
Top 15 Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Gallstones

Psyllium Psyllium is renowned in the medical space for being a bulk-forming laxative. This means that once ingested, it will soak up some water inside your… Simi - December 31, 2017

Aptly named, gallstones are tiny ‘stones’ (solids) that form in the gallbladder under certain conditions. Often referred to as cholelithiasis by medical practitioners, they are made up mainly of cholesterol particles and calcium deposits, which are usually found in bile. This is normally a result of too much cholesterol piling up in the gallbladder.

Gallstones are formed when cholesterol, calcium and other particles bind together and lodge themselves in the gallbladder. This will lead to different kinds of symptoms such as indigestion, back pain, nausea, vomiting and bloating. The kind of pain experienced as a result of gallstones can go to great extremes since the gallbladder usually stores only liquid material. However, as compared to kidney stones, they are usually softer since they are made primarily of cholesterol, which isn’t naturally solid.

Some factors that put you at a higher risk of gallstones include obesity, diabetes, high-fat diets, pre-existing liver diseases and pregnancy. Gallstones are usually highly influenced by the presence of hormonal imbalances. For that reason, pregnant women or those on birth control pills, and even more so those with a sedentary lifestyle deal with gallstones more than the rest of the population. Women between the ages of 20 and 60 are the most likely to be affected by gallstones.

Gallstones are a serious medical condition and if left untreated, they are fatal. What’s more, they are extremely painful and will prevent you from dealing with day-to-day activities normally. Consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis and possible treatment as soon as possible. Once you’re sure the condition is actually gallstones, some of these home remedies can help smoothen out the healing process.

Apple Cider Vinegar

White vinegar is often hailed for its great medicinal value, leaving its close cousin apple cider vinegar in the shadows. However, the latter has arguably more trusted applications. Its wide-ranging benefits include nearly everything – right from treating sore throats to helping get rid of common cold symptoms. The application we are going to concern ourselves with is its benefits with regard to lowering the overall basicity of the body.

Regular doses of apple cider vinegar may be responsible for decreasing the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in your blood. These are both types of fats that are constantly flowing through your bloodstream and also take part in the formation of bile. In 2016, a study was carried out by researchers from the Mizkan Group Corporation in collaboration with the University of Shizuoka in Japan.

The results suggested that the acetic acid in vinegar may help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. More research conducted at Babol University of Medical Sciences in Iran yielded similar results. They found that apple cider vinegar can reduce total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in people with high levels of either one or both. However, more research is needed to form a definitive link.

The recipe for home usage proceeds as follows: mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar together with apple juice in a glass. Afterward, drink it whenever you experience symptoms as a result of gallstones. It should significantly ease the pain in 15 minutes or less. Alternatively, add two teaspoons of the same and a single teaspoon of lemon juice to a warm glass of water. Drink the mixture every morning on an empty stomach regularly to help dissolve gallstones.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice, like all tropical citrus fruits, is rich in citric acid and vitamin C. These two minerals are both known for their ability to dissolve calcium deposits in the blood. For that reason, they’ve been in use for several generations as a home remedy for gallstones and kidney stones. According to David Hoffman, the author of ‘Medical Herbalism’, vitamin C is responsible for dissolving calcifications and is a powerful antioxidant. These properties can be used to combat gallbladder infections.

Additionally, when used together with fresh grapefruit or apple juice, the combination can be used for gallbladder cleanses. Epson salts and olive oil can also be used together in the mixture. Olive oil and Epsom salts are meant to stimulate contractions in the gallbladder and help with smoother bowel movements.

However, there isn’t definitive proof of its use as a method of treatment as of yet. It has been shown to relieve some symptoms of gallbladder movements, but due to the lack of studies regarding it, it’s impossible to say for sure. Some doctors are doubtful as to whether gallstones can actually be dissolved by citrus juice. The more likely explanation for passing stones after ingesting the mixture is the saponification of the ingested oils. All the same, empirical evidence suggests otherwise in some people.

Drinking freshly squeezed lemons on an empty stomach daily, followed by a glass of water will help get rid of the pain as a result of gallstones. This treatment can be followed for about a week. Alternatively, mix four tablespoons of lemon juice with warm water and take the mixture on an empty stomach daily, continue the treatment daily until all the symptoms are completely gone.


Different studies have been conducted over the decades using limonene, a compound present in peppermint oil. One study that stands out was carried out on European choleretics, which showed that treatment using compounds such as menthone and methol is occasionally successful in the treatment of gallstones.

However, due to people’s varying hormonal balances, there is no absolute guarantee that it will work for everyone. Out of forty patients, the researchers were able to treat twenty-seven, which comes down to a possible one in three chances of getting treated using peppermint. In twenty of these, the symptoms were merely alleviated while in the rest, there was a complete dissolution of the gallstones.

The results were likely affected by the different levels of physical each individual person was exposed to. As of now, one of the most effective ways of preventing the prevalence of gallstones is high levels of physical activity. This should lead to a subsequent decrease in the level of cholesterol in the blood, as a result. As such, whichever remedy is chosen should be accompanied by an increase in physical activity. Preferably, exercise is the best way to shed extra fat and decrease cholesterol levels in the blood.

There are two ways to take peppermint, both of which should just be as effective. Mix a teaspoon of dried peppermint leaves in a warm cup of water and add a teaspoon of honey. This mixture should be enjoyed while still warm, and taken twice daily for a period of four to six weeks. For the best results, it should be taken between meals. The easier way around is to swallow peppermint oil capsules designed for this specific purpose.

Vegetable Juice

One of the best ways of getting rid of cholesterol in the blood is by cutting down on the intake of fatty foods. For about a week or two, you should follow a strict diet dominated by high-vegetable content. Among these should be a regular intake of vegetable juice to help the body produce compounds to get rid of cholesterol.

One of the best mixtures to help you out with gallstones is a mixture of beetroot, cucumber, and carrots. Straight beetroot juice, just like water is incredibly low in calories and has no fatty content. Added to the great taste, it’s a great option for a morning drink to give you energy for the day. According to a 2011 study carried out at the University of Alkharj, Saudi Arabia, beetroot extract was able to lower the level of cholesterol and triglycerides and a subsequent increase in HDL (good cholesterol). There was also reduced stress on the liver, which was traced back to the use of the beetroot extract.

Cucumbers are high in water content and also have close to zero calorie content. Carrots, on the other hand, help in maintaining cholesterol and blood sugar levels. This is likely a result of their high potassium content. It’s also low in sugar and calories, and the minerals present help to combat the effects of obesity. For that reason, carrot juice is usually recommended as a pre and post-workout food.

To prepare the mixture, extract the juice from one beetroot, cucumber, and four carrots. Stir them all together and drink the juice two times a day. Drink the mixture every day for about two weeks for a noticeable change.


Psyllium is renowned in the medical space for being a bulk-forming laxative. This means that once ingested, it will soak up some water inside your intestines to make bowel movements easier. Furthermore, it promotes regularity without having an increase in flatulence. Most people who use it do so as a one-time solution to ease constipation. However, if incorporated into the diet, it helps promote regularity and a person’s digestive health as a whole.

Little research has been carried out into the health benefits of psyllium, but there is evidence that taking about 7.9 grams per day results in an increased autoimmune response. It also helps in the formation of fiber that binds with cholesterol. This leads to a decreased level of the same in the bloodstream. As such, it’s a good bet for treating gallstones. However, some results have also shown that soluble fiber can make symptoms worse for some people.

In others, it has been shown to help with the painful symptoms associated with gallstones. Since there is no immediate scientific consensus, consult your doctor if symptoms persist. Besides this, psyllium is also responsible for smoother bowel movements. When the time comes to pass the gallstones, the process will be a lot easier.

To prepare psyllium, add a single teaspoon of psyllium powder to a glass of warm water, stir and enjoy. Drink the same mixture daily until the symptoms are completely gone. However, remember that nothing should replace a doctor’s instructions. Additionally, remember to drink a lot of water since psyllium absorbs a lot of it in the gut. If you don’t, you’ll end up dehydrated and make the situation much worse.


Despite the fact that the dandelion is often viewed as a useless weed, it actually has a lot of health benefits. They are greatly beneficial to the liver and gallbladder because of their antioxidant properties. They also help regulate various secretions from both organs.

Dandelion tea is among the highest-fiber plants we know. This makes it a pretty beneficial asset that aids in digestion and overall intestinal health. Added to the fact that fiber is an essential component in the fight against obesity, dandelion makes for the perfect ingredient for an early breakfast. Some studies have also shown that women, who are the primary victims of gallstones, experience some relief from PMS symptoms on high-fiber diets.

To prepare the remedy, start with a teaspoon of the dried dandelion root. Place it in a cup and fill it to the brim with warm water. Cover it and let it steep for about five minutes. Strain the mixture and add some honey to taste. This mixture should be taken for three weeks to bring a hold to the gallstone symptoms.

Alternatively, prepare a herbal tea with the dried dandelion roots by adding one spoonful of Oregon grape root and two teaspoons of marshmallow root to four cups of warm water. Let the mixture simmer for about 15 minutes, then remove it from the stove. Add two teaspoons of dried dandelion leaves and a spoonful of peppermint leaves. Let the new mixture steep for an additional fifteen minutes, strain it then drink it every day. If you prefer, you can eat the dandelion greens while still tender by adding them to your salad. They can also be steamed.

Milk Thistle

According to the U.S. National Library of medicine, milk thistle is a powerful anti-inflammatory. Essentially, it’s responsible for stopping the kinds of inflammation that are exhibited as a result of various conditions like heart disease and gallstones. In addition to boosting the health of the heart, it also helps lower high cholesterol levels in the blood. It also cleans the blood in order to prevent oxidative stress that would normally lead to stress damage on the insides of the arterial walls.

There hasn’t been a ton of formal research carried out so far. However, preliminary studies have shown a decrease in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride level after an intake of milk thistle. This seemed to be the case when milk thistle was used in combination with other traditional treatments.

All the same, keep in mind that these studies have thus far been carried out on people with diabetes. Such individuals tend to have higher cholesterol levels than the average individual, so it’s still unclear as to whether the same effects will be apparent in relatively healthier individuals.

To prepare the home remedy, begin by grinding a tablespoon of milk thistle seeds either in a mortar or using a coffee grinder. Transfer the seeds to a pot, add three cups of water, and heat to boiling. Turn off the heat after boiling for about three minutes and let it steep for twenty minutes. Finally, strain the mixture and add honey to taste. On the other hand, this tea can also be taken as a supplement. Consult your doctor for proper dosage. The pills usually come in 420 mg tablets taken in three different doses.

Castor Oil

Castor oil is known for possessing a multitude of health benefits from treating arthritis to helping your hair grow longer and faster. However, castor oil is also perfect for alleviating gastrointestinal issues. It helps prevent constipation and other ailments that affect the colon and the rectum.

Castor oil is a natural laxative. This means it helps the intestines relax, and is possibly the easiest way to clean the bowels. Since there are no recorded cases of allergic reactions to castor oil, it’s safe to assume it is completely safe to use regardless. It also doesn’t have any noticeable side effects, so it should be safe for use on both children and adults.

Castor oil is also a great option for getting rid of extra fats in the body. Castor oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamins that increase the body’s metabolism. These fat-burning compounds are incredibly helpful for shedding extra weight and ridding your body of unhealthy cholesterol. However, solutions like this should only be used complementary to physical exercise and a proper diet.

To prepare a homemade remedy to help you get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood, follow these instructions that follow. Warm one cup of cold-pressed castor oil in a pan, then soak one piece of cheesecloth in the warm oil. Once ready, squeeze out the excess oil from the cheesecloth. Place the damp cloth over the right side of your stomach and cover it with a plastic sheet. This should be approximately where the gallbladder is located. Finally, put a hot back of water on top of the plastic sheet for half an hour or so.


Pears are one of those foods that seem to be specifically crafted for their incredible health benefits. They have been shown to have benefits with regard to treating health diseases, obesity, weight loss, and diabetes.

Pears are incredibly rich in fiber, a property that helps keep you feeling fuller for longer, while at the same time, keeping the calorie count low. In the end, this helps enhance weight loss for individuals who want to shed some fat. At the same time, several studies have shown that an increased level of fiber intake leads to a subsequent decrease in cholesterol levels. In a review of 67 different controlled trials, researchers found that an increase of as little as 10 grams of fiber a day led to decreased LDL and cholesterol.

Even more recent studies have also shown that fiber plays a role in regulating how much fat the body produces. It also has the potential to decrease the risk of inflammation-related conditions which include cardiovascular disease, obesity, and gallstones.

The accompanying instructions are as follows: start off by mixing half a glass of pear juice and half a glass of water, then add honey to taste. Drink the mixture three times a day for a month for the best results. Alternatively, peel the pairs and deseed them, cut them into small pieces and let them simmer in water for twenty minutes. Drain the water out and eat the warmly cooked pears twice a day for two weeks. Regardless of whichever one you choose, either technique should yield similar results within two weeks – decreased levels of cholesterol and relief from accompanying symptoms.


Believe it or not, wine has been found to be one of the most effective remedies for dealing with the pain that results from kidney stones. Researchers from the University of East Anglia found that wine if taken in the right amounts, helps reduce the risk of developing gallstones by a third. They studied various diets of randomly selected people over a period of ten years. From the twenty-five thousand that were chosen, those at the lowest risk were those whose diets consisted of at least 175ml of wine.

Since then, it has also been found that when a gallstone attack, a glass of wine drunk within twenty minutes of the initial attack helps hasten relief. In the same light, drinking half a glass of red wine seems to be able to reduce the likelihood of a gallstone attack by as much as thirty-two percent. In fact, the more wine the participants drank, a much lower prevalence of gallstones was noted.

However, there is a downside to this. According to the same research, it’s not a recommended method for treatment of the problem since the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption far outweigh the benefits. Wine isn’t medicine, and it should never be treated as such. Before resorting to this, consult a doctor.

Wine, like all alcohol, has a dehydrating effect on the body. As much as you drink wine after your meals, make sure to double your regular water intake or so. Water helps in the production of bile in the gallbladder and assists in metabolism. It also helps in the digestion process, so if you need to pass the gallstones, it should be smoothed out a bit more.


Beetroots are some of the healthiest plants that are cheaply available on the market. Beetroot juice is pretty low in calories and has zero fat. Incorporating it into your morning juice will help boost your immune system, health and increase the breakdown of fat. Basically, it’s the best way to start your day.

Beetroot juice is beneficial for gallstones for two reasons primarily. It contains a high content of vitamin C, which not only boosts your immune system, also aids in the breakdown of cholesterol. According to a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, regular intake of vitamin C-rich foods helps reduce the levels of cholesterol in the blood by as much as 30%.

Second of all, a 2011 study carried out on rats showed that beetroot extract can help lower the level of total cholesterol and triglyceride content. At the same time, it leads to an increased level of HDL, which is healthy cholesterol. This was believed to be linked to the beetroot’s possession of phytonutrients like flavonoids.

However, be warned that your urine and stools may change color after some eating beets. They will appear to be reddish or pinkish and is known as beeturia. Extensive study has been carried out to explore its effects on the human body but has been proven to be harmless. However, it may be starting to experience if you didn’t expect it. Additionally, if you experience low blood pressure, beetroot juice may increase the risks of your pressure dropping below the recommended minimum. You will need to monitor yourself carefully, Lastly, people prone to kidney stones should not drink beetroot juice either.


Artichoke is a plant that’s universally known for being rich in fiber. One medium-sized artichoke has a minimum of 6 grams of dietary fiber – a quarter of the recommended daily amount. Yet, the same plant has about 60 calories or less.

Obviously, they are a rich source of dietary fiber and will be your best bet for improving your digestive health. Since fiber adds bulk to your food, you will feel fuller for longer and experience better bowel movements. Both of these benefits are essential in the fight against painful gallstones. This is especially so if you often experience loose stool problems or diarrhea. Fibre absorbs water in the large intestines to help you easily pass solid, well-formed stool. It also helps to clean up excess LDL, helping your arteries prevent the chances of heart disease.

However, the main benefit of adding artichokes to your diet is the impact on the gallbladder. They help to soothe inflamed gallbladders and are often used as a solution to blocked ducts in the organ. This way, your gallbladder can go back to normal functioning. Indirectly, they can be said to aid in the production of gastric juices, which further aid in smoother digestion.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, extracts from the plant also help to maintain the gallbladder and liver in the long term. In fact, it is usually prescribed as a herbal remedy for pain associated with gallstones in Germany. Consumption of the artichoke leaf helps the gallbladder to contract and therefore push the gallstones out. This may be achieved by taking 250 mg to 500 mg of the standardized globe artichoke extract two to three times a day.


Turmeric, in the form we usually receive it in, is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. Later, research has been carried out to determine its benefits and yielded some pretty surprising results. Turmeric is rich in curcuminoids, the most significant of which is curcumin, which is notable for its anti-inflammatory effects.

Inflammation is a natural process that takes place inside the body and is incredibly important. It helps the body’s immune system fight pathogens and in repairing damaged parts of the body. However, this only remains true as long as the inflammation is not chronic or inappropriately deployed against the body’s own tissues. Therefore, any compound that can help fight chronic inflammation is incredibly important in preventing diseases that result from it.

Recent research has been carried out to find ways of decreasing inflammation in patients. One of these came up with the finding that the potency of curcumin so so great, it can match the effectiveness of some anti-inflammatory drugs. It works by targeting multiple steps in the inflammatory pathway, an incredibly intricate molecular-level system. Without diving into the overly complicated details of the research, the key takeaway is that it is incredibly effective at stopping inflammation. This single property is essential in reducing gallbladder swelling that results from gallstones and improves bile flow.

Once again, the University of Maryland Medical Center recommends taking 300 mg of standardized turmeric extract to help support your liver and gallbladder. Just like artichoke extract, turmeric also helps the gallbladder contract in order to expel stones. Once again, this is also a treatment method used in Germany for gallbladder pains.


If you’re unfamiliar with sauerkraut, it’s simply a juice that’s made from naturally fermented cabbage. It’s a pretty old technique of food preservation and can be traced to about 2,000 years ago in East Asia. It involves adding dry salt to shredded cabbage, which causes the cabbage to release juices containing lactic acid to preserve the cabbage. They tend to be pretty high in sodium content, but both sauerkraut and sauerkraut are linked to several health benefits. If you aren’t comfortable preparing them on your own, commercially-made sauerkraut and its juice are available in low-sodium varieties.

The main benefit of sauerkraut is the fact that it provides a large quantity of vitamin C, whose benefits are impossible to overlook. Vitamin C is both a powerful antioxidant and essential in the formation of the body’s connective tissues. Antioxidants are substances that protect your body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage your body cells.

If you speak to any layman, their immediate concern would be that cabbage will lose its vitamin C content during the fermentation process. However, according to a 1983 study on the same, the researchers concluded that fermented cabbage actually retained 62 to 100 percent of its total vitamin C content. In other words, a single serving of sauerkraut with juice should contain about 35 milligrams of vitamin C.

Additionally, when used regularly enough, sauerkraut and its juices promote the total bile output in the gallbladder. A single cup of juice taken once or twice a week should be able to reduce the presence of gallstone symptoms. Even better, it’s pretty cheap and easy to make at home.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil is one of the most well-known traditional remedies for gastrointestinal problems. As it turns out, it is also an excellent detoxifier, according to research recently done in India. These properties make it a perfect solution for gallstones.

The studies have demonstrated that supplementing a regular, healthy diet with rosemary oil greatly enhances your body’s total bile flow. This property is responsible for increasing fat metabolism and helping in the detoxification process. Essentially, it helps to enhance the performance of the gallbladder, which leads to an increase in the body’s metabolic output. Additionally, it has been exhibited to be responsible for boosting nutrient absorption, which helps prevent the piling up of nutrients which may lead to a toxic overload.

To its benefit, the ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans treasured the herb as a sacred plant for its aromatic odor and fantastic taste. Perhaps they realized the kind of nutritional power that lies within the plant itself. Despite the lack of extensive studies on the topic, it has also been suggested to improve neurological healing. It may be able to boost nerve growth and increase overall brain function.

To yield the maximum benefits of rosemary oil, mix three drops of rosemary oil in a container and a quarter teaspoon of coconut oil. Rub the mixture over the right side of your stomach, somewhere approximately over your gallbladder to help with the cleansing process and reduce inflammation. Alternatively, a regular intake of food spiced with a moderate amount of spice might also help you cleanse your body out faster. However, this is not a guaranteed solution. It may alleviate some symptoms, but gallstones still continue to form. Be sure to seek medical advice.
