, you will see great results. More activity, better nutritional choices are some ways to do it. Decreasing your alcohol intake and eating more low-sodium foods can be some other choices. Furthermore, try drinking more water. That will keep your body hydrated and healthy.

What is even more helpful on this occasion than water is green tea. One of the latest studies confirmed that consistent intake of this beverage can improve your blood pressure. The amount that we need to drink to achieve this is not specifically indicated. 3 or 4 cups a day will do their job. This will also help you to maintain relaxed blood vessels.

Indeed, this incredible tea doesn’t stop revealing its benefits. It represses angiotensin, which is a leading factor in causing high blood pressure. Something like this can be a ray of hope for people battling genetically predisposed hypertension. Who knows what other secret benefits green tea still hides?


Protects you from Cancer

Have you ever wondered why people in the Far East almost never suffer from cancer? That is an interesting fact that requires a little bit of research. When you dig deep into the subject, the discovery is surprisingly simple but makes perfect sense. They drink lots of tea! And what is the most prevalent kind of tea that is drunk in Japan, Korea, China, and Thailand? Green tea, of course! That claim was a reason for more research.

The secret to this cancer-battling power lies in the high antioxidant level within the tea. Even today, antioxidants are still pretty much an unknown area of nutrition science. Fortunately, the tides are turning. Because of this increase in research, we’ve come to see some amazing discoveries being made. All of them have led to the conclusion that green tea is perhaps the best cancer-battling beverage on the planet.

But what are those amazing findings of antioxidants? Well, for starters, we’ve got to know their true power much better than before. It turns out that they are much more powerful than regular micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Catechin, the most prevalent antioxidant is 100 times more effective than vitamin C when battling cancer. Vitamin E is also 24 times weaker than catechin.

These startling antioxidant-related discoveries are no fluke. One Argentine study has confirmed the tumor-eradicating properties of green tea. Many cancer patients have not only experienced tumors stooping growth but also shrinking. Other instances of research are also underway. We’ve yet to see what the mysteries of green tea have in store for us. If they are as magnificent as they seem, cancer may be a thing of the past.


Maintains Bone Strength

When it comes to maintaining the stability of your skeleton, several substances are needed. Calcium is the first and foremost, with phosphorous coming in at second place. An important compound that we often omit from the list is fluoride. It’s one of the crucial factors in bone cell regeneration. And it just so happens to be one of the most important components of green tea.

As the years pass by, we tend to lose our bone density, day by day. Some say it is a normal consequence of aging, but that simply is not true. It can be prevented by drinking green tea daily. The chief factors that prevent bone structure loss are antioxidants. Catechin prevents frequent inflammations that may cause bone cells to break down sooner or later.

There was a significant breakthrough in the field of osteology. It was conducted on a group of professional football players who suffered tibia or fibula fractures. One group was given green tea to drink, while the others did not. The result was astonishing. While the second group saw their bones heal at a normal pace, the others surprised everyone. Their bone cells regenerated ten times faster than they do normally. All this was because they were given three cups of green tea.

Now, it’s important to point out that results don’t come overnight. However, it’s never too late to start. By adding green tea to your diet as soon as possible, you will get a safer old age. While your peers will have fragile bones, you will be able to do all sorts of exercises.
